If Only They Knew (Book 1.5)...

By SMMarie11

144K 7.6K 906


Copyright © 2021 S.M.Marie
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine

Chapter Nine

2.3K 134 19
By SMMarie11



"No, Rayden, we're not telling them," she sighs and leans further into me. 

After our parents gave us our trucks, the first place I went to was to see her. She ignored me for a week after we found out the condom ripped. Then when her period never came, she fought with me every day until finally, she got tired of fighting. I would never give up on her though. She is my best friend, and I know she's mad at me for this happening, but I can't stand her not talking to me or not being in her space. I crave her. Every part of me has always loved her.

She doesn't want to tell anyone, and I don't understand why. We could get some help. I am not prepared to be someone's father. Besides, our parents are going to figure it out eventually. She's only a month along right now, so it doesn't show at all. She's not gaining weight and, thankfully, has no morning sickness. But I know this is only the beginning and it'll probably get worse.

I went to her first appointment and watched as the doctor hovered over the little black spot on the screen. It didn't look like much to me, but it's definitely something. Something that will grow into a child that I will hopefully feel something for one day. But right now, it is just a dark spot on a screen that hinders our future in more ways than one. I know I should be happy, but I'm more confused than anything.

She doesn't want to abort it, and she doesn't want to get help. All she has is me, and I'm inadequate to help her through this. She needs guidance on the pregnancy subject; I know nothing about it. I am a child myself. I can't even make it to class on time or complete my homework correctly. How can I teach a child when I haven't mastered teaching myself?

"At least let me tell my dad? Get us some help." She rolls over on her side and faces me.

"Ray, she will tell your moms and then my dad and mom."

"So what? You just hide your pregnancy from everyone. Olivia, you are going to start showing. You barely have meat on your bones as it is, so when that thing starts growing..."

"It's not a thing, Rayden!" She pushes me away and turns around, crossing her arms. Damn it Rayden, way to open your big mouth and say dumb shit.

"Shit Liv. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. Baby, I just don't know what to do."

"You do nothing! It's my body, and I will take care of it myself."

"You are not doing this alone." I scoot closer to her and wrap my arms around her, kissing the back of her head. "I will be right here every step of the way. I promise." I hear her start to sob quietly so I pull her in tighter.

I know she's hurting. She's scared and just as ill-prepared as me. I need to tell my dad and pray she will keep it to herself because I need help. I need to know what we've gotten ourselves into. I need to work harder in school. I cannot be a dropout or fail my final year. If we are doing this, I need to be the best possible version of myself for my child. I need to be there for Olivia, to love her unconditionally like my parents taught me.

I kiss the back of her head again as she finally stops crying. "Hey, you want to hear something to take your mind off this?" I feel her nod against me, and I turn her around to face me. I wipe her tear stains and give her a quick peck.

"What is it?" she asks tiredly. I smirk at her, and a slight smile rises back on her face. "Come on!"

"Okay...so you know how we were teasing Vale about Ms. Jain?"

"Yea...we tease her about everything," she chuckles. It's true. Valiana is my best friend, but she is also a giant nerd. Sometimes her brilliance is amusing. It's probably because I don't understand half the shit she says.

"Right! Well, she actually has a crush on her! And I've been watching them in class...some shit is going down with them. I know it!"

"No way, you're lying!" I shake my head no. "Well shit... Val might finally get her dick wet!" I cringe thinking about it.

"Ew!" We both start laughing.

"Where is she now?" I shrug.

"I don't know, when I got my truck, I came straight here." She rolls her eyes. "She's probably still at home."

"Don't you have an app with each other's locations?" I think about it for a second. We do, my entire family can see each other's locations in case of emergencies. I pull out my phone and open the app. I'm pretty sure she's at home or at Malia's showing off her truck. I click on her name, and Liv scoots closer to see.

"That's weird."


"She's at a shopping center." I zoom into the location, and there are a bunch of different businesses so I can't really tell where she is. What would she be doing there at 10 at night? "Want to go exploring?" I give her a devilish grin, and she mimics it. We jump off the bed and run outside to my truck.

We drove for 15 minutes before turning into the shopping center. All the lights are off except for one business with the shades rolled down. We see Val's truck next to a red car in the parking lot. "Look Ray." She points to the silhouette of two people in the window.

"That can't be." She blows air into her cheeks and giggles. I drive a little further into the parking lot and park behind a tree so we can't be seen.

"Who else would it be? That's Ms. Jain's car. I've seen her get into it many times at school and questioned how a teacher could afford an expensive ass car like that."

"Should we go knock?" She slaps my shoulder.

"Hell no Ray! Let's give Val some room to get her willy wet. You know this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for her."

"You right!" We sit there for a second before we see the door open. "Liv look." We watch as Valiana walks backwards to her car with her eyes glued on Ms. Jain. We crouch lower so they won't notice us.

"They're both grinning like some maniacs." Liv and I look at each other and start giggling as we watch them both get into their cars and drive away.



I lash my whip in the air to get her attention. She quivers below me in position 4. It's the humble position where she bows before me on her hands and knees with her head to the floor. I look over the body of a subject that I once got excited for...but nothing. Maybe I'm growing weary of her. Or maybe my mind is drifting to a specific student.

She's been on my mind a lot more since we almost kissed. I'm both grateful and disappointed that it didn't happen. If I kissed her, I couldn't take it back, and kissing my student is out of the question.

I glance at myself in the mirror of my playroom. I'm dressed in a skin-tight black latex bodysuit. Another reason I didn't want to become involved with Valiana was because of this. I am a member of a community she is unlikely to think twice about. I joined the BDSM community many years ago and have had numerous partners since then. I only ever have these types of relationships. I don't date, and I never fall in love. Ever. I dom over my subs, get my fix, and then kick them out.

The issue is that ever since I laid my eyes on Valiana's, my brain has been fighting over what role I want her to play in my life. As if being my student isn't enough, despite the fact that it should be. I'm pulled to her in ways I've never been drawn to anyone before, and it scares me because I know I shouldn't be going down that path with her. When I'm around her, I get the impression that she is far more dominant than I am. However, I am not a sub and have not had a dom since my ex. Not that Valiana would ever agree to this way of life with me anyways. She's probably not interested in doing anything other than being my student, and I should be more than fine with that.

I don't have lovers; I have subs, such as Brooklyn, who is bowing in front of me. Brook and I met at a BDSM event. She's been my most recent and exclusive subject. When I began teaching, I dropped all of them so I could concentrate on it. When I initially started in this lifestyle, I was a sub and a little. But once I got a taste of what control looked like for myself, I never looked back. At least, that's what I thought until... Val. Something about her makes me want to switch roles in a heartbeat.

I try to shake the thought of her out of my head and snap myself back into the scene. "Mistress?" Brooklyn asks, eyes still cast at the ground, still in her position.

"Did I say you could speak?" I walk around her and watch how wet she is. Her core drips onto the floor. I kneel and run my finger through her slit as she shudders to my touch.

"No, Mistress," she says softly. I grab her by the hair, forcing her back into me.

"Speak up," I growl in her ear and begin to nibble on it.

"No, Mistress," she says louder.

"Good. Stand up." She does, and I run the whip between her legs as I stand along with her. "Frame," I say, pointing to the bondage suspension frame.

"Yes, Mistress." I walk to a drawer and pull out a dildo, attaching it to the o ring of my bodysuit. It's thin but long with a slight curve at the tip. I walk back over to her with the whip in my hand still.

Her eyes hold lust and excitement. I strap her wrist and both ankles to the frame. The feeling of not being touched surfaced unexpectedly, which is why I need her restrained. I can't show my undesired contact towards her. She is a little as well, and I can't have her switching during a scene. I push my thoughts out of my head and focus on what I have to do.

I trace a deep line from her inner thigh past her navel, stopping at her breast. She whimpers at the sensation of my sharp nails and bites her lip. I cup her sex and feel the heat radiating in my hand. I lean over, my eyes never leaving hers, as my tongue teasingly trails around her areola. Her breathing starts to hitch as she pushes herself forward against the chains, wanting more.

"Someone's eager."

"Yes, Mistress," she whines. I raise an eyebrow and remove my tongue and hand from her body.

"Mmmm, is that why you showed up here uninvited?" Brooklyn has an issue with calling or texting when she wants to be constrained. She just turns up unannounced at my house, and I can't have that. She seems to forget who is in charge of her, and I dislike disobedience. I send the whip her way, and her body jerks at the sting.

"Speak slut."

"Yes," she says. I hit her again, and she groans at the lash.

"Yes, what?" I flick the rod again, hitting her left breast before she can answer.

"Yes, Mistress!" she cries out.

"Why did you come here without permission?"

Her breathing is staggered. "I missed you, Mistress. I just needed you," she says hoarsely as her head hangs low. I send three more lashes her way and watch as her core glistens even more. I smirk, tossing the whip and walking toward her. Her head is hovering, and I forcefully grab her cheeks in one hand as the other strolls through her moist folds.

"You missed me? Didn't you?" She nods her head, and I smack her core with my bare palm. Her head shoots up. "Speak."

"Yes, Mistress. I need you inside me." I crash my lips onto hers and give her what she wants. 

I pump in and out as she yanks her restraints. Weeping into my mouth. "You like that, don't you?"

"Yes. Yes, Mistress. Please keep going." Her panting causes me to go faster, and I know she's getting closer, but she knows not to cum unless commanded. "Mistress," she begs. I suck on her neck, pounding harder into her. "Please, Mistress, please."

"Cum for me slut" and on cue, she lets go.

When she finally comes down, I carry her weak body out of the playroom and into her assigned room after lowering her from the frame. My subs have all been given a room in my house. They are not allowed in my room, and I do not have vanilla sex. Some people have their preference, and these are mine.

I run the water for a bath and place her gently into it. I wash her body, and she grabs my hand. "What's wrong, Deleena?" When my subjects are not in my playroom, they are no longer my subjects, meaning they can call me by my name, and the rules don't necessarily apply out here.

"What do you mean?" I asked, washing her hair now.

"Your mind is elsewhere. It was in the playroom as well. So what's wrong?"

"Nothing," I lie. She stops me from bathing her further.

"Deleena, you were my friend before you were my dom or mommy." I smile, knowing she's right. But as I begin to think what's actually wrong, that smile drops.

"I have to let you go. I can't be your Dom..."

"Or mommy," she finishes my sentence unhappily. Many of the sub's I have had are also a part of the caregiver/little lifestyle. When they are little they call me mommy, just as they would call me Mistress as a title in the playroom for the BDSM aspect of it.

"I'm sorry, Brook," I say, rubbing her hair.

"Why, though? Is it something I did wrong? Is it because I came here without permission?" She lowers her head.

"No, no, no," I try to quiet her mind of negative thoughts against herself. "No, pretty girl. You did nothing wrong. Mommy's mind is presently... elsewhere." She nods her head and stands up in the water. I stand with her, and her naked body hugs my sweaty one.

"You'll call me if you ever want to start this backup?" I smile and kiss her cheek.

"Yes." It's enough for her, and she gives me one last kiss before I exit the bathroom. I walk out of her room to give her some time alone. As I reach my room, I sigh and lean against the bathroom counter. It's rare for me to not have a sub, and this strange feeling I'm having for my student is messing with my head.

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