Karlnapity Parent AU

By NinoDontForgetIt

41.8K 1.1K 1.7K

What happens if Karl, Sapnap and Quackity receive a little bundle of joy at their doorstep. A one year-old ki... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 5

3.8K 111 146
By NinoDontForgetIt

While Tommy was fast asleep, Karl was in the bathroom. The water was such a nice temperature, after being out in the rain for so long, it's exactly what he needed. He stayed and soaked in the water for 10 minutes before he cleaned himself. Once he soaped his skin and cleaned his hair, he rinsed himself off. It was lovely, the pleasant scent of flowers always made a place lively! Karl smiled and let out a soft sigh. He drained the bath and took up a towel. He dried himself off with a cotton material before he stepped onto the shower mat.

Karl hummed as he changed into the garments, a purple and white loose fitted kimono, George set out for him. Karl dried his hair until it was damp before he hung the towel to dry. Karl opened the door, letting out the steam of the hot bath, before he walked downstairs. He closed his eyes and hummed the tune in his head. It was a tune of the song that Sapnap put on when he proposed to Quackity and Karl. Ever since then, it's been stuck in his head, playing on loop. Karl reached the last step before he opened his eyes to see something that was rare.

He saw Tommy fast asleep on Dream's lap. Usually it takes forever to get that ball of energy to bed, but Dream did it before Karl got out the shower. Karl smiled from the sight before he walked over to the couch. "Thanks for taking care of him while I was gone," Karl said sitting down next to Dream. "It wasn't a problem," the younger hummed. Karl watched at Tommy with a smile, he raised his hand before brushing it between the boy's jet black hair.

His eyes filled with adoration, anyone in the room could tell by the way Karl interacted with Tommy that he loved him. Karl himself would admit it, which only made the people around the two smile. George glanced over at the sight and formed a soft smile on his face. "Karl," George called the younger, Karl looked up at George, "Yes?" He replied. "What do you plan on doing?" He asked. It was a valid question, "Well, before I came here, I was showing Tommy around Kinoko Kingdom then it started to rain," Karl replied honestly, he was scratching his chin with his left index finger.

George let out a hum, "You are free to stay, however long you like," Dream stated. "I appreciate the kind gesture," Karl smiled, "Plus seems like Tommy likes you a lot." Dream shook his head, "He tried to jump off the counter earlier, caught him and in return he became a bit fussy, so I put him to bed," the older explained. "How do you do it!?" Karl asked honestly, he almost latched onto Dream in desperation, "It is so difficult getting him to fall asleep and once he does he's only out for two hours," Karl sighed.

"It's that difficult?" George asked taking the pot off the hot stove. "Yes, I'm the only one who can keep up with him, and because of that my sleep schedule is all over the place," Karl whined. "Damn," Dream replied, "I just put him on my lap and vibrated my leg. He started falling sleep on his own, did Sapnap not teach you how netherian children sleep?" Dream asked raising an eyebrow. Karl shook his head, "He hasn't been home for the two weeks, I wanted to bring Tommy to him since he's been upset recently," Karl confessed.

Dream made an 'ohhh,' sound before nodding, "I understand," Dream replied. Karl leaned back in the cushion and sighed, "Quackity hasn't been home either, at least he offered to take Tommy with him, but I didn't want him to get distracted from his work, so I declined," Karl explained. "You're quite considerate despite knowing you'll be taking care of him alone," Dream smiled, "May I recommend leaving him with Sapnap next time. I understand you wish to take care of him but since Tommy is so young, he tends to cling to people of his kind," he recommended.

It was a fact and Karl knew that, of course he was being selfish by keeping the younger but even if it was for a second, he'd love to be in Tommy's life. But it'd probably be better to leave Tommy with Sapnap, Karl sighed at the thought before he nodded. "I'll take him there after the rain passes," he replied reluctantly. Dream raised his hand and placed it on Karl's shoulder before he rubbed it. "You're making a good decision even though it's hard," Dream smiled softly.

Karl sighed again, "You have a kid?" Karl asked causing Dream to nod, "You could say that, but we had to have someone else take care of him for now since they are an enderling," Dream replied. "Neither of you are from the end?" Karl asked causing Dream to shake his head. "We are both from the overworld," Dream replied. Karl hummed, Karl isn't from the end, the nether or the overworld, he was born in the land of the Inbetween. Meaning he's just a regular human depending on where he travels.

Their conversation was interrupted by the slight fussiness of a baby. Tommy opened his eyes and started to whine a bit, he doesn't remember where he is and he doesn't see any of his parents. Dream vibrated his leg, it was to show Tommy that someone was nearby. Tommy wagged his demon tail before he pushed himself up. Dream stopped vibrating his leg and let Tommy get up for himself. Karl wanted to pick Tommy up and hold him, but Dream stopped him.

Dream shook his head and the two just observed Tommy. Tommy yawned as his halo ignited into a flame. He wiped his eyes before he blinked, he latched onto Dream's kimono before fully waking up. He chirps slightly as he looks around the room. He spots George in the far distance of the room before he looks up at Dream. Tommy stares at the older, of course, Dream stares back. Tommy had no thoughts, he was just looking, he liked the older's features.

Tommy looked over at Karl before making a loud chirp. He let go of Dream's kimono before making grabby hands towards Karl. Karl picked Tommy up before putting him to rest on his chest. Tommy gripped onto Karl's kimono before he started looking around again. Dream knew who he was looking for and deep down Karl knew too. Tommy was looking for Quackity and Sapnap, he missed being around the older men.

Tommy continued to chirp and flutter his golden wings, he was calling for Quackity. "You doing alright Tommy?" Karl asked raising an eyebrow. Tommy nodded and chirped in response, "He's almost like Quackity when he wakes up," Karl giggled. Dream hummed out a smile, they waited for Tommy to get his bearings. Once Tommy stopped chirping, he just sat there. Tommy was weavering between crying or walking, so he just decided to take a walk. He crawled out of Karl's lap before slowly climbing down from the couch.

Once his feet touched the ground, he wrapped his tail around Karl's ankle. Tommy just walked around between Karl and Dream, there was nothing for him to do. Tommy walked over to Dream's leg before hitting it lightly, "Maw!" He said looking up at the older. "Well you're quite rude, do you not know how to say please?" Dream teased with a smirk. Tommy narrowed his eyes, "Maw! Pwea!" He said before Dream shrugged, "Close enough," he said letting Tommy walk to the other end of the couch.

Before Tommy wondered too far, Dream placed his big toe on the boy's tiny tail. After a bit of walking Tommy fell to the ground, "No!" He yelled as he started getting up. "You're wondering too far Tommy," Dream pointed out. Tommy huffed before walking back, it was a sign of tough love. Tommy didn't need to be babied all the time and that's something Karl needed to learn. Karl would, almost, always give Tommy what he wanted so Tommy would dote on the older, but Dream doesn't work like that.

Tommy walked back over to Dream before the older allowed him to pass again. Tommy walked in, and stepped towards Karl before he tumbled. Karl refused the reflex to help him up, and let Tommy stand for himself. Tommy held onto the cushion of the couch before lifting himself up again. Tommy was only learning to walk, he can't run right now but he'll reach there soon. After a while, of Tommy just walking around and George serving out the soup he made, the rain finally stopped.

Karl was the first one to notice, the change in temperature, humity and general atmosphere. "It looks like it stopped raining," Karl pointed out, he was playing with Tommy's fingers. "We should get going before it starts again," Karl smiled. Dream and George returned the smile, "Of course, we won't keep you," Dream said. All of them raised up, Karl grabbed his things before making his way to the exit. Karl stepped outside the door, "When you get your child back, let's have a playdate," Karl smiled.

George giggled, "It's a deal then," he replied before waving Karl off. Karl walked down the spruce wood stairs, George and Dream lived on a slight hillish mountain. Once Karl reached the bottom he began walking to the military base, otherwise known as Sapnap's workforce. He is in charge of criminal affairs and military personnel. Even though he is one of the three founders of Kinoko kingdom, he still wants to protect and serve his country, despite his status of his majesty. It would take a while for Karl to walk to the base so might as well show Tommy around right?

Karl showed Tommy Kinoko Garden, it was laced with large bonsai and cherry blossom trees, perfect for a stroll. Karl walked into the park as the cherry blossoms paved the path. The pink petals would fall down perfectly. Tommy watched as the petals fell, one landed on his nose which caused him to giggle before taking it up in his hand. He smiled softly at the pretty pink petal, he thought it was a good gift to give his parents so he caught two more.

Karl watched with a smile then Tommy handed him a petal, Karl gasped, "For me? Aww you're so sweet~" Karl said taking the petal, "I will treasure this forever." Karl kissed Tommy's cheek causing it to be a bit puffy, a light pink tint stained white porcelain skin. Karl giggled at Tommy's expression, Tommy decided to return the gesture by kissing the older back. Karl smiled, before he heard a flash of a camera. Tommy and Karl's attention was turned to the noise, "Sorry to startle you but you looked super cute together so I took a picture," a girl with a soft voice said.

She had white porcelain skin, small brown eyes, puffy cheeks and long, dark brown, hair. Karl giggled, "Nice to see you again Tina," Karl smiled. "Yes the feeling is mutual," Tina smiled walking over to the older. Her pink yukuta matched perfectly with the soft petals. She has a large purple bow tied to her waist, securing the article of clothing. Her light pink socks and her brown high heel geta sandals, truly make an entrance. Her black winged eyeliner, blush staining her cheeks and nose along with a light red shade of lipstick on her lips. Her cat ears and tail moved slightly as she walked over to the two.

Tommy loved the way the older dressed. Everything about her suited her perfectly, "Pwetty," Tommy commented without thought. Tina smiled brightly, "Aww thank you, you are so adorable," she cooed. Her tail swayed a bit which peaked Tommy's interest. "Neko!" Tommy said pointing at Tina's ears. Karl and Tina giggle, "Yes I am a Neko," Tina confirmed. Which only caused Tommy to smile, he likes it when he's right about something.

Tina took out the picture from her camera before handing it over to Karl. "Hope you like it," Tina smiled.

Karl's face melted from the picture, "Thank you! I appreciate it," Karl exclaimed. "Tommy look, it's us," Karl smiled, Tommy looked at the picture and rest his head back down on Karl's shoulder. Tina and Karl giggled, "Well it was nice meeting you again, I must go before Corpse calls me again," Tina said with a slight bow. "Hope to see you again," Karl bowed slightly. Tina left but looked back to wave at Tommy, Tommy waved back which caused Tina to smile. "You like Tina, Tommy?" Karl asked, Tommy nodded in return.

The older let out a hum, before he continued to walk again. It didn't take him long before he reached the military grounds. Karl straightened his face before he walked towards the entrance. Tommy looked at the older's profile, it was completely emotionless, his rosy cheeks weren't rosy, his sparkling grey eyes aren't sparkling anymore. It was almost like a whole new person. Tommy tapped on the older's chest, catching his attention, "Papa," Tommy said. Karl let out a hum before gently placing his hand on Tommy's head. He leaned the younger down to his shoulder so he couldn't see the fighting between soldiers.

The guards bowed before permitting Karl to walk through the gate. Once Karl was inside he walked over to the general's office. Soldiers stood at attention as Karl passed, Tommy was just looking around with what little eye room he was given. He watched at the armour the men had on. Heavy netherite armour with iron katanas in their scabbards. Their faces couldn't be seen, through the black masks they wear, only their eyes could. The guards opened the door of the general's office for Karl.

The older walked in and made his way through the series of hallways. Of course it took Karl, at first, a bit of mapping in order to get around but he does it without problems now. Karl stood before the large wooden door entrance. On the top frame of the large door, it had three dragons, a red, a green and a black dragon. They all blew a flame that in one of the opposites colour. The black dragon blew a white flame, the green dragon blew a purple flame and the red dragon blew a blue flame.

It was to represent the symbols of the military. The main three dragons, the red one is Sapnap, the green one is Dream and the black one was Corpse. The three feared forces of Kinoko kingdom and the flames represent the top three council. George is the blue flames, Karl is the purple flames and white is Boomer's flame. They all work in harmony, the six of them, of course with Tina, Quackity and Nikki. Those three mainly run as secretary, Tina, treasurer, Quackity, and health administration officer, Nikki. But the true ruler of Kinoko was Karl, he came up with the idea of building the nation.

He came up with the idea of having a Japanese style country. He came up with the layout, he confirms on buildings that need to be constructed, he confirms for military affairs, he confirms for everything. And that's his role as king but Karl hides in the shadows, everyone thinks Sapnap is the king of Kinoko kingdom. Which in context is true since he is married to the original ruler but it is also false. That's what Karl wants the people to believe. Even though he is the one who does the hard work, he is willing to give someone else to credit.

So what if the people scold and ridicule him for being a lousy ruler. So what if the people compare him to his other two husbands.

"I can't believe our king married someone as lazy as his majesty." "You're right, he does nothing for us, all he does is live in luxury without lifting a finger." Some of the examples of what the villagers say. Of course none of them would dare say that to his face. Let's just say, Karl isn't a fan favorite but Sapnap is adored by all.

"Ahh! Our king has made another good decision yet again!"
"Right? The place has never been more lively, my children has been having the fun of their lives!" Examples of the good things they say. Karl doesn't care much about other's opinions unless they benefit him. He usually sneaks around to see what the villagers want, or what they think they need. Karl writes them down and debates on which ones he should instill in the country.

Karl took a deep breathe in before he shook the thoughts out of his head. Karl reached for the golden ring on the middle of the door. He knocked loudly on Sapnap's door which alerted the younger's attention. "Who goes there?" Sapnap asked, loud enough for the person on the other side to here. "Karl, my general," the older replied, formally. "Proceed," the younger said before sitting back in his chair. Karl pushed the heavy doors open with just one hand. He may not look like it but he is fully capable of protecting himself and others.

Karl walked in through the door before stepping in, the door creaked as it closed behind him. Sapnap watched at the two before his dead expression turned into a smile. Karl's face changed as well, he was back to his normal bubbly self. "It's so hard keeping a straight face," Karl sighed walking towards Sapnap. The younger chuckled which caught Tommy's attention. Tommy looked over to see his father, the man who he hasn't seen in weeks. "Dada!" Tommy cried slightly reaching out to the older. When Karl stopped in front of Sapnap, he knelt down a bit so he could take Tommy out of his hands.

Sapnap held Tommy in his arms, which caused the younger to immediately nuzzle into his father's, warm, embrace. Sapnap chuckled, "Missed me that much?" He smiled, Tommy nodded in return. "Aww," Sapnap cooed before nuzzling the younger back. Karl sat down in the seat across from Sapnap, "God I'm tired holy honk," the older complained. Sapnap chuckled, "Have you been out whole day?" Sapnap asked. "Yeah took Tommy to meet George and Dream, Dream told me off about how I was dealing with Tommy so I accepted defeat and brought him to you," Karl admitted.

"What'd he tell you?" Sapnap asked before going back to his paper work. "Told me that at Tommy's age he needs to be around people of his kind, which is one of the reasons why he clings to you so much and that I should stop doting on him. I honestly don't mind but a little piece of me died," Karl spoke, "Then you do mind," Sapnap corrected. "Okay, maybe I do a little!" Karl emphasized on the little. Sapnap sighed, "Karl," he spoke looking into his eyes, "Okay! Okay! A lot! I mind a lot!" Karl spoke honestly and loudly before pouting.

Sapnap sighed, "It's okay to feel that way, hey it's just a phase. He'll move onto me and probably rub up on either you or Quackity next. Your time will come," Sapnap smiled. His eyes softened, Karl can hear the genuinity in Sapnap's voice, which caused him to smile. "Yeah you're right," Karl nodded, "Have you eaten?" Karl asked the younger. Sapnap shook his head, "Not for the day, I was doing paper work," he replied. Karl scoffed, "That doesn't mean you can't eat," he said before rolling his eyes. Karl reached into his bag for a container of soup, he managed to get some from George.

He placed the container with a spoon on the left of Sapnap, "Bón Appétit," Karl winked before slouching back in his chair. Sapnap chuckled, "Thank you," he said before pushing his stacks of papers to the side. Sapnap pulled the soup in front of him before opening the container and immediately digging in. Tommy, of course, was on Sapnap's lap playing with the hem of his kimono. Sapnap shook his head before he let out a slight growl, "Don't do that Tommy," the older spoke. Tommy huffed before he stopped playing with Sapnap's hem and just leaned into the older.

Karl and Sapnap talked as the younger ate, it was very pleasant. It's been a while since they had a conversation with each other so it was very nice. Once Sapnap finished eating, he let out a sigh, "Thanks I needed that," the older nearly burped out. Karl laughed which caused Sapnap to laugh as well. Tommy hit Sapnap's stomach gently catching the older's attention. Sapnap looked down to see Tommy handing him a cherry blossom petal, "This is for me?" Sapnap asked with a slight coo of the voice. "Ya!" Tommy replied with a sharp smile.

"Thank you," Sapnap said picking Tommy up and taking the petal from him. Sapnap placed the petal down before blowing a fire heart in Tommy's face. Tommy squealed in laughter as he made the same heart but much smaller, "Thata boy!" Sapnap smiled roughing up the younger's hair. They all laughed with each other, letting the time pass until dusk. "Hey there is one more place I want to show Tommy before I leave him with you," Karl said looking at his watch.

It was 6pm, the best time for what he was planning. "Sure, I'll come with, I've been meaning to get out of here," Sapnap scoffed at the last remark causing Karl to giggle. They both exit the office and the military grounds before making their way to the place Karl was talking about before. "Close your eyes Tommy," Karl smiled, Tommy closed his eyes as he was told. He heard the stream of water, the movement of wind and the falling of petals. Sapnap walked a bit further before he stopped when Karl did. "Open your eyes Tommy!" Karl beamed.

Tommy opened his eyes to see a sight, in all his 13 months of living, he's never seen this before.


HAHA Enjoy the picture! Stole it from the internet

It took long cause of that drawing of Tommy and Karl!

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