I jumped... but I was saved...

By Rogue4hire

57.4K 1.6K 283

Izuku has had a hard life. He has been abused, used, mistreated and hurt and one day he finally decides to gi... More

Aizawa's patrol- part 1
Aizawa's patrol- part 2
Aizawa's patrol- part 3
The wedding~ Flashback
5 days later- 11:03pm
Recovery Girl
Revealing the past
The Next day- 5th of March
The Incident
Aftermath of the incident
A new home
Night terrors
Trip to the station
The Father and Son spot
Past comes to light- Therapy
Old and New
Nothing a sleeping bag won't fix
New 'problems' -back in class
Telling Class 1-gAy
Small Talks
Uneasy Hearts
Passing days
Chess is the game
Lonely Nights
2 doors open and 1 door closed
A little more recovery
The Trial
Finders Keepers
A trying time
Hide and seek
Meet the Parents

Confessions- confessions galore.

817 26 6
By Rogue4hire

Hello all, I have not forgotten about this story and yes I am still going to continue it. Chapters will be coming out slower due to lack of time but hopefully, I'll wrap up the story soon. There are only a few more major events!!!! So let's get into it!!! 

-Thanks, the author

"Izuku, are you ready? You still have your appointment today." Aizawa says approaches the distracted two and is met with both of them jumping out of their skin.

"Sho!!! Don't scare us like that!" Yamada yells, annoyed that he hadn't noticed Aizawa's approach.

"Heh sorry sorry, thought you heard us come out. But we should get going. Izuku's appointment is at 3:00."

"Right, right. Come on kiddo, I can teach you how to play Mario kart later."

"O-oh okay," Izuku says standing up and moving to grab his backpack.

"Young Izuku. I am sorry for treating you so harshly. My sincerest apologies." All Might says bowing deeply.

"O-oh! I-it's okay, really," Izuku says as his face goes pink.

"I will leave you all, have a good day," All Might says as he leaves a little hurriedly, clearly embarrassed and shocked at their interactions.

"Oh umm I usually don't have therapy today, so what's this appointment for?"

"Sho... you didn't tell him," Yamada says, shocked.

"Tell me what..?" Izuku says looking between the two.

"Uh well, this appointment is for an IQ test. Dr. Jasper Wall noticed that you have some signals of a high IQ and recommended that you get an IQ test. Sorry, I didn't tell you sooner, kinda slipped my mind," Aizawa brought his hand up to his neck and looked away as he talked.

"Oh, that's okay dad. We've all been busy," Izuku says with a small smile, a true smile.

Izuku and Aizawa got to the therapist's office, they were a few minutes early so they sat in the quiet waiting room. The person who came to get them was not someone Izuku recognized, he theorized that was because this was a different section of the office than he is usually in. The woman who approached wore a polka dot button-up shirt that was buttoned all the way to the top, she had a light pink bow tie and a dark blue blazer that marked the small points on the shirt. He grabbed onto Aizawa's hand as she spoke.

"Hello, you must be Mr. Aizawa and Izuku, welcome I'm Dr. Autumn, you can come this way," her curly hair bounced as she moved towards the doors that lead deeper into the office. Aizawa and Izuku followed and were taken to a room. The room had no windows and only one door, there was a table and four chairs that sat in the center of the room. The floor was carpet and the walls were painted a dusty blue, there were photographs of sunsets and oceans that hang from the walls.

"Okay, so this will be your testing room, It'll just be you and me in here while you take the test, your guardian can wait outside, there are chairs right outside this room. I will only be here to make sure no cheating or if you have any questions about the test or anything else. Is that alright with you too?" The woman said happily, Aizawa looked at Izuku and squeezed his hand.

Izuku squeezed back before speaking, "Yeah I-I'm okay with that."

"Awesome, I'll just grab the materials, I'll be right back." She then darted out of the room.

"Izu, I'll be right outside if you need anything. If you want to stop, you can stop. You don't need to finish the test if you feel uncomfortable," Aizawa said, looking down at Izuku who stared at the floor.

"I know. I want to though, I-it might help me, yes?" Izuku asked, not looking up from the soft gray carpet.

"Maybe, It might help you understand some more about yourself and help with how your therapist helps you."

"Hm, yeah, I-i'd like to do the test, I want to finish it too," Izuku looked up to meet Aizawa's worried eyes, "I'll be fine dad, and you'll be right outside if I need you."

That's when Dr. Autumn returns with some paper and pens, "ready to begin?"

"Y-yes," Izuku responds and gives Aizawa a nod that he can leave.

"I'll be out here," Aizawa says as he walks out of the room, closing the door behind him. There was a chair right next to the door and Aizawa sat there alert, just in case his kid needed help. After a while, he relaxes a bit and his mind drifts to next week's classes and the approaching trial.

While Aizawa waited, Izuku was taking the test. Before the test started Dr. Autumn read some instructions and what the test tests were for.

"This IQ test measures several factors of intelligence, namely logical reasoning, math skills, language abilities, spatial relations skills, knowledge retained, and the ability to solve novel problems. This test is supposed to assess your intellectual potential, not your performance under stress. Therefore, there is no time limit. Carefully read every question and select your answer. You will need to select an answer for every question. Some questions are designed to be very difficult. If you cannot figure out the answer, simply select I don't know and move on. Alright, that's it, ready?"


Izuku takes about 45 minutes to finish the 60-question test. There were only a few questions that he felt the need to guess or change his thinking. The hardest part for him was the word connections, although he has a decent vocabulary some of the words he didn't recognize but did his best with the context given. He felt pretty good about the test when stepping out of the room.

"Hey Izu, how'd it go?" Aizawa asked as they were heading back to the front of the office.

"Good, I think I did pretty well,"

"That's good, no matter how you do, you are still the best kid I know," Aizawa ruffled his hair. They were taken to the front desk where Aizawa paid and was told that the test results should be mailed to them within a week.

When they entered their home they were met with the smells of dinner and small chatter. Aizawa and Izuku looked at each other confused, no one but Yamada was supposed to be here tonight. The boys entered taking off their shoes and walking into the kitchen where they see Yamada standing over the stove cooking and making chatter with a blond spiky-haired boy and a two-toned boy.

"Hey babe, what with the guests?" Aizawa said when realizing the 3 didn't notice their entrance.

"Oh! Hun, you're home," Yamada puts down his spatula and goes to hug and kiss Aizawa. "And hello Zuzu," he leans down and gives Izuku a hug as well. "We have some guests as you've seen, they came over to hang out. Go over there and join them Zuzu, dinner will be done soon."

Izuku nodded and ran over to the other boys who were sitting in the dining room.

"Babe, why did they come over? Not that I'm mad Izu has friends over but it seems kinda unplanned?" Aizawa says, keeping his voice low and hands on his hips of Yamada.

"Well, it was unplanned for us at least, heh. They didn't even show up at the same time. Bakugou showed up first, he brought flowers, clearly, his mom made him bring them but he wanted to hang out with Izuku and so I let him in to wait. Then Todoroki showed up, but 30 minutes later, he brought some snacks and drinks, and some wine for us. So I invited him in too."

"What are we gonna do with these kids," Aizawa said with a smile and a roll of his eyes.

"They are sweet, Sho, they're good for him."

"I know, I know. They're just young and I don't want Izu getting hurt again."

"They are good kids, and if they do hurt him, he has a great dad to protect him and be there for him. He'll be alright."

"Yeah, as long as we are here, we won't let anyone hurt him ever again."

Aizawa and Yamada join in a kiss and then head back over to the kitchen.

The boys were chatting quietly about random things. Dinner was served fast and after the meal, the boys rushed upstairs to play some games. Before letting them go, Aizawa asked if it was okay for them to be here and if their parents knew they were staying over. They both responded with a nod and Bakugou even gave his mom's phone number over to Aizawa if he'd want to call her. When the boys got into Izuku's room they all played small games and talked about what they wanted to do the next day.

"Hey, Izuku, Bakugou there is a caravel tomorrow, do you want to go with me?" Todoroki asked as their movie finished.

"Sure! Icy-hot sounds fun. But uh... in what way. I-i know um I... well... FUCK!"

"I understand Bakugou, are you asking if this is a date with both of you?" Bakuogu nodded in response, his cheeks filled with blush.

"I, umm, would also l-like to know," Izuku said, twiddling his fingers, looking down nervously.

"Well, yes. I would like it to be a date. If you two are um okay with it," Todoroki looks between the two boys waiting for their response.

"Well, I think I'd like that. I- have gained feelings for you both and I want to see where this goes." Bakugou responded by meeting Todoroki's eyes with a small smile. Both boys then looked over to Izuku.

"What do you say Izuku?" Todoroki asked, his eyes full of hope.

"Well- I umm. I do- l-like you both. I just... I'm not sure if you'd want me... I'm just so, me, ya know. I talk and babble, half the time I'm crying. I don't even know what's happening in my own head... I—" Izuku got interrupted by both boys, grabbing him and pulling Izuku into their arms.

" Inzau, we want to be with you, because you are you. I want to be with you because you are the best thing that has happened to me and you are so adorable," Bakugou said with a smile that showed pure happiness and truth.

"Bakugou is right, you are amazing just the way you are. I want to be with both of you because I care so much about you both and your happiness. We can take it slow if you are nervous, we both want you so what do you say?" Todoroki adds with his own small smile.

"R-really... y-you... I would l-like to try. I d-do like both of you and s-slow would be nice." Izuku pulled out of the hug slightly to look both of them in the eyes and with a smile, tears in his eyes, "I'd like to go on a date with you."

All three boys hugged and cried a little, they started another movie and fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next day came fast and the boys got ready and headed out the door as soon as Aizawa would let them.

"Did you eat breakfast?" Aizawa asked with a slightly annoyed parent undertone.

"Yes!" The three boys answered.

"Okay, what about sunscreen? Do you guys have money? What time are you gonna get back?" Aizawa felt Yamada's hand on his hip and stopped talking to the stupefied and slightly annoyed boys.

"They'll be okay Hunny, if they need anything they'll call. Right boys?" Yamaha was clearly a little giddy at the idea of the boys going to the carnival.

"Yeah yeah old man, we'll call if we need you," Bakugou said heading for the door.

"We'll call when we are on our way back, thanks for letting us go sensei," Todoroki added as he followed Bakugou.

"We will be safe dad, see you later," Izuku gave a quick hug to his dads and hurried to catch up with the other two, who were waiting just outside for him. Izuku was excited and very nervous, this was the first time in a large crowded area without his parents. He knew as long as they stuck together it would be just fine. He could do this.

The carnival was huge, there were many rides, concession stands, and games. The boy entered and Bakugou pulled them straight for one of the roller coasters. It was a big roller coaster and at the entrance, it said "the journey through hell." Bakugou looked at the other two boys as they entered, Izuku looked a little nervous, Todoroki had a small sweet smile that made Bakugou's stomach flutter. They get on the ride, Izuku in the middle and Todoroki and Bakugou on the outside. Izuku screamed as they went downhill and squeezed his eyes shut. Todoroki and Bakugou kept one hand on Izuku for comfort and held their other arm up. They all screamed and were having a good time, that was until the roller coaster reached a climax height and fell backward. Bakugou's arms shot down and held onto the bar while Todoroki still kept his hands up and laughed as he looked at his shocked face of Bakugou and the silent terror on Izuku.

The boys stumbled off the ride, Izuku silently thankful that the ground was no longer spinning. Todoroki playfully pushed Bakugou and the three-headed off to more rides and food.

During the next few hours, the boys had a lot of fun. Each took turns winning prizes for the others. Each ended up with two stuffed animals. Bakugou won a tiger stuffed animal for Izuku and a polar bear stuffed animal for Todoroki by doing the ring toss game. Todoroki won Izuku, a penguin, and Bakugou, a lion from the water gun game. Izuku tried his hand in a few games, he won Todoroki, a leopard with balloon pop and he won Bakugou a white fox from the duck pull game.

The three boys were having a very good time.

"Hey I need to use the restroom, I'll be right back," Bakugou said heading for the nearby bathrooms.

"Oh speaking if I need to as well," Todoroki added, both Izuku and Todoroki followed Bakugou.

"I can hold your stuff while you go, I'll just wait out here," Izuku said, taking the boy's bags and sitting down on a bench nearby.

"You sure Izuku, we can go one at a time so you're not alone out here," Todoroki looked at the small boy with worry in his tone.

"I'll be fine, it'll only be like five minutes," Izuku said reassuringly.

"Okay..." Todoroki said leaving Izuku and heading into the bathroom with Bakugou.

It wasn't long before someone approached Izuku. It was about a minute after the boys left.

"Hey, kid." The voice was rough and gravely and was barely above a whisper. Izuku looked up from his phone to see a man, he wore a plain button-up shirt and shorts, and he wore a ball cap that covered his eyes with the shadow.

"Umm H-hi..." Izuku responded warily. The man took a seat next to Izuku.

"I'm gonna need you to come with me," the man then slid his arm around Izuku as Izuku tried to stand. It kept him in place.


"My boss says he needs you. I've been sent to get you," The man was too close for comfort as he leaned into Izuku's ear to whisper.

Chills ran down Izuku's back and his breath quickened. The only thing he could think of was, scream, scream for them. So he did, "KACCHAN, SHOTO!!"

With that, the man made a move to cover Izuku's mouth but it was already too late. The boys rushed out of the restroom to see this scene. Todoroki immediately sent ice towards the man, trying to separate the two as Bakugou slid around to reach Izuku. In the man's shock, he let go of Izuku's mouth.

"Izuku!! Call sensei," Todoroki yelled as Bakugou pulled Izuku away from the man.

"Stay behind me Inzau, I'll protect you," Bakugou said standing in front of Izuku, his hands already steaming ready to defend. When Bakugou didn't receive a response he quickly looked behind him to see Izuku shaking and in tears. "Shit—"

That made Todoroki look over and see the same scene, "I'll protect you two, just take care of Izuku, and get sensei on the phone!"

Apparently, the man had friends and it quickly went from a one-on-one to a one on five. Todoroki was barely keeping up with them and his attention was split between the fight and what was happening behind him.

"H-hey Inazu- It's alright. No one will hurt you. I need you to breathe," Bakugou kneeled in front of Izuku with enough space between them to still be distant. He's not the best at this but he has learned something. His eyes darted to the phone that Izuku held in a vice grip that was cracked and breaking. Shit, I need to call Aizawa. This is the most extreme panic attack I've seen, I'll try my best till he gets here I guess. Bakugou thought, pulling out his own phone and quickly dialing Aizawa.

Aizawa picked up his phone seeing a call coming from Bakugou. He was slightly worried it wasn't Izuku but gave him the benefit of doubt, his phone might've died. That was until he heard what was happening on the other side of the call.

"Izuku I need you to follow my breath okay?— Bakugou! I can see the pros. They are close— heavy breathing — fighting — people—"

"Bakugou! What is happening?!" Aizawa yelled through the phone, alerting Yamada who was in the other room.

"Aizawa- something happened— someone attacked Izuku. W-we need help. He's about to pass out I-I can't slow his breathing."

"Okay, Bakugou listen to me, keep calm okay. It's gonna be okay, I'm on my way. Put me on speaker so Izuku can hear me."

"O-okay- You're on speaker,"

"Hey Izu, It's dad. I'll be there very soon, but I need you to do something for me okay?"

There was the smallest "okay," in-between gasps and ragged breaths.

"Izu I need you to give Bakugou your hand, he's gonna put it on his chest and you're gonna follow his breathing. I'm gonna stay on the line and I need you to slow your breathing okay?" Aizawa and Yamada were already in the car and Yamada was driving at max speed to get to the scene. It was a 10-minute drive, but Yamada made it in 5. But during the drive, the scene was still playing.

Through the phone, Aizawa heard Todoroki yell, "Over here!! Help!" There were footsteps and a voice muffled that sounded like hawks that said, "We got this— " Izuku's breathing was still hard and Aizawa could tell it wasn't getting any better.

"Bakugou, Izuku is going to faint so I need you to be ready to catch him, his breath isn't going to slow. Sounds like the pros are there, and we'll be there in 2 minutes."

Aizawa stayed on the phone listening to Bakugou trying to calm Izuku but he knew it wasn't working. Suddenly there is a thump and Bakugou says," S-Senesi, he passed out. I-i caught him. What should I do?"

"Just lay him on the ground, keep him safe, we're almost there. Bakugou It'll be alright."

The pros rushed into the fight, Todoroki had incapacitated 3 of the men and encased them in ice. But the other two men, including the original man, were too fast and their quirks quickly broke through the ice. Todoroki didn't want to use his fire, it was still too unpredictable and there were too many civilians around to use it safely. Just as Todoroki took another hit from a pulse from the goon, hawks flew down and pinned the man to the ground. Hawks helped Todoroki up and quickly looked over him. His head was bleeding and had a few cuts across his chest and arms.

"I can handle this now kid, more heroes are coming with medical help. They'll be here soon. We got this." Hawks quickly moved Todoroki to where the other boys were with his feathers as he focused back on the main guy who was still standing, barely injured.

"Shit Icy-hot, lay down next to Izuku, he passed out not but two seconds ago. He's breathing, Aizawa is coming, we're gonna be fine."

"G-good t-to hear. Y-your right I-I'll just lay down."

Hawks held off the other guy but for some reason, he'd disappear and come back with no injuries. It was a weird effect, Hawks was curious what exactly was this man's quirk. That's when one of Hawk's feathers vibrated with movement towards the boys he was protecting. Shit, I'm not fast enough-

"Kid- watch—" Hawks was intruded by the sound of an explosion.

Bakugou sensed the movement heading towards them and the recognition from Hawks gave him all he needed to let lose a controlled explosion in the main guy's face. With that, his hand went through the man, and he turned into mud in front of him.

"Shit— this is twice! These are his clones, that's why you haven't got that one yet. This man's quirk and Twice's must make it look like that clone had reservation or something," Bakugou yelled at Hawks.

"Damn—"Hawks's eyes darted around looking for Twice, he must be here somewhere, in the process he saw the medical team approaching with more heroes, "Hey! We need medical care over here." Hawks yells to the approaching medical team.

About the time when the medical team arrives, so does Aizawa, running the fastest he can through the crowds. He finally spots his kid and his students. Todoroki is being looked at and bandaged up and Izuku has been put on oxygen. Bakugou is silent but was not letting go of either boy, holding both of their hands.

"I'm here," Aizawa says into his phone which makes Bakugou lift his head and look for Aizawa. But Aizawa was there before Bakugou could find him.

"S-sensei, I-I" Bakugou stuttered, the tears he'd been holding back finally let loose. The boys were both ready to be put into the ambulance but since Bakugou was holding onto both of them and snarled at anyone who tried to move them, the boys stayed in place.

"H-hey it's okay, they're going to be alright now. Here, come on, we can follow them to the hospital." Bakugou let go of the boys as Azaiwa put his hands on top of Bakugou's shoulder and squeezed it to help Bakugou stay grounded. Bakugou gets up robotically, eyes staying on the ambulance as Aizawa walks him towards their car, Aizawa's hand still on his shoulder. Aizawa has never seen Bakugou look so defeated and worried, he made a note to let him and the others have some days off and maybe have them visit Hound dog.

Yamada started up the car and they made their way to the hospital. Todoroki and Bakugou's parents were made aware of the incident and they rushed to the hospital.

(3880 words)

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