Stay With Me αβΩ

By mmiihhoo

86.1K 3.1K 3.1K

Being born from an Alpha and Omega also known as 'royal blood' or simply 'royals' is very rare and rapidly d... More

✿Author's Introduction✿
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 23

1.2K 50 65
By mmiihhoo

"Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Mama, are we there yet?" – Fumiya asked repeatedly in excitement while he and his mother are sitting on the back seat of the luxury limousine own by the Port Mafia.

The car has a long seat upholstered with extravagant and plush white leather, there's a small bar where expensive wines and other drinks are stored that can be served anytime anyone wants, and the different lights attached to the ceiling are dancing along with the music from the built in stereo system with television.

Chuuya giggles "Almost there my son" – he answered and looks at the lady sitting in front of them "Thank you for volunteering to come with us to be our bodyguard"

The lady with blonde hair in a bun "It's nothing sir, it is my pleasure to serve and guard the first rank executive and his son"

The ginger smiles "Call me Chuuya" – he said "I prefer to be called by my name than some title"

"Wouldn't that be inappropriate for me to address you just by your name?" – the blonde lady asked shyly.

"It is called name for a reason, it's supposed to be use to address someone, right?" – Chuuya said.

"Y-yes sir, I mean Chuuya-san" – she stuttered as she blushes.

"I haven't seen you around the Port Mafia, are you new?" – Chuuya asked "What's your name?"

The lady hesitated to answer because as a lower subordinate like her, she is forbidden to speak directly to the high ranking officials like Chuuya, she is only there to assist in case anything unexpected happens "My name is Higuchi Ichiyou, I just got my job last year"

Chuuya looks up as if he is thinking "Hmmnn... I heard that name before, are you part of Akutagawa's team?" – he asked.

Higuchi's already blushing face because of shyness toward the executive became redder when he heard the name of her senpai "Y-yes, Akutagawa-senpai is my superior in the squad"

Chuuya quickly picks up what the lady is all fluttered about that makes him chuckle "I see" – is all he said.

"Rumors are right about him, he is very nice" – Higuchi said inside her head as she looks at the executive carrying his son on his lap.

Unbeknownst to the executive, a car is following behind them.

"Make sure to not drive too close to them so they won't see us" – said Kouyou.

The driver answered "Yes ma'am"

"I'm sorry Chuuya-kun but I worry about you and Fumiya" – she whispered while sitting in the backseat of her personal car.


"We are here!" – Atsushi exclaimed.

The place is full of life, many people are scattered around the area mostly composed of couples, friends, and families. Yokohama Cosmo World is one of the best attractions of Kanagawa prefecture, it has various rides and food all over the area, the skyline is dominated by its most famous ferries wheel which is also known as Cosmo Clock 21.

"This place hasn't changed that much huh" – Dazai mumbles as he looks around.

Though the amusement park is not that far from the agency, Atsushi has never been on that side of the city as he is always being closely watch by his coworkers making sure he is safe so most of his time he spends at the office arranging paper works.

"Wow! This amusement park is amazing up close!" – the boy exclaimed "Look! This place is divided by the river"

Dazai smiles sadly as he watches the young Omega explore the place, he feels another familiar longing, and he remembers the first time that his friend Oda took Chuuya to that same place. Atsushi and Chuuya have the same reactions, the reaction of someone who just came out to the world after hiding from it for a very long time.


"We are here!" – Fumiya excitedly runs out of the car.

"Fumiya, wait for me" – Chuuya said as he watches his son jumps up and down because the young boy is easily being entertained by the colorful things that he can see in the amusement park.

"Sir—I mean Chuuya-san, the driver and I will be near in case you needed help" – Higuchi said as she bows down.

"Thanks" – the executive answered, to be honest, he doesn't think that anything bad would happen because it's an amusement park, what could go wrong right?

"Mama, mama, let's go there!" – Fumiya pulls his mother by his hand as he points to a ride that catches his attention.

"Alright, alright" – Chuuya happily followed his son. Being in that place again made the ginger feel sad because it reminds him a lot of Dazai and his friend Oda, but he didn't let that emotion take over him, he needs to focus on Fumiya.


At the Armed Detective Agency.

"Huh? Where's the birthday boy?" – Yosano asked while carrying a box of cake as she enters the office.

"He went out with Dazai-san" – Kenji answered while all of them are sitting at their respective station.

The lady doctor placed the cake on top of her own table "Is Kunikida-kun alright with that?"

Kunikida who at that time is busy on his laptop and can obviously hear the conversation just chooses to ignore them, he is still irritated to Dazai.

"Well he let them go because he said that the more time he spends with Dazai-san the more he wanted to strangle him to death" – Kenji said "I guess that only proves how much he entrust Atsushi-kun to Dazai-san"

"I don't think that's what it means" – Yosano could only smile feignedly then she averts her attention "Tanizaki-kun I'm surprised that you are okay with them spending time together alone"

Tanizaki "No, I'm not" – he answered "What if a member of the gang group finds out that Atsushi is out there? Can that Alpha even protect him?"

"Are you sure that is what you are worried about? Isn't it because you're just jealous of them?" – Yosano asked.

"I'm not jealous!" – Tanizaki exclaimed "I'm just worried about him, I've seen him after he suffered under that Takasekai's leader, that soulless Alpha, he is a monster!" – he added with an angry tone. Yes, he may feel jealous because he has affection for him but it stems from a more deep reason than that.

"Sounds like you really hated Alphas, are you forgetting that you are an Alpha yourself and so as Kenji-kun?" – Ranpo joined in as he turns around his chair.

"Kenji and I are different because we are not like those Alphas who take advantage of others!" – Tanizaki snarled.

The story goes about Tanizaki's past was that he and Naomi a Beta whom he considered his sister were in the same orphanage in Tokyo which was destroyed by a gang group in search for an Omega, they weren't successful in doing so because there's no Omega, unfortunately, Naomi went missing along with other children during the event and they were believed to become victims of human trafficking. A year later the orphanage was reestablished and then took more children, one of those children is Atsushi who is said to escape his capturer—the Alpha leader of gang group named Takesekai, the same gang who previously attacked the orphanage. Seeing how vulnerable Atsushi was because he doesn't have full control of his ability and that he is traumatized by his past experience, Tanizaki swore to protect him at any cost, the thing that he failed to do for his adopted sister Naomi.

"I know Dazai, he is not that type of person" – Yosano said.


Somewhere near the Yokohama Cosmo World, on a very shady side of the city, a transaction between the Port Mafia and another illegal syndicate is currently happening.

"Where's the merchandise?" – asked one man.

Tachihara walks forward "That is not how the Port Mafia works, we need payment before anything else" – he said with glaring eyes.

"You're not the first rank executive, we were promised to be personally greeted by your boss' second in command. What is this? Is this how you treat your long-term customer?" – the other asked.

"He is busy with other important things so he sent me instead, I'm his right-hand man" – Tachihara snarled.

"We are promised an executive not his pet!" – the man raises his hand and the men behind him point guns at Tachihara.

Believing that it will be a fast transaction, the Port Mafia doesn't have any idea that the other group wants more than the goods they've agreed on. They've always had a grudge against the mafias because they are being pushed aside so the leader of the said group made a plan to kill the most powerful ability user of the Port Mafia who is Chuuya and then the leader himself, Mori.

"Since we will not be seeing the first rank executive today, we will start from you" – said the man.

More men surround the area, only then Tachihara and a few of his men realize that it was a trap to lure the first rank executive so they can kill him.

"This is a trap and it's Chuuya-san that they wanted, this is bad, what should I do we are cornered" – Tachihara said inside his head as his sweat fell like pebbles.

The man from the syndicate group receives a call and whatever the person said on the other line it made him grin "So that's where he is" – he said.


"Dazai-san, are you alright?" – Atsushi asked as he fans the Alpha who is pale and panting so much after riding one of the amusement park's attractions.

"I thought I was gonna die there" – he said breathing heavily while sitting on one of the benches.

Atsushi couldn't help but giggle at the sight of the terrified Alpha "I asked you if you can handle the roller coaster and you said yes"

"Well I didn't expect that thing would throw us like that" – Dazai mumbled, funny cause he have seen how the ride works but he still agreed to try it.

"I will get us some drinks, wait here Dazai-san"

"Wait!" – the brunette called out but the young Omega disappeared into the crowd "He is a little reckless" – he said as he relax on the benches still concentrating to normalize his vision after being dizzy from the ride.


"Mama, I want to go there!" – Fumiya pointed at the tall ferries wheel.

"Are you sure? That is too high and I'm not sure if they will let you" – Chuuya said as they look at the other side of the amusement park.

The park is divided into three zones; the Kids Carnival Zone, Brano Street, and Wonder Amuse, each separated by waterway. Obviously, Chuuya and Fumiya are in the Kids Carnival Zone where all rides and attractions are for children, the Brano Street is where the arcades are while the Wonder Amuse is for young adults and adults where the famous landmark Cosmo Clock 21 ferries wheel and other extreme rides like the roller coaster are located.

"I want to be like you mama, I want to fly!" – the boy said.

Chuuya avoids using his ability as much as possible in front of his son, he only uses it when he is on a mission and killing someone which is something that he doesn't want Fumiya to witness, but despite that fact, there's one time that the young boy saw him flying using his gravity manipulation.

The ginger smiles "Alright but you have to be ready because we have to walk far to get there" – he said to which the boy nodded happily.

As they walk across the bridge that connects the amusement parks.

"Mama, when will I get my ability?" – the boy asked "I want to have the same as you have"

All royals normally learn or discover their powers at the age of five years old, but sometimes it may vary depending on what type of ability the child possess, at the time Fumiya just turned four. The kind of ability may be the same from one of the parents or a whole new different gift.

"Soon my dear son" – Chuuya answered.

Given that Fumiya doesn't have the mark on his left wrist which is present to all Omegas from the day they were born, it's a free giveaway that he is an Alpha. Pheromones, healing ability, and physical strength that came with being an Alpha will only manifest at the age of ten.


"Where is that vending machine again?" – Atsushi mumbled as he looks around.

Unbeknownst to him, an executive from the enemy group Port Mafia is among the crowd.

"Mama, I want that!" – Fumiya pointing to the crepe that the passerby is eating, that made Chuuya pause, it brings back the memory of when Dazai bought the same dessert for him. It is also nostalgic to think that same day five years ago they learned about his pregnancy "Mama?" – Fumiya called again as his mother went silent for a moment.

"Hmn? What is it son?" – Chuuya looks down at his son as if he just started hearing him again.

"I've decided I want strawberry flavor" – the boy said to which his mother smiled and said yes.

As the mother and son wait in line to get their crepe, Chuuya's phone rings so he checks what it was and it's a message from Tachihara that made him in a state of panic. He quickly called Higuchi "Code A" – he said in a controlled voice trying to avoid Fumiya to notice that something is wrong, and with those few words Higuchi made her move.


Few minutes before Tachihara sent that chilling message to his superior Chuuya.

"You think you can play that kind of game with the Port Mafia" – said Tachihara, all the members of the enemy syndicate were all killed as more mafias arrived at the scene "To think that you dared to kill our first rank executive, that's a futile attempt" – he said as he steps down the man.

The man beneath him chuckles "It's not futile when we succeed, we know where your executive" – he said gasping for air while his whole body is leaking blood because of the bullet wounds.

"Why you?!" – a loud bang echoed in that small alleyway when Tachihara finally killed the man by shooting him in the head.

Quickly after that, he sent Chuuya a message "It's a trap, they are on their way" – it may be vague but the executive was able to understand what his subordinate mean by that.


Dazai became alert when he starts to see suspicious people lurking around the park, he can also tell that there are from the Port Mafia.

"What are they doing here?" – Dazai mumbled as he stands up from the bench that he was sitting on and cautiously looks around.


After the quick phone call to Higuchi, Chuuya realized that his son is not there with him "Fumiya?!" – he frantically looks around in search of the young brunette but to no avail. His heartbeat is rising and his stomach feels like it's been ripped out, he cannot find his son anywhere, and to further exacerbate the situation a loud explosion near the waterway resounded the whole park making everyone panic.


"What was that explosion?!" – Atsushi was quick to go back to where he left Dazai but he can't because of the crowd pushing him the other way.


"This is bad, I need to find Atsushi" – Dazai runs around looking for the young Omega.


"There's an explosion near the waterway at the amusement park" – said one of Kouyou's men.

"Chuuya, Fumiya!" – the lady exclaimed "Quickly find the first rank executive and his son! Find them at any cost! Make sure they are safe!" – she commanded in panic.


"Fumiya!! Fumiya!!" – Chuuya shouted as the crowd starts to flood the nearest exit.


Few minutes before Fumiya went missing.

The young brunette walked a few steps away from his mother while Chuuya was on a phone call because of something that catches his attention, well just like his father. When the explosion happened he was swept away by the crowd.

"Mama!" – Fumiya cried out "Mama!"

Everyone is in panic and no one dares to stop and help him until a Good Samaritan saw the poor child crouching down while crying in the middle of the commotion, that person stops and checks on him "Are you lost?" – asked the silver-haired boy.

Fumiya looks up to him "I want my mama" – he said crying.

It's Atsushi and when he saw the child's face it gives him a shiver down his spine "This face, who is this child?" – he mumbled but quickly with no hesitation he carried him in his arms and takes him with him "Alright let's go find your mother"


Not long when three seedy-looking men walk the park seemingly searching for someone, they carry huge rifles. Those men went to the control center of the whole amusement park where all the staffs there are bounded and gagged. They went to the microphone and used it, one of them said "We know you are here and we know you know we are here so surrender yourself, if not, we will burn this whole place down to ashes so you can die along with these people!" – the voice of the man echoed all throughout the amusement park.


"What was that announcement?" – Dazai, he knew that though the Port Mafia is a cold blooded organization they won't do such a thing as they consider the city of Yokohama as their lair so he wonders who could it be and who are they pertaining to surrender.


"Chuuya-san!" – Higuchi called out "I got backups, give us your order"

The executive manages to pull himself together though he is in a state of great worry for his son "Go and find Fumiya first" – he said "I will handle them myself"

With that command, more men wearing black coats entered the scene searching for the missing boy.


Atsushi was able to get the child away from the park.

"I want my mama! I want my mama!" – the child cries "Let's go back!"

"You will see your mother don't worry" – Atsushi tried his best to stop the child from crying "Here look, I have these" – he said while crouching down to level the boy, he shows a small plush keychain with some candies that he got from playing the arcade.

Fumiya stifles as he controls his crying "A dog?"

"Yes, here they are all yours" – Atsushi handed the dog plushy keychain along with some candies from his pocket.

Fumiya wipes his tears with his arm and said "Thank you"

That made the child calm down a bit and so as Atsushi "My name is Nakajima Atsushi, what's your name?" – he asked.

"Atsushi?" – the boy looks at him "I'm Fumiya"

"Fumiya, what a nice name" – Atsushi smiles to which the young Fumiya also smiles back. The longer he looks at the child the more the feeling of being familiar becomes stronger, Atsushi cannot put his finger on it but he knows to himself that he has seen that face before somewhere.

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