She's Got That One Thing » l...

By fivesuave

114K 3.7K 394

Madison Star thought her life sucked and it couldn't get any worse. She had just broken up with her abusive b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 15

3.6K 118 37
By fivesuave

Chapter 15


She's even more fantastic then before. Sarcasm and sass came from her like there's no tomorrow. I loved her!

But I don't think she felt the same way about us. She wanted us out of her life, period. But I wanted to be in her life, period, and since I was super smart and amazing, I got to make the decisions.

After we cleaned up the ice cream parlor, it was starting to get really late out. As we made our way back to our means of transportation, me and Maddy had a little argument.

"Can I ride with you?" I asked. She whipped her head back around to stare at me, mouth gaping slightly. I found myself looking at her lips. I almost kissed her. I wondered if I was supposed to feel freaked out about that.

"No!" she cried.

"Why not?" I complained.

"Firstly," she sassed. "I don't want you anywhere near my truck. We all know what happened the last time you did. Secondly, I just met you and you're all crazy! Thirdly, I want to get away from you all as soon and as quickly as possible."

Her words hurt. "Why not?" I asked again. "I promise this time I'll actually be inside the car, and won't do anything stupid. And why don't you like us?"

"No, I like you guys," she said and I quickened my pace so I could walk next to her. "I actually really, really love your music. But ever since I ran you over, problems just seem to find me."

We needed a little bit of Niall's magical leprechaun dust over here. "Well, now that we know you and got your name, you don't have to have those problems anymore," I said cheerily. "We're famous, nothing bad ever happens to us."

"You should read the fanfics," I swear I heard her mutter. I frowned. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing," she said quickly. "Just leave me alone."

"What bad did I ever do to you?" I demanded. "I'm a human being, not a disease."

She nodded. "I can agree with that," she said. "But I just want to be normal."

"I'm confused," I sighed. She gritted her teeth. I remembered when I used to do that when I was in casts. I was so glad I was free.

"Do you want it bluntly?" she asked. I nodded.

Maddy looked up at me, and I could tell she was not happy. Her eyes got a glazed look as she reached her hand up and felt my forehead. She was feeling the spot where my head got cut. Her touch was warm and left a tingly feeling behind.

"All I see is the bloodied mess that hit my truck," she murmured. "How can I cope with that?"

All she saw was my broken mess when I got hit? Gosh, that never occurred to me. Now I felt bad. "No hard feelings, remember?" I said and pulled her in for a hug. She resisted at first, but then gave in. "See?" I attempted to joke. "Couldn't hug you if my arm was broken."

She didn't reply, so I tried harder. I let go and attempted to do a cartwheel. I went crashing down instead. She gasped, then burst out laughing.

"Couldn't do that either," I said nonchalantly as I jumped up and brushed myself off.

She shook her head, smiling. "You're so ridiculous, Lou," she said.

I smiled back at her. "Using nicknames now, are we?" I said and wiggled my eyebrows.

She shoved my chest. "You're using my nickname all the time," she said. "So I have a privilege."

"What is your real name?" I asked.

"Madison," she replied and we started walking again.

"Really? That's a pretty name," I said.

Her cheeks reddened. "What if I told you my name was Madge?" she asked.

"I would say the same thing," I said. She shook her head again.

"Hurry up, you two!" Zayn yelled. "Stop flirting and get in the van, Louis! My hair is awful and we have to get home!"

I waved and glanced at Maddy. "I'm riding with Maddy!" I called.

"What?" she hissed and slapped my hand down. "No, you're not!"

But it was too late. "Fine," Liam sighed. "But how will you get home?"

"Go to the main park!" Maddy said. "I mean, after you shower and change and stuff. There's a firework show and cookout going on! All you can eat!"

"ALL YOU CAN EAT?!" Niall screamed. "We are so there! See you soon, Louis!"

Maddy and I laughed as they pulled out of the parking lot. Maddy took out her keys and swung them around on one finger. "I'm driving," she announced. "Just in case you were getting any ideas. You drive too slow, Grandma."

I pouted. "You do not call me Grandma!" I scolded.

She smirked at me. "Just did," she giggled and ran off to her truck. I chased after her.

It's almost scary how much she's like me. We're both sass masters, jokers, and carefree about pretty much anything. I wondered if she liked carrots. Future wife right there. Well, not literally, I was just saying if she liked carrots she would be the perfect wife. Okay, just forget I said any of that. Maddy would wring my neck for sure.

I got into the passenger seat and saw something sticking out of her purse. While she wasn't looking, I quickly pulled it out. It was an iPod.

"Hey!" she screamed and snatched it away from me. She was also very loud, like me. "No touchy!" She cradled her iPod and plugged it in to her truck. "I love this thing more than my own baby sister," she said.

"That's cruel," I said, frowning. "I have five and I love them to death."

She flashed me a bright smile. "I know," she giggled and started to pull out. Sometimes I forgot I was famous and pretty much everybody in the world knew who I was.

"What else do you know about me?" I asked as we drove to her place.

"Not much," she said with a shrug. "Which is surprising to most people because they think I know One Direction through and through. I'm not that obsessed. I'm not a stalker."

I laughed.

"Bet I can tell you everything about Harry though," she said, smiling.

"Okay," I said doubtfully. "Favorite color?"


"Favorite food?"

"Mexican; tacos to be exact."

"Commando or PJs?"


"Perfect date?"

"I've got three answers for that. He thinks it is very romantic to take a bath with a girl with rose petals and candles. He would take the girl out to eat and then watch a movie with her. The movie would probably be Bambi, as it makes the girl emotional and feel the need to cuddle. He always kisses on the first date."

I stared at her. She was smiling and her eyes had a triumphant gleam. "Told you so," she smirked.

"You're a stalker," I teased.

"Am not!" she protested. "All I did was look up Harry Styles facts on YouTube and that's how I know so much!"

I only laughed and shook my head. "So is he your favorite?" I asked knowingly. "All the girls in this country want to snog him."

She sniffed. "Freaks," she muttered. "A true Directioner does not have a favorite, but each has a special place in his or her heart."

"You've got this all figured out, don't you?" I asked, chuckling. She glanced at me quickly, her eyes sparkling and somehow her smile seemed to get even wider. "I'm your human guidebook to the One Direction Infection," she giggled.

"So, does Harry have that special place?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows. She ignored me.

"We're here!" she announced and slowed to a stop on the driveway. She grabbed her iPod and purse and stepped out. I followed quickly.

It was a small place, but there was a nice grand staircase right in the middle of it. The kitchen was down the hall, and the living room and dining room were on either side of me.

"There's two bathrooms," she said. "One upstairs and one down here next to the kitchen. You take that one."

I nodded. She began to head upstairs, but I stopped her. "What am I supposed to use for clothing?" I asked, gesturing towards my sticky, sprinkle-covered clothes.

She shrugged. "I'll find you something from the guest room," she said and disappeared behind the balcony.

I took a quick shower and borrowed a paper bag I found under the sink for my disgusting clothes. I wrapped a towel around my waist. I fixed my hair up again so I looked presentable and headed out, still half-naked.

Maddy was still showering, which was kind of surprising since it took me like thirty minutes to fix my hair. And I wasn't even Zayn.

I decided to go exploring. I went upstairs and peeked inside the nearest room. Bookshelves covered a whole wall, but there weren't much books on them. There was a desk nearby, and sitting on top of it was a running laptop and assorted papers. That was about it.

The next room was painted hot pink and the carpet had a fuzzy zebra pattern on it. The canopy bed was made but a pair of earbuds and MP3 player were laying on it. There was a closet and drawers in one corner and beanbags piled in the other.

But strangely, none of the photos showed Maddy in them. Just a pretty curly-haired girl with dark blue eyes posing in different countries. Did Maddy drive to the wrong house?

The next room was plainer. It had gray walls like the first room, but there was an iHome alarm clock plugged in with an iPhone charging. There was an open suitcase on the ground filled with female clothing. The bed was unmade.

The last room was the bathroom. The water had stopped running and I couldn't hear what was going on in there. I waited five minutes, then held up my fist to knock on the door.

It swung open and Maddy stepped out, slamming into me. We fell to the ground, Maddy laying on top of my bare chest. We stared at each other for a moment and didn't move from our awkward position. I gave her a sheepish smile.

"Louis!" she gasped and lurched off of me. My face reddened when I realized she was only wearing a towel, like me. "What are you doing up here?" she demanded as I stood back up.

"I got impatient waiting for you," I explained. "You take long showers."

She shrugged. "I always do," she said. "Now stay here so I can put some clothes on!"

"What about me?" I asked.

"You wait, and don't cause trouble," she growled and stomped off. Too late, I realized I forgot to ask her if we were in the right house.

I sighed and leaned up against the wall. Two accidents in one day. Weird. But not bad. I mean, she was pretty, and I wasn't too bad-looking myself.... Wow, now I sounded like Zayn. But at this rate, we'd be married in a week.

"I'm dressed, Louis!" Maddy called. "I'm colorblind, so don't laugh."

I looked over and saw she wasn't colorblind at all. She was wearing a thin sparkly ruffled purple blouse and white skinny jeans. Simple but effective, as Harry would say.

She twisted her leg awkwardly. "These aren't my clothes," she said. "I hate skinny jeans. Everyone knows I have thunder-thighs. Come with me."

I didn't think she had fat legs at all. The skinny jeans fit her perfectly. I followed her into the guest room.

"Hope these fit," she said and tossed me a pair of old sweatpants and an American Eagle shirt. "These aren't mine either. Your boxers are just fine, I presume?"

I laughed and nodded. The way she said that so casually....

"Alright, change quickly," she said. "I'm starving and the boys are probably at the park already."

She left the room and I changed quickly. The old clothing was comfortable and fit just fine. I only wished that they were striped somewhere.

I clambered down the stairs and spotted Maddy sitting on the couch. "Do you live here?" I blurted out.

She looked up. "No, I don't," she said. "But my friend does and she lets me stay here. We'll meet her there at the park. Now come on." She grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the door.

"You're excited," I commented as she started the truck.

"No, just hungry," she replied. "There's gonna be pizza and hotdogs and burgers and desserts. My dreamland."

I laughed. "Niall would love you," I teased.

She smiled and adjusted her mirror. "I suppose," she said and picked up the speed. "We're gonna be late. Thankfully the park's not too far from here, so don't get too comfortable."

"Why do you live with your friend?" I asked. "An apartment doesn't cost too much."

She tensed and her blue eyes hardened. "I just do," she said stiffly. "And I don't have any money."

Something about her changed. She wasn't cracking jokes or smiling anymore. Her eyes were cold. Did I do something wrong?

Five minutes later, she pulled over and stopped. "We're here," she muttered and got out. I followed more slowly.

The park was alive with people of all ages and genders. Some were cooking or handing out drinks. Others were setting up the fireworks. Little children ran around shrieking with sparklers in their hands. There was talk and laughter everywhere. It was really lively. My kind of place.

"Ash!" Maddy cried and waved.

"Maddy!" the other girl called and waved back. They ran over to each other and I was forced to follow.

"Who's he?" the girl named Ash asked.

Maddy glanced at me. I extended my hand. "I'm Louis," I said calmly.

"From One Direction?" she guessed immediately. She shook my hand.

"How'd you know?"

"Your accent."

"You're taking this rather calmly," Maddy commented.

She shrugged. "Well, I have a boyfriend, so..." Her voice trailed off. "But they are One Direction, after all. How many chances have I got?"

She wrapped her arms around me and almost squeezed the living daylights out of me. "Can't... breathe," I choked.

"Sorry," she said sweetly and pulled back.

"Where's Eliza and Bethany?" Maddy asked. "Are they here yet?"

Ash nodded. "Eliza's hitting on some guys over there, and that guy over there is trying to hit on Bethany." She pointed. I face-palmed when I realized who the boy that was flirting with her was.

"You better go save Harry before Bethany knocks his lights out," Maddy told me.

"Yeah," I agreed. "Wait for me?"

She frowned. "We'll see," she said. Good enough for me. I ran over to Harry and the girl.

She looked exactly like the girl in the pictures that I saw, the only difference being that she looked extremely annoyed.

"Harry!" I coughed. "I suggest you leave her alone."

He shot me a glare. "And why is that?" he asked me.

"Cause I ain't interested, curly," the girl snapped. "I go alone, with Maddy."

"Are you... Bethany?" I guessed. She nodded. "I would say pleasure to meet you but your friend is too much of a flirt," she said coolly.

"Sorry about that," Harry mumbled.

"Save it for a girl who wants to hear it," she said and sipped her drink.

"Aren't you a bit young for beer?" I asked her.

"Aren't you supposed to be somewhere else?" she snapped back.

"Bethany!" I heard Maddy shout and she appeared right next to me with Ash. "They're with me." Bethany sniffed. Maddy whispered in her ear and her eyes widened. "Seriously?" she squeaked. "OMG! I'm so sorry!"

I laughed. "That's alright," I said with a shrug. "Just keep on acting like we're normal people."

"You? Normal? Talk about the impossible," Maddy sniffed and the others laughed. I rolled my eyes.

"Where are the other boys?" I asked Harry.

"Niall's raiding the grills," he replied. "Liam and Zayn are playing with the sparklers."

I looked around and spotted Niall arguing with a chef who was wearing an apron that read: Kiss the Cook. Zayn and Liam were sword-fighting with their sparklers and little kids were gathering around, chanting, "Duel! Duel! Duel!" I laughed quietly to myself.

"Sup?" I heard a female voice ask and saw a girl with similar features to Maddy step up. "Finally you got here, Maddy!" she exclaimed. "They're gonna start the fireworks soon!"

She was actually really pretty, with long curly golden blonde hair and green eyes. Harry was eating her up.

"So, who's this?" she purred, eyeing him up and down.

"That's Harry," Maddy said. "Harry, meet my little sister, Eliza. Eliza, meet my friend, Harry." They shook hands.

"Like from One Direction?" she asked.

"Er, um, yeah," he stammered.

She pulled her hand away. "Not interested," she said. He snapped his fingers in frustration.

"Is this everybody?" I asked Maddy.

She shook her head. "I'm still waiting for Matt," she said.

"Boo," a deep voice rumbled and she jumped. She laughed. "Matt, stop doing that!" she exclaimed and slapped his arm. He chuckled. "Sorry, couldn't help it," he said apologetically.

She whispered in his ear. A weird feeling bubbled up in my stomach. What were they talking about?

He nodded, and she jumped up and down, squealing hysterically. He laughed and calmed her down. She smiled and shook her head.

"LOUIS!!" I heard Zayn shout.

"ZAYN!!" I screamed in reply.

"GROUP HUG!!" Liam yelled randomly and we pulled in everyone.

"What is this?!" Bethany shrieked. "I may like your music, but I'm not interested in physical contact!"

We let go. "Party pooper," Harry complained and she scowled at him.

"I heard someone say group hug," an Irish accent chirped. "Am I too late for it?"

"Yes," Maddy and I replied at the same time.

"Good," Niall said and licked his finger. "You guys know how to cook," he told Maddy. "I'm stuffed."

She laughed. "That's a first," she said. "Well, I'm the complete opposite. I'm starved. Anyone want to get some food with me?"

My stomach growled. I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast, thinking we would eat something at the ice cream parlor. Guess not. I nodded.

"Come with me," she said and walked off.

"Take anything you want," she said and grabbed a hamburger bun. I started piling my plate with everything I saw.

She smiled at the chef with the Kiss the Cook apron. "You did a great job, as usual, Frank," she said.

"Aw, stop it, you're making me blush," he chuckled. "Hamburger, I presume?"

"You read my mind," she giggled and he gave her one.

"Who's the boy?" he asked.

"Some guy I happened to hit with my truck," she said. She laughed at his expression.

"I'm Louis," I said. "And no, she wasn't joking. She seriously ran me over." I laughed. "But your expression was priceless," I added.

He sighed. "Kids these days," he mumbled. "Pizza or hotdog or hamburger?"

"All three," I replied. He raised an eyebrow but he gave me all that. "Just like that blonde boy," he grumbled.

"What?" I asked, knowing who he was talking about. He pointed with a fork. "That boy over there wanted every slice of pizza and hotdog around!" he exclaimed. "He has a bottomless pit of a stomach!"

I laughed again. "I know what you mean," I said and Maddy and I moved on to desserts.

Everything sweet was there. You name it, they had it: chocolate mousse, donuts, brownies, cookies, cake, etc, etc. They even had pixie sticks, and I loved those things. I grabbed five.

I sat down on the grass next to Maddy. She didn't seem hungry despite her complaints of starvation; she only nibbled on her hamburger bun and picked at her chips.

"What's wrong, Maddy?" I asked.

She glanced over at me. "Hmm? What? Oh, nothing," she muttered absently.

I shook her arm gently. "You're not thinking of me hurt again, are you?" I asked. "I'm fine."

She shook her head. "Just... not feeling well," she said and played with a chip.

"Well, if you ever need to talk, I'm always here," I said.

She glanced at me again. "Thanks, Lou." She forced a smile, and it pained me.

"You still have to eat though," I said and tossed a grape at her face. She gasped when it hit her nose. "Fail!" I cried.

"I wasn't even ready!" she protested and stuck a carrot up my nose. I pulled it out. "That was uncalled for," I said, moving my nose around. She laughed at the funny faces I was making. It felt good to hear her laugh again.

She pointed at my plate. "You cannot eat all that," she said.

"Wanna bet?" I challenged.

"Sure," she said haughtily. "Ten bucks says you can't do it."

I thought about it. "Mmm, how about a little more?" I said.

She rolled her eyes. "You can't be that hungry," she said. "You're worse than Niall."

"Didn't you hear Frank the chef? He said Niall wanted every piece of pizza and hotdog there. That's a lot."

"Okay, maybe you're not Niall. But pretty darn close."

"And I am too that hungry. I'm a teenage boy that hasn't eaten since breakfast. I'm dying." My stomach grumbled again as if to prove my point.

She laughed. "Then, ready, setty, no!" she yelled and I began scarfing the food down my throat.

She ate her own food more calmly. At least she was eating now. I finished before her. "Ha!" I yelled. "I ate it all!"

She shook her head, smirking. "No, you didn't," she said and pointed to a chip I somehow missed. "Eat that, and you get your ten bucks."

I put it in my mouth and crunched loudly in her ear. She pushed my face away. She pulled out her wallet, then stopped. "Oh, wait," she sighed. "I forgot. I don't have ten bucks."

"You don't?" I asked, surprised.

She shook her head and sighed again. "My purse got stolen and they took all my money," she explained. "And what do you know, it was the same day I people-watched with Zayn Malik."

I looked down. It couldn't have possibly been our fault, but I remembered Maddy saying that her life had been a roller coaster ever since we met her. Or she met me.

She seemed to follow my train of thought. "It's not your fault, Louis," she said. "Nobody's fault, but mine. I forgot about it, I can only blame myself."

I positioned myself so that I was lying face-down on the grass, propped up on my elbows. The long stalks tickled my nose and I held back a sneeze. Maddy lay down next to me in a similar way.

"The fireworks will be starting soon," she said. "They were fantastic last year. There were all kinds of shapes, and one of the guys decided to do a very special firework. He rigged it up so that it exploded into three symbols: I ❤ U."

"That's sweet," I murmured.

"Yeah," she agreed.

Two minutes later, I put an arm around her shoulders. She seemed surprised, but then she surprised me by putting her head on my shoulder. Then the fireworks started.

They were fantastic. They exploded into multiple colors, and there were different shapes and sizes of them. Maddy and I especially liked the super big and loud ones.

But it was kind of hard to concentrate on them because I could feel Maddy's hot breath on my neck and I found that she was very warm. Her hair smelled like watermelons.

I relaxed, and watched the fireworks sparkle in Maddy's eyes. Tonight was a good night.

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