
By abhigya_1

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NS story of abhigya. My own creative idea featuring abhigya😊 More



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By abhigya_1

Stop crying pragya you're making me emotional.
He said wiping her tears.

I'm bad abhi I'm very bad girl.

No don't say that tell me where they hit you.

My whole body hurt but my left ribs pain the most because he kicked me there with his knee.

Sorry come let's go to hospital.

It's too late it's ok am fine.

Are you sure?

Yes it doesn't hurt that much.

Ok now go and have a hot bath I'll be back with dinner.
Pragya nods and went to fresh up

Sometime later.

Have your food.
He said serving her.

Feed me please.

Abhi agree and feed her after that he gave her pain killer asking her to sleep and was about to leave pragya hold his hand telling him not to leave her alone abhi sat on the bed and pragya put her head on his lap, this is new to abhi he's happy to have her close like that, seeing her asleep he put her head on pillow and went to his room.

The next morning abhi came there and see her still sleeping he sat beside her saying good morning and pragya respond in her sleep.

Get up we've to go and see the doctor.

I'm fine.
She said jumping off the bed.

But I don't want to go to college today.

It's ok you can go to office with me.

No I want to stay home that  too with you, I know what you might be thinking but trust me I won't do anything stupid.

It's ok I'll call purab and tell him I can't be there today, you take a shower and come for breakfast.


Later at noon abhigya is shown sitting together at living room watching TV and pragya hugging his right arm resting head on his shoulder.

Did you still love me the same as the first time I came to this house?
Asked pragya.

What did you mean?

I mean you used to love me selflessly when you brought me here after our parents death overcoming your pains and was always want my happiness first and doing everything for me but last month I told you, you haven't done anything and after that I can't see the same love, I am sorry for what I said you were right on whatever you said please forgive me I know your father isn't the reason for my dad death just my stupid believe.

I am glad you've finally realize don't worry I still love you the same I hope your mind won't change again.
He said caressing her head.

No I won't, you're the best.
She said smiling hugging his arm tight abhi smile.

Seven years later.

Oh God how am I going to cool her down think think think abhi think.
Said abhi to himself but nothing came up he get home and found pragya sleeping on the dining table yes she slept waiting for him to come and have dinner with her it been days since they ate together.

I''m home.
He whispered in her ears she get up and hug him saying how much she missed him and tell him to feed her fast she's hungry.

Abhi my son you have completely spoiled this girl am wondering how is she going to manage herself in future unless she find you in her husband.
Said their house maid laughing abhi too smile but pragya remained silent it became worse when abhi said.

She'll still be my first priority even if I get married and I'll  make my future wife aware.
He said pulling her cheek and pragya give a fake smile she's very disheartened to hear him talking about marrying someone yes she loves him and she thought he too did but no he's planning to get married to another girl, she automatically got tears and wipes out before abhi could see.

Sometime later they finished their dinner and move to pragya's room to help her sleep as usual pragya put her head on his lap abhi start caressing in between patting her back and telling her about the meeting and the last topic ruined her whole night.

Pragya I'm sorry that I couldn't tell you.
Said abhi.

About what?
She asked

Hmm I met my college girlfriend last year and we started talking to each other and after some months I realized there's something more than friendship and guess what it wasn't only me but she too because she said yes to my proposal.
He said smiling like crazy pragya remained silent and pretend to be asleep.

Oh she have already slept.
He said putting her head on pillow and leave to his room pragya cry imagine another girl in abhi's life.

No I won't let it happen I can't see anyone with my abhi, he's mine and will always be mine please abhi don't do this to me I love you, I love you so much.
She said crying  and doesn't know when sleep overpowered her.

The next day abhi introduced his girlfriend to purab and pragya she's no one but tanu and purab doesn't like her just the moment he sees her and he noticed pragya too mood have changed seeing her because he knew pragya started to love abhi since the day she changed and started to obey him and also her actions speaks a lot.

Tanu was about to kiss abhi in his cabin which was witnessed by pragya but abhi stopped her saying anything will be after marriage purab pulled pragya from there to his cabin.

You love abhi right?
Purab asked her.

She said not looking at him.

Tell me before it'll be too late maybe we  can do something about  it now, did you want to be his wife?

He can't see me like that.
She said having tears looking at him and tanu romancing.

I know you're over pampered but this isn't a Time to show how much he had spoiled you answer me with yes or no did you wanna be his wife?


Ok stop crying I'll know what to do you know I don't like people that cry while talking.
He said wiping her tears and pragya nodded purab is like another guardian to her just that he's too strict for her but growing up she have realized he was right on whatever he did to her those scoldings and all.

With purab he went to abhi's cabin telling tanu to excuse them .

What happen purab you look upset.
Asked abhi after tanu left.

Yes it's because I don't like that tanu infact you're making a huge mistake.

What mistake purab we love each other if you doesn't like her no need to talk shit.

Abhi, pragya loves you.

End this nonsense purab I can't see her that way neither she could.

But it happened pragya  want you as her life partner.

There must be a misunderstanding purab because I can't see pragya as my wife we have eight good years age difference.

That can't be excuse even 20yrs age difference still get married.

But purab me and pragya own is different how can I marry a child I brought to my house to take care of she even got her first period in my hands aren't that odd? No purab I can't marry her.

Abhi you're over thinking abhi you can only make her happy as well as she why don't you want to have her in your  arms forever? I know what happened between you both every day and night and all that will come to an end once you get married because even if am your wife I won't agree for you to be that close with another girl.

She can't address pragya as another girl because she's was in my life before her and will always be my first priority.

Then marry her abhi you love her too what you have for tanu must be infatuation but your love for pragya is unconditional

But purab.

But what abhi she too Loves you moreover, pragya look more beautiful and sexier than that your tanu.
Abhi glared at him.

Later at night abhi is shown trying to put pragya asleep and start conversation about tanu to see her reaction and was shocked to see his pant wet means she's crying he tried to see her face but pragya refused she get off from his lap burying her face on pillow abhi understand purab was right pragya can't see him getting married to anyone.
He get a text message from purab.

Have you asked about her feelings?

No but her reaction after i started conversation about tanu prove you were right I am confused.
He text back.

Come on abhi just tell that girl (tanu) there was a misunderstanding you never love her.
Text purab.

WHAT? I only proposed her..

SO WHAT?  you want to break pragya's heart.

Neither I want that I'll make her understand.

Make tanu understand not her I want to see the old pragya tomorrow else IT'S OVER

over with what I'm not a gay😅

Not funny abhi I mean our friendship now tell her you love her and will marry her not  tanu, don't think about what will happen next I'll help you get rid of tanu.

I hope I won't regret today.

No abhi you'll thank me some day.

Ok goodnight.

All the best.
Purab was Last to text abhi take a deep breath and looked at crying pragya he too lay on the bed hugging her from back with one hand telling her in whispered it's ok am not getting married to anyone.
Pragya quickly get up and ask what?

You heard me well I said am not getting married to anyone.

Does it mean you'll marry.....

He said making pragya blush she run to the washroom happily.

Abhi shout goodnight to her and leave to his room.

He remembered tanu smiling face when he proposed to her but it automatically changed to pragya the moment he told her he won't marry anyone but her.

Her happiness means a world to me I am sorry tanu I can't marry you maybe I don't love you but pragya like purab said that's why it's so easy for me to decide.
Said abhi to himself and try to think of tanu but pragya face is only visible to him and he realize he only love her.

Epilogue on the way bye....

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