Powerful Love ❤️ [2]

By curly1307

3K 108 4

The second book in the Penelope Lillian Voight Series Everyone else apart from Penelope Lillian Voight, Flynn... More

Family 2
Princess of Chicago
A surprise
Date Night
Date night part 2
A memory
A missing person and a body
What Happened?
The pain
One Week
A wake
Secrets out


74 4 0
By curly1307

I sat beside Justin a shell. I didn't know what was to come and I was terrified to find out. Justin had major brain surgery and was now in a coma. I wanted more than anything for him to squeeze my hand but I knew he wouldn't. I hadn't heard about Henry. His in surgery now, I did hear from Sharon he will probably need more than one. I hadn't seen anyone but Al and Sharon. Al told me Sophie was having a blast with Makayla, he was also taking her. They were all pitching in so I wasn't allowed to worry. I couldn't help it my family was falling apart.

A knock at the door made me look up "Al called me" Erin said coming in sitting opposite Justin "I'm sorry I meant to call you" "your son and husband are here I don't blame you" "your dad and brother" I said she nods "you know anything" "Henry is in surgery right now might need another when he has his strength up after this one and he" I said stroking Justin's face "I uh he had brain surgery there is activity but his in a coma" she nods coming over beside me. My arms immediately go around her. Her head rest on my chest. "I'll move back" "no" I shake my head "you have a life in New York" "but my sister and the only mother I have ever had they need me here" "only until they are out of hospital if you stay I will murder you" "think dad might beat you to it" Erin said normally I probably would have laughed but it just felt like the life was sucked out of me.

Erin and I hadn't left each other's side. "Lillie" I practically jump hearing Connor said my name racing over. "Is he ok" I quickly said "his alive" he said making me sigh "just show me the sheet" I roll my eyes seeing him hesitate "how bout I take you to him" I quickly nod glancing at Justin. I hold my hand out to Erin. Erin hesitated but after a moment we were walking hand in hand to the icu behind Connor who was explaining everything. Mainly Erin considering I got all the medical terms and would no doubt be snooping at his chart just like I did with just before.

In all our years. Every shot, every bullet it was never this bad. There was never major surgery. There were moments where one of us had to have minor surgery but we were always ok. We would always be able to speak relatively soon after. This this was different. He had so many machines hooked up to him. Erin immediately gasps at the sight. I think she was in as much shock as I was if not more. The machines beeping loudly, wires leading off in every direction. A machine helping his breaths I think that was the scariest. I have never seen him so helpless. I softly stroke his face the feelings sending sparks down my body, I could see the twitches from his hand. The twitches gave me hope. Erin comes over holding my arm. I don't think she's ever relied on me like this. She was always Henry's daughter. Sure I never treated like my own daughter. However even before she knew the truth she just gravitated towards Henry, I always had Justin. "There going to be ok right" I sigh I really didn't know the answer "they have to be" "you know I'm not leaving right" "I know" I kiss her head hugging her.

Erin had left to have a shower at my house. She didn't want to see Sophie and have her get all excited and ask questions. Questions that neither one of us knew how to answer right now. I rest my head against Henry sighing. "You need to wake up Henry I don't think I can do this without you...Soph needs her daddy I need my husband" I sigh "sure we had our off periods but I could hear your voice whenever I wanted I could see you up right" I sit up stroking his face and body "not many people in this city know the good you do but I do Soph does she thinks of you as her own personal superhero" I weakly smile "god Henry what happened why were you there, why was Erin with you why did she just disappear when the team found you. More importantly why is this the one time you tell no one" I ask wishing he would answer. It was driving me insane that she was playing the pretend game but I wasn't in the mood to fight her right now for the truth. I needed to know Henry and Justin were ok. "Hey Lillie you ok" Charles said walking in "Flynn and dad are with her" I nod sighing.

It was the first time I had left the hospital. I sat on the couch in the home Henry and I built together. I was holding a picture frame. It was rather large it had Henry and I on our wedding day, a picture of baby Justin with a picture of him when he finished school below. On the right was baby Sophie with an empty frame waiting for when she finishes school. Above and below the picture of Henry and I were picture of Erin. The top being when she was thirteen, the bottom when she finished school. The family Henry and I created. There were other frames in the collection I had made. Ones with all the kids Adam, Justin, Erin and Connor when they were young. Ones with all of them and Sophie. I mainly focused on the pictures with Henry and Justin though. "Mummy" Sophie yelled running in jumping into my arms. I'm thankful I had quick reflexes or the frames would be smashed. "I missed you...where's daddy" she said looking around I sigh here goes nothing. I sat her in front of me "I need you to listen very carefully baby" I told her making her nod "you know how mummy and daddy are Sargents" she nods "and Jay is a detective like Rinny was before she became fbi everyone else is just officers right" I smile nodding "right" "I try really hard uncle Vin taught me his a detective to" she was so happy "but he said your the most important and special cause your a firefighter and doctor as well which is really hard" "well when you were with aunt Trudy mummy went to a call same as daddy but they were different...I don't know who daddy was after" she nods I could tell she was confused "mummy showed up Jay and Adam are there...we found your big brother Justin hurt really hurt" "is he ok" "his at the hospital right now" she nods "while mummy was with Justin who was very hurt and still is. Daddy was hurt" her face doesn't change no doubt thinking it's not that bad "he got badly hurt his asleep right now the doctors don't know much" "can mummy fix him" "no baby I can't fix this I don't know what to do it's really bad baby but you got me always and everyone else" i held her tightly "but daddy he will be ok" "I don't know" "I want daddy" she cried out breaking my heart "and tin I been wanting tin" I frown just holding her as she cried it finally sinking in what I was telling her. Now I just have to take her to see them. But first I will have to explain all the machines and noises. Sure she's heard them before but this is different, there are more machines and they seem so loud in Henry's room.

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