sixty little wife (MTL)

By Darkknight123457

165K 2K 144 Author: Bamboo of An Gong Category: Rebirth through time Release time: 2021... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 I
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83-85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88

Chapter 24

2.9K 31 0
By Darkknight123457

Chapter 24 Homecoming (1)

    Xu Wanxiu couldn't tell what emotion she had in her heart when she heard Li Weiguo's words. I just feel that my head is cluttered and blank.

    She remembered the nightmare that Zhao Guoqiang had when he just left the mission, as if everything had been foreshadowed. I remembered that when the young man came over and handed over a message and said, wait for him to come back.

    Fortunately, Li Weiguo only said "injured" at this time, and he didn't say anything else, indicating that Zhao Guoqiang is not in danger now.

    Xu Wanxiu quickly came back to her senses and said to Li Weiguo, "Thank you for your hard work, then I'll go into the room to get something, and I'll go with you right away." As soon as she finished speaking, she hurried into the room.

    She didn't expect her to digest the news that her man was injured in the hospital so quickly. Although her face was sad, she still went into the house rationally and packed her things. Li Weiguo was a little relieved after being stunned. The good brother was injured and was staying in the military hospital. He was naturally sad and worried.

    In the past, the soldiers under his command were injured, and there were family members who accompanied the army. It was Li Weiguo who was responsible for reporting the news and leading people to the hospital to watch. It was this moment that he was most afraid of. Including the other groups, the husband is injured, the wife must not feel well, and there are many crying and making trouble. People like Li Weiguo who come to spread the news have to be responsible for the comfort of the family members.

    Although the task is arduous, Li Weiguo can understand their feelings, and try his best to comfort them. In the past, Zhao Guoqiang was injured in the hospital, and his brothers took turns to take care of him.

    But this time, since Zhao Guoqiang's daughter-in-law was also in the family building, Li Weiguo still felt that he should come over and talk to Xu Wanxiu after considering it.

    No matter what the situation, she should have the right to know about her husband's injury.

    But Xu Wanxiu was only sad for a moment after hearing the news of the injury, and quickly adjusted to pack up, which was enough for Li Weiguo to take a look.

    He vaguely understood why Zhao Guoqiang, who had been alone before, took Xu Wanxiu to heart. She was indeed the type of person Zhao Guoqiang would admire, and she was also worthy of Zhao Guoqiang's love.

    His thoughts wandered, and soon he saw Xu Wanxiu carrying a dark blue package out, looking light, there should not be much stuff. Li Weiguo asked, "Brother and sister, can you go?"

    "Let's go." Xu Wanxiu couldn't see anything now, only her eyes and nose were a little red, she locked the door tightly, with a Bao Bao turned around and walked down the corridor with Li Weiguo, walked out of the family building, and walked towards the military hospital.

    This section of the road is not near or far. Although the military hospital is also in the military region, it is set up in a relatively remote place due to various reasons such as the placement of various advanced medical equipment, the recuperation of patients, and the protection of important persons. It is quite far from the training ground to the military hospital, and it takes about half an hour to walk from the family building.

    From the family building, you can only walk wherever you go, and there are no other means of transportation. Like bicycles, whoever owns one is an existence that can make people around and rush to watch. At least for now, there is no one in the family building that has a bicycle. It is not necessary here and can't afford it. .

    As Xu Wanxiu walked along, Li Weiguo also told her about Zhao Guoqiang's situation in detail.

    Because there are many things that can't be said about the secrets of the mission, Li Weiguo simply picked out what he could say, and tried to make it clear to Xu Wanxiu. Xu Wanxiu also turned her face and listened carefully, the two of them didn't stop, they kept walking forward every second.

    The thing is probably that this time the task is arduous, and everyone is fortunate enough to complete the task without humiliation. I just didn't expect the other party to keep a back move. Zhao Guoqiang was stabbed in the abdomen, not a key part, but he also suffered. At that time, he was simply bandaged, and he was quickly sent to the military hospital before starting treatment.

    The wound was already bleeding, and it had not been treated in time. In addition, the wound was a little inflamed. Although Zhao Guoqiang was not life-threatening, he still had to live in the military hospital for treatment.

    In the end, it was the person who cared about it. Xu Wanxiu felt pain when listening to Li Weiguo's words, and experiencing Zhao Guoqiang personally was even more difficult. Even without those subtle thoughts, she should feel distressed just by virtue of Zhao Guoqiang's previous goodness to her.

    She looked ahead, looking at the distance that could not be seen clearly, there were faint green leaves shaking, which was the power of life, and said, "He suffers, he will be fine." The voice was not loud, but the strength was enough, she knew Zhao Guoqiang It will be alright, and believe it.

    "It's good for you to have this mentality, brother and sister, so when Guoqiang wakes up, he can feel more at ease." Li Weiguo was greatly shocked when he realized the faith in her words, and he was relieved, thanking his brother.

    People like them have been working hard with faith and love since they embarked on this road. No matter how difficult it is, from the moment you receive the task, you must grit your teeth and must complete the task, no matter how much you pay for it.

    But if you can get the trust and understanding of your family, it will be a happier thing.

    After a 30-minute journey, he quickly arrived at the entrance of the military hospital. Xu Wanxiu followed Li Weiguo directly into the inpatient area. As soon as he entered, he smelled a strong odor of disinfectant. There were rooms on both sides of the corridor, some of which were tightly closed. , Some are open, and inadvertently glance, you can also see pure white sheets.

    There were few people on the aisle, and most of the family members stayed in the ward. Only two or three nurses in white coats walked past, as if they were doing rounds.

    Finally, he stopped at the door of the "013" room. Li Weiguo reached out and held the door handle and gently pushed the door open. It was quiet inside. Xu Wanxiu followed and walked in, and saw a person lying on the bed inside, covered with a bed quilt. , with two hands on both sides of his body, his face was pale, his lips were white, and his eyes were closed.

    "He passed out when he was sent to the hospital in the middle of the night last night. The doctor has already treated him and given medicine to his wound. As for why he hasn't woken up yet, he is probably exhausted and resting. He will definitely wake up in a day. ." Seeing that Xu Wanxiu's face was not good, Li Weiguo explained to her in a low voice, telling her that it was all right.

    "Well, then I'll stay here now and wait for him to wake up." Xu Wanxiu felt more at ease after hearing this. Since the doctor said that she could wake up within a day, she was waiting.

    "Okay, then I'll come to see him later, and now I'll go back to work." Li Weiguo calmed down and said goodbye to Xu Wanxiu. He is worried about his good brother in the hospital, but he also has his own duties to complete, so he can only come back when he is free.

    After sending Li Weiguo away, Xu Wanxiu moved the only two stools in the ward, sat in a well-lit and ventilated position, put the package in her hand on the ground next to her, and waited there. She looked at Zhao Guoqiang lying down as if she was sleeping, and she didn't dare to look at his wounds.

    After a while, a doctor in a white coat with a pulse stethoscope on his chest walked in, followed by two nurses who were taking notes with a notebook.

    Xu Wanxiu hurriedly stood up and nodded to greet them. After the doctor took a small flashlight and took a look at Zhao Guoqiang's eyeball, he checked his wound.

    Only then did Xu Wanxiu see the wound. It was half an inch in the lower left corner of the abdomen, with a white bandage on it, and there was faint blood on it.

    When the doctor untied the bandage to check whether it was still inflamed, she saw a half-finger-long wound, wrapped with needle and thread, which must have been sutured. She couldn't help biting her lip to restrain herself.

    The doctor is not young. He has been in this military hospital for many years, and he has never seen anything in the world. After calmly re-medicating the wound, he has to put on a new bandage and wrap it up again. Then he straightened up and looked at Xu Wan. show.

    This girl is a sensible girl, she has been standing by the side and waited, without making a sound or doing anything to hinder them. Compared with the family members in the previous ward, the doctor couldn't help but soften his tone when he spoke:

    "This comrade is at ease. , his wound has been treated, he should wake up soon, and he has to eat liquid food for the past five days."

    He was afraid that the little girl would not understand, so he put it another way: "Just drink porridge as much as possible, and the rice grains will be boiled. Erosion is more, and if you want to supplement nutrition, boil some bone soup, chicken soup, lean meat water, don't eat meat, just drink soup. He will drink some water when he wakes up, and then drink porridge tonight. After that, the nurses will come to help change the medicine every day, and if you have any problems, you can go to them and tell them.”

    Xu Wanxiu hurriedly wrote down what he said and thanked: "Okay, I know it all, thank you doctor."

    "It's okay, it's not easy for you." The doctor nodded in agreement, turned to leave, and continued to check the next room. No matter how shocked the two nurses behind him who were in charge of the records were.

    You must know that even if this senior doctor explained something to his family, he only explained the patient's situation clearly, and where he would explain the diet in detail, these are usually explained by them. The two nurses looked at each other and nodded to Xu Wanxiu, then hurried out to keep up with the doctor.

    Xu Wanxiu looked at Zhao Guoqiang's situation and saw that he was still drowsy, so she sat back on the stool, picked up the package on the ground and opened it. Inside was her change of clothes, two cloth towels, and a pen and paper.

    When she took a change of clothes, she thought that if Zhao Guoqiang's situation was serious and she needed to follow her all the time, if she was vigil in the hospital, if she sweated or something, she could also change her clothes.

    Two towels, one can be used to sweat yourself. After all, in the hot summer days, you will be covered in sweat when you move, and it is uncomfortable to be sticky in places like the hospital. If Zhao Guoqiang needs to wipe his body, another towel can also be used.

    She picked up a pen and paper and wrote down everything the doctor just explained.

    The sun was rising outside at noon, but Zhao Guoqiang still showed no signs of waking up, and Xu Wanxiu was not hungry, so he was not in a hurry to find something to eat.

    After the meeting in the afternoon, she was a little sleepy. After seeing that Zhao Guoqiang was fine, she directly moved the stool to the side of the bed, put her hands together and pressed it against the edge of the bed. .

    Fortunately, this is a single ward. Although it is a little small, there are no strangers here, so it must be quiet.

    From time to time, there were people whispering in the corridor outside, and the ward was silent except for two slow, faint breathing sounds.

    The man was lying face up on the bed, with his eyes closed in a drowsy state. The woman beside his right hand was lying there, his small face was close to his hand, and the broken hair on his temples was lightly draped there. The man only sat on a stool and bent over. Resting.

    Suddenly, the fingers of the man's left hand trembled, and then the toes hidden under the quilt moved. Soon the man's closed eyes slowly opened, and the world returned to light.

    Zhao Guoqiang was lying on the gray roof of the room, and he became calm. Recalling what happened before he fell into a coma, he knew that he was lying in a hospital ward. This was not the first time he had come here. He tried to move his feet to make sure. After it was normal, he felt that there was something soft next to his right hand, and he turned his face and looked down.

    Seeing that the woman's soft and peaceful face was facing him, the left side of the small face was covered with red marks, and the whole body was bent, making it uncomfortable to sleep.

    Zhao Guoqiang's heart was also quiet, and seeing her by his side, it seemed that there was nothing else to worry about. He whispered, "Wanxiu, Wanxiu."

    Even so, there was obvious pain from the wound on his abdomen due to his speaking, and his face remained calm.

    This position made it uncomfortable to sleep, and because he was afraid that Zhao Guoqiang would not be able to hear when he woke up and called himself, Xu Wanxiu had already slept lightly.

    At this time, when she heard someone calling, she opened her eyes almost immediately. Seeing that Zhao Guoqiang was really awake, she laughed happily, got up and leaned over to him and asked, "I'm here, do you feel any discomfort? Tell me, I'll call the nurse over here."

    "No, I'm fine, you can go home and rest, I'm fine here." Zhao Guoqiang showed a relaxed smile and persuaded Xu Wanxiu.

    Xu Wanxiu hurriedly waved her hand: "No, I'm here to accompany you, just call me to help you if you need anything." She pointed to the package beside her, "Look, I even took my body for a wash. The clothes came here because I was thinking of staying here tonight."

    "You can rest in peace, just leave it to me if you have anything." Xu Wanxiu smiled softly, looking over from Zhao Guoqiang's lying angle, she only felt that there was something The halo was spread on her beautiful face, like a fairy descending to earth.

    The next second he heard: "With the relationship between the two of us, I should be here to take care of you, so give me this chance."

    He almost suspected that he was listening wrong, but when he saw Xu Wanxiu smiling genuinely, Zhao Guoqiang suddenly understood the meaning of her words, just like King Xiang's dream goddess, and he finally got what he wanted, and he was happy again and again Nodding in response: "Okay! Okay!"

    Xu was too excited, the two "yes" should be very loud, and even pulled the wound to the abdomen. Rao is that Zhao Guoqiang is used to enduring pain, and the expression on his face is also a bit painful.

    Xu Wanxiu noticed that she hurriedly went over to hold his hand: "Are you okay? Or did you pull the wound? I'll call the nurse for you to come and take a look." After turning around and running out,

    Zhao Guoqiang held her hand. He asked her to go out and said with a smile, "It's alright, I know my own body." He looked at

    Xu Wanxiu, the emotion in his eyes was so warm, as if he could no longer hide it, he said, "I'm happy." After Wanxiu realized that he was so happy, she couldn't help but blushed, put his hand back on the stool, and asked again, "Is it all right?" She pretended to threaten, "If you feel uncomfortable, hold on. It's too late to recover, but I'm going to be angry."

    When she said this, her tone was soft, her soft eyes were filled with agility, and his reflection was reflected in her eyes, but Zhao Guoqiang liked to eat this set. , I just thought it was good for her to be "unreasonable", so she couldn't help but smile: "You can rest assured."

    After confirming that he was really fine, not after holding on, Xu Wanxiu was relieved. Come, she remembered the old doctor's advice, and said to Zhao Guoqiang: "You just woke up, I will pour you some water."

    Zhao Guoqiang did feel a little dry after waking up, but at this time, she did not stop her. Nod in agreement. Fortunately, after he got here, the kettles are also complete. It should be prepared by his group of good brothers, or Xu Wanxiu really didn't prepare these.

    She carried the kettle and went outside and filled a kettle of water, and then she leaned over to help Zhao Guoqiang get up. Zhao Guoqiang had an abdominal injury, so he was careful with the movements of his hands, and he was still able to drink water by himself. He leaned on the back of the bed, held the water bottle in both hands to support each other, and held it to his mouth to drink.

    Xu Wanxiu was there. After Zhao Guoqiang drank the water, he suddenly returned to his senses and asked, "Wanxiu, when did you come here?"

    "Comrade Li Weiguo came to my house in the morning and told me that you were injured, so I packed up and came over with him." Xu Wanxiu said truthfully, and asked him again, "What's wrong?"

    Zhao Guoqiang suddenly remembered that if Xu Wanxiu morning She came to the ward, and because of her temperament, she would not leave easily. At this time, after listening to her reply, she had an 80% guess, and asked, "Don't you have lunch yet?"

    "Well, I am in the morning. If you eat late, you won’t be hungry at noon, and you will find something to eat when you are hungry.” Xu Wanxiu knew that Zhao Guoqiang was sharp, and even a well-meaning lie in front of him would have nowhere to hide, so she simply said it straight.

    "People are iron rice or steel. Even if you're not hungry, you have to eat this lunch." Zhao Guoqiang really guessed right, and said distressedly, "I have nothing to do here, and the nurses will come when I have something to do. At this time, the canteen of the hospital is not Come on, hurry home and eat some food."

    Xu Shi was extremely concerned, and he didn't care about the faint pain in his abdomen caused by his words, so he insisted.

    "Don't get excited, talk less, the wound is bandaged." Xu Wanxiu hurriedly pressed his shoulder, fearing that the more he talked, the more excited he would become. Seeing that he still wanted to speak, he immediately agreed, "Okay, okay, I'll go back. I'll cook something to eat, and I'll bring you some food later, tell me if you need anything else, and I'll bring it to you."

    Seeing Xu Wanxiu's full mouth, Zhao Guoqiang relaxed his shoulders, he nodded. : "Okay, then you don't have to work too hard. When you come over later, bring me those who wash up." This time

    he accepted it and did not refuse. Zhao Guoqiang has lived with Xu Wanxiu for a while, and it can be considered that they understand her temperament. In addition, knowing that she is worried about herself, it is impossible for her to stop coming later, and it is impossible for her to refuse to bring her meals, so she simply responds first.

    Just talk to her tomorrow. Zhao Guoqiang lay back on the bed with her help and watched Xu Wanxiu leave. He smirked, he hadn't eaten the food she made for a long time.

    At the other end, Xu Wanxiu walked out of the military hospital and walked home to the subordinate building with the package she had come from. Along the way, she was still thinking about what ingredients she had at home and what sick meals she could make for Zhao Guoqiang. Of course, she also had plans for the soup that the doctor said.

    As soon as she returned to the family building, Xu Wanxiu put the package in the house, and went straight into the kitchen before she could rest. Zhao Guoqiang had just woken up, so it's better to eat light food. In addition, the doctor told him to eat liquid food and porridge, so Xu Wanxiu simply went to pick up some rice, wash the pot and cook porridge, and then went to work on other things.

    With a thought, she took out a piece of lean meat from the system space, intending to boil lean meat water. In this way, Zhao Guoqiang can drink light lean meat water, and the meat is smoother and lighter, and it can also be used to drink with porridge. In fact, there is still a piece of pork at home, which I bought from the market last time.

    But the pork from the system was the freshest, and Xu Wanxiu also had this in mind. After passing the piece of lean meat over the water, she picked up the knife and moved it on the chopping board. First, she cut the piece of lean meat into slices, and then chopped it hard until it was smooth.

    Finally, after the water in the pot boiled, Xu Wanxiu slid the minced meat into the pot and quickly stirred it with a spoon. After a few minutes, the minced meat was already floating. The water also became thicker.

    The essence of this lean meat water is the essence boiled in the soup, so it must be more meat with less water. Adding water to half a catty of lean meat is just two bowls of lean meat water. Xu Wanxiu took out most of the minced meat and kept half of it in a bowl, intending to take it to Zhao Guoqiang later to see if he could eat it.

    As for the remaining half of the minced meat, Xu Wanxiu directly poured it into another cooking pot, added oil to fry until fragrant, and added salt. After doing this, she went to look at the pot of porridge, which was almost cooked. After filling two bowls, Xu Wanxiu put the lid back on the pot and continued to cook.

    Zhao Guoqiang had to eat rotten rice grains to drink porridge, but Xu Wanxiu couldn't stand it. She usually cooked porridge under control of the heat, so she liked to eat rice grains that were very fresh and well-defined.

    After these simple things were done, Xu Wanxiu took the bowl of porridge that was prepared in advance, and the specially fried minced meat, and sat at the dining table to eat. The porridge was just right, but the minced meat was not as fragrant as usual. After all, the aroma of the meat had already been boiled out and remained in the lean meat water. But in the end, it was fried in oil and added salt, so it could barely make porridge.

    After she drank two bowls in a row, she was satisfied.

    At this moment, the door rang outside, Zhao Ye shouted from outside, and Xu Wanxiu walked over to open the door. Seeing Zhao Ye holding the apples in both hands, he smiled very kindly: "Wanxiu, I heard my man say that the head of Zhao was injured, so I thought of giving you eight apples, saying that eating apples will keep you safe. It can be considered a little thought from my husband and I."

    Zhao Ye and Xu Wanxiu went to see the notice today, and they returned home happily along the way. She even hummed a little song while picking vegetables in the kitchen. When she saw her man come back at noon, she was even happier.

    Even though she has been in the family building for many years, Lele is already five years old. During this period, Zheng Shouye has done countless missions. Every time she returns safely, Zhao Ye can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

    This time was no exception. She happily talked about how well-behaved the child was during this time, and how she was making trouble at home on weekdays. Even if she kept babbling, Zheng Shouye sat there and listened.

    When Zhao Ye said that Xu Wanxiu was going to take the exam and become a math teacher in the upcoming elementary school, Zheng Shouye suddenly said: "Zhao Guoqiang was injured on this mission, he was stabbed in the abdomen, and he is still in the hospital. Daughter-in-law should be in the hospital now."

    "What?" Zhao Ye was surprised, and felt uncomfortable again. She suddenly remembered that when Zheng Shouye was injured before, she only felt that the whole sky was falling down, and the days in the hospital were even more torturous. Not only had to take care of the children at home, but also had to go to the hospital to guard, and she lost ten pounds.

    Xu Wanxiu encountered this situation not long after she came to the family building. She had been looking forward to Zhao Guoqiang's return, and it must be very uncomfortable at this time.     Zhao

    Ye felt bad for her, and Xu Wanxiu treated herself and her children well on weekdays. She thought about it and said to Zheng Shouye, "No one is feeling well at this juncture, why don't we buy something to visit?"

I can tell Zheng Shouye how good we have gotten along with Xu Wanxiu these days. Zheng Shouye and Zhao Guoqiang could only say that they were nodding acquaintances, and they just happened to live next door. This time I got to know him a lot when I was on a mission. The daughter-in-law gets along well, and he still remembered the dumpling last time. He nodded: "Okay, let's buy some apples, let's buy eight."

    At this time, I went to visit the patient. I would buy some malted milk essence from a good family, and then I would buy some apples. Zheng Shouye was a good saver, and malted milk essence was not easy to buy, and it was expensive, so it was enough to send apples. Eight apples have a good meaning, and it is also the maximum that Zheng Shouqiang can give.

    "Okay, then I'll go to the next-door sister-in-law Wu, and ask her to help me with eight apples when I go to work in the textile factory later." Zhao Ye didn't expect his man to be so generous this time, so he immediately decided to be overjoyed.

    That sister-in-law Wu is one of the few people in the family building who works in a textile factory. She runs back and forth every day at noon to take care of her family, and people are easy to talk to. If anyone in the family building has any urgent needs, she will get rid of her and bring it back. . Of course, there is still a fee for some help in private.

    Zhao Ye didn't care about saving some money at this time, and after getting Zheng Shouye's answer, he hurried to find that sister-in-law Wu. This afternoon, I was afraid that it would be too late, so Sister Wu had already set off for the textile factory.

    After explaining that Sister Wu came back, Zhao Ye was relieved. She couldn't help much either, these eight apples were like a little bit of her own thoughts, so that Xu Wanxiu could see and know that she cared about her. It was also just now that she heard the sound of a knife knocking in the living room, a bit like it came from the next room.

    Zhao Ye hurried to the kitchen, the sound became more and more obvious, it was clearly the sound of a knife chopping meat, she knew that this was Xu Wanxiu's return. According to experience, she should be preparing to take it to the military hospital for Zhao Guoqiang to eat later. She wanted to knock on the door immediately to check the situation. If Xu Wanxiu was in a bad mood, she could comfort her a few words.

    When she was about to go out, she thought about this time. Sister-in-law Wu should be back soon, so she ran to the family next door to guard downstairs. When Sister-in-law Wu first arrived downstairs, she would return the apple money she helped to buy. Give it to her, hold eight apples and walk directly to Xu Wanxiu's house.

    Xu Wanxiu accepted the eight apples that symbolized good luck and good wishes, commonly known as the fruit of peace I remembered it all, you really helped me a lot."

    She knew that this apple was precious, and she saw it when she went back to the supply and marketing agency, and the price was considered expensive. Of course, this visit to see the things brought by the patient, no matter how much, is a heart worthy of cherishing. But Zhao Ye and Zheng Shouye were able to bring these eight apples over, at least two or three pounds, so their hearts were naturally heavy.

    Not to mention that when she first came here, Zhao Ye led her to adapt to many things. The registration for the teacher's assessment this time was also a matter of inquiring after her busy schedule, and Xu Wanxiu also remembered everything.

    "Hey, Wanxiu, why are you being polite to me? We are so familiar with each other. Don't worry, Zhao Tuan has a long life, and he will be fine soon." Zhao Ye comforted her, and she greeted, "What do you have? Find me if you need help, I don't have much ability, but I'm skilled in this family building."

    Xu Wanxiu smiled and nodded in response, she remembered that she would bring porridge and soup to the military hospital later, but it was really lacking. Stuff, she couldn't be polite to Zhao Ye at this time, she asked directly: "By the way, Mrs. Zhao, I really need your help."

    Zhao Ye quickly asked: "What's the matter? You say, sister-in-law can I will definitely help you."

    "I just made porridge at home, and I cooked two bowls of lean meat water. I will take it to the military hospital for my family to drink, but there is only one aluminum lunch box at home. I want to ask you to borrow it. One, I'll just pretend to take it." Xu Wanxiu said all the things she lacked and the reasons.

    This problem was something she hadn't noticed before. It was only at this moment that I remembered that there are a lot of tableware and chopsticks at home, but the only lunch box that can bring rice is the aluminum lunch box that Zhao Guoqiang brought back from the dining hall last time. This lunch box is flat, and it is not convenient to store porridge and soup, but it can only be done at present.

    Zhao Ye thought it was a big deal, but after hearing what Xu Wanxiu said, he nodded and agreed: "It's simple, I happen to have a high-profile aluminum lunch box, and I bought it specially for soup at the time. I'll go back and get it for you."

    Zheng Shouye has also been in the hospital several times, this person was injured, and most of all he had to boil soup, especially chicken soup.

    However, it was very difficult to bring the soup to the military hospital. Zhao Ye gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and bought a tall aluminum lunch box that could be used to hold the soup.

    She and Xu Wanxiu put the apple on the dining table together, and Zhao Ye quickly ran home to take out the tall aluminum lunch box and brought it directly to Xu Wanxiu's side.

    The tall aluminum lunch box is almost the same as the modern lunch box that can hold soup. Xu Wanxiu just wanted to get another aluminum lunch box for soup, but he didn't expect to borrow it at Zhao Ye's house. The lunch box used to hold the soup is also an unexpected surprise.

    After sending Zhao Ye away, Xu Wanxiu hurriedly cleaned the high-footed lunch box, put it aside, and washed the tableware and chopsticks she had just eaten. Only then did the lid of the porridge cooker open, and the rice inside had already boiled out of the rice milk, and the porridge water was very rich.

    She picked up her own flat aluminum square box and began to pack porridge, which was about 70% full, and then poured the spare bowl of minced meat on the right side of the lunch box. The porridge water is also good. As for the 70% porridge, I was also afraid of shaking on the road, and the porridge water would overflow.

    The high-footed lunch box borrowed from Zhao Ye contained all the lean meat water. The lunch box had a large capacity. About two bowls of lean meat water were poured into it, and it was about 70% high.

    It was getting late outside, and it was almost four o'clock when I came back. Xu Wanxiu was busy cooking porridge and lean meat water. She ate some food first, and had a conversation with Zhao Ye. It should be five now. It's been a while. After she packed up the porridge and soup she was going to bring, she went to prepare the toiletries that Zhao Guoqiang wanted to take.

    First, he went to the toilet to collect the towels, toothbrushes and kettles he used on weekdays. Xu Wanxiu went into the room to open the closet and took a set of his changed clothes. However, he was also wearing a hospital gown, white with light stripes, and the most important thing was underwear.

    She opened a cabinet that she would never open normally, and almost without looking at it, she took two large pants from the inside and quickly put them into the package. After doing this, Xu Wanxiu's ears dripped with blood.

    Carrying two lunch boxes and a package, Xu Wanxiu walked briskly and arrived at the military hospital half an hour later. As soon as she entered the ward, Zhao Guoqiang looked over and wanted to get up, but Xu Wanxiu hurriedly stopped him: "Don't move first, I'll put things down and help you get up."

    Although Zhao Guoqiang was impatient, he was obedient at this time . , nodded, and waited there obediently. After Xu Wanxiu put things away, she walked to the bedside, reached out to support his neck, helped him sit up, and leaned on the back of the bed. Because he walked quickly, he hardly stopped to rest on the road, and his face and neck were all sweaty.

    "It's hard work." Zhao Guoqiang saw it all at once, he smiled and thanked, knowing that Xu Wanxiu was here in a hurry.

    "It's alright, you must be starving too. I brought you porridge and lean meat water, so I'll give you a drink." Xu Wanxiu replied with a smile. She took out the tableware from the package and used the water in the kettle. After the water was scalded, he poured a bowl of lean meat water for Zhao Guoqiang first, "You can't eat meat yet. Drinking this lean meat water is just right, you'll feel full, and you can replenish your strength."

    "Okay." Zhao Guoqiang took it with a smile. A bowl of lean meat water, this temperature is acceptable to him, so he drank it in one gulp. The taste is very light, and Zhao Guoqiang can still accept it. The lean meat is watery, and the stomach is warm, which is quite comfortable.

    Xu Wanxiu took the empty bowl, filled him with a bowl of porridge, put it in the bowl with a spoon and handed it over, saying, "You have to drink porridge these days, I've boiled this porridge so badly, you try it. "

    She was sitting by the head of the bed with a stool, Zhao Guoqiang was leaning on the back of the bed, and he was also sitting. At this moment, he suddenly smiled and said, "I feel that drinking porridge is a little hard, why don't you feed me?"

    Xu Wanxiu looked at his smile and was a little surprised. Did this man just drink soup by himself? After all, she became more and more reckless. In the end, Nian was injured in his abdomen. Frequently raising a spoon to drink porridge would pull the abdominal wound. She should come down: "Okay, I'll feed you."

    She held a bowl in one hand and a spoon in the other. Scoop the porridge and bring it to Zhao Guoqiang's mouth. Zhao Guoqiang's face was full of smiles at this time, and he opened his mouth to drink porridge. He drank all the two bowls of porridge that Xu Wanxiu brought.

    After eating, he sat down for a while, chatted with Xu Wanxiu, and asked her what she had done at home during this time, and if she had encountered any problems. Xu Wanxiu naturally reported good news but not bad news, and of course she didn't encounter any worries.

    She said that the two-story building in front of the vegetable garden would be renovated into an elementary school, and she even signed up to become a math teacher. Zhao Guoqiang smiled the whole time, and gave full affirmation after she finished speaking: "It's good, you can find this good job with your academic knowledge, I'm happy for you."

    After receiving Zhao Guoqiang's full affirmation, Xu Wan Xiu is naturally happy. Men in this era still don't know the sweet words that are popular in modern times, and they are all serious and polite, but it is precisely such a straight and serious praise that is better than countless sweet words.

    After talking about this, Zhao Guoqiang suddenly said again: "Wanxiu, you won't have to run back and forth tomorrow. I'm here for everything, and the nurses are also there when I have something to do. I'll have people go to the dining hall in the backyard to call me for meals. It's fine. You're running back and forth like this, and people are tired."

    Xu Wanxiu knew his good intentions, but whether it was out of selfishness or reason, she should accompany Zhao Guoqiang. She said, "You don't have to feel sorry for me too much. Running back and forth is not a big deal. It's just a matter of exercising. It's time for you to cultivate. I'll make you some soup and drink it, and you can recover faster."

    She finally added: "I am happy to do this, very happy." In the

    end, Zhao Guoqiang agreed, but repeatedly explained that Xu Wanxiu should not be tired. In the evening, Zhao Guoqiang's brother also came to visit him and also brought some apples.

    In the next few days, Xu Wanxiu ran back and forth between the home and the military hospital, making soup for Zhao Guoqiang every day, from bone soup to chicken soup, and the meals were as light as possible, such as minced meat porridge and radish porridge. Zhao Guoqiang is also recovering well from his injuries, and nurses come regularly every day to change his dressings.

    After being free, Xu Wanxiu couldn't help but feel fortunate. Fortunately, the primary school has not been officially completed yet. When it is time to go to class, it is estimated that it will be autumn in September.

    Soon after the doctor's examination, Zhao Guoqiang was allowed to be discharged from the hospital. Xu Wanxiu first went back to clean the house and house, and then the two chose a sunny day to go home. During this time, the clothes and various toiletries that were brought from the military hospital were taken back by Xu Wanxiu the night before.

    That day, Zhao Guoqiang and Xu Wanxiu went into battle with ease and walked back empty-handed.

Chapter 24 Homecoming (2)

    go. Zhao Guoqiang's abdominal injury still needs to be nurtured. After returning home, if there is nothing wrong, it is best to lie in bed and rest.

    After returning home, Xu Wanxiu led him directly into the room. Zhao Guoqiang saw the two sheets of thin quilts neatly placed on the bed inside, with the two pillows close to each other, he smiled and asked knowingly,

    "Wanxiu, I Is it okay to go into the house and sleep?"


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