Stripped Bare

By Mousewriter88

1K 61 11

A young Romanian couple come to America with their little son to live their dream as American scientists on r... More

Author's Foreword
The Hottest Sensation
I'm Awake...or Am I?
Not what they think I am...
Not what I Think I am
I am No One...
I am yours...only till tomorrow morning
I am your concubine
I am your worst nightmare...
I am a mystery...
Do I want to be forgotten?
I am NOT your slave...
I am my pain...
I am not who you think I am
Who am I really?
I am undefined
I am your sex
I am in hell
I am undone
I am your visionary...
I am Undercover
I am Re-covered
I am Disturbed
I am Different
I am Divided
I am in curious bliss...
I am more than attracted...
I Love...finally
I am enamoured of another...
Let's play at Cat and Mouse
We live for Truth or Dare
My beloved is an Anomaly
I am your living hell...1
I am your living hell...2
No One's Sacrifice
The Calm within the Storm
I am the heat of your existence
I am invincible
Our desires fulfilled...
Operation Freedom: Life Ascending
The Healing
The Escape - My past re-visited
The Escape - My Displacement
My Life Uncoupled
My World Revealed
My Revolution
My Life Turned Haywire
My Lover's Romance and other things...
My Perceptions on the plan...
My Visions Confirmed
My World Incomplete
My World Nearly Shattered
We Live in Another Time Zone

I am Enraged

13 0 0
By Mousewriter88

A/N: Sam Grenley has unwittingly become Dante's target, forcing her to take action...

Sam Grenley slipped her taser gun out slowly and carefully as a highly enraged Dante leapt out of the chamber, simply clad in a pair of swimming trunks. He made a grab for the gun Sam was holding in her hand and got stung, not once but twice.

"Calm down Dante..." Sam muttered, while evading Dante's attempts at grabbing her.

Damien and Darius heard the commotion coming from within the hyperbaric facility, and Randy slammed the button to open the sliding door just in time to see Dante and Sam grappling with one another over the taser gun.

"Just be careful! He's not himself..." Sam warned, exasperated whilst still tussling with a very irate Dante, whose eyes seemed to glow.

"Shit, look at his eyes!!! They're as black as night!!!" Randy yelled, jumping out of harm's way as the taser let off a small charge right next to him.

"Dante, Dante, can you hear me? It's alright. You're among friends. No one is going to harm you. Please believe us. We're here to help you. No one is going to harm you..." Damien calmly spoke with authority as he slowly approached him.

Darius nodded, as both he and Bryant slowly closed in around Dante from behind. The two men suddenly noticed a sudden drop in temperature within the room. Both men edged ever nearer to the man as he whirled around, trying to fend them off. The move allowed Sam to wrench herself away from Dante's vice-like grip as his fingers dug into her wrist.

She quickly scrambled away from Dante, sliding the taser gun towards Damien who quickly bent down and grabbed it, carefully positioning it so that it would only shock Dante slightly without burning him severely.

Dante lunged at Damien, by gesturing with his hand, and the taser flew out of Damien's grasp instantly zapping a poor, unsuspecting Randy in the butt. Randy howled in pain, crumpling to the floor, yelling.

Darius and Bry felt the strangest sensation and stared at their feet, which were no longer touching the floor. Marcus gasped as the two men were sent hurtling towards the ceiling of the medical lab. Both men braced themselves as they were forcibly slammed into it. The impact of such action nearly made them lose consciousness.

"DANTE, STOP!!! YOU"RE HURTING THEM!!! STOP IT!!!" Damien was yelling now, as a low hum resounded, growing steadily louder. Marcus got down on his hands and knees, crawling stealthily towards the two men, who lay bruised and battered upon the ground, dazed but conscious.

Darius slowly sat up, shocked as Damien was now lifted up as Dante himself left the floor until both men were levitating above everyone else in the room. Damien kept a strong hold on Dante's arms as they both continued to drift upwards, close to the skylight.

Suddenly from out of nowhere, two strong, large hands reached out and grabbed one of the ankles of each of the two men, and drawing from his own strength, Walid was slowly but effectively bringing them back down.

Walid screamed as he felt that his arms were almost ripped out of their sockets but he held fast, as Dante had now gestured to the skylight which opened at his will. Pulling both himself and Damien towards it, the opening was enough to suck both men out of the lab into the open air, thousands of feet above the earth's surface, since they were still inside the plane!

Dante's unfathomable psychic power was so volatile, that Walid was howling in pain from its' force, as Darius, Bry and even Marcus now held on as well, tugging with all their might.

"RANDY...NOW!!!" Darius ordered, while Randy reached up, having set the taser on full stun mode, aiming it right at Dante's chest.

A strong electrical current ripped through the young man's body, making him jolt and spasm, letting go of Damien who fell harmlessly into both Darius' and Bryant's open arms. Randy sighed in relief as Damien pulled him from the floor.

"Watch out!" Sam yelled as Dante came crashing down towards them. Darius and Bry caught the unconscious man, gently laying him on the gurney that Sam had wheeled in with Marcus' help.

They rushed the unconscious Dante into the infirmary, where Sam administered an injection directly into Dante's bloodstream, slowing down his unusually high heart rate. After a couple of hours, the young detective's eyelids fluttered open, eye color back to normal, eyeing everyone in the room nervously.

"Why are you all staring at me? Did I do something wrong?" Dante muttered in a hushed tone, uncertain as to why the men were looking at him in such strange fashion. He consciously drew the bedsheet closer to his body, suddenly aware of his near-nakedness underneath.

Dante's eyes grew wide at the bruises and scratches sustained by the men. He closed his eyes briefly and re-lived that moment. He remembered. He remembered every single, little detail. This had never happened before. The memories would only appear to him subconsciously in his dreams and nightmares. Something had changed or rather, he had changed.

Dante's eyes misted over, as tears began trickling down, staining his cheeks. The young man covered his eyes shamefully.

"I did this to you...I did this to all of you...How could you still want to help me? I'm...I'm evil...I... I don't know what I am... anymore..." He wept openly, overcome with strong emotions that small objects began levitating around him.

"Calm down Dante. No one is going to let anything or anyone hurt you anymore. But you've got to learn to control whatever it is that's triggering this. The sooner you do this, the better you'll be. We all know that you never meant to hurt us, Dante. You were seemingly displaced - totally unaware of your surroundings and that the uncertainty and fear overtook you..." Damien spoke reassuringly.

"With some training, you will be able to wield your power at will, and control its' strength without hurting anyone unintentionally..." Darius added, beaming across the bed towards his son. He was proud of how Damien was taking charge in all this.

Walid was sitting across from them all, getting his shoulders bandaged. He had apparently torn some muscles, trying to get Dante back down and was in so much pain, but the big man still managed to smile at his buddy.

"Oh My God, Walid. I am so sorry! Let me fix that..." Dante gingerly got out of his bed, wrapping a robe around his body which Sam had handed to him. He then slowly, came over to where Walid was, placing his hands atop both of Walid's shoulders.

Walid's eyes opened wide, sensing a warm sensation surge through Dante's hands, penetrating deep below the bandages, seeping into the damaged tissues, ligaments and layers of muscle. The man gasped, as the surrounding heat soothed him, ceasing the pain he felt earlier.

The nurses stood back, as Sam inspected Walid's condition, noticing how immediately the improvement was in the man's movements. To everyone's astonishment and surprise, Walid had managed to raise his arms carefully to shoulder level, and then above his head.

'Well, it appears that you also have the ability to heal others..." Marcus noted, as Dante then placed his palms over both Darius' and Bry's injuries as well.

"There's a lot we don't know yet about you, Dante. But with your permission, we'd like to learn more, as I'm sure you would..." Damien acknowledged.

"For sure...yes, please...But we haven't much time. The royals will be wondering where we are, if we don't return..." Dante sighed.

"Oh My God...We'd better head back. I didn't notice how much time had elapsed since then..." Marcus settled into his chair, and touched a button, which flipped a side panel into an instant console. He ordered the captain who was manning the plane to head back to the abandoned hangar.

Soon, the two men found themselves dressed and in the company of the very men who had rescued them. Randy and Damien drove them back just in time, before everyone slowly started to regain consciousness from their deep sleep.

"We will be in touch again soon, Dante. We are always close by, and you both now know how to contact us if ever you need us..." Damien said, extending out a hand in friendship to the young detective.

Dante reached out and grasped it, pulling the young man into his embrace, whispering, "Thank you...thank you so much...for helping me..." as Randy beamed.

He meant every single word sincerely as they broke apart. Walid thanked them too, as both men watched the sleek, black vehicle disappear down the driveway. Soon, both men retained their previous positions as Dante slipped into a pair of shorts while Walid walked the hallways in his suit once more.

As everyone was slowly stirring awake, the music began to play and people were their usual chatty selves, fraternizing with the royals who continued to entertain their guests at the party, as if nothing had happened...

A/N: Well, everything seems under control...for now...but how long will it last?

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