Young Justice: Directive 51 (...

By Matt-From-Wii

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(Y/n) (L/n) doesn't have an ordinary life, he never did. Brought into the Strategic Homeland Division at an e... More

Chapter 1: A Strange Beginning
Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Humanity
Chapter 4: Failsafe
Chapter 5: Disordered
Chapter 6: Secrets
Chapter 7: Misplaced
Chapter 8: A Trip to Paris
Chapter 9: Coldhearted
Chapter 10: Image and Agendas
Chalter 11: Insecurity
Chapter 12: Gone
Chapter 13: Rest
Chapter 14: Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 15: Usual Suspects
Chapter 16: Auld Acquaintance
Chapter 17: Set the Stage
Chapter 18: Another Close Call
Chapter 19: Tip of the Talon
Chapter 20: The Nest
Chapter 21: Disaster
Chapter 22: The Aftermath of Victory
Chapter 23: Yet Another Tragedy
Season 2 Character Info
Chapter 24: First Day
Chapter 25: An Attempt at Comfort
Chapter 26: Project Mockingbird
Chapter 27: Depths
Chapter 28: Hurt
Chapter 29: Suffering
Chalter 30: Before the Dawn - Cornered
Chapter 31: A Strange Feeling
Chapter 32: Stranded
Chapter 33: War
Chapter 35: Reunited
Chapter 36: Intervention Part 1
Chapter 37: Intervention Part 2
Chapter 38: Recovery
Chapter 39: Preparation for the Summit
Chapter 40: The Summit
Chapter 41: Endgame
Chapter 42: An Absent Clown
Chapter 43: The Guest House
Chapter 44: The Dominoes Start to Fall
Chapter 45: In the Mind of an Agent
Chapter 46: End of the Beginning
Chapter 47: A Vacation
Chapter 48: One Quick Mission
Chapter 49: Markovia
Chapter 50: Fate's Gambit
Chapter 51: A Sentinel of Order
Chapter 52: Private Security
Chapter 53: Rescue Op
Chapter 54: Triptych
Chapter 55: Home Fires
Chapter 56: Real Power
Chapter 57: True Heroes
Chapter 58: Sidelined
Chapter 59: The First Wave
Chapter 60: New York
Chapter 61: The Dark Zone
Chapter 62: The Penthouse
Chapter 63: Everything will Burn
Chapter 64: Early Warning
Chapter 65: Beginning of the End
Chapter 66: Death of the Division
Christmas in the Cave: (Christmas One Shot)
Chapter 67: Rogue Agents
Chapter 68: The White House
Chapter 69: Terminus
Chapter 70: Into the Breach
Chapter 71: Overwhelmed
Chapter 72: Nevermore
Chapter 73: It Belongs in a Museum
Chapter 74: Lovers on the Run
Chapter 75: Paradise Under Siege
Chapter 76: The Underworld
Chapter 77: The Beautiful Bride
Chapter 78: Doomsday vs The Justice League
Chapter 79: Rebirth
Chapter 80: ANNA's Plan
Chapter 81: Trapped in Time
Christmas Special # 2
Chapter 82: For All Magic
Chapter 83: Gotham City

Chapter 34: Repercussions

1.7K 44 30
By Matt-From-Wii

3rd Person POV:

Kandel was busy cursing out (Y/n) as the two ran through the halls of Washington General. She already had a busy schedule and (Y/n) threw a wrench into it by bringing half of the Justice League and almost all of the Team there. That doesn't even include all of the JTF personal and Division agents that arrived with them to provide additional security for the injured heroes.

Kandel: "You know maybe, just maybe you could have called ahead!"

(Y/n): "Oh yeah, because that would've made this go over so much better. What would I have said? Hey Kandel, I started a war that the president doesn't want the world to know about so it's a complete secret and you can't tell anyone. By the way, I have half of the Justice League and their sidekicks with me and we're coming to your ER."

Kandel: "Anything would've been better than showing up on my break! And what's this I heard about you being kidnapped?!"

(Y/n): "It's part of a really long story that I'll get into later."

Kandel sighed and opened the door to Zatanna's room. The magician was laying in the hospital bed with her right leg elevated and wrapped in a cast. The two stood in the doorway as Kandel went over her paperwork on a clipboard.

Kandel: "It's just a minor fracture. Based on what was described to me it should be a lot worse, but I think her magic prevented most of the damage. She should be fine to walk normally in two weeks."

(Y/n): "Thanks Kandel."

Kandel: "Go. Be with her. And for god's sake, get some rest. I promised Kelso that I'd look after you two."

(Y/n): "I'm going to change and then I'll stay with her. I need to get this gear off, it's covered in dust."

Kandel: "And blood. Seriously, it's a miracle you've survived this long."

(Y/n): "What can I say, I'm a professional."

Kandel: "Now I understand why Zatanna said she wants to hit you sometimes."

Their conversation was interrupted by ISAC. (Y/n) had come to heavily rely upon the computer in recent days.

ISAC: "Incoming United Nations transmission."

(Y/n): "Fucking Tseng. Guy has to be the worst Secretary General ever."

Kandel: "For your sake, try to play nice. You kinda started a war."

(Y/n) let out a massive sigh before answering the Secretary General's call. He was immediately greeted by the voice of the seasoned politician and he didn't seem happy.

Tseng: "Director (L/n)!"

(Y/n): "What a pleasure, Mr. Secretary. You must know I'm very busy so what can I do for you?"

Tseng: "Oh my bad. You are busy. Busy attacking refugee ships!"

(Y/n): "Excuse me?"

Tseng: "The Reach Ambassador has just told me that a large fleet of Warships, decimated Reach refugee transports."

(Y/n): "Right. Well Tseng, refugee ships don't hide underwater and they certainly don't launch a preemptive strike on a naval formation. Those ships were everything but civilian in nature. And-"

Tseng: "YOU BETTER BE RIGHT! The Ambassador has asked for a formal apology from the United Nations and for your Joint Task Force to be disbanded! He's taking his demands to national television as we speak!"

(Y/n): "Look, I don't answer to you and I certainly don't respect you. The JTF acted lawfully and in self defence."

Tseng: "I've put a request to your president that you come and testify to that in a closed door session of the world court. Representatives from the Reach, the Justice League and every security council nation will be present."

(Y/n): "I'll be there."

Tseng hung up and (Y/n) walked into Zatanna's room and turned the television on. G. Gordon Godfrey was on his usual set with the Reach Ambassador sitting across from him. The words 'Western Governments Attack Innocent Refugees: A Special Report' were scrawled across the screen in bright red letters.

Godfrey: "For our viewers just joining us, we've welcomed back an old friend of the show, the Reach Ambassador. He's here with a truly stunning claim that the western governments have openly attacked a group of Reach refugee ships."

Ambassador: "That's correct G. Gordon. Not only did the militaries of various nations come together to do this, they did it with the help of the Justice League and without the permission of the United Nations."

Godfrey: "This is truly shocking, but I've been saying all along that these heroes are little more than loose cannons."

Ambassador: "Unfortunately I can see how the militaries would mistake our refugee fleet for something it's not, they were submerged in your oceans in order to preserve energy. What I can't see is how or why the Justice League would join one side instead of stopping the fighting and allowing cooler heads to prevail."

Godfrey: "What a terrible tragedy."

Ambassador: "And a preventable one. If only the League listened to the plea for mercy from the ships they massacred. Barely anyone survived, those that did were forced to flee into space."

Godfrey: "Do you think they will be comfortable coming back to Earth any time soon?"

Ambassador: "I'm afraid not, even if your governments apologize and put all those responsible on trial, including the Justice League, I doubt they will be willing to return."

(Y/n) turned off the T.V and cursed loudly. Though they won the battle it was safe to say they didn't anticipate this kind of response from the Reach.

Suddenly a plan popped into his head. One that would work and be incredibly easy to pull off. The only catch, he couldn't order it and the League would oppose it. He needed someone close to him. Someone that knows him as well as he knows himself, he needed Kelso. 'If only she was still here' he thought. 'I guess I'm going with the second best option'

In one of the many cafeteria's of the hospital, Noble squad is trying to relax after getting their minor injuries tended to. Ann burst through the doors, she rushed to the table where her squad mates were resting and sat down, she immediately tried to look calm and natural despite the cafeteria being empty.

Hoopster: "What's wrong with you?"

Sutton: "You look like a kid in a candy store."

Ann: "I just heard that the Director is being ordered to testify at the world court! The U.N Secretary General ordered him there."

Garzia: "Tseng's going to try and screw him over."

Sutton: "Either that or the Reach Ambassador will manipulate the evidence."

Ann: "The decks stacked against him. What do we do? The Director can't lie to the world court even if they ask him a bunch of loaded questions."

Hoopster: "We make sure he doesn't have to."

Garzia: "How do we do that?"

Hoopster: "Carefully."

Meanwhile, just outside of Gotham City. Alarms are set off at the former Division storage base known as the 'Toy Store'. The responding agents breached through the small service door the Team used just over a year ago now.

The small team stormed the main area which was now completely empty as it had been evacuated after a mind controlled Captain Marvel attacked. Instead of finding any threats the small quick response force found a small duffel bag and a body laying still on the concrete floor. The body was clearly a female. She wore black jeans and dark brown boots. Both were stained with dry blood.

The agents couldn't see her upper half as the body was in a straight jacket and a black bag was put over the head of the girl.

The agents fixed their weapons on the body after clearing the rest of the facility and used ISAC to ensure there were no explosives or any other kind of trap in the duffel bag or on the body.

One of the agents looked through the bag and found nothing but medical records for an unnamed patient. Another agent reached down and grabbed the shoulder of the body, attempting to make it sit upright. The body then started violently thrashing back and forth with muffled growls and screams coming from underneath the bag.

After the brief moment of shock wore off the same agent ripped the bag off the girl's head.

Back in the hospital (Y/n) was on his way to Zatanna's room. He went home to shower and change into clothes that weren't covered in dust. He wore a suit and tie as he was planning on heading to the world court, as soon as he checked in with Noble squad. He hoped they got the message and did their part or this meeting would end with him pulling the diplomatic immunity card to avoid being thrown in prison.

He still brought all his gear with him in a large bag and was glad he did so. As he walked into the hospital with a few police officers through a side entrance he could hear the chants of protesters gathered outside the main entrance.

Word that the League was recovering in the hospital got out and people who support the Reach, bought the story of the government and the League attacking refugees, or both, turned up to protest what they thought were criminals. Now the crowd was a rather impressive size and they forced the hospital to divert all incoming ambulances to other hospitals.

(Y/n) was greeted by Noble squad outside of Zatanna's room and smiled at the agents. He didn't even have to order them to do this, the perfect plan was in place and there was no possible way it could fail. They handed him a flash drive and he stuffed it in his jacket pocket.

Hoopster: "Sir, the video files of the Reach warships initiating the battle."

(Y/n): "In other words."

Ann: "They struck first sir."

(Y/n): "Perfect. I'll need security for the world court session."

Sutton: "Of course sir, we'll be ready to move when you are."

(Y/n) entered Zatanna's room and gently closed the door. He wasn't sure if she was awake but wanted to keep her asleep if she was.

(Y/n) was pleased to find that she was sound asleep. He took off his jacket and tie and placed it on one of the chairs in the room before moving to the window and closing the blinds so she wouldn't see the massive crowd of protesters or the news vans when she woke up.

The agent undid the top button on his shirt and sat down in a chair beside Zatanna's bed. The magician began to stir and groaned as she tried to sit up.

(Y/n): "Whoah, Zee. Lay back down."

Zatanna: "Mhmm I'm cold."

(Y/n): "I'll grab you a blanket."

Zatanna: "No. I want you. Emoc ereh dna yal ediseb em."

Before (Y/n) could utter a word he was swiftly flown through the air and onto the bed beside Zatanna. She quickly turned the top half of her body as much as she could without hurting her leg and grabbed onto (Y/n). The agent stopped squirming and accepted his fate as he didn't want to hurt Zatanna who was clearly on a high from her pain medication.

Zatanna's grip was loose but (Y/n) didn't break free. Instead he shifted his arm under Zatanna's neck and allowed her to use it as a pillow while she snuggled into him.

Zatanna: "Mine... Mhmm you're mine."

(Y/n) let out an amused giggle and gently kissed Zatanna's head before closing his eyes and the two drifted to sleep.


*20 hours later*

SHD Facility "The Fridge"

Manny Ortega is rummaging through several old file boxes he had rushed to his office.

Ortega: "Come on, come on, I know you had something to contact them you old fool."

He continued tearing through decades old paperwork that once belonged to Charles Maxwell, a now infamous traitor responsible for Keener's abduction of (Y/n) and a few members of the Team.

The boxes were pulled from the archives of the Fridge after the QRF team responded to the Toy Store break-in.

JTF soldier: "Sir the transport has arrived."

Ortega: "Move it to the medical bay and keep it sedated."

JTF soldier: "Shouldn't we ask the Director or at least inform him about this?"

Ortega: "No. he's busy covering our asses at the world court, we can't have him worrying about this now."

JTF soldier: "Yes sir."

The soldier left and Ortega went back to rummaging through the mess of boxes stacked in his office. Ortega finally found what he was looking for. A scroll that looked much older than the paperwork inside the box. Ortega grabbed it and spread it out on the desk. It was covered in ancient text but in the bottom corner there was a phone number.

Ortega picked up the phone in his office and dialed the number.

???: "Hello."

The deep voice crackled out, Ortega could instantly tell that English was this person's first language.

Ortega: "Connect me to the great one."


The last members of the Justice League just arrived for an emergency meeting on the Watchtower.

Nightwing rushed in right after Zatanna hopped in on crutches with Black Canary close to her to offer any help should she need it.

Captain Atom: "Good, everyone's here. Let's get to it. (Y/n) is at the world court stalling for us but we don't know how long he can last before they call some of us to the stand."

Nightwing: "If any of us are called upon to testify, there are some things you need to know. There are rumours online that the Division and JTF started the battle, the Reach have gone as far as claiming that the Division captured Reach ship using chemical weapons and that it was full of refugees. They've completely outed the Division to the public."

Captain Atom: "I know many of you worked with (Y/n) when he was on the Team or were on the Team with him, and there are some of you that are really close to him... but if any of these rumours are true..."

Zatanna: "They aren't! They could never be! (Y/n) wouldn't attack refugees and he would never use a lethal chemical weapon!"

Aquaman: "Until it's proven otherwise, I suggest we distance ourselves from him. We can't afford to take that big of a hit to our public image right now."

Green Arrow: "That kid's been nothing but straight with us! You can't cast him away the second there's a shred of doubt!"

Rocket: "We can't abandon him the second he gets thrown into the spotlight!"

Flash: "Look, as difficult as this is, he made his own choices. He chose to put his forces in a position that could incite a conflict, he's got to deal with the repercussions on his own."

Aquaman: "We need to issue a statement saying that we weren't there to attack the Reach and that we were only attempting to stop the fighting."

Zatanna: "We can't abandon him and the Division after everything they've done for us! I won't let you! When half the people on this tower were under the control of Savage and the Light, who helped us manufacture a cure? The Division. Who did you attack when you were under the Lights control? The Division! They forgave you without a second thought, they didn't demand an apology or show any resentment towards us! WE OWE THEM!"

Nightwing: "She's right. They bailed us out that day and a few times since then, it's the least we could-"

Captain Atom: "No. We can't sabotage the League's reputation because we owe them a debt. We are going to issue a statement condemning any possible crimes committed by the Strategic Homeland Division and offer to assist the proper authorities with any arrests they need to make as a result of the trial at the world court. We should also contact (Y/n) and encourage him to surrender himself to United Nations custody for the duration of the investigation."

The room was silent. Shock set in as they realized exactly what Captain Atom meant. Zatanna tried to stammer out an excuse to prevent the League from completely abandoning (Y/n) but was stopped by Captain Atom simply raising his hand.

Captain Atom: "Zatanna, you clearly have a conflict of interest in this matter. I have no choice but to suspend you from League duties until this trial is over. You'll need to put aside your feelings and realize (Y/n) may not be who you think he is. You'll need to pick a side."

At the world court, (Y/n) has just exited the chamber as the court went into recess. The Reach played doctored videos of alien refugees crammed inside a room which was suddenly blown apart by a massive explosion.

To counter this the lawyers of the JTF and Division had to show what would've been classified communications and satellite footage of the battle. The footage highlighted every JTF unit in the battle and the various recorded radio communications between units detailed how they fought. This pissed (Y/n) off, it was handing battle tactics and strategies right to the enemy.

Despite his best objections the slander of the Division, the surrendering of its secrets and battle tactics continued and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

Noble squad met their director in the lobby and instantly noticed that he was pissed.

Sutton: "Sir, are you alright?"

(Y/n): "Peachy. The Reach don't give a flying fuck about this trial, they're using it as a way to figure out our battle tactics and how we communicate during battle."

Ann: "Do you think you'll win the trial?"

(Y/n): "Oh we will win, but our reputation has already taken a hit and we have no way of proving that every Reach ship wasn't full of refugees, we only sent a strike team aboard one during the battle. We've already gotten the chemical warfare charge dismissed as the eclipse virus was modified to be a sleeping gas but disproving the rest of the Reach's claims will take time."

Sutton: "Time they will take to continue slandering us in every possible way."

(Y/n): "Oh and the Reach have also called for my arrest, though they did that behind closed doors and away from the press so I don't get to be famous."

Hoopster: "I bet that's just eating you up inside."

(Y/n): "Yeah, I wanted to see my face on every news channel."

Suddenly (Y/n)'s phone rang. He took a few steps away and answered it without even looking at the caller ID.

(Y/n): "Vangurd."

Nightwing: "Hey, (Y/n)..."

Dick's voice caught (Y/n) off guard. He sounded upset, like he failed.

(Y/n): "Dick, what's wrong?"

Captain Atom suddenly cut Nightwing off before he had a chance to answer. (Y/n) didn't initially know it, but the entire Justice League was listening in on this call.

Captain Atom: "I have the entire Justice League here. We are asking that you surrender yourself to United Nations custody until the trial ends. We have issued a statement condemning the battle and stated that we were there to save lives rather than aid one side. We don't want to bring you in, so we're asking that you surrender yourself to the U.N. But make no mistake, we will bring you in if we need to."

(Y/n) was shocked. This completely blindsided him, but what hurt more was Captain Atom's first sentence. 'I have the entire Justice League here', the entire League. Has Zatanna chosen the Justice League over him? Did she agree to abandon and throw him in a prison? Does the entire Justice League and Team hate him for what he caused? Those questions rang through his head. Some of those people he considered family. Zatanna, Dick, Raquel, Conner, do they hate him and think he's some war criminal?

Faced with the sudden loss of everyone he considered family pushed him over the edge. He snapped back at Captain Atom and the entire Justice League with a fury he wouldn't have thought possible from him a few moments ago.


(Y/n) took a few deep breaths and spoke again before anyone on the Watchtower had a chance to.

(Y/n): "So much for standing together in the face of an alien invasion! What about trusting and working with your allies? Never mind your family! I didn't expect to be thrown under the bus like this the split second some false accusations are thrown at my agency! I will never surrender myself to the U.N which as far as the SHD is concerned has done nothing but hand actionable intelligence and classified data over to the Reach!"

Nightwing: "(Y/n) please don't-"

(Y/n): "It's Director (L/n) or Vanguard. If you're feeling powerful enough to throw salt in the wound then come and try to arrest me. You'll find that I'm not sitting on the sidelines while other people, who I can trust, work to prove my innocence."

Captain Atom: "The United Nations has-"

(Y/n): "I don't give a rat's ass Captain. Goodbye."

(Y/n) hung up the phone and stormed off, leaving a shocked Noble squad in his wake.

On the Watchtower, some members of the League were shocked and some who were close to (Y/n) anticipated the response.

Nightwing: "He took it better than I thought he would."

Rocket: "This was a bad idea."

Captain Atom: "It doesn't matter. We will need to be ready to arrest him if the United Nations demands it. We can't afford to anger them further."

Nightwing looked back at the assembled Justice League and felt nothing but disgust boiling in his stomach. Sure (Y/n) did things differently than the League from time to time but he always had everyone's best interest at heart. (Y/n) didn't have a traditional family and when faced with that he made a new one out of the Team. Sure some of them had gone different ways but they all thought of each other as family, and they just ripped it all away. He hoped that (Y/n) could forgive him.


*3 Days Later*

The Hague: The United Nations' International Court of Justice

(Y/n) is completely exhausted. After testifying and staying at the court to ensure nothing bad happens he's completely drained of energy. Not to mention he hasn't spoken to anyone since the call from the Justice League. He hasn't heard from Zatanna, Dick or Conner. The only person who attempted to call him was Wally but (Y/n) didn't answer the call. He considered calling Zatanna but couldn't bring himself to do it, thinking that if she made her choice to stay with the League he doesn't want to give her any more problems to worry about.

He couldn't help but think, maybe she was better off without him. He's brought her nothing but trouble since they met. Several kidnappings or worrying about him if he was kidnapped. That along with both physical and psychological torture, which had happened more than once to the both of them, pushed him towards the thought that maybe she was safer without him.

It wasn't just Zatanna, Keener targeted the whole Team and their mentors on the Justice League. Something told him Crimson was going to do the same very soon, even if he had no evidence to support that theory. So maybe the people he once thought of as family were safer without him, maybe she was safer without him.

As difficult as it was to accept, (Y/n) accepted it reluctantly. As he did so he felt something inside him break and slowly slip away despite how desperately he wanted to claw on to it and hold it in place.

(Y/n) sat alone in the cafeteria with his head hung low. His tie hung loosely around his neck and the top button on his shirt was undon. He was fixated on the floor and had a small trail of tears that ran down his face. He was alone and wasn't even sure if he could go home, after all where was home? He knew he shouldn't go back to the apartment and bother Zatanna, she would want to be left alone.

He got up and walked out to a small garden and took in the night sky. Walking over to a bench he sat down and stared blankly up at the stars. He heard footsteps growing closer but couldn't be bothered to look and see who was approaching.

"They're beautiful, aren't they?"

He slowly turned his head to see the Reach Ambassador sitting down at the other end of the bench.

(Y/n): "What do you want?"

Ambassador: "I saw that the Justice League abandoned your agency."

(Y/n): "Well congratulations, your job just got that much easier."

Ambassador: "I suppose it did. Though I must say, I was rather impressed with how your forces conducted that battle, very brutal, very effective and efficient."

(Y/n): "My men did their job, but we aren't done. So don't go thinking that just because the Justice League took the quick way out that this war is over, because if anything this is the end of the beginning and nothing else."

Ambassador: "I suppose Black would be disappointed if it ended like that. We're going to meet again."

(Y/n): "I'm sure we will."

The Ambassador got up and left without saying another word. (Y/n) watched him walk inside the court and went back to staring at the star filled sky.


*3 Days Later*

(Y/n) hasn't left The Hague. Noble squad convinced him to move to a hotel and that's where he has stayed since. They've taken shifts checking up on their boss but (Y/n)'s thrown himself into his work, monitoring the court case. Ensuring it all wraps up in a neat bow where the Division and JTF don't get convicted and their innocence is proven. Though it won't officially be over as they have no way of proving the Reach lied about the refugees on their ships.

After another day of sitting in court and letting his thoughts ramble on causing havoc in his mind, an exhausted (Y/n) dragged himself back to his hotel and tried to get some sleep.

When (Y/n) finally drifted to sleep it didn't last long. He began having nightmares that culminated in bright flashes and an image of him being stabbed in the gut by Black Beetle and bleeding out on the Enterprise's deck. Each time he tried to go back to sleep it was a different nightmare with different events that ended in the same way. That last one ended with him bleeding out in Zatanna's arms while she begged him to stay awake. As his vision faded he saw the dark figure of Black Beetle walking up behind Zatanna, with his swords out. Zatanna begged (Y/n) to stay with her as black beetle smashed down on both of them.

(Y/n) woke up screaming. He was completely covered in sweat. He gave up trying to sleep and had a shower before changing into a t-shirt and shorts.

He briefly checked his phone and wanted to send Zatanna a text but he had no idea what to say. Were they breaking up?  He had no idea but was beginning to think the worst. He tried calling her yesterday but nobody answered, he figured she just couldn't bring herself to talk to him.

He turned on the news and was expecting another round of nameless news "experts" slamming the government or the Justice League for recent events but what he found was even more shocking.

Cat Grant was talking about an oncoming "planetary object" and it looks to be the size of the moon.

(Y/n): "What the fuck?!"

Cat Grant: "Authorities are urging people to stay indoors while they attempt to communicate with this new threat, there is nowhere for us to go."

(Y/n): "What the fuck is that?"

The T.V displayed an image of the Warworld, a massive grey satellite with orange jagged lines running across it in all directions.

Realizing he better drag himself to the closest Division safe house to try and figure out what this massive moon sized space station is, he got up and grabbed his jacket. On his way to the door he heard a knock. 'It's 5:27, who could that be?' He instantly knew something was off. (Y/n) grabbed his handgun and opened the door.

Lex Luthor: "Good morning Director (L/n). I hope I didn't wake you."

(Y/n): "Luthor? What are you doing here? Better yet, what do you want?"

Luthor: "May I come in?"

(Y/n): "Sure."

(Y/n) opened the door fully and the billionaire stepped through and closed it behind him. The two sat down at the small table standard in almost every hotel room.

Lex Luthor: "I assume you've seen the news."

(Y/n): "Yes. I was on my way to coordinate a response. I'm assuming the Light had something to do with this?"

Lex Luthor: "No, I'm afraid that recent events haven't played out exactly as the Light had planned."

(Y/n): "Well that's as much of a confession as I'm going to get out of you so, what do you want from me?"

Lex Luthor: "Well I realized that the Justice League throwing you and the Division under the bus to save themselves doesn't leave you with a lot of friends."

(Y/n) scowled at Luthor who smiled back.

Lex Luthor: "Let's put it like this, the Light knows who's commanding that space station and we don't think the Justice League covert ops team is up for the challenge. I know that you and your agents have experience dealing with powerful enemies so I want you to deal with the Warworld."

(Y/n): "Would love to, but the Justice League isn't exactly accepting my calls right now. Without them I have no way of getting anybody up there."

Lex Luthor: "I can help you with that."

Luthor reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a chucky rectangular handheld device. It is black with red, orange and yellow glowing circles all over and connected by lines of the same colour.

(Y/n): "What is that?"

Lex Luthor: "It's called a Fatherbox, it can take you to the Warworld via boom tube. Gather your agents and bring some heavy weapons. I'll meet you in the parking garage."

(Y/n): "What make you think I have all the stuff I need here?"

Lex Luthor: "I attempted to find the blueprints for this hotel online, I couldn't. When I hacked my way in, sub level 3 was blocked off and I couldn't find any information on it. I'm assuming it's a safe house and server hub for your ISAC since I can't think of any other reason it would be unavailable; and you would choose to stay here, close to your weapons."

(Y/n): "What can I say Luthor; you're as smart as you look."

Lex Luthor: "I'll see you in the garage."

*Small Time Skip*

(Y/n) gathered up Noble squad and loaded up with all their gear and each had a large backpack with a medkit, additional explosives and ammunition.

The five agents gathered in the parking garage before an unimpressed Lex Luthor.

Lex Luthor: "I thought you would get a much larger force for this."

(Y/n): "Well thanks to your allies I can't park a car without setting off every UN alarm at the moment so moving any large number of agents here would be impossible to do quickly. Plus, I'm not big on sending lots of people to die."

Sutton: "Oh you're okay with just us dying?"

(Y/n): "You had something better to do on a Tuesday night?"

Garzia: "Yeah. Not dying."

(Y/n): "Relax, apparently I've done it before so it can't be that bad."

Sutton: "That's not funny."

Ann: "Meh, it kinda is."

Hoopster: "Don't encourage him."

Lex Luthor: "We're doomed."

Lex let out a large sigh and tossed the Fatherbox to (Y/n).

Lex Luthor: "Simply say where you wish to go and Fatherbox will take you. It will then guide you to the command centre of the Warworld. There you will find Mongul, he's almost as strong as Superman and doesn't come with the disability of being weak to a radioactive rock."

(Y/n): "We can work with that. Thank you Luthor, I'll return your alien box to you when we're done. Fatherbox, get us to the Warworld."

A large boom rang out as a boom tube formed in front of the agents. (Y/n) stared into it for a brief moment before deciding that the mission was worth the risk. And after all he didn't have anything to come back to.

The agents walked into the boom tube and with a snap it closed, leaving Luthor alone in the garage.

(Y/n) and his agents exited the boom tube in a large metal hallway with golden lights lining the walls and metal tracks overhead that hinted to a rail system connecting the parts of the ship together.

(Y/n): "Looks like there's no cover in these halls so make your shots count."

*On the Watchtower*

Nightwing and Aquaman are overseeing the Justice League's defence of earth.

Aquaman: "What's the Team's status?"

Nightwing: "Mongul still doesn't know they're inside and they're proceeding to their objectives."

Aquaman: "Good. Dr. Fate is holding. What's Zatanna's status?"

Nightwing: "She's in position on top of the Tower of Fate and ready to use its power as an amplifier to shield the earth should any of the Warworld's missiles slip past Fate."

Aquaman: "Good."

Nightwing: "I could send Batgirl to pick up (Y/n) and some of his agents, we could use the firepower."

Aquaman: "No. They would never catch up to our squads and we can't afford to have them wait."

*Back on the Warworld*

(Y/n): "ISAC, scramble all scanners. I don't want anyone to know we're here."

ISAC: "All local scanners jammed. Warning, risk of increased enemy drone presence as a result of the scanners suddenly being disrupted."

(Y/n): "I guess we'll take what we can get. Let's move, we're on the clock!"

The agents continued to follow the directions of the Fatherbox and eventually arrived at a large metal door. The small red compass-like circle went dark and the Fatherbox beeped.

(Y/n): "I guess this is it."

Sutton: "We knocking or ringing?"

(Y/n): "Knocking of course."

Ann: "Allow me."

Ann took off her bag and opened it. She gently pulled out what looked like a rolled up yoga mat. It was actually a breaching charge mixed with the nanothermite used in the agents' sticky launchers.

Ann unrolled the charge and placed it on the center of the door. They all backed up and hid behind a control panel a safe distance away as Ann pressed the button on her watch and the nanothermites started melting through the metal door.

Once the nanothermite cut through the door the small explosives packed across the surface of the charge detonated. The blast shot the door into the control room and left a cloud of smoke in its wake.

The agents carfully stepped into the dark room which was only illuminated by the orange glow of the agents' ISAC watches and the futuristic lines that flowed a darker colour of orange all across the room.

A massive alien got out of a large chair which was the only object in the room. The unconscious bodies of Superboy, Wonder Girl and Arsenal lay scattered around the room. The alien's voice broke the silence, his dark low voice would've sent chills down (Y/n)'s spine if he hadn't already thought of a plan.

(Y/n): "You must be Mongul."

Mongul: "What is this?"

(Y/n): "Think of us as the cavalry."

Mongul: "Your confidence is amusing."

(Y/n): "I'll let you surrender if you stand down. Hell you can even drive this massive moon off to wherever you want, as long as it isn't in this solar system."

Mongul: "I think you overestimate your chances of success."

Superboy was groaning as he woke up. His eyes shot open as he noticed (Y/n) and his agents assembled by the door with their rifles leveled at the massive alien.

(Y/n)'s eyes darted over to who he thought was his former friend. Given Captain Atom's statement of the Justice League unanimously condemning him, he thought the leader of the League wouldn't have made the statement without the support of the Team.

The agent narrowed his gaze at Superboy for a brief moment before snapping it back to Mongul.

(Y/n): "Take him."

The agents split up two on each side while (Y/n) remained by the door, aiming a thermite launcher at Mongul.

The bullets had no effect on the Alien but the agents were aiming for his eyes, hoping to get lucky.

ISAC: "Upload at 32%"

Mongul rushed (Y/n) who shot a single charge that stuck to Mongul's chest. As (Y/n) rolled out of the way the charge activated and started to burn Mongul.

The alien desperately tried to rip it off, only to get some of the burning substance on his hands. The thermite burned at over 2,200C which was more than enough to burn through steel and asphalt.

ISAC: "Upload at 69%"

An enraged Mongul charged at Ann. She launched her own thermite charge that stuck to Mongul's hip. It ignited and Mongul screamed as he swung at Ann. She flew through the air and crashed into the wall with her vest burning as some of the thermite from Mongul's hands stuck to it.

Sutton raced over to her and ripped off the vest as carefully as he could. The thermite hadn't burned through her combat shirt but she was dazed and probably had more than a few minor injuries from the strike.

(Y/n): "ISAC, keep him off balance."

(Y/n) dropped four seeker mines, they quickly spread out and one by one slammed into Mongul. The giant alien stumbled around as explosive force from the mins kept him off balance.

ISAC: "Upload complete."

(Y/n): "Time for a little shock therapy."

(Y/n) laughed as he caught his breath and pressed the activation button on ISAC. The run to the control center had left him completely exhausted but at least now, it was over.

ISAC synced with the Warworlds mainframe and redirected a bunch of energy to Mongul's headset. The overload sent a massive shock to Mongul's head and left the giant stumbling around the room before he finally fell to his knees before Superboy.

(Y/n): "He's rocked!"

Superboy let out a yell as he sent an incredibly powerful punch directly at Mongul's head. The giant alien crashed onto the ground. (Y/n) sighed in relief as Wonder Girl and Arsenal picked themselves up.

Superboy: "How did you get here?"

(Y/n): "I took the bus. Wonder Girl, tie up Mongul before he wakes up."

Hoopster: "More like if he wakes up, that was quite a shock. Ann's alright, she'll need to rest, Garzia got banged up but he's not as bad."

(Y/n): "Alright. Let's get the big guy and get ready to move."

Wonder Girl: "Hey! We don't take orders from you."

(Y/n): "You have something better to do than tie up the guy who could kill all of us when he wakes up?"

Arsenal: "Maybe start a war and kill some refugees, though I hear you've already done that."

Superboy: "Enough! (Y/n) is right and he isn't a warmongering murderer! We've all dealt with the Reach long enough to know that they lied about that. What the League did was wrong, but we can't do anything about it right now. Let's get out of here."

(Y/n) was shocked. He expected hostility from everyone. Superboy noticed (Y/n) was shocked and he knew that he must be hurting. When the agents left the room and Wonder Girl started dragging Mongul into the hallway, Superboy walked up to a still shocked (Y/n).

Superboy: "I know you've been hurting. Zatanna still loves you. We haven't abandoned you, it's just, after Captain Atom made the announcement, Wotan attacked the Tower of Fate. Zatanna's been there ever since, so that's why she hasn't called you. Dick and I have been busy but I asked Wally to call you, he said you didn't answer."

(Y/n) struggled to find the words he was looking for. Superboy didn't wait for a response. He grabbed (Y/n) and hugged him while the agent struggled to hold off tears.

(Y/n): "Thank you, Conner. I-I thought I lost everything."

Superboy: "You haven't, we haven't left you. You're not alone."

*Small Time Skip*

Nightwing: "Thank you for your help Ortega."

Nightwing ended the call and let out a sigh of relief before turning to Aquaman.

Nightwing: "See, working with the Division can be beneficial. The Division Communications Coordinator just helped us mobilize all air defence systems to aid in stopping the Warworlds attack."

Aquaman: "Perhaps in the worst of circumstances communicating with them can be beneficial. But we shouldn't maintain relations with them."

Nightwing: "As it turns out, Vanguard and Noble squad found a way to the Warworld and are the ones who took down Mongul. Maybe it's worth apologizing to him, it's fairly obvious that the ships weren't full of refugees, otherwise the Reach wouldn't have used them to help us stop the Warworlds attack."

Aquaman was silent and stared out at the Warworld. For once everything felt like it went well and was wrapping up nicely. There was only one question on Dick's mind.

Nightwing: "Do you think the League will vote Zatanna out?"

Aquaman: "I do not know."

Nightwing sighed and radioed the Team.

Nightwing: "Nice work everyone, you too Vanguard. Rendezvous so we can bring you home."

On the Warworld, Superboy and Wonder Girl were carrying Mongul's unconscious body. He was tied up with Wonder Girls lasso. Arsenal, (Y/n) and Noble squad followed close behind. All of them were ready to leave the Warworld behind for good.

Hoopster: "I'm so ready to get some sleep. Why did we need to bring so much extra gear."

(Y/n): "Well I didn't know what we were walking into so I thought it would be better to have it than not have it."

Hoopster: "Too bad you don't have a better way to carry it."

(Y/n): "Aww, what's the matter. Don't like the absolutely massive backpack we all have on."

They arrived in a large hangar to find the rest of the Team waiting. Bumblebee was in the middle of kissing Guardian as the group walked into view.

Arsenal: "Wow, how do I get that reward?"

Wonder Girl caught up to Arsenal and quickly kissed his cheek.

Arsenal: "It's a start."

Batgirl: "Vanguard?!"

Robin: "What are you doing here?"

(Y/n): "We're the cavalry, we go where we're needed."

Bumblebee: "No, seriously. How did you get here?"

(Y/n) let out an amused chuckle and scratched his neck.

(Y/n): "Well, it's kind of a strange story..."

Blue Beetle: "Well the gang's all here."

ISAC: "Long range transmission detected. Warworld scanners unable to intercept or decrypt."


Blue Beetle smashed the Warworld's crystal key over Impulse's head, knocking him out instantly. Blue Beetle then shot a massive sonic blast at the Team. Batgirl shoved Robin out of the way but was caught in it herself. She along with the majority of the Team collapsed into unconsciousness.

Superboy, Wonder Girl and Arsenal were the only ones left standing on the Team. (Y/n) and his agents reacted swiftly by taking defensive positions behind some of the maintenance equipment in the hangar.

Superboy: "Blue what are you doing?!"

Blue Beetle responded by activating his jet boosters on his scarab and flying into Superboy. The impact sent Superboy crashing into a nearby wall. Blue caught Mongul and flipped the massive alien over onto Wonder Girl, pinning her to the ground. In order to ensure she couldn't get up, Blue Beetle fired two large staple like projectiles that pinned Wonder Girls arms to the floor.

Sutton: "Sir!"

(Y/n): "Open fire! Shoot to kill! He'll tear us apart if we hold back!"

The agents desperately opened up while dropping seeker mines to disrupt Blue and keep him off balance. Arsenal was having a nervous breakdown about being put in a pod again. The only solution he found was opening the airlock without warning.

(Y/n) noticed Arsenal moving to the airlock controls and tried to remotely deactivate it with ISAC. He was too late.

Arsenal smashed the controls and the airlock sprung open. ISAC was able to remotely shut the airlock before any unconscious team member could be sucked out into space, but most of the air in the hangar was gone.

(Y/n) and Noble squad put on rebreathers to stay in the fight. A fight that was already over. Arsenal ran away, using his grappling hook to swing up to a higher level and run down a hall into the massive labyrinth that was the Warworld.

Superboy was struggling to breath and Blue Beetle made quick work of him, smashing is fist that was in the form of a mace into Superboy. As (Y/n) watched his friend collapse he realized the fight was over. He signaled for a retreat and the agent ran into the hallway, stopping at the control panel.

ISAC shut the door the second they made it through and Hoopster shot the control panel so it couldn't be opened.

ISAC: "Air levels and quality acceptable."

The five ripped their masks off and started to run down the hallway, away from Blue Beetle and the defeated Team.

Hoopster: "Sir what do we do?"

(Y/n): "Blue Beetle has the crystal key. He and the Reach could activate the Warworld and then it's game over. We'll head to the key chamber and defend it at all costs!"

After a few hours of running the exhausted agents stopped to rest. When they resumed their course to the key chamber it was at a much slower pace.

Garzia was limping now and Sutton was forced to help Ann walk as she had all but succumbed to her injured ribs and shoulder.

Sutton: "Sir, Ann's in bad shape and Garzia is in no condition to be fighting."

(Y/n): "I'll use the Fatherbox and the two of you can limp through the boom tube."

Ann: "We... are not... leaving you."

(Y/n): "You can't even hold a rifle. Get into the boom tube. Fatherbox, take them to the Hub."

The boom tube opened with a deafening bang. The bang gave away their position to a patrolling squad of Reach soldiers.

The agents were caught completely off guard. Hoopster was hit by a laser in the shoulder and screamed as he fell. (Y/n) pressed his back up against the wall and hid behind a small control panel.

Sutton fired a burst of bullets down at the advancing Reach patrol, Garzia grabbed Hoopster and dragged him back around the corner. This left (Y/n) cut off.

(Y/n): "Go! Get out of here, there's nothing more you can do!"

Sutton: "I will not abandon you!"

(Y/n): "You're not! I'll open another boom tube underneath me after you're gone! Now follow orders and get in the portal!"

Sutton took one last look at his director while the others stumbled through the boom tube. He knew (Y/n) had no intention of escaping.

Sutton: "It's been an honour."

(Y/n): "You four were the best agents I could've asked for."

Sutton: "Give them hell, sir."

Sutton stepped into the boom tube and it snapped closed.

Without missing a beat (Y/n) leaned out from his cover and fired down at the Reach soldiers.

When the soldiers stopped to take cover he slid across the hall, aiming for the hall that his agents were in moments ago. He wouldn't be lucky enough to make it across without incident, a laser struck the Fatherbox hidden in a pouch the same size and attached to his belt.

(Y/n) yelled in pain but luckily the mysterious device absorbed most of the laser before being completely destroyed.

He crawled around the corner and managed to rip off the burning pouch and drop a single seeker mine. As the mine rounded the corner and raced towards the Reach (Y/n) pulled himself up and started running down the hall. He was forced to push through the pain and just keep moving.

As the explosion of his last seeker mine echoed through the halls, (Y/n) continued to run despite the increasing pain.

He was out of gadgets, down to a few grenades but had a large amount of ammunition. He would need to make it last because the longest fight he'd ever been in was just getting started.

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