Sonic the Hedgehog [Sonic x G...

By HoomanTree

66.6K 2.5K 1.9K

[Name] and Sonic. Both anointed as enemies, since the moment they met. It seems like for many years, [Name]... More

The Not-So-Bright Beginning
Speedy Tortoise Ride
Lifestyle In The Cave
[Name's] Progress
The Sonic Boom
The Search
Chatting Away With The Donut Lord
The Road Trip Begins
Resistance Doesn't Last
Bar Funtime!
Bar Fight!
Hotel Escapade Gone Wrong
The Car Feud Starts
❝W̵̆͛̀H̷͋̅̂̆͠E̶̓R̶̡̩̬̟̳̜͗̕E̷͌̑͝͠ ̵͌̌͑Ä̶́̂͘͘M̵̉͒ ̴̃̃͌Ḯ̴͍́̎͑̔̉̃?̴̧̱̗̍̎!̶̅❞
❝R̸E̴̊O̷͒C̷C̶U̸R̵̀R̵̀I̴N̸Ġ̴ M̸E̸̕M̸O̷͑R̴I̷E̶S̸͒ Ã̴N̸̍D̶ ̸T̷̊H̴̏O̷U̴Ġ̷H̶́T̴S̶❞
A Heart-Felt, Yet Awkward, Conversation With A Certain Blue Hedgehog
Arrived At The Final Destination
The Chase Becoming A Fight
This Could Be The End Of Everything
Outtakes, Deleted Scenes And Bloopers

Road Chase Montage!

2.4K 102 107
By HoomanTree

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From the comment Tom used to divert the two mobians' attention away from the tension, they all widened their eyes and Tom slammed his foot brutally on the gas pedal. This caused the harpoon to start to get loose from the hoverboard and the dashboard.

The police officer obstructed the truck against a traffic barrier, knocking Sonic out from the truck and onto the windshield. The poor hedgehog, held on for dear life and the [Animal Name] was sent flying back into the back window.

Unfortunately, there were still some glass shards from the harpoon attack. So, [Name] felt piercing jabs of pain on their back, scrunching their eyes up and gritting their teeth in a pain, a low hiss left them.

As they stood up to get to the passenger seat, [Name] felt themselves get lunged backwards and they flew out from the back window. Now, the [Animal Name] was holding onto the roof of the car for dear life.

"Sonic, [Name]!" Tom called out in worry, looking back at the clinging [Name] and the emotionally-stressed Sonic.

The blue hedgehog was speculating with blue electric waves through his whole body from the whole bowl of mixed feelings he was having in this crisis. "Me, and Ic-- [Name] were forced out from our homes! Your home is perfect, and you're leaving it! Why would you do that?!"

"Your body! It's glowing again!"

At this comment, Sonic looked down at himself in panic and started shaking his head in a haste. "Oh, no, no, no, no, not again!"

"Hey, hold on, you two!" The police officer warned, narrowing his eyes in determination on the new-found idea that had being planted into his mind.

The two mobians held distinctive looks of utter bewilderment. "Why?!"

"Because, I'm gonna do this!" Tom slammed the gas pedal, once again, but this time: more rigid than before. The harpoon finally releases itself from the dashboard, and then the hoverboard. The poor hoverboard flapped itself over the back seats, as its source of energy was where the harpoon had struck itself.

In result, the green source of energy that shone there, had faded out with electricity clicking from it in sparks every now and then.

[Name's] hands that were holding onto the back of the car for dear life had now sprung some glacier onto the car, making their hands attached to it in able to stay on. The [Colour] [Animal Name] widened their eyes in stupefaction from how this must've been from pure impulse of instinct.

Sonic ends up flying out from the car, a small shout was heard from him, as he then went to curl himself into a ball and spin real fast towards the tank that belonged to the one and only Dr. Robotnik. The force of the electromagnetic pulse that Sonic released onto the tank in the process of the attack, knocked the drone car to its side.

Tom then curves the car to face where the destruction is that the blue hedgehog caused. This sudden curve caused [Name] to yowl in shock, their eyes widened in a frenzy of shock and the glacier that were holding them onto the vehicle had shifted off.

The [Animal Name] fell off from the roof of the car, a stiffened grunt left them from the seeping pain on their side from the glass shards.

"Sonic! [Name]?" Tom called out, looking out the window to notice Sonic curled up in a ball still and [Name] leaned against the back of the car, stumbling upon their feet and jumped into the open back of the truck, sitting down there in a daze.

"I believe, the enemy, which is the glass, has struck me..."

"Guess, I had a bonus life." Sonic gurgled, uncurling himself out and stood up, his balance wobbling, as he tried to maintain his right footing. Noticing the lop-sided drone car he knocked over, the blue hedgehog dashed over to it with such confidence and laughed cheerfully. "Oh, yeah, baby! Sonic: 1. Big tank: 0. I'm sorry, did we get that on camera?"

"How is the hedgehog not dead?" [Name] uttered out in a tainted whisper to Tom, to which to police officer then mimicked in questioning himself to the hedgehog.

"How are you not dead?"

"I have no idea! Do you see me dancing?" The blue hedgehog felt a burst of energy, wavering his hands around criss-crossing his legs a few times in a rhythmic dance pattern.

"Yeah, we see you dancing." Tom replied, he wasn't able to restrain his grin, as Sonic's own was just contagious. "Right, [Name]?" He raised a brow, looking in the back of his truck, to see [Name] slumped in with some glass shards on them.

The police officer grew worried, his face scrunched up and the [Animal Name] nodded dismissively, turning away quickly. Tom kept his attention on them, peering his head out from the window.

"Are-- Are you alright?"

[Name] quickly nodded, shuffling away in slight discomfort from the new-found concern they were seeing for the first time. "Uh, yes-- Just, minor injuries..."

Tom frowned, growing easily concerned and grimaced at the damage the glass shards were doing to the [Animal Name]. "...Alright, we'll have to make sure that it's bandaged."

The [Colour] [Animal Name] laid back in the back of the truck, looking away from the worried police officer and wavered their hand away dismissively. "Yes--Yes, I am acknowledgeable on that, Thomas. How about we set course for somewhere then, and not staying around here, like idiotic morons, hm?"

Tom blinked mildly in bewilderment, before hastily nodding, upon seeing [Name's] tight-lipped frown and called out to the blue hedgehog, who was busy mocking the tank he knocked over.

"Sonic! Get back in the truck!"

"You guys, go! I'll catch up!"

The brown-haired human hesitantly nodded, turning and put back on the engine, as he started to drive the car on. Sonic zipped back, jumping into the back of the truck and glanced over to see [Name] holding their abdomen, gritting their teeth in pain.

He reached his hands out to them, "Do you need help--"

"--No!" [Name] barked out, slanting their teeth and scrunched their eyes up in pain, letting out a stinging breath of pain from taking out the small glass shards from themselves. "No..." They uttered out, once again. This time; it was said with less irritation, but still with the same assertiveness and force.

Sonic could only watch, his frown deepening from remembering their words of earlier and recoils his hands back. His ears were pinned down in shame, as they perked up from observing a mini-tank pop out from the larger lop-sided tank.

"I think, that tank just had a baby."

The mini-tank propelled out its homing mine dispenser, its weapon, and started shooting its homing mines towards the truck.


Tom swerves the car to avoid to homing mines being fired at them. [Name] used their right hand to grip their abdomen, while using their left hand to hold it up towards the mini-tank. Narrowing their eyes in concentration, they took it a deep breath and one of their eyes shone a frosty-blue electric colour, while the other flashed an electric colour of [Eye Colour].

Unfortunately, they were forcefully shuffled about in the open back of the truck, as Sonic zipped inside into the passenger seat beside Tom. The only human in the car with the two mobians was swerving the car around roughly in order to avoid the oncoming homing mines.

"Stop driving, like a buffoon, would you?!"

"Well, this is the only way of driving for us to not get pulverised by those things, [Name]!" Tom fired back with a shout, continuing to swerve around and this irritated [Name] even more, as they slowly stood up and tried to fire some hailstones to the oncoming mini-tank.

Sonic looked around, before narrowing his eyes and he climbs out to the back of Tom's truck. His gaze hesitantly moved over to [Name's], quickly looking away and hardened his eyes at the sight of the mini-tank.

"Where are you going?"

"Just drive the car, and you can just stay resting here. I'll take care of this. And if, I don't make it, just ditch me. You both seem good at that...since, I apparently mean nothing to you." Sonic hissed out, his ears pinned down with such anger and [Name] blinked mildly in shock and sat down in bewilderment.

Though, a deep frown settled on their face, watching Sonic leave the vehicle to destroy the homing mines and mock Dr. Robotnik.

[Name's] face squirmed in animosity, as their right eye shone a juiced-up colour of [Eye Colour], while their left eye shone a voltaic colour of a glacial white. Crossing their arms, they glared at the corner and let out a residing scoff, shaking their head in retaliation.

"No, I will not stay put. I will put up a figh--" They started to rise up, standing themselves up from where they were sitting at before, but they stopped in utter disappointment to see Sonic already zooming his way back into the car.

The [Animal Name] merely shook their head, climbing their way through one of the window's and sat by in the back seat. They grimaced at the state of their hoverboard, cracks appeared from its energy source that had died down by now, and the gold that was painted on it with such pride was now creasing away.

"Yes, we did it!" Sonic cheered, raising his fists into the air in triumph. Though, the victory chants were put to a halt, because and even smaller, but one-wheeled drone appeared and the pursuit continued on.

"Unfortunately, we did not. Maybe, this would be far done and over with, if I was the one doing this all on my own."

"Wh-What is it with you and doing everything on your own?!" Sonic outbursted, gesturing to [Name] with such confusion. The tone of how he asked this question wasn't to be, like all the other ones, where he'd ask in such a curious, yet teasing manner. The toning of this question was made to sound harsh and annoyed in such a way.

"I don't see, how the idea of me being able to do this all on my own quickly and in a much more better way than you, has to be your concern, hedgehog."

"It is my concern, because then; you say all this other stuff, like how I mean nothing to you!"

"I said that no one else does, why does me saying that even matter so much to you?"

Sonic's ears twitched, pinned down with a morbid expression on his face. His lower lip quivered, and his hands were slowly turning to fists and he opened his mouth to answer, but the sound of Tom unbuckling his seatbelt caught the two's attention.

"Here, just keep us going straight. I put us in cruise control." Tom and Sonic were about to switch seats, but [Name] budged their way through and ended up on the driver's seat.

"It will be my turn. Any objections, and the consequences will be severe, understood?" They tried to force on a grin, but smiling just hurt their face all together, so a glare was submerged onto their features and they narrowed their eyes at the two.

Sonic and Tom blinked mildly, as Tom slowly reached for a flashlight and grabbed it. Tom then opened the door, taking it upon himself to deal with the segway robot that had brandished sharp spikes on both sides of its wheel.

Sitting in the passenger seat beside [Name], Sonic had an evident sulk consequent to his face and let out an annoyed huff.

"So, will you answer my question, hedgehog?"

"No. Why should I? Afterall, my answer would mean nothing to you, just like the way I mean nothing to you!"

[Name] rolled their eyes back, letting out a prolonged groan and jolted back up, steadying the car from not paying attention. "What point are you even trying to make here, hedgehog? Anoint the point now, or hold your peace in for the oncoming days." Their grip tightened on the steering wheel, slanting their teeth in an inconceivable manner.

"My point is--"

"Hit the brakes!" Tom yelled out, cutting the distressed hedgehog from answering and [Name] nodded firmly, pressing the wrong brakes, making the car go onwards at a more faster pace.

"The other brakes!"

The [Animal Name's] ears were pinned down in embarrassment. "I--...knew of that..." Grumbling the sentence underneath their breath, the [Colour] mobian pressed the correct brakes. This caused the drone on wheels to bash itself into the car door that was left wide open for it. This gave the police officer the upper-hand, as he swung the flashlight forward to the drone and managed to give it a good whacking.

The drone was now knocked over, rolling back away from the car, as it was now being broken down to pieces. Tom whooped in victory, ruffling the [Animal Name's] head in gratitude, making [Name] let out a scoff of displeasure and push his hands away.

"No touching! These are tufts of [fur | feathers | quills | etc.] that were brushed up with the finest of brushes--"

"Using a Cortex hairbrush doesn't make your [fur | feathers | quills | etc.] the finest." Sonic crossed his arms and grouched. He remained in the passenger seat, as [Name] shuffled their way into the backseats and Tom went back to the driver's seat.

Sonic's lip trembled, his posture slumped down and he blinked rapidly, rubbing his eyes excessively. A sniffle left the speedster, as Tom glanced between the sombre hedgehog and the gruff [Animal Name].


Dr. Robotnik wasn't one to give up, so easily. So, of course; he brought out one last robot of his. He was already irritated enough, he hoped this one was to at least do some damage to those menaces of society.

A tiny helicopter whirred, hastily making its way over to the truck that contained the protagonists in it. As the helicopter managed to catch up with the truck, Sonic noticed it and cooed at the sight of it.

"Aww, this one's cute. Let's keep him!"

Though, his interest in the little mechanism was long gone, as it started to slice through the metal of the truck and it was working its way around the window frames of the car.

"Oh, come on!"

"How could something so adorable, be so terrible?!" Sonic questioned, a look of worry upon his face and the helicopter was almost done with doing its job.

[Name] held a look of bewilderment, glancing at Tom. "Thomas, you do happen to have car insurance, right?"

With no response, the whole roof of the car comes flying off and topples away from the three. This causes the two mobians and the human to all scream in unison.

[Name] put their screaming to a halt, tightening the glare on their face and grabbed the helicopter quickly. "I demand, you depart from these premises, now!"

The easily-angered [Animal Name] started to yank off parts of the robotic helicopter's body, but their invisible brows were furrowed within confusion from the fact that the machinery stayed attached to their bandaged-gloved hand.

A fainted beeping sound followed on, as Sonic and Tom shared morbid looks on their faces. "That doesn't sound good."

"No, beeping is bad! Get rid of it!" Tom clamoured in dread.

"Can you both not see that I am trying, but this thing is very irksome!" [Name] spouted back, the corner of their mouth twitched downwards in a disdained manner and flailed their hand around aimlessly in order to try shrug off the menace of a device.

"Throw it out the win--"

"Throw it anywhere!"

"I cannot, get it off!"

"Alright, I'm pulling us over!" And that's, what Tom did. The screeching of tires of heard, as the car was pulled over to the side of a grassy ditch and the three departed from the vehicle.

[Name] continues trying to get the bomb off from themselves, letting out a sigh of relief and glanced up at Tom in an eager manner. "Has the device of wretchedness been slayed?"

"Nope." Tom shook his head, as Sonic also noticed that the bomb was now stuck on [Name's] head.

"Uh, here! Hold still." Sonic firmly commanded, jumping up and he snatched a handkerchief from Tom's open pocket, using it to wrap it around the beeping bomb. Prying the bomb off from [Name's] head, the blue hedgehog threw it far off away from the three.

"Ooh, a homerun it is! It's going, it's going..." Sonic trailed off, raising his hands in the air in victory, before he halted himself and glanced to see the bomb stuck on his hand this time. His shoulders were dejected in frustration, frowning deeply and groaned. "'s still there."

Tom rushes over to the hedgehog, trying to take it off and he does! But, it ends up on his hand, instead...As he continues to try knack the thing off, [Name] rushes in and leaps up as high as they could for the bomb, the thing attached itself to the palm of their hand.

The [Animal Name] rushes over away from the two, grabbing a stick and started to graze it off. The blue hedgehog widened his eyes, zooming by [Name] and grabbed a twig of his own. Together, the two started to bash the device that was stuck on the [Colour] mobian's grasp.

Finally, the bomb was pried off and now practically cemented on a large rock nearby to the two. A second went by and the two let out sighs of relief, they started to walk away slowly and Sonic jeered in victory.

[Name] glanced back at the bomb, the beeping was slowing down. An eye ridge was raised from them, as their lips were slightly parted in confusion and they tilted their head to the side. Though, they started to walk away more hastily.


[Name] breathed through their [nose | beak | snout | etc.], blinking and looked over to see a relieved look on Tom's face. As the two mobians were making their way over, the [Animal Name] couldn't help, but continue to look back at the ticking of the tiny bomb.




Their eye twitched, standing still to listen in to the timing of the bomb going by. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Ha-ha! Nailed it!--"

The noise was easily irritating them, Sonic was happily walking back towards Tom, but his ear flickered from not hearing the footsteps of the rough [Animal Name] beside him and he turned to look at them.


As much as they had upset him previously, Sonic couldn't help, but feel concern for [Name], who was still watching where the bomb was, on the big rock.

Even Tom was growing concerned in a confused manner too. "C'mon guys, let's go!"


"Yeah! Let's--"


"Wait, no!" [Name] yelled out all of a sudden, the obnoxious beeping had speed up in a rapid manner. The [Animal Name] ran to the one nearest to them that would take in a lot of damage of the bomb;


They barged into him, pushing him away, as the bomb finally exploding at the shattering caught up to [Name]. The very shockwave of the bomb caused Tom to fly back off onto the ground, and Sonic toppled down onto the ground, receiving an unconscious state.

For [Name], however; as they turned to the bomb exploding, shards of glaciers appeared, flying off everywhere. The [Colour] mobian was sent flying back towards a tree from the impact of the bomb.

The glacier shards flew about everywhere, as Tom laid down on the ground, pulling Sonic towards himself and shielded him from the glaciers.

Some of the glaciers just flew by on the floor, but as [Name] was losing their consciousness; a glacier came firing itself towards the injured [Animal Name] and it was just about hit a part of the tree, right above their head.

[Name] let out a fatigued grunt, their eyes weary and their vision was starting to get blurry. As it did, the last thing they saw was a familiar figure holding a blue blur and walking towards them in a rush.

A fumble of words was heard, but it wavered out from [Name's] hearing radius.

"Hey-- .....-alright. --ake up. Wake--"

And, with that; [Name] fell into an unknown slumber.

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