Nyctophilia • ATEEZ C.S

By Yuyuloml

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nyctophilia [ nĭk′tə-fĭl′ē-ə ] n. a preference for the night or darkness ____________________________________... More



183 8 2
By Yuyuloml

me and San were just chilling in my room, with me on my bed leaning against the wall and San with his head on my lap. I was playing around with his soft and fluffy hair that I blow dried for him after he got out of the shower.

after our arcade date, San said he wanted to hang out with me some more so we both went to my bedroom. but then he changed his mind and took a shower instead. and now he's curled up to me like a cute little kitten. I smiled tenderly at how soft he looked.

damn I never thought I'd feel anything else towards him except hate. but here I am, adoring the way he snuggled up to my stomach, making me giggle.

"Sannie, you look like you're gonna fall asleep any time soon." I chuckled.

"mhm," he hummed, "let me just stay like this a little longer. it was hard carrying you back home." his voice got muffled by my tummy.

"no one told you to give me a piggyback ride though, but am I really that heavy?" I quirked an eyebrow.

he moved his head, nodding, "sorta-ow!!" he squeaked when I playfully pulled his hair gently.

I giggled before kissing his head softly, not noticing that my bedroom door swung open, "hey Yuri, do you know where Sannie is-oh." the voice of Wooyoung said before he whistled lowly.

"what do you want, Jung?" I asked, my voice having a hint of annoyance because he interrupted my 'gushing over San' session.

he smirked, "I was looking for San because boss gave him a mission. but then he told me that you're involved in the mission too so I came here. looks like both of you are here together!"

I groaned, "we just came back from our date now we have to go on a mission? it's literally 11pm already."

"so you did go on a date! woah, Chaewon wasn't kidding then." Wooyoung giggled.

San lifted his head off my lap and sat up, rubbing his eyes, "why doesn't anyone believe we're dating?" he asked.

"well, everyone thought the both of you hated each other's guts so this is quite surprising, to be honest." Wooyoung shrugged.

I sighed, "we better go to Eden's office then. let's go Sannie." I held his hand and got of the bed.

I dragged him all the way to Eden's office. I knocked on the door and entered the room, tugging San in since he still felt sleepy. Eden was eyeing us up and down, his eyes squinting at our interlocked hands. I looked down and noticed I was still holding onto San's hand but I didn't let go.

"so...what's the mission?" I asked after a few moments of awkward silence.

"yes, I'll tell you but before that," Eden continued to observe us, "are you two like dating dating?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

I took a deep breath, "yes, yes we are." I answered curtly.

Eden let out a sigh of relief, "that's actually splendid to hear. hopefully you two won't argue like little children anymore." he smiled.

"Riri said the exact same thing, I swear to God." I sighed.

San cleared his throat after being quiet all this time, "so, the mission?"

"yes, you two will need to take down a man named Lee Woosung, age 52, who has gotten away with several crimes like illegal bookmaking, human trafficking and money laundering. not to mention drug dealing and prostitution too. every time he got caught, he would use all his money to bribe the judges, prosecutors, lawyers, everyone. but he does have quite a lot of bodyguards and staff so be careful."

"just go in and kill him and his little army, that's it." I nodded.

"something like that. also, one more thing," Eden looked at the both of us edgily, "when Yeosang and Mingi did a background search on Lee Woosung, they found out that he was both of your fathers' friend back in high-school. he might use your emotions against you so try not to get distracted, okay?"

one of my father's friends...?

"okay, boss! we'll get ready right now!" San said, saluting Eden which caused my hand to go up too since I was still holding his.

"good luck you two." Eden nodded.

this time San dragged me out of the office room as I was too absorbed in my own thoughts.

I have a feeling this Lee Woosung dude will cause something bad, I just feel it. worst case scenario is that he'll emotionally blackmail us and then finish us off.

"baby??" San stood in front of me, worry all over his face.

"y-yeah?" I looked at him. I must've been in a trance.

"what's wrong?" he reached out his hand to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

I turned my head away from him, "I'm...I'm scared." I admitted.

I felt his hands on my shoulders, "Yuri, look at me."

when I refused to meet his eyes, he grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. he furrowed his brows, "we will get through this mission together successfully, just like all of our last ones. just because this old dunce knew our fathers and could possibly blackmail us, doesn't mean he can take us down that easily. we're a good team, remember?" he held up both of our intertwined hands, our rings glinting in the light of the hallway.

I only stared on into his eyes, unable to nod since he was holding my chin firmly, "yeah." I said eventually.

he smiled and leaned in, tilting his head slightly before quickly leaving a peck on my lips, "good. now go get ready, we need to kick that oldie's ass." he left another peck, this time on my forehead, before letting go of my hand and walking towards his room.

I exhaled, smiling at the way San always manages to make all my worries disappear with simple words. but still, I couldn't help but feel uneasy about this whole mission. nevertheless, I had to do it, so I headed to my room to get ready.

as I was putting my daggers in their hilts,  I heard a knock at my door. I walked up to it and saw San, in his agent attire, "ready?" he asked with a smile.

"almost," I replied, continuing to place my daggers and other weapons in my hilts, "yeah I'm ready, let's go."

"so, where to now, Doberman?" I asked, my fingers on my earpiece.

"uhm...I'm terribly sorry but you guys were supposed to go to the left side of the road-"

"I fucking swear to God, you mean you were supposed to tell us that we had to go to the left side of the road?! for fuck's sake, can't you just give us the right fucking directions for once?!" I snapped at him.

"I said I'm sorry..."

"sorry doesn't always cut it, okay?"

San gently placed his hand on my shoulder to calm me down. I was breathing heavily, stressed out with this mission before it even began. I just had this recurring thought that both of us, or even worse one of us, would be lying dead on the floor while completing the mission. I just can't seem to calm my anxiety down.

me and San walked back to the road and turned left like Yeosang said.

"alright, just walk a few meters ahead and you should see a white and grey 3 storeyed building. that's his headquarters, we assume." Mingi said.

me and San walked ahead, spotting the building Mingi described a few moments later.

"let's do this." San held out his fist.

I smiled at him and nodded, bumping his fist, "yeah."

"where's the man located?" San asked, holding his earpiece.

"on the 3rd floor, I think you guys should use a grappling hook-"

"I'd rather die, thanks." I cut Mingi off.

"Silver I swear-"

"let's just sneak in through the back door or something." I interrupted Yeosang this time.

"well, there are two bodyguards standing by the front door so good luck." Yeosang said, his voice monotone.

"why don't we just tell then we're here to visit our fathers' best friend?" San suggested.

"wouldn't that risk your covers being blown? besides, you two are literally dressed up in all black." Mingi said.

"we're gonna kill them anyways so I guess there won't be much of a risk." I shrugged.

"be careful, both of you." Yeosang said sternly.

"we will."

me and San strode over to the entrance, when the bodyguards put their arms I front of the door, "state your name and purpose." one of them said gruffly.

shit, I just realised we have to tell them our real names.

"Eun...Yuri." I eventually said.

"Choi San, and we're here to visit our dear uncle who was both of our late fathers' friend." San said, his voice steady.

the bodyguards observed us for a few seconds before opening the gate. one of them led us inside the huge building. and let me tell you, it was really huge. the inside was white all over and it looked super luxurious. the place looked like it was worth millions. there were many things made of marble and I swore I saw a table with legs made of gold.

"damn..." I mumbled, looking all around.

"don't get distracted, you two." Mingi said through the earpiece.

a tall, thin man approached us and bowed, "welcome fine lady and gentleman, how may I help you?" he asked in a misty voice. I'm guessing he's the butler or something.

"uh, we're here to visit uncle Woosung." I answered.

"uncle?" the man raised his brow.

"he was our late fathers' friend back in high school." San stated.

"oh I see," he nodded, "please sit down here, I'll go call Sir Woosung." he gestured to the white leather couches which had a gold lining. this dude must love white and gold I guess.

me and San glanced at each other before advancing to the couches, sitting down after a few moments. "wow, this is hella comfy." San mumbled.

I nodded and looked forward, waiting for our target to arrive. I leaned towards San's ear, "get ready to attack him the moment he arrives."

"the moment he arrives?" San whispered.

"it'll be better, Chestnut. get your weapons ready." Yeosang said.

San reached for his gun in his hilt and looked left and right to see if there was anyone. he discreetly clicked the gun, coughing to cover up the sound. I also reached for my dagger in my hilt. once I heard footsteps from the marble staircase, I gripped onto the weapon tightly.

"alright change of plans," Mingi said through the earpiece, "have some small talk with him and then attack him when he's distracted. there's a bodyguard right behind you guys and I don't think it'll be a good idea if you attack right now."

I sighed, "alright." I whispered.

"welcome, welcome! you two are quite a wonderful couple, I must say! nice to meet you!" was the first thing Woosung said as he approached us.

he was quite a short, stout old man with a balding head and a greying moustache. he smiled while greeting us.

me and San both let out awkward laughs, "thank you. it's a pleasure to meet you, uncle Woosung." San said, extending his hand to shake Woosung's.

the older man smiled brightly, no hint of him being such a big criminal, "it really is a pleasure, what are your names?" he asked softly.

San glanced at me for a second before turning to the older man, "Choi San."

"Eun Yuri." I bowed my head and tried to give a sweet smile.

the man's eyes seemed to widen by a fraction, "are you...the son of Choi Hyunseok?" he looked at San.

San stiffly nodded at the mention of his father, "yes, I am."

the man turned to me, "'re the daughter of Eun Yujin?"

I nodded. the man seemed to be fighting back a smile, I wonder what the heck he was thinking.

"what an amazing sight..." he looked to the side, snickering to himself.

"now's the time!" Yeosang shouted through our earpieces.

San immediately aimed at Woosung and pulled the trigger, but a figure jumped in front of him and fell to the floor in an instant. it was the thin man with the weird voice, the butler. all of us were staring at the dead body on the floor, until Woosung bellowed, "sieze them!!"

San aimed at Woosung again but the bodyguard that was behind us shoved San harshly. Woosung began to run away but I chased him.

"can you handle the bodyguards yourself?" I shouted to San.

"yeah, don't worry! you go get the main target!" he shouted back before striking the bodyguard that shoved him.

I nodded and ran faster behind Woosung, using my energy as an advantage to catch up to him. once I managed to corner him, I took a dagger out of my hilt and pointed it to him, "say goodbye to your worthless life, you douchebag."

the man scoffed then smirked, "I find it hilarious how you're so friendly with the enemy, you teamed up with him to take me down, eh?"

"he's not my...enemy." I said firmly.

"well that's what you think, little Yuri. do you know the real story of your parents' murder?"

"what the fuck do you mean real story?" I furrowed my brows.

"Silver, he's trying to distract you, try to keep your guard up." Mingi said sternly.

I nodded at his words, my dagger still pointing to Woosung.

"what is Choi San to you?" the man asked.

I raised my brow at his question. I thought he was going to tell me about my parents' murder, "he's...he's my boyfriend." I answered truthfully to which he snorted, "you called us a couple the second you saw us." I added as I squinted my eyes.

he chuckled, "boyfriend, huh. do you know that your boyfriend's father was the one who planned your parents' murder?"

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