Gunned | SatoSere

بواسطة amourology_

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Ash Ketchum, owner of a city and the infamous ringleader of his crew that are known for their ruthless, yet c... المزيد

Chapter 1 - Belief in Fate
Chapter 2 - Welcome Home
Chapter 4 - A Challenge
Chapter 5 - Insanity
Chapter 6 - Training
Chapter 7 - Sudden Desire
Chapter 8 - First Kill
Chapter 9 - Alike Hearts
Chapter 10 - The Gala
Chapter 11 - Distance between Us
Chapter 12 - Incomplete
Chapter 13 - No More Running
Chapter 14 - Bloody Apology
Chapter 15 - Unspoken Truths
Chapter 16 - Long Time No Talk
Chapter 17 - Trust
Chapter 18 - New Boss
Chapter 19 - Haunting Past Memories
Chapter 20 - A Solemn Vow
Chapter 21 - Man of Pride
Chapter 22 - Birth of the Demons
Chapter 23 - Together as Family
Chapter 24 - An Entrance to Hell
Chapter 25 - The Devil's Match
Chapter 26 - Beauty and Destruction
Chapter 27 - Two Reapers
Chapter 28 - Still Alive
Chapter 29 - Heartfelt Promises
Chapter 30 - Back in Action
Chapter 31 - New Recuits
Chapter 32 - Found

Chapter 3 - New Faces

408 16 1
بواسطة amourology_

As the duo walked through the opening doors, Serena realized Ash wasn't playing around when he stated that it would make one believe there were a questionable amount of "animals" inside due to all the noise when it catches her attention. Compared to the outside, it seemed much more peaceful and imposing, a lone star in its own beauty, but things turned around with the distraction of all the mess going on that someone couldn't keep their eye on one thing.

Not only that, but the sheer amount of people that were wandering the place in front of them to which some turn their heads at the pair's entrance. Serena noticed the attention was mainly at Ash once she walked in, his larger, calloused hand, holding onto her soft, smaller ones.

"Wow, Mr. Ketchum back so soon?" A blue haired woman questions with a bright smile while there's a tougher looking orange haired woman beside side eyeing from the outburst.

"Dawn..." he starts off, voice dropping as a warning and immediately places the palm of his hand over her lips. "What did I tell you about that?"

"Oh! Oh. Right. Sorry, Mr- Ash, I mean," she corrects herself, as normal as possible.

Serena sees wandering eyes panning to her from- Dawn, as Ash said, and she isn't a hundred percent sure what to make of her. To her, she seems to emanate the moon or one of those water element people of a bubbly soul she seen in movies whereas the woman beside her is the opposite, like the sun or fire element people of a fiery soul.

Dawn speaks again. "She's really pretty! Wow, and she's our new fashion designer?" She questions and she genuinely sounds excited as if she was interested in both who the woman was and fashion itself. "What's her name?"

Serena studies herself for a second when she looks down, seeing her fashionable attire with her designer name tag still on. She forgot about that and was definitely standing out by the looks of it. Before Ash speaks for her, she does it instead.

"I'm Serena. Serena Yvonne," she says, then goes on from what was said. "However, no I will not be designing some fashionable outfits for anyone." She says nothing else afterwards as she looked at the other woman.

Dawn doesn't push anything on as she looks at her, seeing a dangerous glint in her blue eyes. Serena, on the other hand, could only see the imagery of a little puppy with the way Dawn was staring her down with a hard thinking face, turned to amazement.

She contemplates whether she's actually in a zoo or not.

"Serena sliced up one of Giovanni's snakes that were slithering around," Ash explains, cooly with a shrug.

The orange haired woman moves her eyes to her, ones that were green, but fiery; an emerald fire. Serena couldn't help, but think it was suspicious. The woman's facial expression changes to one that's to say an impressed look and Serena just raises her eyebrow at that. Soon, she averts her green eyes and casually looks around the room.

Within a single breath, someone appears beside her and regards her rather closely. She holds back a reflex of a punch when a man comes into view, a shit eating grin planted on his face while a laugh escapes his lips.

"Holy shit, that's hilarious! Nice one, Serena!" His tone has her come to the conclusion that he really does find it amusing and that shit eating grin turns sinister. "So, tell me. Did you kill them?"

Serena's eyes widen at the remark that was thrown with such casualty she didn't expect. She opens her mouth the same time someone else appears and puts a hand on the messy, blown haired man's shoulder. His smile was kind, the closest to most innocent person here, but that couldn't be the case.

"I think that's enough, Gary. Give the beautiful lady some space. It's rude to pry. Don't you think?"

Gary thinks for a little, tucking his hands into his pants pockets. "Hey, it was nothing much, but some curiosity taking over me. Didn't know they trained fashion designers on blade work. That Gio will be pissed to see how useless his lackeys are getting nowadays."

The neatly-ish styled brown haired man turns his attention onto her. "I apologize on the behalf of my friend here, Serena. Gary tends to get a bit excited about violence. I'm Brock. I'm assuming Ash brought you here to protect you?"

Serena nods slowly and replies, "I figured here would be something better than my usual, boring lifestyle with just being a fashion designer."

Brock studies her curiously and she doesn't blame him because her situation is more so off putting. Trading a normal life for something drastic as a world that turns to blood, violence, and other countless crimes, is definitely a reach to say the least. Nonetheless, his gaze breaks into a warm smile and gives a nod of approval.

"Well then, if Ash didn't manage to scare you off in a fight, then I believe you've got the right amount of guts for it," he states without hesitation.

"Woah, that's amazing! You got to see Ash fight? Maybe we could train together, Serena!" Dawn voices out excitedly, bouncing a little in place.

Finally, Ash takes control, clearing his throat and it was impressive to Serena with the way the room fell silent, all eyes on him. Even Gary's playful, yet lazy demeanor is more attentive.

"Misty," he begins and the orange haired woman keeps her focus on him to which Serena takes note of— so that's her name. Ash continues, "Take Serena to the top floor and show her to the guest room. The rest of you come along with me. We'll need to speak on Giovanni's dogs loose from their leashes."

At the mention of him, Ash's voice turns dangerously resentful, causing Serena to freeze in her spot, and bite her bottom lip. Ash seemed to tell from beside her and the twitch from the hand of hers he was holding. He decides to swipe his calloused thumb across the back of her knuckles, giving her a sense of comfort, and pulls her in gently, mouth close by her ear.

"It's fine, so don't worry. I have it covered," he assures her, a chill running down her spine. "I'll see you in the morning with Sawyer to get your belongings. You focus on getting comfy, alright?"


With that, Ash strides away with his counterparts immediately falling in line from behind. By the looks of it, it was presented in shades of black that looked like the devil's wings beneath the moon that filtered through the window.

"Guess that's our cue," Misty says as she walks up to her, tilting her head in another direction wordlessly telling Serena to follow.

She starts walking down a hall and Serena follows after her shadow as she leads the way and moves her gaze amongst the things around her. The walls were decorated in various portraits and art pieces that couldn't have not been stolen or illegally traded. Because of this, she can't help, but wonder just how much of the manor itself lives up to the common misconceptions movies portrays. If there's hidden switches within the walls with full arsenals of weapons or underground tunnels that spiderweb throughout the city.

Even as they soon stand in an elevator that shoots them up to the top floor, Misty's silence is deafening and off putting, until she breaks it which surprises Serena.

"So what are your intentions with Ash?"

"Would've preferred if we started off with nice introductions, but to say the least, I have none," Serena says, simply. "He's the one who saved me and I'm grateful. Though, I didn't necessarily have a choice. It all minimized to this or be killed."

Misty raises a brow with a warning like response. "You do realize this isn't some game and hell, you still could be killed, right?"

"God, I quite literally thought this was going to be those sunshine and rainbows coming out of somebody's ass situations. Clearly, I know it's dangerous. I just wanted something more and I was given a chance to take it." Misty doesn't make a comment to that and Serena takes a breath with a sigh as she proceeded on. "You and Dawn don't look older than me. I believe it'd be better if you didn't underestimate me. I can handle it."

Misty chuckles and moves her hand up to her head to fix a loose strand that came out of her short ponytail. The elevator doors open with a ding and they make their way out.

"Sorry. I'm Misty. Dawn is actually a bit new here like you and under Ash's protection per my request," she explains and Serena thinks there's more to it, the calm tone in her voice uplifting slightly to something protective. "I'll tell you the same thing I told her. I'd recommend if you didn't cause trouble for us or Ash. His kindness is what's keeping you alive."

Serena puts her arms behind herself and nods. She knows she's right, as seen with the duality of Ash that's as clear as day. If she wanted it on a whim, she'd be dead on the spot without hesitation, but he chooses to smile at her, tease her, give her comfort, and warmth of a new home.

"I never would intend on doing so."

Misty comes to a stop at a pair of two tall doors, the wooden paneling decorated in intricate weaves of floral decorations. She pulls the doors open and moves aside for Serena to walk into the large space. Her own place was — as said by others — pretty big, but this was even bigger, especially as a room. She slowly walks up to the towering glass windows that overlook the highway. she can even see the skyline of the city from the clouds, the lights, and the buildings speckling in the night. She can see the ocean with the waves rolling over the sand and the way the moon scatters beautifully like a white-gold tattoo on the water.

Her jaw was slack. It was absolutely breathtaking. to the point Serena was almost speechless at the views of the world Ash continues to give her.

"It's... beautiful," she says in a trance, blue eyes sparkling.

"Very," Misty agrees from her spot by the door. "Ash's room is down the hall if you need anything. Now don't forget about what I said earlier, Serena."

"I heard you very clearly the first time, Misty," she would say in a way of annoyance, but a playful tone comes out instead for the start of their friendship. For a moment, she considers to afford to be kinder to her protectors, no matter how they are at first glance or conversation. "Thank you, really. Goodnight."

Serena then sees Misty smile for the first time shes been there. "You're welcome and goodnight to you too."

Misty closes the door quietly behind her and Serena moves her gaze around the room, taking off her coat, and settling herself on the bed. The sheets were soft beneath a canopy that's dark like the night sky. A sigh falls from her lips as she falls back into the pillows, dirty blonde hair flowing, and her practically sinking into the serene embrace of comfort.

A wave of fatigue washes over her as she sinks further into satin and feather bliss. Her eyes close and her dreams filled with the rush of a sea that carries an enticing siren song and the sun shining on her face in a glow that she drowns in, endlessly.

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