Beyond the King's Gate

By ElenaAlexandra10

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A servant's daughter befriends the prince and finds an unlikely friendship. One that would be greatly scrutin... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Two

204 5 0
By ElenaAlexandra10

There were moments in Bethany's life that were too good to be true, as though she were a character in one of the books she read.

This was one of those moments.

King Fredrick sat across from Bethany, beside her mother. Staring at her as though she were some rare creature.

Breaking the silence, her mother spoke first, "I wasn't sure if I could tell you." She looked to the King for support. "Or when would be the right time."

Fredrick turned to her, "I was afraid of what could happen, what the kingdom would do if they found out I have an illegitimate firstborn daughter. We kept it a secret, though we should have never kept it from you."

Bethany kept studying this great man who she adored since childhood, who came over to the castle of the neighboring kingdom often. She thought it was only because of the engagement between Prince Ronald and Princess Kathrine. But it was more than that.

Something caught her eye. Her gaze landed on a small emblem on the king's sash, with the same four leaf clover as her own necklace. Her hand instinctively went to her chest, clasping the necklace in between her fingers, she fiddled with it.

She recalled how heartbroken she was when she had lost it, not too long after meeting the prince for the first time. And the great joy when he brought it back to her. It was all she had of her father.

"When I heard you had disappeared I knew it was time I spoke with you. In all the years of getting to know you, I got to know a real true precious jewel of a person. I should have stood up for you, all the times my wife had treated you poorly. I'm ashamed for keeping silent."

"Did she know?" She kept flipping the four leaf clover over and over again. Of course Lady of Ascott's knew. She looked like a mirror image of the King.

"My wife figured it out. Even before you were born, she found where I visited and found your mother pregnant. Putting two and two together, she figured it out. Your mother and I came to an agreement that she would travel to Eldore and reside there, and I would secretly disguise my visits as part of diplomacy between our countries. But in truth, I would be able to get to know you."

Bethany was about to ask why he would stay with such a woman but couldn't very well be so forward as to ask such a question.

"Nevertheless, here we are. Now you know the truth." His emerald green eyes spoke volumes. Sorrows, regrets, and unspoken words he held onto for years.

She could scarcely believe it. Bethany Bolace was the first born child of King Fredrick. And Kathrine, who she desired to be like, was her half sister. It was enough to make her think she was sleeping, and this was all a dream. A world where she is almost royalty and a prince was, in the past, in love with her.

No, surely this must be a dream.

"Your majesty, I found out from a kind lady who lived next to the home that you bought for my mother. She told me all about it."

Her mother spoke out, "You must have been so shocked. I should've told you before you left. Maybe that would have caused you to stay. I was so worried." Her mother's face was filled with contrition.

Nothing would've kept her from leaving. She was getting in the way of everything, including Ronald and Kathrine's engagement.

But there was no denying it. What she did, leaving without saying a word to anyone, was disagreeable.

Bethany looked over to her mother. "I'm sorry I disappeared like that. I never meant to make you sick with worry. I just couldn't bear having you lose your livelihood because of me and my careless actions."

Instead of a kind reprimand, her mother uttered a soft laugh. "You are really like your father."

Bethany snuck a peak at him, to see his response to such a statement and found him grinning. "That you definitely are. I see so much of myself in you."

Bethany allowed her emotions to get the best of her, rushing over to him she threw herself in a hug. Overcome with joy, she couldn't resist. He wrapped his arms around her. Tears pricked at her eyes, she burrowed into his shoulder and let the love overwhelm her.

This was her father. The one she dreamed and wondered about. She knew him all along. It was no wonder they so easily joked with each other and laughed.

He whispered into her hair, "I always loved you. Even if it had to be from afar. From now on you will be near and dear to me." He pulled away, and nudged her to sit next to him. "I will make a formal pronouncement declaring you are my daughter to the whole kingdom. How does that sound?"

Bethany was stunned beyond words. "Really?" She breathed out. "But I'm an illegitimate daughter, they won't receive me."

"I am the King, I will make the rules and change them as I see fit. In fact there is something I had written up a long time ago that I wanted to give to you." He gave her a royal scroll with a seal on it. Unrolling it she read it.

"What does this mean?" Her father looked between her mother and her.

"It means that you will be from now officially known as Princess Bethany Of Iris. And when time comes, you will get a parcel of land on which a castle will be built for you. Though I'm sure that won't be necessary, for you will be living here. After all, being married to a king you will have to abide in his castle."

Bethany uttered a single humorless laugh. "Yeah right." She shut her mouth. "I'm sorry your maj-"

"Please, refer to me as your father."

"Sorry father, I can't get used to it."

His emerald eyes sparkled as he gleamed with joy. "I cannot wait to let the kingdom know." He said and then pulled her in once more into a hug. "Don't be afraid to call me father, and if you or your mother need anything, don't hesitate to ask. I already took care that your mother has a home made here in the countryside closer to you."

She stayed that way, in her fathers embrace, letting all the lovely new information flood her heart. Nothing could wake her out of this lovely dream.

Prince Ronald POV:

He wound up at the bottom of the staircase only to find a cluster of servants, whispering in hushed tones.

To find him in their quarters once more, they straightened and stopped their whispering.

"Your majesty," they curtsied. "Is there something you need?"

"No." he looked past them hoping to catch a glimpse of Bethany. Disappointment flooded him when he couldn't see her. "What are you whispering about anyways?"

A servant looked to her fellow friend, as if contemplating whether or not she should spill the secret, and then with a nod, she filled Ronald in.

"As it seems, it has become common for royalty to grace the servants quarters. It's unbelievable really. Today King Fredrick came waltzing in here, asking to speak to the head chef!"

Ronalds eyebrows knit together. What was the King of Iris doing here? Needing to talk with Bethany's mother? Was it about the fact that Bethany was found and he wanted to personally let her know?

"I appreciate you confiding in me, but I must ask, have you seen Bethany down here? I assumed she's back?"

The servant who's name Ronald couldn't recall, but Bethany had falling out with, came forward to speak, "She did indeed come back, we are not sure for how long. I'm sure she will be long on her way in no time." The girl scoffed, and looked to her friends for support.

Ronald sensed the hatred for Bethany. He was about to tell her she would be staying indefinitely as his future wife and queen, but decided he wouldn't waste his time on such frivolous matters.

"Thank you. Where would she be?"

"She was headed towards our common hall." Another servant chimed in. Ronald thanked her graciously, and started off in that direction.

Before the group of ladies were out of earshot, he heard the one that hated Bethany, say, "What does he want with her anyways? I never understood what he saw in her."

Another one answered her, but Ronald didn't care to stay and hear the response. He was already out of earshot. He rounded the corner and came to the threshold of the common hall, and found a most surprising sight.

King Fredrick and Bethany embracing. With her mother not too far off, gleaming with joy.

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