I Think You Have the Wrong Nu...

By b3lovassimp

177K 4.2K 1K

You get a random text one night laying in bed. It's someone asking to go on another date with you. As fun as... More

The first message
The Job
The Setup
The Reveal
The hangout
A magical suprise
A night to remember
After we met
Let's get to work
The Fountain
Family Dinner
The goodbye?
Plane Ride
Y/N's place
A Special Dinner
The Sleepover
The Morning After
Afternoon on the Town
Telling the Family
A walk with Dad
Calling back Home
Dress Up
Are You Tired of Me Yet?
Whats for Dinner?
Dinner at Hailee's
BBQ Clean up
The Fitting
Two girls in Target
Pizza and Legos
Packing for Home
Spa day(Pete/YN)
Spa day(Hailee/Cheri)
Meeting her Parents
Zander's Night
It's nice to be home
Meet the Circus
Morning of the Met
Walking the Carpet
See you soon
Time apart
So Good
Monterey to Malibu
We're home
Settling in
Whatcha Doin'?
Oxnard V2
The Big Apple
Mountain View
All Nighter
First Family Holiday
Release Day
Don't Tell y/n
Dj Haileefrfr
Back to work
The Gucci Suit
Spooky Month
The Spooky Date
Spooky Baskets
The Couples Costume
It's Happening
The Announcement
Home Alone
Deck the Halls
Coast Worldwide
Hot Coco
Turkey Dinner
Planning Christmas
The Anniversary
Fun in Bed
The Holidate
When you Wish Upon a Star
The First Date
Emerald Ring
The Night Before Christmas
A White Christmas
The First Christmas
Christmas Day FRFR
New Years Day
The Next Chapter
Chaos Coordinators
We're getting married
Say Yes to the Dress
Wedding Bands
Venue Plans
Final Fittings
Kiss the Girl
The Reception
The Married Life
Coming Home
You're Insane
The Honeymoon
Santa Maria
Big Sur(prise)
Their Future
Maybe we can do this
Big Feelings
It's a...
Night Changes

Soft Launch

1.5K 31 12
By b3lovassimp

*yawns* oh man I was really tired last night so tired I called my underwear pajamas well I need to get up and take teenie and Brando outside let's see I'll just put on y/nsshirt from dinner last night on. Come on teenie girl let's go come on Brando! *walks down the stairs* hold on I hear you teenie. *opens door to the backyard* alright you guys get out there mommy is gonna get herself some orange juice. *pours a glass of OJ and stands in the backyard with dogs* 

*yawns and rolls over* Good Morning my darling, oh nevermind she's already gotten up. Let's see the dogs are missing she's probably in the back. *looks out the window* yep shes out there with the dogs I'll go surprise her *walks downstairs*

Ugh you two need to hurry I ant to be in bed cuddling with y/n. *feels arms wrap around her waist*

*puts head on Hailee's shoulder and kisses her neck*There's no need to rush them I can cuddle you and your nasty orange juice here.

Hold on what did you say about my orange juice?

It's nasty??? I honestly only like fresh-squeezed. Orange juice was really ruined for me when I was younger I was raised on that juice concentrate in a can. So while I come off as a hater I am just very picky.

ok, I can respect that, but how do you feel about the pulp?

Hahaha, I don't like it if I want pulp I'll eat an orange. It's a texture thing for me chunks in a liquid I'm drinking is a no for me.

Well, it looks like the dogs are done out here should we head in?

Yeah, I can see what you have in the kitchen and whip us up some breakfast.

That sounds great *kisses y/n* I'll keep you company and even help depending on what you make.

*opens the fridge* well you have some eggs, a beautiful sourdough loaf, and avocado. How does avocado toast sound?

Sounds perfect. I can actually help with this one!

Well, what do you want to help with?

I can toast the bread and slice the avocado I can never get the Sunnyside up eggs right they always burst on me.

I guess it's a good thing Sunnyside eggs are my specialty. Here is the avocado and the bread I'll get to work on those eggs right now. Do you like your egg fried in butter or oil?


Me too but I know some people strongly prefer oil, but I personally don't like the crisp edges of the eggs when it's done that way.

Alright I have the avocados halved and sliced and the toast should be done any minute.

The eggs need about a minute more and they'll be good to go the tops just need to finish cooking up.

*toaster dings* Bread is ready! Do you want me to put the avocado on the toast?

Sure go ahead  I'll come in behind you with the eggs and finish them off.

*spreads avocado slices* wow that actually looks really pretty, it doesn't normally look that good.

*places eggs on avocado* ok so I finish mine with salt,pepper, and everything bagel seasoning you good with that? or do you want plain?

Ohhh that sounds good top mine the same way.

ok *tops with salt pepper and bagel seasoning* well breakfast is served.*puts plates at dining table* And it was a group effort.

Oh I am so taking a picture and posting this I'm so proud of it.

As you should be it looks amazing, I usually just mash the avocado I never take the time to fan it out on the bread like this.

Really? the artist doesn't plate their food?

*finishes bite of toast* No haha I'm usually cooking for one and its the same 10-15 recipes. But when  I cook for others, I take the time to plate.

And it's posted and I made sure everyone knows I mostly made it.

I'm glad you're proud of how it looks. But speaking of posting things I did post pictures from Carbone and the Ice cream parlor last night.Don't worry it was just of the table, the rose, the plates, nothing with you in it. I mean I took pictures of you I just didn't post them I didn't know if or when you'd feel comfortable doing something like that.

Yeah, normally my food tastes amazing and looks like a hot mess or looks divine and tastes like garbage. There's no in-between but this, this looks divine and tastes heavenly. And as far as posting stuff about us I actually wanted to ask about that.

Oh really?

Yeah, I actually really wanted to post a few pictures from when we first met to now well last night. I just wanted to make sure you were okay with it. I didn't want to post them and you get the influx of people harassing you asking what were doing in pictures together with the whole you're new here. Who are you we haven't seen you with Hailee before.

I was actually going to ask something similar but you know didn't want to go posting pictures with you and people obviously figuring out its you. I've got nothing to hide I'm fine if you post me if you tag me it doesn't matter.

And I'm the same *grabs y/n's hand* you can post me if you want.

well it sounds like we both know what we're doing haha but I'm going to finish my breakfast first. Oh and I found time to edit those photos of you from the shoot we did that led to all this so if you want those I can send them your way.

Oh yeah send them please but I think I'm gonna keep them to myself they're pretty special to me.

I get it, they're pretty special to me too.

The two finish their slices of Avocado toast and look through their camera rolls for pics to post to their individual Instagrams. 

Ok so I want you to go through these I chose A picture of us at Disney in front of the castle, the pizza pre oven, you spinning the dough, our feet as we watched Bailey Sarian, You with a bowl of spaghetti, you in the mustang, and last but not least a picture of you modeling the dinner fit. And I'm gonna caption it with just a simple heart emoji.

Those all look so good I have a shot of our beach lunch, us at disney,  one of you covered in flour, our french toast breakfast, you cuddled up in bed next to teenie in my shirt, you and your cereal ice cream, and us this morning eating breakfast. Oh and you with the dogs this morning! I was thinking of captioning it "Everyone just wants to feel important in life. Thing is, no matter how important they are, there's always going to be someone more important." or "I got the message. I figured out how great you are, you're so fucking great. You're the best person I know."

Wow even with just you're phone these pictures are all so good. I really like all of those. HAHA, Edge of Seventeen. One of those definitely isn't related to anything about love.

Ok yeah in the context that it's used in the scene no, but in the context of me saying it in a post about you knowing were together. In my mind no matter how big I get no matter who I work with so long as we're together you are my number one.

Okay Emily Dickinson you said not to expect poems out of you yet you came up with that poetic explanation of a deprecating joke Nadine made. 

well yeah, it wasn't a poem but I am good with words and I am a hopeless romantic so I'll find a romantic spin when I can.

I need to change my caption now! 

No, you don't I know the love you feel for me is so much that words just can't describe there's simply not enough I love you are to describe your love.

AHA I'm gonna use that but it's true "not enough I love you's to describe how you make me feel"

Well, I hit post so I'm just gonna put my phone on silent.

and I hit the post on mine, with that caption you gave me inspiration with. What do you say we go climb back into bed and we watch some murder, mystery, and makeup?

OH MY GOD YES!!! *runs up the stairs*

My love, you could have waited for me?

Sorry I got excited about true crime and cuddles babe.

I finally made it up here now make some room for me*jumps onto the bed*

ok, she has three episodes up do we watch them all?

Ummm of course and after we watch the episodes we can maybe look into planning that trip back to Indiana.

alright sounds good to me we're gonna start with the Shoe obsessed slayer. *hits play*

Hi friends how are you today? My name is Bailey Sarian and today is Monday and that means it's mystery, murder, and makeup Monday.


SANNA SA SA SANAA SA. You know it's kinda sad she dropped the theme song now, still gonna watch my girl Bailey though.

Totally agree its always the best part of the episode well that and when she reacts to the case as she retells it haha.

the two catch up on their episodes of Mystery, Murder, Makeup Monday videos and open their phones to tons of notifications from their Instagram posts.

I just know I'm gonna open this up and the comments are gonna all ask how I bagged you haha. And to be honest I would understand because I am still actively asking myself that.

HAHAHA! I can not with these comments love. There are some people confused, there are the ones that are like so proud of you with the little rainbow emoji. But my favorite are these unhinged ones that say stuff like Hailee playing all these sapphic roles makes sense now.

HAHAHA, there's one that says well we knew Hailee was never gonna outrun the rumors but never did I think I'd see the day we were right. I know I probably shouldn't but I'm just gonna do this.

HAHA, you put a story of us watching Bailey and said maybe not but you watching true crime with me says it all. Aww I'm just gonna add that to my story and add a heart. I love you and well my fans are shitting themselves.

Looks like they've found me because my DM'S are full of "whats it like to be gods favorite" messages.


What are you thinking?

So what is it like being gods favorite?

HAHAHA oh man well it feels pretty fucking great if you ask me.

Well I'm glad I was able to share you with the world I love you so much y/n.

and I love you Hailee *kisses* and I have no words for how excited I am for you to meet my family.

Yeah we need to plan that while your here this week before you head home. So I was thinking we fly out Friday morning get there at noonish and we spend the weekend there and take off to New York on a Monday?

Sounds great to me we just have to give my parents the dates 

ok well in 3 weeks we head out so that means on April 29th we'd fly out of LAX to Indiana.

Yeah sounds great I'll send our flight date to my mom.

And the event isn't until the 2nd so we can stay that Friday-Saturday night. We just need to know if we can stay with your parents that long.

 Yeah she said that works and she will get the rest of the family together on Saturday for a bbq so you can meet everyone that is if that's okay with you.

oh my god of course I want to meet everyone who made you into the person who you are today.

Well there's one person you can't meet but I do know that she would've loved you. But you can meet everyone else who helped make this trainwreck.

You don't look like a trainwreck to me.

I meant more so with my humor and when the anxiety kicks in other than that I'm pretty well rounded.

Well I love every part of you even the supposed trainwreck parts of you.

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