Forever Spring 【Various!Tokyo...

De miyamispring

2.8K 58 2

"Everything looks best during spring time, doesn't it?" In which a girl that's more obsessed with spring than... Mai multe

零┊Character Profile
一┊Da capo
二┊Poco a poco
五┊Con grazia
十一┊Subito dolente


146 4 0
De miyamispring

No Scrubs- TLC

The three other males left shortly after the blonde-haired girl returned to them, not before Mikey and Mayu argued though, since she woke Mikey up when she dumped him on Draken. Mayu told them that she would inform them of the results so they didn't have to stay any longer since they were only doing the preliminaries that day. It worked out though since apparently Mikey was "dying of starvation."

Currently, Mayu was hanging around. She wasnt at Towa Hall anymore but was currently chasing a black cat. She loves cats, a lot. But she feels bad that she doesn't have anything to feed it, maybe if she sees it again she'll feed it a Canelé. She has to go to Musashi Shrine later because there's a Toman meeting. She suddenly remembered that a new bakery had opened up in Roppongi, so she set off there, taking the train obviously. No way is she walking all the way to Roppongi! She wanted to try everything that the bakery had to offer, and her mouth was basically salivating at the though. She figured that they'd also most likely have Dorayaki so she would have to get Mikey some. Looks like today will be a sweet-filled day. She's not complaining though, she really enjoys eating sweets, not caring about the calories.

The train then arrived, and she waited for all of the passengers to get off before getting on. Surprisingly, there was hardly anyone. Once again, maybe because school was still in session.

After about ten minutes, the female noticed two people staring at her intently. She gave them weird looks before going back what to what she was doing before, admiring her precious violin. That's probably the reason they're staring at her.

She soon got off, only to noticed... the people on the train staring at her again? Nuh uh, she zoomed out of there as fast as possible, towards the bakery. Once she got there, she was practically drooling on the display case. There was so much she wanted to get. Once it was her turn to order, she went crazy. "Oh! Can i get 10 Melon pan, 3 Dango, 7 Strawberry Mochi, 4 Cheesecake cookies, and 2 Dorayaki please?" She asked politely. The girl at the counter was shocked, but quickly took her order and packed it up for the blue-eyed female.

After she got her food, she left the store, only to see... the same two people from earlier! This time she decided to confront them. "You two!" The blonde-haired girl shouts. She then runs over to both of them. "Why have you been following me? You know that's creepy and weird!" She complained. She did have a valid reason to though. Being up close to them she got a better look at their appearances though. One, had blonde hair and blue streaks with round glasses while the other had black and blonde hair that were in braids. The one with the braids then spoke up. "We were just really curi-" He then suddenly got cut off by Mayu. "Shut up!" She screamed, she then proceeded to lift her violin case and hit both of their heads with it before starting to insult them. "I have never seen someone as ugly as you both! Why are you even built like that? I didn't expect to meet Annabelle AND Lagoona Blue today. Girl bye." She then proceeded to walk off, back to the train station so she could go home and take a nap. The two males were on the ground holding their heads in pain. Who thought she would be so violent.

She ended up falling asleep on the train, but that's okay. Since Mayu is so awesome she woke up right before her stop and got off. Her house was luckily close to the station though so there wasn't much of a walk. She was so exhausted and didn't think she could make it if she had to walk much further than that.

She then stopped in front of another bakery called 'Ma Fillie
Pâtisserie'. No, Mayu is not crazy for going to yet another bakery, her parents actually own it! It's a total win for her too, since we can eat sweets whenever she wants, her parent's confectioneries always taste the best too. She then walked in and headed towards her parents. "I'm home." She announced, they then looked over to Mayu's direction and their faces lit up. "Welcome home my beloved daughter!" Her father said, then ran up to her to give her a big hug. Her mother then walked up to her. "How did the preliminaries go?" Mayu's mother asked. "It was great! The audience really loved me! I'm going back to play again." She responded. She was getting really tired and started closing her eyes. "I'm really exhausted though, i'm gonna go upstairs to take a nap. See you later..."

The girl then headed up to her room and flopped on her bed. She didn't even bother changing out of her clothes.

The sound of a ringtone played throughout the room. It was currently nighttime and the girl ended up sleeping for awhile. Her parents didn't want to bother her so they left her alone. They put the food she got away though. The girl slowly woke up to answer her phone "Mmm... yeah? Hello? Who is it?" The female asked. She was too tired to look at the contact. She sat up and help her phone up to her ear with her shoulder while she rubbed her eyes. "Yo, Mayu. I'm ready to pick you up for the Toman meeting. Are we meeting up at the normal spot?" Draken asked with his usual bored-like tone. Upon hearing his words, she automatically awakened. "Yes! I-i'm already on my way!" She lied. "Give me a few minutes please!" The girl the quickly hung up and started to get dressed. She put on the things she normally wears when does anything gang-related. She wore a white shirt that had a cherry blossom design, a pink skirt with a blue jacket tied around her waist, and a pair of red and white shoes with yellow socks. Her parents would probably kill her if she had a gang uniform. She then ran down stairs and rushed to a near by park to meet with Draken.

Once she gets there she saw Draken waiting on his Kawasaki Zypher 400. Mayu then greeted him with a wave and a close eyed smile. She goes over to him and climbs on the back of his bike. Draken notices the bag the girl was holding and decided to ask about it. "What's in the bag?" He inquires. "Oh, just some Dorayaki for Ma-chii." The girl casually responded. "So, what did you do after you guys left?" The female asked as Draken started to drive off. Enjoying the feeling of the wind in her hair. She wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face in his back. She closed her eyes as she listened to him starting to explain what happened. "Takemicchi left so i'm not sure what he did but Mikey wanted to eat at the normal restaurant. He's so obsessed with those kids meals for some reason. He acts like that's the only place that gives you flags." The male explained. He was really tired dealing with Mikey when he eats. But he still cares for him and babysits him despite that.

"I bet, but i also know you care for Mikey, we all do. So it's easy to look past the more... childish things he does." The girl then sweat drops. "But despite that... he's really amazing, isn't he? He's always been cocky and full of himself but i'm the exact same. I guess we all have some parts of each of us that is different, but isn't that a good thing? I wouldn't want to be just like everyone else, that'd be so boring!" The girl the irked and let out a quick 'yuck!'. "I guess what i'm trying to say is that... I really like Mikey." Draken's eyes then widened in surprise. "I really like you too though. And Ta-chii, and Kei-chii, and Fu-chii and everyone else. I'm thankful for all of you." The girl then concludes with a small smile on her face. The blue-eyed female is still tired for some reason, even though she had slept for awhile.

Draken then looked in his side-view mirror to look at Mayu. His cheeks got a bit red and he smiled. He was enjoying their ride to the shrine. The sky looked really beautiful to the male that night.


Authors note: We are finally getting to the Tokyo Revengers plot! I thought it would be nice to include something from Your Lie in April so i could make Mayu meeting Takemichi unique. Thank you for all of the views and votes!

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