By Skyyeh8

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《Fairy Tail x reader》 《Female Y/n / She/her pronouns!》 For a wizard to be both perfect and skillful in their... More

1: Outcome
2: Comrades
4: Death's Phantom
5: Reluctance
6: First Month
7: A New Route
8: The DumbFuckery of a Master's Decision
9: Labyrinth
10: Stay Hidden
11: Worries
12: Drowning
13: Good eyes and Shadows
14: Modelling
15: The Watcher
16: The Eldritch
17: Natsu's Bitchass
18: see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil
19: Family Issues
20: Confessions
21: Naval Battle

3: A Phantom's Haunting

640 32 9
By Skyyeh8

One would think to find a soul is to tread the flat plains of sand that binds the living to the dead— that to find a sliver of life on the opposite end, you must find their name in a library of lives.

Now that's stupid.

It reminded her of how people often assumed that she was the grim reaper herself— reaping the souls of little ones and the elderly and guiding their way to the underworld. She always hates having to explain why she was not that and that she can't see what time they're going to die. Nonetheless, she always humour the idea that there is a library in the underground with the names of the living.

But possessing a death scythe does sound cool— and with a neat cloak too? Honestly maybe she was robbed of having a book of life and death and a cool death scythe. Though, she likes the way she is now, sort of.

Half lidded eyes would move constantly, as though wary of whoever may come up to her. Though she never had trouble with people coming up to her— Juvia once told her that she was just too scary to approach. Not that it bothered her in some way, with too many people to remember, she tends to forget more important information. 

She kicked her feet up onto the table, leaning back into her booth. She wore something more fitting for the atmosphere, and discarded herself of the hat she would often wear. Despite the need to fit into the crowd, she did not wear anything dazzling or elegant— appeasing more to a casual side of things.

One would think that she was waiting for someone, perhaps a friend. But she already found the one she was waiting for, at the far end of the large nightclub. She did not recognise him by his profile, or his attire. What made her realise her prey was in the same room as her was how greatly their soul stood out.

It did not resonate with the others, but remained unmoving. A person like him would be considered banal by most, but it intrigued her further. Not only did he not let the people lower his guard, but it seemed like he too was here on a job. Which makes this all the more fun— for her.

And just like her interest, her hunger increased.

Her lips stretched into a smirk when her eyes followed the retreating figure of her prey. She lowered her head with a coy smirk, and sunk further into the booth's chair. Her body ripped into black threads, slowly consuming herself in a foggy black smoke that blended in with the atmosphere. What remained was the chillingly bright eyes, before they too, became nothing. It spread out like a stringy mass, only to reconnect back at the entrance of the nightclub.

And she was whole again, as though it was just an apparition in the nightclub.

That ghostly gaze returned in her eyes, and she couldn't help the giddy smile when she felt the soul of the man she tracked. She was nimble, quick on her feet. She made not a sound when her feet pounded against concrete roads and rooftops. The foggy remnants of her previous tricks lingered around her body— and if spotted, it would surely give the impression that she really is part of the supernatural.

Her eyes were wide, unblinking and unnaturally keen. She followed his soul through walls and houses, forever on his tail. No matter where he went, however matter where he turned, she was there. On the lamppost, in the store window, and in the darkness of the forest, she was present. 

Though, at the end of the day, he was nugatory. Just another one of her assigned hauntings. It's not that he had something special about him that made him a more compelling opponent, he's just a man. An older, taller, familiar man.

Though maybe it's because she was given his picture in a folder. But she can't help the odd feeling that she has seen him from somewhere.

Though if she had let Gajeel come with her, he would've told her exactly where he's from, given the man remembers everything.


She hoped he was alone— she was told that he would be alone. But the moment he entered the forest and walked off the trail, she felt the souls of 2 more.

A younger woman, and a much older woman dead ahead, sitting in one spot of the forest. Unlike the man she followed, their souls were more lively, buzzing and reactive. The smallest sounds made one jump, while the other would humour the situation.

If anything, they were more desirable than the man. But he is pretty, she'll give him that. A banal little soul with a pretty face


"You took your time," The banal soul rolled his eyes, though didn't express any ill thoughts towards the woman who told him that. Instead, he manoeuvres around one of his dear comrades, so he can sit in front of them before the bonfire. His lips curled up into a small smile, though his eyes looked dull with exhaustion.

"Another dead end— I just don't — I don't get it,"

One of the older souls of the group smiled slightly. She brushed the locks of her long black hair back and tucked it behind her ear.

"Don't fret Jellal, the culprit hasn't done much damage to be considered an actual threat,"

"Yeah but I'm tired of running back and forth!" The younger soul whined, throwing her head back. She quickly lost balance, and fell to the grass with a small 'oof'. Though, despite her little slip up, she smiled through the joking glance that came her way.

Jellal sighed and laid back onto the grass, his eyes fluttering closed, "I can't help the feeling this was all some elaborate prank,"

"A prank?" The older woman chortled,  "Please, who would prank you? Zeref?"

Jellal licked his lips, and folded his arms behind his head. He crossed a leg over the other and stared up at the myriad of stars littering the night sky.

"Natsu?" His suggestion caused the sounds of chuckling and laughter from the two women in the group. And while his suggestion is not credible, it was the only thing he could think about that makes sense. Nothing makes much sense. Who can ever prank him— a dark wizard hiding from the Council? They would've tried to run him in, not make him run around in circles.


"Perhaps we've been purposely led here," The laughter stopped abruptly, and the sounds of crickets became more evident. The hooting of owls became louder, and the cool night breeze blew past roughly over the crowns of the tall trees.

"It's the only credible thing I can come up with. Perhaps this was some kind of ploy to get us here,"

Before the older woman could ease his worries, he suddenly sat up. He brushed dirt from his hair and got to his feet. He patted his coat down, and made sure his hood was up. He tucked his longer blue hair inside his hood, giving the two women one nod.

"I'll investigate the forest…. I can't help the feeling that someone is here already,"

The older woman suddenly stood up,  "Jellal, I sense no one in this forest— you're imagining things just like how you imagined that wolf,"

He grumbled underneath his breath,  "I'm sure it was there… but that's not the point," 

He manoeuvred around the bonfire and to the path he came from. He shot the pair one last glance of assurance, and descended down the path and into the darkness. The light from the bonfire became nothing but a speck of orange when he trudged through the deeper parts of the forest. He strayed far away from the borders of the dark forest, choosing to instead investigate the places someone would most likely hide in.

F/n hopped to another branch. Her feet were light as feathers, and not a sound was made when her weight shifted on the tree branches. She gazed at his back with curiosity, and leaned back. She fell off the branch, but her leg curled around the branch and swung her vertically above the ground. She pushed her arms out so her hands touched the mud, and released her left from the branch. Her body fell over, and her feet fell onto the mud. But it did not leave a mark in the mud, neither did it make a sound.

Though Jellal felt the presence of it. He felt the chill of something abnormal and supernatural, and the hairs on the back of his neck rose. Though when he looked back, his relentless gaze met the dark tree trunks, and the hanging limbs of the trees. Light trickled through the thick leaves and branches, leaving specks of light on the forest floor.

"Maybe it is my imagination…"

Nonetheless, he continued on with the search.

A soul that is set in his body, resting and in the state of perfection. Her presence did not dismantle the soul from the body, but instead, strengthen that bond between spiritual and physical being. Perhaps he wasn't so boring after all. If only she can get a good look at his face.

But time is ticking.


Jellal whipped his head around,  "Who-"

A hand slammed against the side of his head, and fingers buried into his hair. He gasped sharply, and his arms moved as quickly as the hand gripped the side of his face. But before he knew it, a tingly feeling ran down his spine, and shot through the rest of his nervous system. His body lunged forward, and pain bloomed from the other side of his head. Chippings of wood bark dug into his face, and his knees buckled.

"Rest little soul, the paralysis only lasts for a moment,"

Her fingers loosened from his hair, but his body still leant against the tree. He slid down the tree and to the jagged roots of the tree. Though, despite the tree serving as a leverage, he found himself unable to move. Darkness shrouded his peripheral vision, and his chest rose up and down. His fingers twitched, and his chest moved faster. The veins in his neck and hands bulged— highlighted by a strange purple sheen. 

His jaw slacked, and his gaze was forced to look in the direction his head was facing— tufts of grass just on the other side of one of the tree's jagged roots.

"Oh— you're beautiful in person… but I'm sure I must've seen you from somewhere,"

Beads of sweat trickled down his face, and small sounds rumbled from the back of his throat. It felt like something was holding him down, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't feel his fingers. Every attempt at trying to move them resulted in a shock wave of pain in his system. Though, he did feel a hand touch his check, then his jaw.

"It's working much quicker than I thought it would… I'm so used to using this on animals that I've forgotten you're just a man,"

The colour in his cheeks slipped out of his face the longer he leaned against the tree. His blood ran cold, and he could feel the muscles in his body becoming looser. Upon realising he was slipping farther away from reality than he would like, his breathing increased. It was rapid, relentless, but it did not lessen the feeling of dissociation.
A hand moved to his shoulder, and gave it a squeeze, "It's time to let go. The gods will decide your faith, and the Council will execute it,"

The darkness swallowed him whole, as though he was thrown into a black lake. The light from the outside became duller as he sunk further into a lake of mystery. Though, no matter how badly he wants to leave, he couldn't help but to recognise how peaceful it is. Sinking in a lake he can breathe and function properly in was oddly relaxing. Though the light is becoming farther away, he can't help but to resist further. Darkness felt nice, but he remembered the last time he fell into it.

Erza… Natsu…

"Ow-!" She reeled her hand back with force. Static rushed up her arm, and she gripped her hand tightly as she glared at the man. The tips of her sleeves burned away, though there wasn't much difference to spot. Her hands matched the dark material of her sleeves.

"You- You—" Her voice cut off abruptly, and her snarl flipped up into a grin,  "It's been a while since someone managed to reverse my own spells,"

It didn't seem likely that someone like her would have a sudden change of thought. The way she found something good in an unpredictable situation gave Jellal the impression that she's strangely optimistic. But he knows that he can't bet on anything that her optimism may translate to kindness and pity. The happy ones are always the psychopaths from what he has seen. Maybe in the next few seconds she'll pull a sword on him and point it at his neck.

His limp arms twitched, and his blood grew warm.. His still gaze flickered to the rest of the forest, and his peripheral vision returned. Unlike his pessimistic thoughts on death and injury, strength returned to him as though the gods had blessed him. The fog in his head dispersed, and finally, he could think straight. He shouldn't have to be given pity like this. He's a leader, not a dog who awaits a bone. 

But, she forced him into the category of a dog, and forced him on a leash. Even with his strength returning, it wasn't because he fought back, it was because she allowed him. It was because she saw it as a challenge. 

"I like you, little soul… our game was fun… I suppose we can play one more round before I turn you in…"

Taunting him. With every word that rolled from her lips like honey, he couldn't help but his thoughts forming gratefulness. She gave him a bone, and like a starved, he took it. He inhaled the cool air deeply, and he couldn't help but choke all of a sudden. His trembling rough hands pressed against the bark of the tree, and he spread his fingers apart for a better grasp.

"Run as far as you can, the goal is to leave my range— I'll spare you for a week before I'll start hunting you again if you succeed,"

What a tempting deal, but it's not like he can say no. If he does, he's sure she'll just lock him away in chains. All he has to do is… run, right? If she gets too close, he can use magic to stop her. Then it came back to him all in a rush. This was a council woman he was dealing with. Of all things he wishes to accomplish, fighting and potentially harming someone from the Council is the wrong route to go. It would only give him more targets.

More targets, more running.

The dark circles under his eyes just barely lightened. The colour in his pale face returned, and the trembling seized. It was like he was reborn, except it wasn't due to the right circumstances like redemption or to clean up someone's mess.

"You may have a ten second head start," A hand forced itself in his hair, and fingers gripped his blue locks. Nails threatened to dig into his scalp, but he refrained himself from making a sound. The tight grip in his hair forced his head back in an uncomfortable angle. His fiery gaze of determination met the cold gaze of the supernatural. Phosphorescence rings contrasted greatly with the colour of her eyes, but he thought it was quite pleasing to look at. It was like the rings were spinning, and the lines that connects the rings to the pupils acted like the arrows of a clock. 

Maybe the sudden return of strength is messing with his sight. This couldn't possibly be the eyes of a human he's looking at. But she carries the power of something, and the wisdom of a creature far beyond human comprehension. Perhaps he has truly lost his mind.

"Now, start running,"


Who is he running from? What is he running from? The pounding of his feet against the cold muddy floor of the forest was something he was used to. The beating of his heart echoing in his ears brought the back familiar taste of fear. Except this time,  there is no cluttering metal and angry shouts of old men. There isn't the execution of magic hurling his way in the form of blue fireballs, or the magic projectile chains rushing forward to grab at his feet.

It's only a woman, a woman he has not seen or heard off before, sauntering through the forest. It was not the gazes of many he was concerned about, but her gaze that he has never felt before. The gaze of a million lives trapped behind a window. The gaze of a demon who had not eaten; The gaze of the supernatural catching up to their prey to drag them to the life of misery beyond a human's expectations.

He is haunted and hunted by her apparitions that would redirect his path entirely. His punches and kicks did nothing but prove to him that she was nearly untouchable. But her appearance was not one of the sickly ghouls he imagined. Her skin was not as pale as paper, neither was it like sandpaper.

It does not lack melanin like how it is depicted, and it's soft to the touch when she dug her hand through his hair. Her proportions weren't deformed like depicted in the fantasy book, but rather pleasing to look at when glanced at— not that he can stare for longer. The grin on her face anchored him into the desire to learn more, but even he is stronger than that to fall for a siren's smile. 

Yet, when chased by a possible demon, what can you do when your attacks do nothing? And using magic in such an enclosed area is risky. Despite being surrounded by trees, the use of magic will certainly alert the locals and whoever may wander through here the next day. 

But he has more things to worry about than a few trees, he has a council woman chasing him. Hurting her will bring more damage to his desperate act of redemption.

He worked fast, and his foot dug into mud, and pushed forward. He came to an abrupt stop in a clearing that exposed him to the rays of the moon. The cliffside overlooked the forest below, and the gap between him and the bottom of the cliff taunted and urged him to jump despite its height. But he stayed put. Running further would only make things worse, and if anything, it'll separate him farther from his friends.

Surely, it won't be long until they find out that he's missing, right?

"Sweet little soul," She stepped out of the dark bushes of the forest with a grin,  "You must face judgement. The scales will weigh your soul, and your faith will be carved into stone. Take a leap if you dare, but the wings of justice will bring you back to my embrace,"

What is she? When he took further steps back, he couldn't help but to ponder on the question. But no matter how hard he tried, nothing he made up seemed credible. She can't be the reaper herself, reapers are nothing but fiction. They are just the beings wrapped in darkness rumoured to take their lives and guide them to the underworld.

Yet, what else could she be?

"The council sent you to find me, right? How did you manage?" He inquired, straightening himself up despite being uncomfortably close to the edge.

The woman only smiled at him, "I have my ways, little one. My skills are great, and I'm not one to disappoint, so naturally I was the one for the job. You weren't hard to find, nor was it hard to lead you here,"

"I can see that… but how did you do it…?" 

She lifted a hand to her chest, and her lashes fluttered close. That presence of something cosmic returned and gave her the kind of brightness that could be blinding to the human gaze. 

"Don't feel troubled anymore, we were destined to meet,"

The cold breeze hurled at them with such intensity that Jellal assumed it was the work of a wizard. It pushed him to his hands and knees, but the woman was not affected by it. It was like it fazed right through her, her outfit wasn't moved by the winds, and her hair remained in place. Was this just a powerful illusion meant to trap him somewhere? So many questions but the woman has no intention of sparing any details.

"You lost our game, it's time to face judgement-"

She sidestepped with a look of wonder that crossed her face. Her brows lifted, and her lips parted slightly. The purple orb hurled right past her and to a set of trees down below. It blew away trees in its wake, and proved to be quite a dangerous spell when it destroyed a wider plot of land. The brightness died when that spell hurled past her, and the serenity on her face morphed into something else.

"Oh my, I didn't even notice you two," She turned on her heel with the same expression. Careless, free, she was not threatened. 

Her lashes swept up and she blinked, and her shoulders fell. Her powerful gaze weakened into one of curiosity, and it settled on the darkness within the forest. She can feel the two souls coming her way, but it did not alarm her. It only made her slightly frustrated. 

"What do you want with Jellal?" The older woman stepped out of the darkness, eyes narrowed, and her long black hair flowed behind her in the midnight breeze. Her cloak blew wildly in the wind, and her fists clenched by her side.

F/n tilted her head slightly to the side,  "What I want with him is none of your concern, little one,"

Ultear stepped closer,  "He's our leader,"

"I don't care what he is, I'm just doing my job,"

The younger one of the group stood back, unsure. Her gaze fretted around the situation, jumping to different people, but will linger on F/n. She pressed her hands together, and her brows knitted together. She watched the woman intently, and her feet dug into the earth. Despite being her own person, she was waiting for the order, the order to strike. But she could feel a deep tremor beneath their feet. She wasn't sure if it was her own trembling legs that caused this tremor, or the possibility of a spell in progress.

"The council sent you?" Ultear inquired darkly. Her gaze fretted between Jellal and the woman, it was warm and friendly when on Jellal, but filled with malice when on the councilwoman,  "Jellal has done nothing wrong,"

Jellal backed up with each passing second, mindful of the ledge he may fall over. He eyed the woman's stance, and her form. She looked oddly calm, as though the extra presence did not bother her at all. She did not prepare her magic, nor did she express pejoratives in her words and responses. No matter what Ultear asked, she would curve around the question and give her vague details, but it was obvious who sent her.

F/n hummed softly, her eyes fluttering closed once more,  "I have a job to do, so, if you don't mind—" 

She was much faster than Jellal anticipated, it was like she was blurred when she reappeared in front of Ultear. Her elbow was bent, and her hand was reeled back. Her closed fist opened, but her fingers were bent. Strange blue static rushed through her fingers and formed an orb of power on the centre of her palm. With this power, she slammed and gripped Ultear's jaw, and somehow, pushed her off her own feet. 

Ultear fell to the ground with a strangled gasp, and laid unmoving.

"I'm sorry, the paralysis will only last for a few minutes. Please be sure to not fight against it, it would only get worse for you,"

F/n licked her lips and brushed her hair back, a frown stained her lips. Her gaze stuffed the woman at her feet, and she pondered on the familiar look of her soul. She narrowed her eyes, and her gaze stared deeper into the mindless blank eyes of Ultear. 

"I believe I recognise you,"

Jellal pushed an arm out quickly, and his gaze shot to the panicked look of Meredy. He swallowed thickly, and his gaze did not falter. It was hard and demanding, and his hand only fell when Meredy stepped back. The glow in her hand died, and her brows knitted in frustration. She clenched her fists and melted into the shadows of the forest once more, though be sure to stay close enough.

"Yes…" F/n sighed,  "You were on that island… You were meant to face judgement, but you were foolish and instead ran away from it. The Gods know what you've done, lille one,"


Jellal gaped, and sat up. Was he hearing right? Ultear did mention she was on Tenrou before it got destroyed— and the only people allowed on Tenrou are Fairy Tail wizards. He swallowed a lump in his throat, and his eyes lit up with hope. Maybe violence really isn't required to save himself and his group. He scurried to his feet, but the sound of his feet shuffling alerted the Fairy Tail wizard.

"You— You're from Fairy Tail?" His voice was lighter, and he felt almost relieved.

This was all just a big misunderstanding. 

But the woman did not appreciate his question. Her eyes narrowed into a glare, and she turned herself fully around to face him. Though she did not speak, her stance urged him to speak before she shuts him up.

"I- I know people from Fairy Tail— Erza Scarlet, she's my— friend,"

God did that hurt to say. He'll get over it eventually though

The woman clicked her tongue,  "I don't know an 'Erza', nor do I believe you,"

Understandable. He doesn't expect her to believe him— but how can she not know who Erza is? She has red hair, how hard is it to miss her? And it looks like she's running out of patience, the way she sauntered slowly to him gave him the idea that he needs to hurry up. Despite the possibility of death, he shot Meredy one last glance or assurance.

"Titania Erza of Fairy Tail— she and I came from the Tower of Heaven— You read my files didn't you? You read how I infiltrated the Council and how I completed the tower?"

His eyes drifted off to the side, and it followed Meredy who rushed to see if Ultear was alright. And his gaze only moved when Meredy gave him a small nod.

"I am close with her— she would understand—"

The air was knocked out of him when she hurled herself at him. She jabbed him with her elbow, and wrapped an arm around him. His hair flew in front of his face at the speed she knocked into him, and his heart fell to his stomach. The ground was no longer beneath his feet, and he felt cold winds slamming against his back, and causing his jacket to flap.

"Jellal!" The scream of Meredy was thrilling to hear, and to see her looking over the cliff he once was gave him the sense of fear.

A sharp gasp ripped from his throat when his back collided with the forest floor. His arms are spread out onto the forest floor, and he couldn't partially believe that he survived that fall. His chest raised and fell with each heave and huff, and the world spun beneath his body. His body ran cold once more, and the sickly feeling of weakness returned to him as soon as the world stopped spinning.

"Good, now we're alone," He heard the woman mused.

The sound of grass ruffling and dirt crunching alerted him to her presence becoming much closer than what he is comfortable with. But, being unable to move, he can't exactly move away from her. But the sheer knowledge of how fast she can be and how quickly she can put someone out of commission emboldened him to try and get through the woman anyways.

"Please—" He pleaded,  "I'm trying to—"

She pressed two fingers to his lips. His stammering came shortand turned into muffling, and she cried when she felt his spit on her fingers. She quickly pulled her hand back and wiped her fingers on his jacket.

"I've heard enough, little one. Judgement is still in my hands, what you say holds no value,"

She reached out for his hands, and joined them together. She placed her hands over his and her eyes fluttered closed. Her lips twitched upwards into a smile, and she looked awfully happy that she finally got to do this. Her tongue darted out to lick at her lips, and the wind blew through her hair. The moon rays made her look like an angel sent from the heavens but the way she chased him through the forest told him she was far from 'Holy'.

His beating heart slowed, and it felt like the air was taken from him. It seemed like the ground was spinning beneath him, still, he remained in place.

"The scales of your journey will determine whether you are balanced, or unjust… my scales are never wrong, little one," She spoke with arrogance, with just a hint of mock.

The way she uttered those words told him that she was setting him up for failure.

The stars moved quickly which further gave him the idea that he was somehow watching the earth's rotation. Still, the moving spinning stats gathered in very specific spots in the night sky. It was as though it was depicting an image. But he didn't know what that image was until the image itself started to move.

Slowly, the scales made by stars tipped back and forth. The right pan holder holds a feather, the animal it belonged to remains a mystery. The left pan holder holds what he could only assume to be his soul, or his heart, one of the two.

The woman's smile widened,  "Justice will surely be executed for the ones that have suffered under your power"

The scales slowed down.


The scales balanced out, steady and still. The stars stilled, and the night sky amplified the beauty of a balanced scale.

Her eyes fluttered open, "You…"

Her scales never lie. But she was not happy with the results. An abhorrent result for a woman who was looking forward to turning him in.

"You…" Her grip tightened on his hands, and her nails threatened to dig into him. 

"Your scales are balanced— They're— this isn't right!"

She pushed his hands away and abruptly stood up. Her restless gaze burned into him like the hottest flames, and she towered over him like she was a celestial being. Her eyes narrowed and her lips curled down into a snarl. She turned around on her heel and moved out of his view, though he can feel that she is still near.

The scales in the sky crumbled, and the stars spread out over the dark sky. The world rocked beneath his body, and his strength returned to him in a surge the moment the woman topped away from him. He scurried to his feet but fell back down when the ground jerked.

"This— your scales are even, how are they balanced!? This isn't right!"

The world came to an abrupt stop, and the stats settled in the spots they were in. 

"I can't— this goes against everything! To punish someone whose scales are balanced is wrong— it's madness!"

Her voice boomed through the dark forest and the holiness he saw earlier crumbled into bitter fiery rage. She plucked something from her pocket and threw it into the forest with a frustrated shout. She stumbled back where she stood, and breathed heavily.

What am I supposed to do, what am I supposed to do, what can I do? I mustn't resort to violence, I mustn't. The gods will know, the gods will judge. My hunger is not an excuse, it will never be an excuse. It's not an excuse. It's not an excuse. It's not an excuse.

Jellal gaped at her,  "I— I don't understand… why haven't you captured me yet…?" He pushed himself to his feet, and gazed at her softly.

F/n ran her hand through her hair and tugged at it from the roots. Her face twisted up into frustrated sadness, and her eyes glossed over with tears. "Leave little one, go back to your friends and leave my range,"

Jellal however stood his ground,  "You're troubled, the council have lied to you— the scales don't lie, just like you said— please, tell me what—"

"I said leave," 

"Why do the scales matter— you're here on a job, aren't you? Why do the scales dictate what you must do next?" 

His questions came hurling at her no matter how hard she persisted for him to leave. But he was not going to abide by her wishes until he got the answers he needed. Call him persistent or downright stupid, but he needs something to hang on to. Something that can give him closure.

But his questions reached death's ears, and the woman simply ignored them.  

That hunger is great, but the desire to save the soul for last was immaculate. She was not going to fall for hunger one more time, she's much greater than that. She's above that. But, Jellal's soul is appearing more appetising as the seconds ticked by.

"Leave the forest," She growled, stumbling away and into the darkness ahead.

Jellal took a step forward,  "I need an explanation— why did the council hire you? What—"

His back slammed into the bark of several trees, and he felt the hardness of stone on his back. The air was ripped from him when he hit the wall, but he did not lose consciousness like he thought he would. Smoke erupted from his chest where the beam of power powered him. There was a deep conflict within his body, that he felt like he was separating from it.

The woman gasped suddenly, and stepped back,  "I'm sorry— I didn't mean to harm you so greatly,"

She backed away further, and her gaze darted down to the floor. The gods know what she did. She hurt an innocent with unjust reasoning.

"I should've checked the scales sooner— I was a damn fool," She muttered.

Maybe she can bring him in anyways. She can ignore the scales and receive his soul as payment. But should she really risk receiving judgement herself? She had already broken one of the rules.

Jellal slid down to the forest floor, but grasped onto his slipping consciousness no matter how dangerous it was getting. He licked his lips and attempted to stand once more with a huff. Instead, his strength left him entirely, and his face planted into the dirt. Shock waves coursed through him like before, though much weaker than the last shock. Still, he found it hard to push it out like last time.

All he can do is lay in the mud, and move only a few of his limbs. While he can speak, he found it hard to form words.

And she was gone, as though she was never there. Serenity returned, and the sky settled. He's sure they'll cross paths once more. A friend of Erza is a friend of his.

And he forgives her.

6,043 Words

Woo chapter 3. I hope you all guess where I got some of my inspiration from :D

Normally I would have something to say but I don't know what to say.

Jellal is such a good person that even she didn't believe it. That's a given.

I'll leave the thinking and the theorising or any other stuff to you guys

Yeah I have nothing else to say, I'll just go.

Bye my lovelies!

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