bugsnax x reader

By Quil_troll

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I was bored and so I made this (credit to all the people who made the art in this) More

filbo x reader
Summer special!
special A/N!!!
y/n x Alegander jamfoot (bad ending)
my channel

gramble x reader

517 8 28
By Quil_troll

(made this for fun)

Y/n's pov:

It was night and I had been walking around letting the cold wind blowing against my fur, until I heard someone's foot steps, I had pulled out my pocket knife to guard me only to see that it's gramble sleep walking again, I had woken him up.

Gramble:AHHH! oh I was just sleep walking again, Thanks for waking me up y/n.

Y/n: no problem gramble.

Gramble had walked back to his barn to go back to bed, I had continued my walk for awhile until I saw the sun come up.

Y/n: jeez the sun is already coming up.

I had decided to sit by the camp fire with filbo and chandlo. I had then sighed.

Filbo: what's wrong buddy?

Y/n: oh um nothing you need to worry about filbo.

Filbo: come on buddy you can tell me anything.

Chandlo: YEA DAWG!!!!

Silence had rised up after hearing that.

Chandlo: I'll go.

Chandlo had left and went over to Snorpy.

Filbo: anyway what's wrong buddy?

Y/n: I have developed feelings for someone but I don't think they like me back and it hurts me.

Filbo: aw buddy I'm sorry to hear that,how about I help you!

Y/n: how though, they obviously aren't into me.

Filbo: well what are they into?

Y/n: they hate wambus, won't eat bugsnax, really kind,cute-

Filbo: wait your crushing on gramble!?!

Y/n: SHHH! Keep it down, I don't want others to know.

Filbo: I think I know how to help you y/n!

Y/n: really?

Filbo: yea! There is one person that knows everything and I mean everything,go to them and they will help you.

Y/n: jee thanks filbo.

I had hugged him then let go of him.

Y/n: wait who is this person?

Filbo had whispered who it was.

Y/n: alright thanks again filbo your a good friend!

After filbo hear that he looked at the floor in a sad way.

I had ran over to beffica to ask if she could dig up some dirt on who he likes.

Y/n: beffica I need your help!

Beffica: what do you need help with bestie?

Y/n: can you find out who gramble has a crush on?

Beffica: sure thing but you need to get me at least one snakpod.

I had handed her a snakpod.

Beffica: alrighty bestie I will tell you what I find after a few hours.

She had left and started to watch gramble.

While I was waiting for more info on his crush I had continued on with my day.

After a day

I had ran over to beffica to see if she had gotten any info on it, she had looked sad though.

Y/n: beffica did you get any info yet!

Beffica: umm well bestie.

Beffica: it seems as if he has a crush on wiggle.

My heart sank,tears filled my eyes and I fell to the ground, everything went dark I felt cold.


Filbo had ran over




Filbo had picked up y/n and started asking if anyone can help, but the only person left was floofty, he didn't want to give up so he had went over to them and asked.

Filbo: can you please help them, they are dieing.

Floofty: I will do my best.

Floofty had lifted them up and tried to help them

Floofty: and how did this happen?

Filbo: I don't know beffica had just told them that gramble liked wiggle and before we knew it they fell to the ground!

Floofty: so they are dieing because of being heart broken.

Filbo: wait that can happen?

Floofty: it is rare, and when this happens it triggers a surge of stress hormones, these hormones can put anyone in a short term heart failure that can be life threatening.

Filbo: I hope there ok.

After some time

Floofty: we don't know if there ok, for now all we can do is wait.

Filbo: alright.

Filbo had walked over to the camp fire and looked gloomy, after a few minutes though he had seen gramble worried.

Filbo: what's wrong gramble?

Gramble: um well I was thinking of finally asking someone out and such and I had made a hat for them, but I can't find them have you seen them?

Filbo: who are they?

Gramble: I'm to embarrassed to say.

Filbo: come on, just say it.

Gramble: it's y/n.

Filbo's pov:

I don't wanna lie to him, yet I can't let gramble have them.

Filbo: oh you didn't hear.

Gramble: didn't hear what?

Filbo: they had passed.

Gramble's eyes started to fill with tears, he had ran to his barn while crying, I felt bad for lying but I couldn't let gramble have them, no I'm not jealous I just have had feelings for them longer than gramble has, and I don't think it would be far if he got y/n, then I wouldn't have anyone to love.

After some time

Gramble's pov:

I had tears running down my face, I had waited too long to tell them, I had kept choosing to not tell them and this happened,I had gotten sprout and hugged him.

Gramble: I missed my chance, if I weren't so shy I would of had them!

I had cried so much I almost threw up, I had looked out of my window to see it was already night.

Gramble: jeez it's already night.

I had went up to my room to rest until I had started to have a nightmare about y/n dieing, I had started to cry in my sleep until I felt someone trying to wake me up, and it was y/n!


Y/n: shhh!!! And also who gave you that idea dude?

Gramble: well filbo had told me you died!

Y/n: I'm guessing he had gotten jealous.

Gramble: why?

Y/n: I'm not so sure myself gramble, well imma head home.

Y/n's pov:

I was about to head to my hut until I felt gramble grab my paw.

Gramble: wait y/n!

Y/n: yes?

Gramble: I was thinking maybe you and I could be a oh I don't know a thing?

I felt my face heat up and I saw that gramble's face had also had heated up, I had pecked his cheek.

Y/n: sure thing.

I walked home after seeing a flustered gramble.

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