champagne | diluc x reader

By astraeusxn

25.5K 432 621

You're a rich, beautiful model living in Los Angeles. Men and women are all over you, so why do you fall for... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 3

1.7K 67 158
By astraeusxn

Is he everywhere you go? Shouldn't it be harder to run into someone specific in such a huge city as Los Angeles? Evidently not. 

Two days later, you spot him as you're grocery shopping in the bread section of the store. He's scrolling on his phone, leaned against his cart. You can't help the small gasp that escapes your mouth at the sight of him.

Never have you seen the same person so many times randomly outside of work.

Diluc looks up and a gaze of recognition flickers across his features.

"Y/N," He addresses as he slips his phone away.

"Hey... again."

He raises an eyebrow at you and you'd say that he looks almost amused even though his expression is as stony as ever.

"Why do we keep running into each other?" He asks your exact thoughts.

Before you can respond, a girl walks around the corner with a huge smile and reaches over to place some food in Diluc's cart.

"Ready to go?" She asks as she smiles up at him.

You can't exactly pinpoint it, but you recognize her from somewhere. Her wavy black hair with pink clips in it, her pink blush, her long eyelashes...

"You're Maria Ruiz!"

She turns to look at you, "I'm sorry, I don't recognize you."

Maria then puts a hand on Diluc's arm and attempts to push the cart forward. He doesn't respond for a moment, too concentrated on looking between the two of you.

"I'm Y/N -another model at Compass. I remember seeing you there at photoshoots and stuff."

She throws her head back to look at you with an almost-pitiful expression.

"It's a shame I don't remember you. Come on Diluc, let's go."

"I thought you wanted to get some bread," He reminds her.

"Why didn't you get it before! Gosh," She whirls around and brushes past the two of you, as if annoyed.

"So are you collecting models now or something?" You ask him with a laugh once Maria is out of earshot.

Diluc rolls his eyes in response but makes no comment. Your eyes travel to his Hermès watch and the rings that line his fingers.

"Hey, there's a party this evening at Skye Jemson's house," he says quietly.

Yet again another model. You're starting to think that maybe Diluc is a model himself with how much he seems to talk to them.

"Maria invited me to go," He explains, "But since Skye is a model too, maybe you could come along? Not with me or Maria, of course, but on your own? And we could like meet up at some point?"

"Am I allowed to do that? She didn't invite me."

Diluc looks like he might crack a smile at you. He leans back a bit, his head threatening to rest against the stacks of bread loafs on the shelf.

"It's going to be a big party. She'll probably be cool with it. You're as famous and popular as her anyways."

You look back at Maria who's meticulously searching through bread types at the other end of the aisle. You haven't been to parties in a long time. Usually you don't have time or energy to go to them and they aren't much fun anyways. Just famous people crowding around and getting drunk.

"Fine. But you have to tell me how you know so many models while we're there."


"It's at her house at 9 P.M."

You nod at his words but are immediately turning your head when Maria calls out to Diluc, "Come this way! We have to buy some ice cream now!"

He turns towards her but as he walks past you he stops for a brief second and leans in close to you. Your breath hitches.

"When you get to the house, look along the windows of the bottom floor to find me."

With that he hurries off to tag behind Maria as they turn down another aisle. You watch after him for a few seconds. What is his relation to her? The question seems to ring in your head, repeating itself over and over. You want to know so bad. Are they dating? Friends? You bite your bottom lip in thought.

Next thing you know, you're whipping out your phone and opening the notes app to write down what he told you. You have a party to prepare for.


Stepping out of the limo onto the front lawn of the enormous L.A. mansion feels more dramatic than you had anticipated. You're dressed in a skin-tight short dress with a slit at the leg and heels that dig into your feet.

There are people milling about in the grass and bodyguards at the gates to the driveway. The mansion itself is stunning with giant windows that reach many stories upwards, bright lights everywhere, and huge palm trees forming a gate around the property.

As you step closer and closer to the front door, the music from inside becomes much louder. You clutch your purse to you with a small bout of nervousness.

You almost laugh at the absurdity of it all. You don't usually go to social gatherings like this, especially not just for a man that invited you. Even if he is insanely hot.

You make your way down a set of stairs. The music gets even louder.

The basement has tall ceilings and huge windows that overlook a view of the city down the hill that the house is set on. The dj is at one end of the room where a large group of people dance around. Your chest feels like it's pounding with the beat of the music.

Diluc is leaning against one of the windows farther from the big group. He has a red cup in hand and purple light throws the colors of his hair askew. You can tell though that his shirt and pants are pitch black, paired with a few silver necklaces that dip down where the top few buttons of the shirt are opened.

You take a gulp because holy shit he is possibly the most attractive man you've ever laid eyes on.

"Did you ditch Maria?" You ask him as you approach.

His eyes roam your body. He shakes his head and takes a long sip of whatever drink he has.

"She's probably making out with someone or something."

"Oh," The statement doesn't surprise you as much as his nonchalant tone, "So you two aren't..."

"I don't date."


"She's friends with me. Sort of. To be honest, I think she just wants something from me," He explains with a sigh. 

"Well that's not very nice," You retort. 

He shakes his head in agreement.

"Want me to buy you a drink?" He offers, as if he can read your feelings.

You shake your head, "I'd rather stay sober, honestly."

"Fair enough. I didn't want alcohol either."

"So what's that?" You motion to the cup in his hand.

"Grape juice."

You snicker at him.

He holds eye contact with you for a brief moment before you break it. You're worried if you stare too hard it'll become obvious.

"Hey, want to go somewhere quieter? This music is so fucking loud, it's hurting my head."

You raise an eyebrow at his offer, but allow him to lead the way up two flights of stairs and outside onto a patio. He chucks his drink in a trash bin on the way there.

"Much better," He lets out a sigh as the two of you seat yourselves in the grass on the hill.

You feel awkward next to him, not sure how much distance to put between your bodies. You decide on sidling up so that your shoulders are nearly touching but not quite. Diluc doesn't seem to mind, judging from how he doesn't move.

"So, the deal," You remind him, "How do you know so many models? Are you famous or something?"

He looks at you and the lack of distance between you becomes suddenly very obvious. You swear you can see freckles on his nose... Or maybe it's just the light.

"I'm surprised you don't know."


"I'm a business owner. Specifically of Dawn Beverages. You know, that bar chain? The one I was working at when we, uh, first met?"

You almost stand up in shock. "You're the owner?"

He nods with what looks like an amused smile.

"So you're crazy rich, right?" You ask.

"I thought we already deduced that. And you are too," He points out.

"Yeah but.. I don't know. I just didn't expect that. With what your looks, I expected you to be another model or something."

He leans closer to you and you swear your heartbeat starts running a couple hundred more miles per hour.

"My looks,  huh?"

You look away awkwardly, "Uh I didn't mean it like that, I swear."

"Like what?"

"Like your looks are what define your career or the amount of money you have is actually that important or-"

He nudges your shoulder lightly, "I didn't take it that way."

You sigh and turn to look at him. From this close, you can feel the warmth radiating off of his body and can smell whatever cologne he has on. You barely know the man, and yet when your eyes make contact, you feel electricity spark through you. 

The moment is interrupted by the sound of someone throwing up.

Diluc clears his throat and breaks eye contact with you. He brushes a hand through his bangs and then cocks his head to the side.

"Tell me, Y/N. What do you like to do besides modeling?"

"Uh..." You begin, unsure of what to say.

"It's difficult to get to know people these days when they're all famous like you," He starts with a focused expression, "Which is why I want to know more about you besides your fame and your career. I'm intrigued."

His words warm something in the pit of your stomach.

"Well..." You begin.

His expression is difficult to read yet so clear at the same time. He's waiting, ready for you to speak, intrigued to hear to what you have to say. Something about the way his shoulder is close to brushing against yours encourages you to find your voice. 

"I like to take pictures of things I find pretty. And I paint when I have time. Ever since I was young I've liked painting. I always thought I was going to go into art school and grow up to sell my work. As I got a little bit older, I became interested in other things too. But then all this happened," You make a motion with your hands.

Diluc hums in response and nods as if he understands you perfectly well.

"And are you glad that this happened? Becoming a famous model and all that?"

You sigh. The lights of the city flash below you, a reminder of your home and your life and your money and everything that is a part of you now.

"I'm not sure. It depends. I like having money and being popular but it's also difficult at times," You lean back to look up at the stars, "What about you? Do you like being a rich business owner?"

Diluc snorts.

"Not really. It's messed up my life a lot. I didn't even want to become this, just was forced through my family. And suddenly everyone only sees me for my money and my company and I don't have friends anymore."

You trace the specks of the stars with your eyes.

"It's pretty bad," He whispers as he nudges you gently with his shoulder.

You curl your fingers around the pieces of grass beneath you. Diluc watches your face, then flickers his gaze away. 

"But this," He begins with a smile, "This isn't so bad."

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