Love can't tear us apart... R...

By bonecatAndcompany

142 12 15

(cover draw by me. It's just a version from an inspiration I saw from another artist that I forgot their name... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 1

77 4 12
By bonecatAndcompany

It's a beautiful day outside.
Birds are singing, flowers are blooming.
On this day, this time...

Monsters have been free from the barrier. Frisk the human child know for their determination had given them what the monsters kind wanted for years.


Everyone was happy that they even wanted Frisk to be their ambassador. Which they accepted gladly.

Years had pass...

Frisk grew up and became a teenager. They lived with Toriel has their adopted mom since the break out event. Flowey was even there.

Now that the monsters have a city. They were able to do works they could not do before and even interact with other humans that seemed to love the monsters kind.

It was such a great thing.... Right?

Then why would there be a sad small skeleton? Wondering when the next reset will happen?
He was hoping for it somehow. He missed someone that others forget.
They all forget about him. Except he and Frisk. The two have talk about how to bring this old man back.
After all it was unfair to stay stuck in an endless place with nothing but a darkness filling this room.

Sans. Sans the skeleton. Know has a good liar and comedian who now has his own small market. Since Grillby and other monsters had still prefer to stay in the underground... This dude decided to get a small business on the surface to earn some money. Now for sure he has to have some to pay for he's and his brother's house. 

Has usual he would hang at the counter and wait for clients to come buy what they want and get out with a joyful face. Sans liked that peace. Even though, the bad thoughts he had always come back to remind him this won't last long. He sighed has he closed his eyes. 'when will this end? I just want to rest for once..' He though desperate. He was going to get a fight with his mind until someone bring him out of it. "Excuse me... Sir?" A male voice asked. It was quite soothing to hear it. The skeleton look up and was surprised to see a man with a tv for a head. He never saw someone like that before with a features on his screen. Like this guy has a small smile on. Showing colours like the one you could see when a channel got a problem. But more reorganized to look like a rainbow instead of a glitch. Sans cleared his mind and took back a more calm look to not show his surprise. "Sup dude. What do ya need?" He asked curiously with a small smile. The tv man pointed over the shelf behind the skeleton. "Can I um... Have a pack of this? My daughter kinda love those.." He sounded less soothing now. More stressed out. Like he was in a hurry or afraid of something. Sans shrugged has he took a glance at where the man pointed out. It was a pack of cat stick food. Those specially are for pets and not for a child to eat. Seing this sans look back up with a raised brow has he moved a hand over the box and grab some. "Your.. daughter is... Pretty fishy?" He asked with a pun. Somehow this bad pun made the man try to hold a snort. "Yes she is pretty fishy about what kind of food she want to eat." He responded back. Now that was something interesting him. He never met another person who could do bad puns like him. Except for Toriel who does love them and make some too.

He leaned on the counter has he grab a pen and just write something on a block note next to him. "I usual don't give my number to stranger. But you seem a pretty nice guy. Here." He said has he got the paper and give it to the man with the cat fish stick food. The man took out some money and put them on the counter before taking those. "Well thanks you! Oh by the way my name is Boney! Now I'm not a stranger to you!" He said with a big colorful smile on his screen face?

Sans laughed a little. "No prob pal. By the way the name is Sans. If you need help, you can call me. Or if you want to a hang out call or have a pun over... I would be catnip for it." He give a wink at him has he cross his arms on the counter. Boney laughed lightly and nod his head. "Thanks you again Sans! I won't forget about that! Now I better go or I might get in trouble.." He mumble that last part to himself has he ran out of the shop.

Now Sans was back being alone again. But he felt happy to meet a new face. It's a first to actually see a new species living here from now on. "I better tell pap about this. He would be happy to meet a new friend." He had spoke to himself with a big smile on. He sure already see papyrus reaction on meeting Boney.

Just has Sans was about to go around his counter and get to the door entrance to close it for the day. Something strange happen. Like wind had come pass him when he brushed his gloved hands on the door knob. He blinked and looked around him very confused.

Yet. There was nothing but him in this place. Except if... He let go of the knob and quickly rushed to the back of the shop. He knew something like that would happen. A dark colored goop slowly forming into a familiar silhouette until the substance disappear and reveal who it was. He couldn't believe this to be happening suddenly now.

Here stand not far from Sans. The one he wished to see again....


Sans's eyes socket went wide. He must be dreaming right? He must have falled asleep at his counter from standing there on it until it was night,

To be sure he was not sleeping, he had pinched his cheeks which gives a bit of pain to him. So he was clearly awake. He look at the person again. His father who was gone for so long.
"D-Dad? Is that really you?" He asked his voice cracking. He would slap himself right now for showing such a first impression to his dad.

The monster standing in front of him seemed to get his attention. His white pin prick looked into Sans's one. They suddenly went wide with shock and surprise. "S-Sans? Is that you my boy?" Asked in desperate the old monster. The smaller skeleton felt his legs giving up on him, and they did. Tears was starting to fall down. "I-I can't believe this.... H-How did you come back? I-I though you were... Gone?" He sounded like he was delusional about this situation. Gaster walked carefully to him and felt on his knees either. He wrapped his arms around his son and let out a sigh has he sobbed has well with him.

"I know it is confusing to you Sans. But me too. I don't know what happen... But it seems now I can live out of this place." He started to say has he tightly held his son who seem to not want to let go of him either. He feared that if he does he would disappear again. "I must have missed a lot haven't I? I kinda have my memories slowly coming back to me.. hopefully I remember you and papyrus first... You two are too precious to me." He said rubbing his son's skull head.

Sans slowly let go and looked up at him with an actual true happy smile this time. "Welcome back home dad..." He closed his eyes socket has he laughed in joy. Gaster watched him and soon joined in his laugh.
The two did missed each other.

Father and son together again..

Sans soon stopped his laugh has he rubbed his tears away with his sleeve jacket. "R-Right... I should tell paps the news about you and the new guy I met before you arrive suddenly." He said has he stood back up and dust his legs off before he gave a hand to Gaster to help him stand. Which he gladly took and stood up has well. "New guy?" He tilted his head curiously. "Is he a friend of yours? Oh my... You finally got a friend haven't you? I remember when Papyrus would be the popular one to have friends and you, you would always stay in your corner to read a book about science or stars constellation.." he started to rumble about very old memories. Sans blushed embarrassed about that. "D-Dad! Please don't made me hate you already when I just see you again!" He groaned has he hide his face in shame of how he will have to support his dad humiliating him with his childhood past.

Gaster found this amusing before he notice the place around him. Seems like he got in a market shop. He inspected the area and walked normally without being careful this time. "Is it.. where you work? I though you would have become a scientist like Alphys.." He remarked curiously.
Sans stopped his embarrassment state and followed him suit. "Well it got me kinda bored so... I had after work has a sentry guard in the underground and now I work my own business on the surface." He sounded proud of himself for that. The older man quickly turn around in shock of what he heard. "W-Wait a second... Repeat what you just said?" He demanded his son. Sans raised an eye brow. "About what? My jobs or that we are now on the surface?" He asked back confused. Gaster put his holed hands on Sans's shoulder. "Yes that!" He said clearly agitated. Sans raised his hands up. "Wow wow... Hold on there G. I know for you it's quite surprising.. I think you need to hear this story." He said has Gaster slowly remove his hands away. He waited for him to continue.

In the end Sans has told everything about Gaster. About how after he went missing, the seventh child has fell down and came to be a savior to the monster kind. They had befriend everyone and free them from the barrier. They also became the embassador. He decided not to tell about the timelines or the other route this child has done before to not confused him and to not also get him over heated with all that information from one evening.

While the both spoke about everything that changed in their life with now, the time has fly by pretty fast. A phone call had to cut them off from their entertaining chit chat. It was Papyrus. His booming was surprised the older skeleton. His younger boy sounded more mature even though he seem to still be the cinnamon roll he saw before his accident.

Sans rubbed the back of his skull while speaking with him. He seemed to assure that he was coming but not alone. He said a 'surprise' would be there to meet him. Which only got Papyrus to wonder what it was.
Of course Sans used is knowing pun to only anger the younger brother. Even Gaster shook is head in disappointed about it. 'This side had still never left him..' He though ashamed of not being there to stop him doing those bad puns.


In a small house, the tv man had came back to his home with a shoping bag in an arm and a sleeping cat girl on his other. Seems like today was a very busy one for the two.

'How come I get more tired than usual?' He though before he glance down to his daughter. That's the reason why. With her power of cuteness he could never say no to her. If she wanted something, he would have it to her. Even though his lack of memories was there. He still knows how to teach good manners to her. Even though she just don't obey and do has she like. He was desperate to one day see her being more docile to him for once.

He let out a small yawn has he put down his shopping bag and get to put his little princess in her small bed. But has always she would only woke up and keep holding onto him to not let go. Boney let out a big sigh has he said nothing about that. He remove his dark shoes and lay down with her. His legs mostly dangling out of the bed since it was made for a child and not for an adult. Satisfied by that, his daughter lay down on his chest and purred in joy. He only put a hand in her hair and pet it has a soothing way. He moved his head a little to take a glance at the windows. It was sure getting night already.

This day had been very full to him. Yet he had to make food has diner for her at least for tomorrow. Whereas he could not move his body much now. He needed to rest so badly. He wanted to just shut down for today and wake up only when he felt the need to. But something vibrate in his pant pocket. He got the thing out to notice his black phone showing a message by a certain number. He open it to read what it was written on. He would raise an invisible brow at how this person could have got his number.

'sup. Ya still up?'

By the way the message speech is made, he had the conclusion it was the small skeleton he met at the shop. His name... Is Sans right? Of course it was. He tap the number and registrer it. He even gave a name for it. So he could remember the name of the friend he made today has in a short moment.

'Hello, and yes I am... My daughter don't want to let go of me.'

He responded back to his message and waited for an answer. Which came after five minutes. Does it take this long to give an answer? Or was he really tired to not notice that it was only one minute that answer was there and he was starting to get his consciousness falling slowly?

'Eh, seems like she is scared of loosing ya. By the way do you have time tomorrow?'

By this question, Boney tried to though about this. Was he really free tomorrow? He focus on what his memories and mind would remember about. He does have a free time. But it's only at the end of the afternoon. He has work to do in a way and he knows he'll get pretty much tired.

'Yes I do... Why?'

He hoped it was not about something bad. Now he felt like something must have happen to his new friend.

'Cool. When are you free?'

He start to tap has he can the keyboards and sent it has quicky has he could.

'At the end of afternoon. Like 5:30 p.m?'

He felt his hand almost dropping his phone.

'Alright. I'll come get you by then.'

And just like that He fall asleep on the bed. His phone no longer in his hand but instead on the floor.
Small snore could be heard faintly in the room.

Tomorrow will be another day like usual.... Or maybe not?

To be continue...

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