Lord of the flies

By ButterHoney565

2.5K 28 2

Year later and they all grew up. Piggy and Simone are still alive and unfortunately are still stuck with Jack... More

Where is Piggy?
Morning to Night
Blue lagoon
Not 1 but 2
All yours maybe
Love gonna get you killed

Im the Problem

71 1 0
By ButterHoney565

Piggy's POV

It was Simones birthday and he was turning 16. Roger had a huge surprise that no one new about.

They went hunting to find the biggest pig for his feast.

I cleaned up everything and set up some decor out of wood and vines.

I heard the noise from the castle. I know it's Maurice. We never knew what happened but he went mad.

I went inside to him sleeping. I place the food and water down but don't want to leave just yet.

I start to lay next to him placing a kiss on his lips.

I know I shouldn't do this but I can't stop.

He wakes up and smiles.

"Hey baby boy" he lightly says.

"Hey Maur" I made a Nick name for him.

He goes back to sleep and eats I leave seeing I'm not allowed to be here with him alone.

I leave and come out to here them coming out. I start to get the fire started and rested.

They fry the pig and the real things happen.

We all eat and then the presents start.

Jack got him a better and sharper spear.

Ralph made him a necklace with his name branded on it.

The twins made him a coat out of the pig skin.

I made him a doll. He rubbed my hair and smiled.

But then it was Rogers turn. He told Simone to get up and that's when he kneeled down on one knee.

"Simone will you make me the happiest man on earth and Marry me" my heart drops hearing this did he just-?

"Yes yes yes yes 100 times yes I will marry you Roger" Simone yells.

Everyone starts to cheer.

My breath gets short and I leave going to the stone castle. Everyone is too busy cheering on their new marriage.

I take off my clothes and run to Maurice making out with him in an instant.

We start to fuck and I hold in my moans by covering my mouth not wanting anyone to catch me doing the sex.

I fall asleep my body on top of him.

I get awoken by the twins looking at me crazy.

"Piggy you know your not allowed to do this" Sam confronts me.

"We're going to have to tell you Daddy's" Eric says.

I groan and start to get ready for a another beating. I kiss Maurice the twins still watching. I kiss him goodbye and walk into Daddy's room.

I climb into my crib and lock the top of it.

"Ralph we caught him sleeping with Maurice" Sam tells.

They say stuff but I can't think of nothing else but what had happened between Simone and Roger than Me and Maurice.

"Piggy you know what is coming come out of the cage now" Ralph orders me.

I take off my clothes and lay on the bed staying still as I'm ready to get the sex.

Ralph doesn't do the sex but he tells me to bend over and smacks my butt harder and harder.

I whimpered each time and yelped on the harder ones.

I see Daddy Jack coming and just lay down in the bed I didn't really care about being punished.

They mumble something and just come and lay with me.

"I'm a bad boy I'm sorry Daddy's" I say closing my eyes and sucking my thumb.

"Piggy we're sending you away" Jack tells me.

"Wha- uh where?" I question shocked.

"We're going to let you you can go live in that cave and we will leave you alone" they say it like it is a punishment.

"But you can't come back until we say so" Ralph says.

They pack me a lunch and tell everyone I'm leaving. I look back seeing all of them wave at me goodbye. Why are they doing this?

I go to the cave to see everything was in the same spot I left it.

I lay my stuff down and feel my tummy rumble. I almost call out for Daddy Ralph but I remember he's not here.

Wait I don't even have to call him Daddy just Ralph like normal again.

I get up and start to search for some fruit.

It was windy that day so I was freezing my life off. I tried to make a fire but just ended up cutting myself with the wood.

I fall asleep shivering.

Once I wake up I look around to see what had happened and I discover that some tree fell down.

I go to get more fruit and see someone in the bushes.

"H-Hey who are you!" I yell trying to see who followed me out here.

When they came out it was Percival he was wearing the face paint and had his spear on him. He was the same age as the twins so 1 year younger than me.

"Hey Piggy" he says back.

"What are you doing here Percy" I like to call him that for short.

"Just bored it's a free day today so we get to do whatever" oh yeah free days every Thursday.

"Want to come in my cave" I ask him looking for some company.

"We're actually supposed to leave you but I'm not hurting you so I guess" he follows me into my cave.

"So what has been happening at camp" I ask for some news.

"Well Simone and Roger are planning their wedding and Jack and Ralph have started to date" they started to what?!?

"Wow umm Jack and Ralph together?" I ask again.

"Yeah it turns out they kind of been for a while it shocked everyone I mean come on them wow" he laughs back.

I chuckle at the thought that this has been under me my whole time.

"Well you should have a house party I mean I think you might be here for a while" he explains to me.

"Like a party" I ask.

"Yeah and we can invite everyone or just the people you like" that's a good idea.

"Can we maybe keep this a secret and don't tell Roger, Simone, Ralph, or Jack and invite everyone else" I want to keep a low profile.

"Of course I mean it's your party your rules Piggy I respect anything" Percy is nice.

"Ok well you should go back and tell the others before something happens" I start to recommend.

"Alright see you Piggy" we wave goodbye and I start to tidy up things.

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