Naughty, Naughty! (BoyxBoy)


233K 2.2K 293

Different boyxboy/manxman one shots. ~May be graphic~ Еще

Naughty, Naughty Notice
Play with Me (I)
Play With Me (II)
My Love
Loathe, Lust, Love
Flesh II
FLESH (Preview)

Love And War I

46.7K 445 52


Marcaeus's POV

"My king, please, hear me out." Said a servant as he approached my father. He looked cleaner than the others; he was no ordinary servant. His physique, hair, eyes, and clothes were all different from the others. He had a different aura. Even his name was rather different. Laeo. Just... Laeo.

"What is it?" My father, King Ethonos, answered gruffly. He was glaring down at Laeo, but he wasn't angry, not even annoyed. He never was when it came to Laeo. I smiled inwardly.

"My king, it seems that there is a traitor amongst our people." Laeo responded, looking truly sad. I stiffened. A traitor? I looked to my father who was staring intently at Laeo. His eyes slowly narrowed.

"And what makes you say this?" He questioned dangerously. The strange male before us stayed calm and composed.

"Someone has leaked information having to do with Marcaeus's coronation." Laeo explained, "It seems that an enemy state is planning to attack during that time, my king." My father looked truly surprised by that answer.

"Where, pray, do tell, do you get your information?" My father asked rather accusingly. Laeo narrowed his eyes ever so slightly.

"The traitor himself." He admitted, "the imbecile thought it a good idea to tell me, of all people, what he's done and what he plans to do." Laeo looked at me. His eyes were like emeralds, emeralds so beautiful that only the gods would be found with them, or like jade, dragon jade; a Jade said to be so magnificent that it is guarded and only found in a dragon's den. I felt my heart stop and my breath hitch as he caught my eyes. His held such intensity, such passion, and such...worry. He looked back to my father with his jade eyes. "He and the enemy plan to kill Marcaeus."

My father stood from his throne abruptly. The look on his face was completely outraged. I couldn't do anything, except sit in shock. Laeo looked at me once more. My grey eyes watched him as he did the same to me. His eyes held another intensity; one of an emotion I could not decipher.

"What is the meaning of this?!" My father yelled, "Who is this traitor?!"

"I do not know a specific name, nor do I know his face, however, I do know that he is a worker in the home of the king before me." He then kneeled and bowed his head. "My king, before you, I vow. I vow to protect the prince, even at the cost of my life." My breath hitched once again. What in the name of Zeus is he doing? For the first time in my life, I heard my father sigh.

"I know, Laeo." My father said, "From the day we took you in, you have always said this. You will no longer be working in secret. From now on, you will be Marcaeus's personal guard."

"Yes, my king."

"My son, please, heed this warning." My father said to me, though he did not look in my direction or at me.

"I know, father." And with that, I walked out.


I was seated in my room, in front of my mirror, not even twenty minutes after the nerve wracking meeting, when a knock resounded from my door. I sighed before calling, "Who is it?"

"It is me, Laeo , Prince Marcaeus." He responded softly.

"Come in." My door opened slowly, revealing the man from the meeting. His muscular frame was actually larger than mine. I will admit, I am rather feminine. My father, at times, has feminine clothing brought to me and he refuses to let me cut my hair; only adding to my already woman-like appearance. But, there was more to the contrast than muscle and frame; where my hair is so black it looked like night, Leao's hair was so blonde that it looked white. My hair reached the small of my back, while his was to the nape of his neck. His skin was ever so slightly tanned, smooth, and a faint peach, while mine was pale like ivory.

"My prince-"

"Please, call me Marcaeus in private." I insisted, cutting him off.

"Marcaeus," he corrected, "your father has given me orders to stay with you at all times." He stared at me through my mirror as I braided my hair. I glanced at him through my lashes and caught his eyes; there it was again. Such intensity. He watched me with said intensity. I shifted slightly.

"Even in my own home?"

"Yes." I cursed under my breath. What am I? A prisoner of my own home? I growled in frustration. It hasn't even been a day, I haven't even been anywhere, and nothing has happened, and yet my father has already started limiting my freedom! I stood and walked over to my bed. Crawling on it, I lay with my back to Laeo. "Shall I stay outside, my pri- Marcaeus?"

"No. Stay in here." I said quietly.

"Are you sure?"


"Yes?" He sounded as though he were suspicious of me.

"Come here. Lay on the bed with me." I said, "At least until I fall asleep."

"What if your father or someone else were to come in?" He queried.

"They won't do anything. I've told you to come here, so do it."

"Yes, Marcaeus." I felt as he sat on the bed.

"I said lay with me." I stated, still with my back to him.

"I shall sit." I looked over at him. He was with his back to the headboard, but his legs were straight out in front of him on the bed. I turned to face him and put my head on his lap.

"Will you really keep me safe?" I never showed anyone this side of me, but I feel as though he'll never betray me. No one would ever believe me to have fears. Kings and princes aren't supposed to fear; that's what the people believe. But, we aren't fearless. Never will be either.

"I swear to the gods and on my very soul, that I shall protect you."

"Thank you." I whispered as I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.


The next day, I woke to a voice softly calling my name and a strong hand on my arm. I slowly opened my eyes to see two emerald orbs looking at me calmly. I sat up slowly and stretched.

"Yes, Laeo?" I sighed.

"Your breakfast awaits you, as does your father, my prince." He informed me. I felt my eyes narrow slightly.

"Haven't I said for you to call me Marcaeus in private?" I saw his lip twitch upward, but he didn't smile. However, I could see the mirth in his eyes.

"My apologies, Marcaeus." I smirked triumphantly. He chuckled before holding out a hand for me. I took it as he helped me out of my bed. Laeo escorted me to the dining hall and stood a foot behind and slightly off to the side of my chair. Before me, on my plate, sat bread and fruit. I ignored the bread, simply eating the fruit. A female servant brought me wine, which I ignored and sighed for the second time this day.

"Is something the matter, Marcaeus?" My father asked. I shook my head without looking at him. "Are you sure?" He pressed, this time sounding worried.

"Yes, father, I am sure." I responded, "May I be excused?" He nodded and I stood. "If you need me, I shall be in the gardens." I stated before walking out. I didn't need to look to know that Laeo was following me. I could feel his questioning gaze on my back. I undid the braid in my hair as I walked toward the gardens. Upon entering, I went to a stone bench and sat. I looked up at the sky. Clouds, so dark. It'll rain soon. As I thought this, the clash of thunder was heard just as lightning struck. I smiled to myself.

"Marcaeus," Laeo began, "if you do not mind my asking, is something the matter?" I looked over to him and studied him. He simply stood there, the way he always stood. His feet were fourteen inches apart and his hands clasped at the small of his back; his face was blank, but his eyes were curious.

"I..." I hesitated, contemplating whether or not I should voice my burden. I ran a hand through my hair, closing my eyes in frustration. "I am still in shock from the news yesterday. Not only that, but I fear for my father's life, as well as mine." I felt tears sting my eyes at the thought of losing my father. No. No, I mustn't cry. I have to be strong. I felt Laeo sit next to me.

"Do not worry, Marcaeus." He consoled me quietly, "Nothing shall happen to your father, nor you. I will make sure of that."

"Why are you so devoted to us? So loyal?" I blurted. I blushed and looked at my hands when I realized how unseemly that was. Laeo lifted my chin with his forefinger and thumb. Staring into my eyes, he spoke.

"Your family has saved my life. You have saved my life." He stated. I stared at him perplexed.

"I do not understand." I said as I looked away from him and up to the sky. The thunder had gotten closer and rain began to pour. I stood and walked into the palace, heading toward my room. I entered, leaving the door open for Laeo to enter as well. I sat on my bed and silently stared out of my window.

"May I tell you a story?" Laeo asked suddenly. My brows furrowed as I turned away from the window and rain to look at him.

"Well, I do not see why not. Please, do continue." I said, then looked back at the rain as I got comfortable on my bed. I hadn't even realized how much time had passed while we were in the gardens. It was already late afternoon. I felt him sit by my legs, gazing out the window as well.

"About eleven years ago, a young boy and his father were walking through town. The young boy was no more than six, and his father in his late twenties. As they were walking through the town, they came across another young boy. This young boy had been abandoned because he was a little odd compared to others. He looked to be a little older than the boy with his father. The abandoned boy was eight." Laeo said, "the smaller boy noticed the older boy first and asked if he was alright and where his parents were. The boy simply stared. That's when the father noticed and said, 'My son asked you a question.' The boy looked to the other boy and said, 'I have no parents.' The younger boy looked to his father and said, 'May we take him in?' The father looked surprised, but agreed.

Later that day, the father went to the older boy after he'd bathed and dressed and said, 'My son has never asked me for anything. He is an unusual prince.' The older boys eyes widened. A prince?! So, this man is the king?! He thought. 'So, when he asked if we would take you in, I granted him that wish.' The man continued, 'My son has a good heart. I fear it will be broken by the horrors of this world.' The boy looked to the man and said, 'I shall keep that from happening, and should the time come that he needs saving or help, I shall be there to help him.' The man smiled and the boy had been apart of the palace since. That boy is now nineteen and the prince, seventeen."

"This is a true story?" I asked in awe. Laeo chuckled.

"It is."

"Who are they?"

"Us." He said simply. My eyes widened.

"But... I do not remember it..." I whispered. He sighed.

"I know. But, I will always remember it. You are the reason I live. I live only to protect you." He stated seriously. I looked him in the eye.


"Because, I love you." My eyes widened once again, more so than the first time. He loves me? He... loves... me? I've only ever heard that from my father since my mother passed during birth. It made me feel happy, though it should not, and I could not help the smile that spread across my face.

"How long?" I asked. I needed to know. I had to know how long he had carried this weight on his shoulders.

"I figured out that I liked you four years ago, but it grew into something more and last year, I realized I love you." I blushed and looked down with a small smile. I like him, I do not know about love, but I definitely have feelings for him. My smile soon turned into a frown. Will we be able to be together? Screw it. I looked up at him and moved to rest on my knees directly next to him. He watched me curiously. I rest my left hand against his right cheek and kissed his left.

"I have liked you for some time. I would not say it is love, but I do have strong feelings for you. I have always noticed you, even in crowds of people. I have always only ever truly noticed you." I confessed. He wrapped his left arm around my waist and his right hand went to the back of my neck. He pulled me closer and lightly brushed his lips against mine. I closed my eyes and pressed them harder together. It was a chaste kiss, but it was beautiful nonetheless. He broke it and stared into my eyes. His emeralds burned with such passion and that intense emotion from before. I was finally able to decipher said intense emotion. It was love. Pure, unadulterated love.

This will have a second part to it later on in this book of one shots.
Open to suggestions and requests!
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Love you!

- Angel Out! X3

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