Unrequited? A Lie Told-A Prom...

By StoriDen

35.9K 1.8K 1.5K

This is Book 2 of Unrequited? The Series We pick up 6 years later and Art finally has it all...his dream care... More

1. Art
2. Art & Gear
3. -Fiat & Art-
4. -Fiat & Steel-
5. -Fiat & Art-
6. - Fiat & Art -
7. -Art-
8.-Fiat & Art-
9. -Art-
11. Gear & Art
12. Fiat & Art
13. Art & Fiat
14. Fiat & Art
15. - Art & Gear-
16. -Art & Clover-
17. -Art-
18. - Art-
19. -Art-
20. -Art-
21. -Art & Fiat-
22. Fiat & Art
23. -Art & Fiat-
24. -Art & Fiat-
25. -Fiat & Art-
26. -Fiat-
27. -Fiat & Art-
28. -Fiat & Art-
29. -Art & Fiat-
30. -Art & Fiat-
31. -Fiat-
32. -Art-
33. -Fiat & Art-
34. -Fiat-
35. -Art & Fiat-
36. -Art-
37. -Fiat-
38. -Art & Fiat-
39. -Art-
40. -Fiat-
41. -Art and Clover-
42. -Mint & Art-
43. -Fiat & Art-
44. -Art & Fiat-
45. -Fiat & Art-
46. -Art-
47. - Fiat-
48. -Art & Fiat-
49. -Art & Fiat-
51. -Art & Fiat-
52. -Fiat-
53. -Art-
54. -Fiat- Jay - Gear -
55. -Jay & Fiat-
56. -Jay-
57. -Fiat & Clover-
58. - Gear and Art-
59. -Art-
60. -Fiat & Art-
61. Art
62. -Fiat & Art-
63. - Art-
64. -Fiat & Art-
65. -Fiat & Art-
66. -Art-
67. -Fiat-
68. -Fiat & Art-
69. -Fiat-
70. -Art-
71. -Art & Fiat-
72. -Art-
73. -Art & Fiat-
74. -Art-
75. -Art-
76. -Fiat-
77. -Art-
78. - Fiat & Art-
79. -Fiat & Art-
80. -Art-
81. -Art-
82. -Fiat & Art-
83. -Fiat & Art-
84. -Art-
85. -Art-
86. -Fiat-
87. -Art & Fiat-
88. -Fiat & Art-
89. Fiat & Art
90. Fiat & Art
91. Fiat & Art
92. Art & Fiat
93. Art
94. Art
95. Fiat & Art

10. -Fiat-

377 20 150
By StoriDen

- 6 Months Ago-


"Do you miss me?" He asks.

I balance the phone between my ear and my shoulder as I reach for my letter opener.

"Do I miss you? Real question?"

"Real question?"

I smile to myself as I slide the sharp edge ripping the envelope open.
"Insanely, ridiculously, unbelievably, yearningly, maddingly, achingly."

He laughs and the sound caresses me, "Why? Oh Why does that sound so familiar?"

I chuckle as my eyes quickly skim the letter, "I don't know but this insanely hot guy said it to me once."

"How hot? Should I be jealous?"

I place the letter aside and lean back in my chair.
"So hot, so seductive. You should be rabid with jealousy one look from this guy and I'm leaving you in the dust."

He gasps, "What? Have you no loyalty?"

"Only to him."

"Hmmm, Stop making me miss you so much."

"Never, come home immediately."

"Ugh, babe I just got here and I hate it."


"For one you aren't here. And it's cold and dreary. Milo hates it too."

"How is my hairy dog son?"

"Confused. He keeps looking at me like why are we here? And where is dad?"

"What did you tell him?"

"I fed him treats."

"You spoil him."

"You spoil me."

"Is that why you're such a brat?"

"No, I was always a brat. But your means of discipline doesn't exactly motivate me to change."

"Why not?"

" I enjoy you punishing me too much."

"I will punish you so ruthlessly for leaving when you get back."

"Come punish me sooner than that."

I sigh. "I wish."

Is it possible to hear a frown? "Why do you sound so sad baby?" He asks tenderly.

"I'm just overwhelmed. My dad isn't doing well."

"Has he gotten worse?"

"Same really. I'm terrified at what it all means. I don't know what we or the company will do without him."

"Is it that bad? His condition?"

"His heart isn't healing. We were told that, hospice is where he needs to be."

Art gasps. "Since when?"

"We were told today."

"Why are you just telling me? I was babbling about shit that didn't matter."

I stare at my bookshelf, "It matters to me. How you are always matters to me."

"Baby, how you are matters to me. I'm so sorry."

"Its not your fault."

"But I should be there to hold you."

"I'll be ok, don't worry too much."

"What can I do for you?"

"Work hard, take care of my son, come back to me soon."

"I'm sorry I left you all alone with this."

"I'm never alone baby, even when you aren't near I know I belong to you."

"And I belong to you."

I look up at a knock at the door.
"Come In." I call

The door opens and my mother peers in at me.

"I need to speak with you."

"Is everything alright?" I ask her.

She enters my office and slowly walks around my desk.
"Is your phone call urgent?" She asks.

"I'm talking to Art."

She sighs, "Call him back."

I try to read her face but as always she gives away nothing.

I clear my throat. "Baby, I need to call you back, my mother needs to discuss something."

"Ok, will you call back later?"

"Of course, I'll call at bedtime."

"I love you."

"I love you more."

I hang up the phone and turn in my chair to face her.

"What is it?"

She takes a deep breath and walks around my desk to take a seat in front of me. She takes a few moments seemingly to compose herself.

"Your father has asked to speak with you. Before you go I would like to speak with you."

"Is something wrong mother?"

She laughs with no humor, "Very many things. Because of those things you will need to step up and take your rightful role earlier than any of us planned but if this company and the name of our family has any hope of carrying on sacrifices will need to be made."


She nods.

"At times it will feel unfair, but this is your family. This is your father and your legacy and as his son you are responsible for it. All of your fathers work means nothing if you aren't willing to protect your family and our legacy."

I look at her confused, "I am."

"I hope so because so many lives rest upon your shoulders. Including mine. Will you protect me Fiat?"


"Good because I need you to. Your mother needs you to be strong and brave. Can you?"

I nod, "What is it that you need?"

"I need you to lead. I need you to protect me and this company. When you speak with your father things will be made clear."

"Is he asking for me now?"

She nods, "We are asking for you now. We both need you. Lets go together."

She says as she stands from her seat and turns toward the door.

I stand slowly. "Mother," I call.

She turns to look back at me.

"Are you afraid?" I ask her.


"Don't be, I'll always protect you."

"You swear it?"

"I swear it. I will always take care of you."

"I'll hold you to that."

I walk around my desk to meet her.

I gaze at her for a moment hardly recognizing her. She looks so fragile, without thought I wrap my arms around her.

"We will do this together." I tell her as we hold each other.

The moment I enter his room a chill runs down my spine and goosebumps prickle my arms. The hospital room is fridged, and eerily quiet. My mother walks around me and takes my wrist leading me.

I hardly recognize him. He looks so...small and his eyes are sunken they look like glassy marbles that follow me.

He pulls the oxygen mask from his face, immediately I can hear him wheezing.

My mother guides me to take a seat at his bedside before she walks away to take a seat near the door.

"Hello son." His voice is raspy.

I stand and pick up the water glass from his bedside table. I raise the straw to his lips and he smiles. He takes a sip.

"You should have more." I tell him.

He takes another sip.

"I'm ok son, take a seat."

I return the glass to the table and sit down.

He smiles at me and stares for a few moments.

"I'm sorry to you. Can you forgive me?"

"What for?"

"For very many things. So much I don't know where to begin. I failed you as a father. I only worked, I wish that I had spent a lot more time with you."

"There is still time." I mutter.

He slowly shakes his head. I watch as a tear  slides down his face.
I'm taken aback, my father doesn't cry.

"There isn't any time son. I am so incredible ashamed for what I'm leaving you with. But I beg of you to right my wrongs. I beg of you to carry the burdens of a very foolish old man."

"The company?"

"The company, taking care of your mother, and so much more."

I look at him confused.

He looks to my mother. "Can you bring her in?" He asks her.

I turn to look as my mother stands and disappears from the room.

"Father, I don't understand?"

He nods, "You will. But before you meet her I want to tell you how sorry I am for not being a good father. You deserved so much more. I just thought we would have more time. I thought there would be more time to fix my wrongs. I'm sorry that I leave my burdens with you."


We both look up to the sound of the door. My mother enters, behind her is a young woman with short brown hair and eyes too big for her face.
My mother retakes her seat and the woman slowly approaches the bed. As she nears I notice her face is wet with tears.

"Have you eaten?" My father asks her.

She sniffs and slowly nods.

"Don't be afraid, come sit." He instructs her to take the seat on the opposite side.

The moment she takes her seat she reaches for his hand. They stare at each other intimately. I look to my mother, she looks at her hands.

"Fiat, this is Mint. Mint this is my son."

I blink at her and slowly nod. My gaze drops again to their hands still clasped together.

"How are you feeling?" She asks with fuzzy eyes.

He smiles warmily at her, "I'm ok my love. Don't worry yourself too much."

Her chin quivers, "How can't I?" She says as her voice cracks.

"You mustn't, It isn't good for the baby."

"Losing you isn't good for the baby." She whines.

He leans forward and gently tucks her hair behind her ear. "Don't be afraid my love. You or our child will never be alone."

I'm taken aback. I look to my mother once again, again she doesn't meet my gaze.

"Fiat?" My father calls to retake my attention.

"Whats happening?"

"Son, Mint is pregnant with my child."

I blink at him in shock for a few moments.

"You cheated on my mother?"

He lifts his oxygen mask up and gasps. He takes a moment to breath deeply before removing the mask.

"It's my weakness that stops me answering that question. Like you I failed your mother, but I cannot reduce Mint to a mistress. Like your mother she is a great love of my life. She is very important to me, and she carries my child."

I sit back in my seat, filled with dread. I don't want to know anymore.

"I need to ask something of you son."


"I need you to marry Mint."

"What are you talking about?"

"It seems I'm doomed to fail this child before it is even born. I wont be here to take care of them, please son. They are your family."

"She is not my family. Why would I marry her?"

"I want you to be a father to my child. I want you to protect it."

"I can take care of it but , why would I ever marry her?"

"I don't want the predudice of my behavior to follow them. I want them to have a good life. I can't give the child my name. I can't give him or her the position in this life that being my child affords. But I want this child to have everything I gave you and more. The ability to walk in this world with their head held high. I know it isn't your responsiblilty but I beg of you. I want my child to be happy and safe and loved. I want him to have every chance to thrive even if I cant be here to guide them."
Tears freely run down his face.

"I can take care of the child....

"It wouldn't be forever. Marry Mint let sometime pass and divorce quietly. Through you Mint and my child would have my name and everything that comes with it."

"You don't want the world to know you impregnated your mistress?"

"She isn't a mistress, I love her. I don't want the news of a extra martital affair to paint her or our child."

"Father, I understand. But I am with Art."

"You can still be with Art, just please give Mint and my child my name."

I blink at him at a loss for words. I need air. I slowly stand from my seat and take a breath.

"I'm sorry father but-


I turn at the sound of my mothers voice who has stayed silent this entire time.

"Yes mother?"

"I need to speak with you." She says closing the distance between us and taking my wrist. She leads me from the room.

I watch as my mother paces the hallway for a few minutes. After a while she turns to me.

"You must do it."

"Why? It's insane."

"Yes. But it is the only choice."


"Fiat, would you shame me?"

"What do you mean?"

"If that news hits the press, I will be shamed in front of our entire country."

"Why cant we just hide the child?"

"Don't you hear your father? He wants this child to have his name. He wants his mistress protected. But I need to be protected I will not be shamed this way." She says with fuzzy eyes.

I am at a loss. "I'm expected to raise this child?"

"I could not care less but it is your half sibling. In place of your father you must take responsibility."

"What if he gets better?"

"Fiat, your father is dying. Now is the time for you to step up. You must protect me and the reputation of our legacy. It may not be fair but you are the first born son, and it is your responsibility to meet these burdens."

"I can't marry her, I love Art."

"And what of us? What of our family, our company, and our reputation. You swore to protect me, you swore to protect this family and the company. You must keep your word. You can still love Art, It's only a year."

"I have to speak with Art."

"No! You will not breathe a word of this to anyone."

"What do you mean? I can't just get married, fake or not and not tell him."

"You have to. You will not shame your mother, you will not shame our name."

"He wouldn't tell anyone."

"It's not your secret to share. No one must know."

"How isn't it? If she is meant to be my fake wife, and that child my baby? How do you think I'm supposed to explain to Art?"

"I don't care but you wont tell him the truth."


"Fiat, say nothing else. Not to me, Not to Art. Go in there and reassure your father."



-The next Day-

My phone rings. I stare down at his name. Art.

I clear my throat and answer.


"Is everything alright baby?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You didn't call to say goodnight. I called but you didn't answer, did something happen?"

My chest tightens.

"I'm sorry baby, I worked late. I thought to call back but I didn't want to wake you."

"Don't ever. Always wake me, I was worried."

"Don't be worried, I'm fine."

"How is your father?"

My chest tightens more, "The same."

"Ok. I spoke with Benz, he said he could take lead. I'll take a flight and be there in a few days."

"No!" I snap without thinking.


"I mean, my fathers condition hasn't changed. You shouldn't race home just for that."

"But you need me."

"Of course, I always need you. But you signed up for a job. Don't race home for this."

"Are you sure?"

"No, but don't come home yet."

"I love you."

"I love so much."

"Milo says he loves you too."

"Give him snacks for me."


I look up at the sound of Steel's voice, I hadn't even heard him enter my office.

"It's time." He tells me.

I nod, "I'll be there in a moment."

"Art, I'm being called into a meeting. I have to go."

"Ok, baby. Don't work to hard."

"I'll try."


Fiat takes his seat in between Sonia and Mint. I look to Jay.


"You lead." I tell him.

"You sure?"

"So sure."

He looks at me knowingly. I want to have as little participation in this as possible.

Jay clears his throat.

"We drafted the contract to your exact specifications." He tells Sonia as he slides the document in front of her.

We all watch as she peers down at it for a few moments.

"Did you explain to her what this document is?" She asks Jay.

Mint speaks up, "A non disclosure agreement. When I sign, I'm agreeing never to-

"I didn't ask you." Sonia says curtly.

She looks to Jay.
Jay clears his throat awkwardly, "I have explained it all to her. Mint knows that if she ever discloses the details of her relationship to your husband or the true paternity of her child she will be subject to the consequences stated."

She nods and turns to Fiat.

"Do you understand?" She asks him.

Fiat sighs, "Mother-

"You are no longer a little boy. Tomorrow the news will be announced that you will be stepping into the roll of CEO. You are obligated to lead by example, lead this company, lead your family. Pick up the pen and sign."
She stares hard at him.

Fiat hesitantly picks up the pen.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"This isn't your family, just do your job." Sonia snaps at me.

"He is my family. To be franc, I have been his family a lot more often and not just when it serves me." I say without thinking.

Jay places his hand on my shoulder. I look up at him.
What the hell right does she have asking this of him? I think.

Jay nods knowingly at me.

"Steel it's fine." Fiat mutters.

"It isn't."

Sonia stands from her seat. "You have done your job, sign it and get out." She says glaring at me.

This woman is so fucking evil. I stand from my seat and walk around the table. I pluck the pen from Fiat's hand and quickly sign the contract.

I peer down at Fiat. "It isn't too late." I say to him.

"Get out!" Sonia hisses at me.

I stare at Fiat.

He sighs, "I have to believe that he'll know. It will be too insane for him not to."

"It's Art, we're talking about."

"I have believe in him."

Fiat takes the pen and signs on the dotted line, effectively signing his life away.

Sonia swiftly slides the document in front of Mint. She quickly signs and Sonia snatches the document and places it in front of Jay.
Jay looks up at me for a moment then signs.

With that Sonia picks up the contract and looks at all of us.

"What was agreed will never leave the room, if any of you so much think to utter a word you will be held liable and you will pay."

Without another word she storms from the room.


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