The Doctor and The Deathly Wi...

By jokermadhatter

149K 3.2K 476

*Not related to New Life; Second Chances* Ivy Potter (femHarry) had become the Mistress of Death, along with... More

Cast List
The End of the World
The Unquiet Dead
The Aftermath of the Unquiet Dead
Aliens of London
World War Three
During the Long Game
Father's Day
The Empty Child
The Doctor Dances
Boom Town
Bad Wolf
The Parting of the Ways
Born Again/The Christmas Invasion
New Earth
Tooth and Claw
School Reunion
Girl in the Fireplace
During Rise of the Cybermen and Age of Steel
The Idiot's Lantern
The Impossible Planet/Satan Pit
Fear Her
Army of Ghosts
The Surprise
The Runaway Bride
The Pregnancy
Blacks and Jones
The Shakespeare Code
Daleks in Manhattan
Evolution of the Daleks
The Aftermath of Evolution of the Daleks
The Lazarus Experiment
Interlude 2
Aftermath of 42
The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords
Voyage of the Damned
Interlude--Aftermath of Voyage of the Damned
Partners in Crime
The Fires of Pompeii
Aftermath of Fires of Pompeii
Planet of the Ood
The Doctor's Daughter
The Doctor's Daughter Aftermath
The Unicorn and the Wasp
Silence in the Library
Forest of the Dead
The Stolen Earth
Journey's End

Time Crash

1.2K 31 8
By jokermadhatter

The Potter-Black family were hanging out in the console room, the only one member missing was Susan, she was starting to plan her wedding. Eilam and Elysium were standing on both sides of their father, the two five year olds listening intently to the Doctor's teachings. Teddy was slumped into his mother's sides listening to what she was saying about Hogwarts. He would be starting Hogwarts in about a year so he was learning what he could; he was taking over the House of Black in the future, after all. Teddy had also been learning Occlumency and Legilemency by Ivy, knowing it would help in the future, especially if he continued traveling with them. He also wanted to learn it so he could communicate with Padfoot, who was also teaching him what he needed to know to take over the House of Black.

The Doctor was testing the twins memory on what switches did what, when he flipped a lever and suddenly the TARDIS goes crazy, the Doctor grabbing the twins before they could fall and Ivy catching Teddy as Padfoot's claws dig into the grating of the floor. Then a blonde man in a white suit wearing celery appeared in the TARDIS, Ivy looking down in shock while the twins look highly confused.

"Ah, stop it! What was all that about, eh? Eh? What's your problem?" the Doctor questioned the TARDIS as the other man says, "Right, just settle down now." The two moved around the console bumping into each other, "So sorry," the man in white said.

"What?" the Doctor said, finally seeing the other man.

"What?" the other says back.

"What!" they both said in shock, "Ivy?" Ten turned his head to look at his wife who still looked surprised. "Yeah, I'm seeing him too," she said.

"Who are you both, and those three?" Celery Man asked as Eilam whispered into his sister's ear, "Mommy said one of Daddy's previous faces wore celery," making his sister not seem so confused. When they started learning about timelines and Time Lords running into themselves, they saw their dad's eyes light up in recognition, they had been told the oldest version of the Time Lord is the one who remembers.

"Oh, brilliant," Ten said, smiling at his younger self, "I mean, totally wrong. Bit emergency, universe goes bang in five minutes, but, brilliant," Ten said.

"I'm the Doctor. Who are you?" Celery Man, or Five, asked.

Ten just nods still smiling, "Yes, you are. You are the Doctor."

Five looks at him suspiciously, "Yes, I am. I'm the Doctor."

Ten gives him a goofy smile, "Oh, good for you, Doctor. Good brilliant old you," he said.

"Is there something wrong with you?" Five glared, hearing the white haired woman snort. 'Why were the portraits moving though?' he thought.

"Oh, there it goes, the frowny face. I remember that one. Mind you, bit saggier than I was," Ten was rubbing Five's cheeks, "Hair's a bit greyer," then he was messing with Five's hair, "That's because of me, though. the two of us together has shorted out the time differential. Should all snap back in place when we get you home. Be able to close that coat again. But never mind that," Ten says, looking back at Five who was trying to close his coat, "Look at you! The coat, the crickety cricket stuff...the stick of celery," he adds, still questioning his fashion choices, "Yeah. Brave choice, celery, but the fair play to you. Not a lot of men can carry off a decorative vegetable," Ten critiqued Five's appearance.

"Or a jacket that looked a rainbow threw up on it," Ivy mumbled, hearing small giggles from her children.

"Shut up!" Five snapped at Ten, taking his hat off, he had no idea what the woman was talking about but he had a feeling he shouldn't shout at her. "There is something very wrong with my TARDIS, and I've got to do something about it very, very quickly, and it would help, it really would help if there wasn't some skinny idiot ranting in my face about every single thing that happens in front of him!"

"He's a bit slow," the twins said, hearing their mother and grandpas snort. Ten looked up at them a little offended. "Okay. Sorry. Doctor," Ten said, stepping back, eyebrows raised.

"Thank you," Five said and turned around.

"Oh, the back of my head!" Ten cheerfully, making all of his children laugh. Ivy was trying to hide hers and James could be seen hiding his face in Lily's shoulder to not bring attention to himself while Remus and Tonks, like their son, looked like they were watching a tennis match.

"What?" Five asked, startled, trying to figure out what was wrong with the TARDIS.

"Sorry, sorry. It's not something you see every day, is it, the back of your own head. Mind you, I can see why you wear a hat. I don't want to seem vain, but could you keep that on?" Ten continues.

Five seemed to finally notice the difference in the TARDIS, "What have you done to my TARDIS? You've changed the desktop theme, haven't you? What's this one, coral?" Five accused.

"Well—," Ten tried to speak.

"It's worse than the leopard print," Five continued, not seeing Ten mouth, 'No' up to Ivy who had suddenly got excited. Ten turns back to see Five now wearing glasses, "Oh, and out they come, the brainy specs," Ten exclaimed, "You don't even need them. You just think they make you look a bit clever," Ten continued dancing around as if he was saying 'I know you better than you know you'. He saw synchronized eye rolls from Ivy and James, the two hated wearing glasses. James still wears his out of habit and because he died with them on, and Ivy wears them when she gets too overwhelmed by ghosts.

An alarm sounds, "That's an alert, level five, indicating a temporal collision. It's like two TARDISes have merged, but there's definitely only one present. It's like two time zones or more a the heart of the TARDIS. That's a paradox that could blow a hole in the space time continuum the size of...," Ten flipped a switch almost too quick for Five to see, "actually, the size the of Belgium. That's a bit undramatic, isn't it? Belgium?" Five rambles. Ten stayed calm, he could see that even though Ivy and the twins were highly amused, they were still uncomfortable with the oncoming paradox, which was why he was trying to keep them amused, he knew they would be fine, Ivy (or even Harold and Luna) hasn't said anything, and there were two of him there. Ten pulls out his sonic, "Need this?"

"No, I'm fine," Five said distractedly.

"Oh no, of course, you liked to go hands free, didn't you, like hey, I'm the Doctor. I can save the universe using a kettle and some string. And look at me, I'm wearing a vegetable," Ten taunts again.

"Who are you?" Five asks again.

"Take a look," Ten says.

Five looks around, "Oh. Oh, no."

"Oh yes."

"You're. Oh, no."

"Here it comes. Yeah, I am," ten says, hoping that Five figures it out.

"A fan," Five said, horrified. Ivy couldn't hold it any longer and started laughing hysterically, setting off her father in response while her mother's jaw just drops.

"Yeah. What?" Ten thought he had said the right answer, but then he didn't.

"This is bad. Two minutes to Belgium. Who are they?" Five asked motioning to those who were watching them. Five, in his distraction, didn't notice he unintentionally brought another passenger until he heard a mental scream. Padfoot had jumped up, shaking out his fur, "IT'S IN MY FUR, THAT LITTLE SHIT IS IN MY FUR!" both Doctors look up to see a rat fly off of Padfoot's fur and it landed near them, only to be stabbed and killed by a dagger, they both looked up to see Ivy holding an identical dagger, "I have a grudge," she said with a shrug. "HA! Serves it right!" the black haired man in the portrait said, startling Five.

"Where did you get those?" Ten asked.

"Loki," Ivy answered like it was obvious, it was obvious though. Ten then just turns back to Five, "What do you mean, a fan? I'm not just a fan, I'm you," he revealed.

Apparently Five did not believe him, "Okay, you're my biggest fan. Look, it's perfectly understandable. I go zooming around space and time, saving planets, fighting monsters and being well, let's be honest, pretty sort of marvelous, so naturally now and then people notice me. Start up their little groups. That LINDA lot. Are you one them? How did you get in here? Can't have you all knowing where I live?" he rants again.

Ivy walked over, "For fuck's sake," she says quickly turning back around, "You don't say that until you're graduated from school," she told her children, turning back to Five and whispering in his ear, "If he wasn't you, then how do I know your name is Theta?" and backs away seeing his shocked face, she lifted up the hand holding her wedding wing before moving to take hold of her children again as the TARDIS was moving erratically again.

"Yeah, I'm you with a new face," Ten says as Five turned back to him in shock, seeing a matching wedding ring. 'When does he get remarried? Is the woman his mate?' Five thought. "Check out this bone structure," Ten said, grabbing his attention, "Doctor, because one day you're going to be shaving it. And if you wanted to know, yes the paintings are moving, the one with curly haired man with glasses and a woman with red hair are our parents-in-law, along with the still freaking out dog. We marry the white haired woman, and have twins with her and gain a step son," he explained, knowing full well Five won't remember any of this until he becomes him. Then he spots Five eyeing up Ivy in awe, Ivy knew and just winked back at him, "Oi!" Ten shouts startling Five, "You have five more regenerations, keep it your pants!"

Then the cloister bells go off, sending the two around the console, 'FUUUUCK I'M GOING TO DIE...AGAIN!' Padfoot was yelling.

"Right on time. That's my cue," Ten says as Five got momentarily distracted by how dramatic one big dog could be. Said dog had ALL claws embedded into the grating. The two Doctors rushed around, "In a minute we're going to create a black hole strong enough to swallow the entire universe!" Five yells.

"Yeah, that's my fault, actually. I was rebuilding the TARDIS and showing the twins some bits, forgot to put the shields back up. Your TARDIS and my TARDIS, well the same TARDIS at different points in its own time stream collided and whoo, there you go, end of the universe, butterfingers. But don't worry, I know exactly how this all works out. Watch. Venting the thermobuffer, drawing the Helmic regulator, and just to finish off, let's fry those Zelton crystals," Ten listed off from memory.

"You'll blow up the TARDIS," Five accused.

"No, I won't. I haven't."

"Who told you that?" Five asked.

"You told me that," Ten said, well he meant that when he was Five, the Ten at the time told him that, but whatever. There was a whiteout and as it fades, "Supernova and black hole at the exact same instant," Five said, amazed.

"The explosion cancels out the implosion," Ten continues.

"Pressure remains instant," Five continues.

"It's brilliant," Ten concluded.

"Far too brilliant. I've never met anyone else who could fly the TARDIS like that," Five says.

"Sorry, mate, you still haven't," Ten says. 'Yes you have, you just won't admit it,' Ivy mind linked him. Okay, maybe he doesn't want to admit Jack does rather well with flying and he doesn't want Five knowing about Susan at the moment.

"You didn't have time to work all that out. Even I couldn't do it," Five said.

"I didn't have to work it out. I didn't have to," Ten implied.

"You remembered," Five assumed.

"Remember he's the younger one although he looks older," Ivy whispered to her children who were contemplating how slow the Fifth Doctor was.

"Because you will remember," Ten assured Five.

"You remember me watching you doing that. You already knew what to do because I saw you do it."

Ten smiles and says, "Wibbly Wobbly,"

"Timey wimey!" Five and the twins join in.

"Right, TARDISes are separating. Sorry, Doctor, time's up. Back to long ago. Where are you now? Nyssa and Tegan? Cybermen and Mara and the Time Lords in funny hats and the Master? Oh, he just showed up again, same as ever," ten says.

"Oh no, really? Does he still have that rubbish beard?" Five asked, Ivy cringing at the thought of that beard.

"No, no beard this time. Not what we thought he was, but he's also got his mate now too," Ten told him, making Five look confused but slightly happy for the other Time Lord. Was that what Ivy meant that their bond always peaked through a little bit making him watch out for the Master?

Five starts to fade, "Do we really marry her?" he asked pointing up to Ivy. Ten nods excitedly but they both jump hearing, "Watch it!" come from James, "Okay, well I seem to be off. What can I say? Thank you Doctor, and future family," Five said.

"Thank you," Ten repeats.

"I'm very welcome," Five sasses and disappears. Ten does a thing and brings him back, "You know, I love being you. Back when I first started at the very beginning. I was always trying to be old and grumpy and important, like you do when you're young. And then I was you, and it was all dashing about and playing cricket and my voice going all squeaky when I shouted. I still do that, that voice thing. I got that from you. Oh, and the trainers, and," he puts his glasses on, "Snap. Because you know what, Doctor? You were my Doctor."

"To days to come," Five replies.

"All my love to long ago," Ten says as Five vanishes, his voice being heard, "Oh, Doctor, remember to put your shields up," he reminded Ten. As he did that Ivy spoke up, "Do you just like teasing your younger selves?"

Ten paused, "...Maybe—What?" there had been a crash and what do you know, they're looking right back up at the Titanic.


I have a term coming up, but my mother is also having surgery and I need to be helping her out, either I can continue having updates every other Sunday, or I can do a really big update when my next term ends. I cannot guarantee how many chapters will be added for each story, but intend to update all of them. I AM NOT STARTING THIS UNTIL JUNE. So please vote:

Every other Sunday—some chapters are updated mainly once

Wait until August—will have a big update)

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