Naruto: Ultimate swordsman by...

By shiriochi

109K 1.7K 1.1K

Before the third exam Naruto gains his birthrights. Konoha is in for one heck of a show. Swords belong to Mai... More

Chapter 1: birthrights, training, and finals
Chapter 2: battle royal part 1
Chapter 3: Battle Royale part 2
Chapter 4: Council and the search for the slug.
Chapter 5: Conflict, training, and finding the slug.
Chapter 6: Battle royal! Sannin, medics and a swordsman!
Chapter 7: Return, council, and new weapons. Oh my!
Chapter 8: A new wielder and a new mission.
Chapter 9: Return Home, Dates, Secrets Revealed, and a training trip for all!
Chapter 11: Return of the Konoha 12
Chapter 12: Akatsuki rise! The Kazekage has been captured!
Chapter 13: team 7 and friend vs. the art psychos.
Chapter 14: Alliances, weapons, and a starting Battle
Chapter 15: Tearing up Roots.
Chapter 16: Shadows of Terror! The Blood Roots Rise! (Part 1)
Chapter 17: Roots Bloody end.
Chapter 18: aftermath of war.
Chapter 19: New mission and...a new fiancé?
Chapter 20: The Zombie Brothers Fight for Their Lives!
Chapter 21: Family negotiations and...a new fiancé?
Chapter 22: Date night
Chapter 23: Calm before the storm.
Chapter 24: Final Confrontations! The Akatsuki Strike Back!
Chapter 25: End of the Legend?

Chapter 10: Rise Konoha 12: Real training begins!

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By shiriochi

Shio: We reached 1k reads wooo thank youuu

"You want to include the entire Konoha 12?" Jiraiya asked in complete shock at what the blonde in front of him was asking.

The two were currently in Tsunade's office. He was explaining his plan to Jiraiya and Tsunade was listening considering whether or not she should go through with this plan.

"Yes," Naruto said, "We both know that Danzo will try and come back. We also know that the Akatsuki will try to make their move in that time. If all 12 of us train this village will have a great force to be reckoned with."

Jiraiya understood why Naruto wanted to do this, but he didn't understand how.

"And just how are you planning on doing that?" Jiraiya asked, "I don't really know that many fighting styles and I don't plan on making that many sages."

"You don't have to," Naruto said, "if I know my old man I think he has something hidden in the clan vault that could help us out."

"Okay," Jiraiya said, "but I don't know how we're going to do this in the village. There might be some spies trying to learn our secrets."

"I know," Naruto said, "I plan on using the training grounds underneath my home. If I remember correctly it can be locked up for a certain amount of time and we have enough provisions to last us that long in there."

Jiraiya saw the logic in Naruto's plan. They would be away from prying eyes and they could train all they needed to. Plus if the Namikaze vault had all the things that they needed then it was worth a shot.

"Okay," Jiraiya said, "Tsunade-hime what do you think?"

"I think that this is a good idea," Tsunade said, "No one will know what they will be able to do or the extent of their abilities. Naruto I give you and Jiraiya permission to take the Konoha 12 and train them for the next three years. This will qualify as an S-rank mission due to importance. Oh and while your at it leave something for their teachers will you? The last thing we need are our Jounin falling behind."

Naruto nodded. He got up and walked out the door. He had a lot to do. He only had until tomorrow til they could start training. In that time he had to convince the others to join them and figure out what they were going to train in. he was in for a busy day. Naruto then set out to find his friends.

The Inuzuka complex...

Naruto walked through the gate to the Inuzuka complex. Naruto walked through the main house to find Tsume in the living room talking with her daughter. She notice he had entered and she msiled at him warmly.

"Hello Naruto," Tsume said, "What's up?"

"Hello Tsume," Naruto said smiling, "Listen I need to talk to you alone for a minute."

"Whatever you tell her you can tell me," Hana said, "Right Naruto-kun?"

"Sorry Hana-chan," Naruto said regretfully, "But this is something that I need to discuss with the clan head and her alone."

Hana pouted slightly and got up. She smiled at Naruto before she left.

"So what is it you need to talk to me about?" Tsume asked her former playfulness gone.

"Well," Naruto said, "I'm starting training tomorrow in an underground base beneath my home. I know that the Akatsuki plan to make their move in about three years."

"And?" Tsume asked wanting to get to the point.

"The thing is," Naruto said, "I want your son and Akamaru to join me."

"What?" Tsume asked getting up.

"You see," Naruto explained, "if all three of us train at the rate we are then we'll all be ready when the Akatsuki make their move. Plus we'll have a few nasty surprises for Danzo in the long run."

Tsume was quiet. She was considering the pros and cons of this. She sat silently for a few moment's making Naruto wonder is she was ever going to answer.

"I'll consider it," Tsume said, "I should have an answer by tomorrow."

Naruto nodded. He knew that this was a big choice for a mother to make. He got up and walked out the door a new destination in mind.

Hyuuga complex...

Naruto walked passed the two guards at the door. They smiled gratefully at the boy. Naruto smiled back. He walked past until another guard stopped him.

"State your business," the guard said in a serious tone.

"I'm here to talk to Hiashi Hyuuga on an important matter," Naruto explained.

The guard nodded and said, "Head to Hiashi's office. He is currently in a meeting with the Hyuuga council. I warn you though he may be angry when he out."

Naruto nodded in understanding. The meeting with council before the civilian council was dissolved was a major pain. Naruto walked down the hall and found Hiashi's office. As expected it was tidy and very well organized typical of a Hyuuga.

Naruto sat in the office until Hiashi arrived. There was the sound of stomping outside and the door was opened violently and then slammed shut. Naruto looked to see Hiashi Hyuuga with a rather angry look on his face.

"Are you okay?" Naruto asked as the Hyuuga patriarch started to calm down.

"I'm sorry you had to see that," Hiashi said, "Those old bags of sand on the council want to brand Hinata with the caged bird seal and they want to marry you to Hanabi."

"They want to do what and what?" Naruto yelled.

"I know," Hiashi groaned, "I tried to overrule them but my so called father ont eh council overruled me and they plan on branding her tomorrow night. They also want to marry Hanabi to you and she wants to because of the power you showed. That council is tearing my family apart! What am I going to do? I'd sooner die then let my own daughter be turned into breeding stock for my own clan!"

"I think I can help you with this little problem lord Hyuuga," Naruto said grinning.

"How?" Hiashi looking at Naruto pleadingly, "How can I save my daughter!"

"Easy," Naruto said, "I'm starting this training thing soon and I want your daughter and nephew to join me. The other clan heads children are going to join in too."

"A chance for Hinata to grow stronger?" Hiashi asked.

"Yes," Naruto said, "since it's under my home she'll be under Namikaze clan protection. She won't be branded with the seal and if one of those old farts on the Hyuuga council tries to pull something she'll deliver a grade-A butt whoop!"

Hiashi nodded and said, "I accept. Now I just hope that Hinata is willing to do so. If she is she will be there tomorrow. So will Neji."

Naruto smiled and left the room. He had to admit this was going quite well.

Yamanaka flower shop...

"Hey Naruto!" Ino said as the blonde walked into the flower shop.

"Hey Ino," Naruto said, "Can I talk to your dad?"

"What's up?" the platinum blonde asked.

"It's important," Narutro whispered.

"Hey dad!" Ino yelled, "Naruto here has something to talk to you about!"

"Send him in!" Inoichi yelled as he heard his daughter.

Ino watched as Naruto walked into the back to talk with her father. The door closed and she waited intensely for the blonde to walk out. She heard her father say something like, "You want me to what?" and she couldn't make out any more than that. After a few seconds the spiky haired blonde walked out of the door and smiled at Ino. He then left the shop.

"Ino," Inoichi said, "Can I have a word with you?"

"Sure dad," Ino siad getting up from the counter and walking in her fathers office."Naruto just made me a very interesting offer," Inoichi siad looking at his daughter.

The man then relayed th deal that he and Naruto had just made. As he did he daughter felt like her eyes were going to shoot out of her eyes and that her jaw hit the ground. She then threw her arms and yelled, "Woo-hoo!"

Training ground 10

"Naruto!" Gai yelled as he saw the blonde approaching he and is team, "What brings you here on this most youthful day?"

"Nothing really," Naruto said, "I need to talk to you and your team for a minute."

"What do you need of us?" Lee asked in his usual manner.

"Hey Neji," Naruto said, "How's that sword wound healing up?"

"Fine," Neji said, "Me and the other branch members are working on the counter seal for the caged bird seal. And Hiashi told me about the deal he and you made so I already know what you're going to ask. I also believe she's already told Shino about it and his father has already accepted."

"What is he going to ask us Neji-san?" Ten-Ten asked the Hyuuga branch member.

"I'm going to ask," Naruto started, "If you would join me and the rest of the Konoha 12 in a training session for the next three years."

"To train with your for three years?" Ten-Ten yelled asking the boy if he really meant what he asked.

"Yep," Naruto said, "We're going to need to be pretty strong if we're going to fight some of our future threats."

"Good point," Gai said as he was pondering, "I'll let them train with you if you only do one thing for me. Keep Lee youthful and make him able to surpass me at some point."

"Right," Naruto said, "I got to go take care of a few things."

The blonde walked away. And then vanished in a sudden flash of fire.

Meanwhile team 9 training ground...

"He wants us to do what now?" Chouji asked as he heard Ino.

"You heard me big guy!" Ino said, "He wants us to train with him for the next three years. You saw how strong he was after two months of training. With three years of it under our belts we could very well be invincible!"

"What a drag," Shikamaru groaned, "We got more work. Although it will get my mom off my back."

"Yeah," Ino said, "Come on go tell your parents and hope that they say yes!"

"I get it Ino we need to tell our parents about this," Chouji, "But what about our sensei?"

"They'll understand," Ino said, "Besides I think Naruto will think of something that will keep them busy."

"Knowing him yeah," Chouji said as he finished eating his chips."

"Okay," Ino said, "You go tell your parents I'll tell sensei."

"Tell me what?" Asuma asked as he approached the group.

"Ino has something to tell you sensei," Shikamaru said, "Anyway me and Chouji have some business to take care of."

The two then got up and left heading for home.

"What is it you need to tell?" the smoker asked as he looked at the young girl.

"Well sensei," Ino said, "Me and the other Konoha 12 are going to join Naruto for a training session ofr the next three years."

"Really?" Asuma asked, "So what Gai was saying wasn't a complete and total crud."

"You know?" Ino asked.

"Yeah" Asuma said, "Naruto talked to Gai's team. From what I can tell Gai told all of us individually." the other teams have also started telling them."

"Wow," Ino said, "Well I'm going to get ready for the session. It starts tomorrow."

Asuma nodded at the girl. He did feel bad that he wouldn't be able to help his students reach high levels of power. He then knew that if they reach that power that they would be incredible. He smiled to himself as he thought this. He would have to find a way to help them somehow.

Meanwhile Naruto was walking out of the Aburame clan home. He heard that he had already been told of what was going to happen by Hinata. Shibi also agreed to let Shino join them and help them. Naruto grinned as he left the home. He had told all of them about the training trip and all of them agreed to train with them. Naruto was happy that they would. He would have a nasty surprise for the people who would fight them. He went home and sat on the couch and was in thought. Kyuubi felt Naruto's thoughts.

"What's wrong kit?" the fox asked.

'I feel bad about taking the students away from their sensei,' Naruto mentally told the fox, 'I don't want them to feel like they haven't been helpful .'

"How about you allow them to grow stronger as well," the fox suggested.

'How am I supposed to do that?' Naruto thought.

"Make them weapons or new jutsu or new fighting styles for them to use," Kyuubi stated, "And if I remember correctly you forgot that Uchiha and the pink haired girl."

"I don't know I if I can trust those two,' Naruto thought, 'Plus I'm still upset about Sasuke being so demanding all my stuff."

"Then test them," Kyuubi said, "Test them to see if you can trust them and then offer to take them with you."

"Hey that's not a bad idea," Naruto said aloud this time. As he said that he began to scheme on how he would test the two and see if he could trust them on this training trip.

A few minutes later at the Uchiha complex...

Sasuke was just sitting on his couch bored out of his mind. He was about tot fall asleep when he heard a knock at the door. He got close to the door and got ready. He sniffed and didn't smell any perfume nor did he hear any giggles so it wasn't any fan girls. He had been a bit wary when he woke up to find a few of them in is room going through his underwear drawer one night. He slowly opened the door to find a note taped to the door.

He took it off the door and read it.

Dear Sasuke,

I need to have a word with you. It something important and I don't have the time to write the reason to write in in this letter. So do me a favor and get your butt in gear man!

Signed Naruto.

Sasuke placed the letter on the coffee table and then ran out the door to go find his friend. He wondered what it was that he needed to talk to him about.

Meanwhile at some apartment complex...

Sakura sat in the apartment she was forced to rent after her parents disowned her before they were executed. The landlord here took pity on her since he knew that they were the villains and that she was a victim. He was kind enough to provide her with a place to sleep and stay for a while. She heard a knock at the door and walked toward it nervously. Some of the villagers viewed her as the daughter of a few traitors. A few people glared at her when they saw her. It was only a select few that did though because other saw how she was at the execution and knew that she wasn't as bad as her parents. She opened the door and saw a note taped to the door.

She took it down and read it.

Dear Sakura,

I need to have a few words with you. Don't worry I don't see you as the daughter of a traitor. I just want to have a conversation. The reason behind which I don't have to the time to write down so just come down to my home so we can get this done and over with.

Signed Naruto.

"I wonder what he wants to talk to me about?' Sakura thought.

"Don't worry," Sakuya said in her sisters head, "I'm sure he doesn't have a problem with you. Now get down there and find out what he wants."

A few minutes later at the Namikaze complex...

Both young Shinobi approached the gate to the Namikaze complex and were shocked to see each other.

"He gave you a letter too?" Sakura asked.

"He did," Sasuke answered, "I wonder why he wanted to talk to us?"

"There's only one way to find out," Sasuke said.

The two walked through the gate and saw something that completely shocked them. The door was broken down and there were signs of fighting as well as multiple scorch marks consistent with fire jutsu or lightening jutus. There were also large gashes in the ground meaning that Naruto was probably fighting. The two then ran in the door to find something that made their skin crawl.

Naruto was currently chained to the wall. He had chakra cuffs on his wrists and was bound tight. He had multiple cuts on his body and a few bruises consistent with multiple strikes with either a bat or a pipe or some other weapon. Out of the hallway walked a few Root ANBU. Behind them was Danzo.

"I told you that you wouldn't be able to defeat me demon," the man said before laughing, "Now I give you this one last chance. Join me or die."

Naruto just growled and spat a combination of blood and saliva at the man. The combination hit him in the face. The old war hawk wiped the blood away from his face and shook his head. Danzo made a motion to one of Root. The man then body flickered away leaving the boy to his fate.

The Root rose his sword and was about to bring it down on Naruto's head. The next thing Naruto knew Sakura and Sasuke were in front of him. The root looked at the two in shock then he spoke in an emotionless tone.

"Leave now you two," he said, "This has nothing to do with you."

"It has something to do with us," Sasuke said drawing the sword Naruto gave him at the execution, "I don't care what happens to us. We're not letting you hurt our comrade."

"Yeah," Sakura said agreeing with her crush.

"Fine then," the root said raising his sword again, "I'll kill you and then him!"

The root brought the sword down. Sakura braced herself for impact, but to her surprise...she did feel anything. She looked up and saw the sword inches from her face. Then the root backed away. Then all the root around them started to laugh. There were large puffs of smoke and they saw a bunch of...Naruto's.

"What the heck is going on?" Sakura asked clearly confused.

"I'll explain," Naruto said. The two looked to see that he was completely and utterly fine. No wounds no cuffs or nothing.

"What the hell Naruto? You scared us half to death! We thought you were in trouble!" Sakura yelled. The volume was enough to make the clones disappear while clutching their ears.

"It's simple Sakura," Naruto said smiling at the two, "You see I needed to know if I could trust you for something. I decided to come up with this little test to make sure that I could. Sorry about misleading you, but it was the only way I could know for sure."

"What is it exactly you needed to trust us for?" Sasuke asked.

"Well," Naruto said, "I'm doing a training session here for the next three years involving the rest of the Konoha 12. I wanted to make sure I could trust you two to join in on it without having to deal with both you being arrogant and with you being a screeching harpy."

The two looked at each other. They were a little mad that they had been tricked like that, but they had to admit that it was a very clever idea.

"So what do you guys say?" Naruto asked the two, "Are you in?"

"I am," Sasuke said, "I want to make sure that if I find my brother I want to show him how strong I've become."

"Yeah," Sakura said, "and I want to show the world that I'm not just some weak harpy anymore."

Naruto smiled at the two as they said this.

"Good," Naruto said, "We start the training tomorrow afternoon around two. If you want to be apart of it show up and be ready. I have to warn you though this will not be easy. Now if you'll excuse me...I have some work to do."

The two nodded. They then went home to start packing for the training session that would be their lives tomorrow.

After they left Naruto headed for the forge. He had some serious work to do before it was time for bed.

Later that night Naruto walked out of the forge and walked slowly and clumsily. He looked at he clock and it was almost midnight. He had been in there for almost 12 hours. He was glad that he had taken in a few soldier pills with him so that he could continue when he got hungry. Naruto slowly made his way to the living room. He was way too tired to climb stairs. He walked slowly to the couch and collapsed on the thing and fell asleep instantly.

Hours later...

Naruto woke up as he was suddenly hit with bright light. He cursed the large solar object and groaned as he rose up from the couch. He looked at the clock. He gasped when he saw that it was almost noon. He realized then that he had two hours before his friends came. He got up quickly and ran to the shower. After a quick shower he got dressed. Then he formed a few shadow clones and ran into the forge. A few seconds later he came back out with a few boxes.

"Okay," Naruto said to his clones, "I want you to drop these off at the addresses on the boxes. Got it?"

"Yes sir," the clones said in unison and giving him some mock salutes.

"Make sure no one sees you," Naruto said, "If anyone does the whole thing is ruined."

The clones all nodded in understanding. Each one then took the boxes and vanished in flashes of fire. Naruto then heard a knock at the door. He quickly composed himself and answered the door. He smiled as he saw all his friends at the door along with their teachers. He also noticed the parents were there as well along with Tsunade and Jiraiya.

"Glad you guys could come," Naruto said as he let them in.

"Are you kidding?" Kiba asked the blonde, "We've been itching to start this training thing ever since we were told about it."

"Of course," Naruto said.

"Now there was one thing that I forgot to ask before this whole thing," Naruto said, "Do you guys know your elemental affinities?"

"Our what now?" Ino asked as she was not familiar with the term.

"Oh brother," Naruto said, "a persons chakra is different pertaining to the person. One person can have a fire affinity giving them the control the fire element to a small extent. It allows them to have strength in certain jutsu or if they have more than one they can combine them. Like the way that the Shodaime was able to form wood by combining his earth and water affinities to make wood."

"Whoa," Kiba said, "So you want us to know our elemental affinities so we can utilize that information during our training with you for the next three years."

"Bingo dog boy," Naruto said making the dog boy growl at the nickname.

"All right then," Naruto said, "Does anybody here have any chakra paper?"

Almost all the jounin took a few pieces of the paper Naruto mentioned almost simultaneously.

"Well that's helpful," Naruto said, "Okay who wants to go first?"

"How about team 7?" Jiraiya asked.

"Okay," Naruto said taking apiece of paper from Kakashi, "Now for this to work you need to focus chakra into the paper. Fire makes it burn, water makes it wet, lightning crumples it up, earth turns it to dust, and wind cuts it in half."

Sasuke took a piece of paper. He focused his chakra into it. The paper crumpled up and then caught on fire. Afraid he would be burned he dropped it on the ground.

"Fire and lightening," Naruto examined, "A very interesting combination. Fire you probably got from you old man while lightening came from your mother. Your turn Sakura."

Sakura took her piece and focused her chakra into it. Almost immediately the paper turned to dust.

"Earth," Naruto examined, "I have to say I'm not really surprised. It explains where you got all that power behind your punches."

Sakura blushed slightly and said, "What about you Naruto?"

Naruto shrugged. He took a piece himself and focused. The result shocked a lot of people. The paper split in four pieces. One piece got wet, another turned to dust, another crumpled up, and the last piece caught on fire.

"I have an affinity with all the elements," Naruto said, "It's something I got since my sword hae control over certain elements."

"Okay my teams turn!" Asuma said handing pieces of chakra paper to Ino, Chouji, and Shikamaru.

Ino's burst into flame, Chouji's turnnd to dust and caught fire, and Shikarmau's turned black.

"Fire, earth and fire, and darkness," Naruto said shaking his head, "I have to say that I'm not really surprised at this. Thought I have to say training with Chouji is going to be very interesting."

"Our turn," Kurenai said handing the pieces to her students.

Kiba's caught fire and Hinata's became wet. Shino's surprised everyone. It turne to a greenish substance and started to bubble. The boy dropped it in shock.

"What is that?" he asked.

"Looks like we got a sub element user," Naruto said smiling.

"What?" Kurenai asked.

"Sub elements," Naruto explained, "Are either very rare elements that are only seen in bloodline or seen in people with more than one affinity. An example is lava. Since Chouji has a fire and earth affinity he can combine both to perform lava jutsu. Shino here has a very rare affinity: acid."

"Wow," Shibi said shocked, "Who would have thought it."

"Moving on," Gai said taking out a few pieces of chakra paper.

He handed them to his students. Neji's turned to dust and so did Lee's. Ten-Ten's did something that no one else expected. It actually hardened and turned to metal.

"Will there be no end to today's surprises?" Naruto asked to no one in particular, "This probably explains her thing for weapons. She's got a metal affinity."

"Man," Dan Higurashi said out loud, "There is no end to today's surprises."

"All right," Naruto said, "I suggest you say goodbye to your parents since you won't be seeing them for a few years."

The parent said goodbye to their kids and gave them each one long lasting hug goodbye. Lee and Gai would have done their weird sunset hug thing, but Naruto put a sword to the back of the younger clones neck to get him to not do it.

Before they left the adults gave their weapons to their children. Well Hinata had her pointy gloves so he gave the sword to Neji. This actually shocked them.

"If you guys are going to train like he has for the past few months," Shibi explained as they left, "Then we have a feeling you are going to be ready to use those by the time your done. Besides you going to need to use them anyway."

The children saw their parents off. At least the ones that had parents did. As the parents left they looked back at eh place.

"Do you really think that they'll be strong enough?" Hiashi asked Tsume.

"Yeah," Tsume said, "Plus you know what we entrusted to his father in that vault right?"

"Yeah," Dan said, "I just hope that they don't get put through heck with that training."

"I know," Inoichi said, "Well we better head home."

The parents and teachers left. Tsunade left to go with them and Jiraiya had stayed behind in the complex since he was going to be the one in charge of training them. As the parents left there was a sudden blast of chakra t the sky. They turned and saw a large dome of chakra form over the complex. They looked at it with their jaws on the floor.

"Well," Tsume said, "That's one way to keep out intruders. I wonder if I can get one of those?"

The clan heads went home while the teachers of the teams felt a little depressed that when they got out that they wouldn't be able to keep up with their students. Each one of them went home. Of course they never noticed a few Naruto shadow clones turn into smoke a few houses away.

Kakashi's house...

Kakashi walked in the front door and noticed a box on his couch. He walked over and noticed a small note on top of it. He opened it up and read it.

"Dear Kakashi

I know that you want to grow stronger along with us. In light of that I made up a few sword techniques for your sword and a few lightning jutsu to go with it. Hope you enjoy.

Signed Naruto

P.S. Since it says in your file that you have both a lightning and a fire affinity...Why don't you make a move like your Raikeri and Chidori only with fire instead?"

Kakashi was silent as he read this. Then he walked over to the wall and started bashing his head against the wall. Why hadn't he thought of that before? He continued for a few minutes and then he took some Tylenol for his headache.

Gai's house...

Gai walked in not in his usual cheerful self. Since his team wasn't going to be around for a while he wouldn't be able to spread his flames of youth. Wow...even when you write that it seems weird. The man walked upstairs to bed. When her stepped in he noticed a large box. He opened it and his eyes widened at the sight. Inside was a pair of gloves. The thing looked like they had crystals on the knuckles and the fingers were made of metal. On the top of the glove there was a steel in Kanji. There was also a pair of boots that looked the same, but no crystals. He found a scroll with a note on it. He opened the note and read it.

To Gai

I know that your probably upset that you won't be able to train your students so in light of that I have given you these. I couldn't think of a name for them. Anyway they both are made of strong metal and gloves had crystals in the knuckles. They both make devastating weapons for a taijutsu user like yourself. Also the weapons can be sealed into a bracelet like form so you don't have the carry them around all the time. In the scroll is a style called the great iron fist. From what I read in it it's an extension of your fighting style. Oh and just so you know I gave Lee weapons similar to these and he's learning the same style. Good luck will need it

Signed Naruto.

Gai felt himself tear up as he read the note. He smiled widely as he knew that his flames of youth and Lee's were going to be brighter then ever.

Asuma's place...

Asume noticed a package on his doorstep as he approached his home. He picked the box up and walked inside. He set it down on the dinner table and opened it up. As he did the cigarette in his mouth fell down as his moth fell open. Inside was the most beautiful set of trench knives. The handle where he put his hands was black while the blade was silver and serrated. The handle also looked like a pair of brass knuckles with the leaf symbol on it. One of the trench knives blades had the kanji for fire while the other had the kanji for wind on it. He found a note next to the knives and read it.

Dear Asuma

I don't want you to wind up lazy like a certain person we know, cough-Shikamaru-cough. Anyway I made you these. I call them the death brothers. I read that you have a fire and wind affinity so one used fire chakra while the other uses wind chakra. Be sure to know how to focus both before you go trying to use it. I don't think you would want to accidentally burn or cut yourself while training. Enjoy! On a side note...stop smoking already not everyone likes the smell and to be quite honest you cutting your life in half doing that. The last thing anyone wants, least of all you, is to die an early death! Okay bye.

Signed Naruto

Asuma picked up his cigarette from the floor and threw it away. He looked his new knives and smiled. This was about to get really interesting.

Kurenai's place...

Kurenai walked through the door and found a small box on her coffee table. She wondered who it was that sent it to her. She was about to leave it alone when she saw a note written on the box. It read: Open me now!

The woman shrugged and opened the box. Her eye widened at the sight in the box. It was a small violin. It was mostly white with image of a rose carved into the thing. She also noticed a few kanji symbols on the side. She also found a book that was entitled: My First Violin and another book entitled: How To Write Music. Kurenai then notice a note in the box. She picked it up and read it.

Dear Kurenai

May I introduce you to the white queen. This violin is similar to mine. Though it's useful I mostly use mine as a hobby now. Plus I mostly use it now as a weapon if I'm able to sneak up on someone and use it to put them in a scary genjutsu. Since that is your specialty I figured you would make better use of it for me. The first book will teach you to play beginners songs. The other book will allow you to make new ones. Also if you focus chakra into the kanji symbols you can alter the genjutsu to make it different or if you want to use a music technique. I have a feeling you are going to need it.

Signed Naruto.

Kurenai smiled to herself as she read this. It looked like Naruto wasn't just trying to make the Konoha 12 stronger but their teachers as well. She picked up the violin and it's bow. She smiled to herself and sat down and opened My First Violin to page 1.

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