Owl House Specials

By Magical_Halfa

4.3K 41 11

Just a book for all my Oneshot specials. More

Halloween Special(Old)
Christmas Special(Old)
leéR ro oñeuS
Halfa 90K Special
Owl House Family Shorts(Old)
Owl House Shorts

Valentine's Special(Old)

572 6 3
By Magical_Halfa


Today was a special day in the human realm, cause today was the day of love. Everyone was either giving gifts or retrieving gifts. All except one person, Y/n L/n he was sitting in class with his head on the desk. A paper bag filled with Valentine's candy, cards, etc. The reason he wasn't happy is that Luz wasn't here, meaning he was alone. The Valentine's he was given didn't mean anything to him since they are from random girls.

Y/n: "Just a waste of my time."

He just sighs while looking at the bag with a bored look on his face.

Chad: "Hello freak! What's wrong sad that your weirdo friend isn't here to be with you?"

Everyone in the class went silent, and then something in him snap. Y/n got up from his desk and walked away from it. No, he didn't walk out of the class he walked to Chad to then punch him directly in the face. A fight broke out in the class and was ended by the teacher who had to get some help from another teacher. Sitting outside the principal's office Y/n is waiting for his father to come to pick him up. Y/n had a black eye, and a bruised lip out the corner of his good eye he saw his day.

D/n: "Y/n! What happened are you okay, Son?"

Y/n: "I'm fine Dad just a little hiccup in class."

D/n: "A hiccup, you have a black eye and a busted lip!"

Y/n: "You should see the other kid."

After that D/n looked at his son with a raised brow only to get his answer when he saw Chad walking out of the Principal's office with a broken nose, busted lip, two black eyes, and finally some of his hair was pulled out. He was 'crying' to his mother, and once she saw Y/n with D/n she went on yelling about him.

Chad's Mother: "Look what your son did to my boy! He's going to need surgery to fix the physical and mental problems your son caused!!"

Y/n: "If he can't take it, then he shouldn't dish it out..."

He mumbled but Chad's mother heard that she was about to stomp over to him. Only for D/n to stop her from getting close to Y/n.

D/n: "Ma'am you won't get anywhere near my son."

Chad's Mother: "Your son is the problem! Have you thought of boarding school for that freak!"

That word 'freak' something he's been called for most of his life. Y/n just kept his head low, there were only a few people in his life that didn't think he was a freak. Those people were his family, Camilla, and best friend/crush Luz. he most likely wouldn't have gotten in a fight if Luz was here, but Camilla wanted to spend the day with her for a Mother & Daughter's day.

D/n: "Do not call my son a freak! I am sorry about what my son did to yours, but if you call him a freak again. You can say goodbye to the home revision my company is doing for your family."

Chad's Mother: "You wouldn't they haven't even finished the kitchen, and we paid you already!"

D/n: "It's called a refund, and I will personally pay my works to stop, now I advise you to walk away..."

It was a stare of the century, but after a bit, Chad's Mother backed down and grabbed chad to pull him out of the school. Next was their turn and the Principal did not look happy at Y/n, he sighed to calm down and started to ask questions.

Principal: "From what Chad said is that you attacked him first, is that correct"

Y/n: "Yes it is, I attacked him first."

Principal: "And why?"

Y/n: "I didn't care he called me a freak, what I cared about is he brought Luz into it."

D/n was both proud and angry, he was proud his son stood up from himself and Luz but was angry he took it that far.

Principal: "Okay, you clearly don't care bout the trouble you are in. Since this is your first time in here, you will only be suspended for three weeks."

Y/n: "Fine.."

D/n: "Can he come and pick up his work?"

Principal: "Yes, we will forward it to you."

D/n nodded and shake the Principal's hand before he and Y/n walked out of his office and the school. They got in the car and drove home, it was a silent ride home all until D/n chose to speak.

D/n: "Did you have to break his nose?"

Y/n: "Not my fault his face couldn't take the first punch."

His response caused his father to let out a little laugh, which made Y/n smile a little as well.

D/n: "Hahaha no I regret taking you to that free boxing class."

They then both started to laugh before it died down, Y/n looked out the window before speaking again.

Y/n: "How much trouble am I at home?"

D/n: "None."

This made Y/n really confused to look D/n with the most confused face he has ever given. D/n looked at his son with an evil smirk.

D/n: "You're in trouble with Luz once she sees what happened today."

This terrified Y/n to the core, she's his best friend and she saw him get a small cut and made him stay on the couch. Now that he has a busted lip and black eye meaning she is going to go down once she sees him.

D/n: "Speaking of Luz that's her right now waiting for you with a stuffed snake?"

True to his word, Luz and Camilla were waiting at their home, D/n parked and got out of the car to greet the two. Luz got up from the porch and watched the car door to reveal Y/n trying to hide his face.

Luz: "Y/n?"

Y/n: "Hey Luz."

Luz: "Why are you hiding your face?"

Y/n went silent before sighing he showed her face, and she gasped seeing him like this made her heart hurt. Camilla was also shocked and looked to D/n he explained what happened and the parents looked over to see that the both of them were gone.

D/n: "I forgot I gave you two a key to our home."

Camilla: "She's most likely giving him too much love."

D/n: "Yes young love, and where did she get the stuff animal snake."

Camilla: "She wanted to get Y/n something since he most likely got something big for her."

The parents laughed a little when they walked into the home, they saw Luz trying to treat Y/n's black eye with an icepack while he was trying to loom away.

Y/n: "Luz please stop."

Luz: "No I won't! You are hurt, so stay still so I can help."

Y/n: "What about Valentine's day?"

Luz: "It's a dumb holiday, I don't need someday to tell you I love."

This made Y/n silent and started to blush a lot, Luz realized what she said and tried to correct herself with a massive blush on her face. D/n and Camilla were listening in and they both looked at each other.

D/n: "Young Love?"

Camilla: "The best kind, how about we leave them alone? I need some help with my printer again."

D/n: "Still not working?"

The parents left to go see about the printer, leaving the teenagers alone in a home. After getting an icepack Luz and Y/n went to his room. Manda was sleeping in his tank only to be woken from the door opening, he raised his head to see Y/n and Luz.

Y/n and Luz: "Hey Manda."

Y/n went over to the tank to let him out, Mana slithered his way up Y/n's arm and wrapped his body around it and his neck.

Y/n: "So a stuff animal snake?"

Luz: "Hey your not the easiest to buy Valentine's for! I even added a heart to it."

He looked at the toy with a smile on his face, Y/n put it down to pull out Luz's Valentine. It was a teddy bear holding a heart with Luz's name on it.

Y/n: "I can say the same for you, but no matter what you got me it would the better than any of those other valentines I got from the girls in our class."

Luz: "Other girls?"

She looked at him with a jealous look, it made Y/n look at her before laughing. This made Luz put at him and punched his arm that didn't have Manda on it.

Y/n: "Awe is Noceda jealous?"

Luz: "I have no idea what you are talking about."

Y/n: "Don't be jealous, Luz you are the only girl that belongs in my heart."

He smirked at her, and Luz looked at him with a shocked look on her face. Yn kept smirking before kissing her cheek and walking out the room.

Luz: "What do you mean!?"

Y/n: "It's your turn to find out what I mean, Luzura."

This made Luz smile before standing and pointing at Y/n with a smirk of her own.
Luz: "I will find out, Snake Lord!"

Y/n: "Then come and find out, but my poison has affected others' hearts and you will be the same!"

He let out an evil laugh with Manda raising his head to look at Luz, to others, it looked like two kids staring each other down. But to them, it was the staredown with a Witch and a Lord, and it was the beginning of a story of love.

-Flashback Over-

Hooty: "Wake up, hoot!"

Y/n was woken from his nap, by Hooty he scowled to look over to the owl. He hit him with a book to get up from the couch.

Luz: "Look who's awake have a nice dream?"

Y/n: "You have no idea, mi amor."

Through the years of knowing Luz is that if you call her something in Spanish makes her blush ten times more than normal. And on cue, she blushed a lot before kissing him and giving him some chocolates.

Y/n: "Where did you?"

Luz: "I made these."

Y/n: "Even better! Now how about we got gives these Valentine's we made for everyone?"

The Boiling Isles oddly has something similar but you give a real heart. When Eda gave Y/n and Luz one this morning Y/n passed out and was the reason he was on the couch. Luz and Y/n get ready to leave the Owl House before saying goodbye to Eda and King.

Y/n: "We'll be back later!"

Luz: "And King we left some chocolates for you!"

King: "Yes!"

Outside the Owl House, they started to run to find their friends. They found Gus first, and his Valentine was some human objects Eda couldn't sell.

Y/n: "Here you go Gus, some human objects from the human realm."

Gus: "Amazing! What are they?"

Luz: "We'll there's a baseball, and cowboy hat, and pocketmon cards."

Let's just say was more than happy, he gave him some spider candies. It was spider's covered in rock candy, Luz didn't eat them but Y/n did. After walking around they bumped into Willow, what they got here was a flower from the Human world as well.

Y/n: "Here you go Willow, a flower from our world."

Willow: "It's gorgeous, thank you Y/n and Luz."

Luz: "It's the least we can do for a friend."

Willow smiled at the both of them then hugged him, what they didn't know is that AMity was hiding behind a tree. She was trying to find the courage to give both Y/n and Luz the gifts that she made for them. But she couldn't it's like her heart wanted to, but her brain refused to move.

Amity: "Who am I kidding, why would they accept it."

Emira: "Talking about your crushes?"

Edric: "She is definitely talking about them."

Amity looked over to see her older siblings, they both held smirks on their faces, she turned around walking away from them.

Amity: "This has nothing to do with you two!"

Edric: "Of course it does Mittens, you are a baby sister."

Emira: "All you have to do is confess to them."

She told her sister, but nothing got to AMity she looked up at the sky before she started to sing.

Amity: "If there's a prize for rotten judgment, I guess I've already won that."

She thinks about the time she first met Y/n and Luz before she shakes her head, trying to forget the thought of her old self.

Amity: "No crushes is worth the aggravation, It's ancient history, Been there, done that!"

Then her Siblings jump to her side with smiles on their faces, this makes Amity blush since she realized she didn't get far enough from them to sing along.

Emira and Edric: "Who do you think you're kidding? They're the earth and heaven to you, Try to keep it hidden, Mittens, we can see right through you, Girl, you can't conceal it, We know how you're feeling, And who you're thinking of!"

Amity: "Oh, no!"

The twins pull out a photo of Y/n and Luz with Amity in the middle while they make funny faces, but Amity is just blushing at the camera in the photo.

Amity: "No chance, no way, I won't say it, no, no!"

She pushes the picture away from her face then tries to walk away, but the twins won't let her free. They jump in front of her before EMira would fall into her brother's arm with a hand over her head.

Emira and Edric: "You swoon, you sigh, Why deny it, oh, oh?"

Amity: "It's to cliché, I won't say I'm in love!"

Amity blushed more before running off in a random direction, but her siblings followed. After losing her siblings, Amity sat down on a rock before looking in a puddle. In the puddle she sees her, Luz, and Y/n talking together with smiles on their faces.

Amity: "I thought my heart had learned its a lesson!"

A flash of her parents looking at Luz and Y/n with a disappointed look on their faces, before dragging Amity away from the both of them.

Amity: "It feels so good when you start, My head is screaming, Get a grip, girl! Unless you're dying to cry your heart out!"

She yells grabbing her head, then her siblings found her spooking her. She got up from the rock stepping into the puddle making the image inside disappear.

Edric and Emira: Girl, you keep denying, Who you are and how you're feeling, Baby, we're not buying, Mittens, we saw you hit the ceiling, Face it like a witch, When are you gonna own up That you got it, got it, got it bad?"

The twins make illusions of Luz and Y/n with smiles on their faces surrounding her... Her blush starts to cover her whole face before she swats away the illusions.

Emira and Edric: "Give up, give in"

The both of them say before Emira grabs her sister to turn her around, in the distance Y/n and Luz were walking in talking. Amity smiles at the two of them then snaps out of it to look at her sister.

Emira: "Check the grin, you're in love"

Amity: "This scene won't play, I won't say I'm in love!"

She looks away from Y/n and Luz, she gets out her sister's grip then walks away. Emira looks at Edric the both of them nod, while he runs off Emira follows her sister. She sees AMity sitting down behind a rock, Emira sits down next to her and sings softly.

Emira: "You're doing flips, read my lips, You're in love.."

Amity: "You're way off base! I won't say it, Get off my case! I won't say it..."

Emira: "Girl, don't be proud It's okay you're in love..."\

After that Amity got up and tried to walk away only to trip, before she hit the ground someone caught her. Well, two people caught her, she looked up to see the real Y/n and Luz had caught her in their arms. She looked around to see that her siblings were gone, and with a silent whisper and smile, she sings the final lyrics.

Amity: "Oooooh... At least not out loud, I won't say I'm in love....."

It was like the two of them didn't hear her, because the two of them had a look of concern on their faces.

Y/n: "Amity you okay, your brother came rushing to us saying you are in trouble."

Luz: "Yeah after we heard that we came rushing to you, are you okay your face is red."

She asked Amity while standing her up to check her temperature with her own forehead. Y/n looks around Amity trying to find any injuries, but after she blushes a softly pushes the two away.

Amity: "It's nothing they were just trying to push my buttons, and dragged you guys into it."

Y/n: "Oh that kind of makes sense, but since we got you here. We both got you something."

This made Amity confused until the both of them pulled out a teddy bear dressed up like Azure from Amity's book. You could tell the bear was hand made due to how sloppy the bear itself looked, but Amity didn't care. Her eyes widen, they gesture her to take the bear, and slowly she does.

Amity: "Where, how did you?"

Y/n: "We made it. Luz drew out the clothes while I cut them out. We then got a bear we thought you would like."

Luz: "It took us a couple of hours to make, but it was worth it. Right, Y/n?"

Y/n: "Yep it was worth every poke and bandaid."

Amity looked at them to see their hands were covered in bandaids this made Amity chuckle a bit before she looked at the bear again. She was in love with both of them and now there was no denying it.

Amity: "I guess that if you guys made this for me, I need to give you mine."

Y/n: 'Please not another heart, or I will pass out.'

Luz: 'Please another heart, I want Y/n to pass out.'

Amity looked at the two before she slowly pulls out two letters, one was purple and the other was f/c. She was shaking and almost tried to hide the cards again, but she breathes and holds out the two letters.

Amity: "Please take these and give me an honest answer!"

She was blushing while looking at the ground, and gently the two of them take the letters. Luz opens her and reads it, while Y/n does the same. After reading the letters they both look at each other than look at Amity.

Y/n: "Mind giving us a minute."

Amity wanted to say something but nothing came out, she then just nodded. The two took a couple of steps to talk one one one. After five minutes of talk, they both nod at each other before walking towards Amity. Y/n got on her left while Luz got on her right, they both leaned in to kiss her cheeks.

Luz and Y/n: "We would be honored to date you, Amity."

She fainted after that, but Y/n and Luz caught her again to make sure she didn't hit the ground.

Y/n: "I have a feeling it's going to take her a couple of days to get used to that."

Luz: "Yeah, but for now how about we take her back to the Owl House to rest?"

Y/n: "Agreed, and Luz happy Valentine's Day."

She smiled at him to kiss him, and whisper something in his ear.

Luz: "Same to you, My Snake King."

This made Y/n blush madly and helped her carry Amity to the Owl House with a blush still on his face.

(Magical Halfa: Here's my Valentine's to all of you! This is a little weird yes, mostly due to me using I won't say I'm in love sog. I got the idea from an animatic I saw on youtube well two really. I hope you guys have a good day or night and tell me what you liked about the special.)

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