
By LunaEmbers

88.9K 2.2K 82

"He was darkness at it's truest form but even he couldn't help but look at the light in awe" ●●● Even if the... More



3.6K 101 2
By LunaEmbers

He watched her, he could tell she was still upset about her rabbit and for some reason it was starting to bother him and he hated it.

After meeting the girls eyes he felt something inside him, something snapped but he wasn't sure what did.

But when the desserts arrived her eyes brightened slightly and for some reason that sent a peng to the kings dark, cold heart. He didn't know how much he had dimmed the girls brightness until he saw her eating the cake. Her eyes were less dim.

Even though Sofia could feel the eyes of the King--and everyone here--she ignored the stares and ate her chocolate cake and she made no attempt to look at anyone too.

After she finished her dessert she decided to go back to her room and she was tired and just wanted to forget about tonight. She informed River then made her way to her room.

A frown made its way replacing his perminate scowl. Where did she go?

But he quickly concluded that she had gone to bed. Maybe it was passed her bed time, the King humored himself.

This was a way to drown the feeling he had been feeling the whole night. Guilt?

He called the guard that was behind him. "Find out what room that girl with the pink dress and blonde hair is in and send her a slice of chocolate cake and give her back her rabbit" he sighed.

He wanted to get rid of the emotion that had made it's home in his heart soul and mind. The guard was momentarily shocked.

The king wasn't know for his kindness, if anything he was a ruthless bastard who thrived from the fear of others. That was the King the guard was acquainted with.

"Of course My King." With that, he made his way in search for the girls room with a rabbit in on hand and a slice of cake in the other. It would be easy since she was the only one who wasn't at the dinner.

Once Sofia got into the room she went straight to her room and changed into a large and loose dress since the dress she was wearing was irritating her skin.

Honestly speaking if she could she would sleep naked but there was a thing called modesty and Sofia was well acquainted with it. So that was not an option.

As she was about to get into her bed and try as hard as she could to fall asleep a knock gets her out of the bed and towards the door.

She opened the door not expecting to see a huge man holding cake on one hand and...Cookie?

Her eyes were wide and brightening with hope. "if I'm not wrong, this belongs to you" the guard hands her the rabbit.

"And this was given to You." He hands her the cake.

He was amazed at how her eyes had lit up like a lamp. It was truly amazing to watch such innocence and how it still existed in this dark cruel world.

Sofia placed the cake on a chair nearby and hugs the guard while carefully holding cookie.

The guard was taken by surprise that he froze. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and wished him a good night with a smile on her face.

The guard was stunned. He blinked a couple of times until he was out of his daze then he left. Probably to share the news of such a pure soul.

Sofia was thrilled to have her lovely companion back even more so with a chocolate cake. She was about to indulge in the piece when she remembered that he probably hadn't eaten.

For a second she thought of feeding him the cake but she decided against it as she wasn't sure if rabbits ate cake. She just got him back, she didn't want him to die from eating a cake.

So after eating her cake she begins her journey to the kitchen this time not planning to get lost and get hunted by monsters that spoke in the dark.

When she got to the kitchen there were maids running around cleaning pots and pans while others carried out trays with beverages. "Sorry sir, can you please spare any vegetable for my friend cookie over here." Sofia asks the man who was scrubbing a pot. He seemed to be the most approachable as he had a small smile on his aged face.

"Hello dear, unfortunately all the vegetables were used up during the making of dinner and the next batch will only be here tomorrow but you can get some from the garden just outside" the man smiled down at Sofia.

Sofia smiles back and thanks him for his assistance. She makes her way towards the back door.

Just as the man had said, the garden was just outside. She picked a lettuce leaf then she follows that pathway that seemed to lead to a bigger garden.

The garden was huge with flower beds and a fountain. It looked pretty but also simple. Just what Sofia liked.

Sofia sits down on the bench and starts feeding Cookie the lettuce leaf. "You are a hungry little thing aren't  you." Sofia teases the rabbit

"I see you've received my gift"

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