Madness on the Frontline (Gir...

By Pelach

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A mercenary who always accomplishes his Mission. A mercenary who knows nothing but pain and suffering. This m... More

Somewhere in Nevada...?
Trial by fire
The next job
Bleeding edge
Once I was lost...
And now I'm found...
Something lost long ago...
Et tu, Brute?
Fallen Flame
Durch Morast und Blut
The final push
Final Verdict
Madness Day 2022 (a bit too late)


810 25 22
By Pelach

Hank's mind

In a dark room one figure was standing in the middle. His head was lowered and his eyes were closed. A red beret was on his head and a black balaclava covered his face.

Suddenly a sound was heard in the dark. The figure opened his eyes and look at the direction where the sound came from.

?: back again? Thought you wanted to leave for vacation.

The second figure approached the light and revealed itself to be Wank.

Wank: you know why I'm here.

?: I do?

Wank: at least you should. You're an anomaly... something not even the employers expected.

?: I don't even really know how I'm here. I thought I died long ago.

Wank: you were left forgotten but he remembered. That is what brought you back.

?: so why did you lie to him? Why did you come back?

Wank: I can't leave... even if I wanted to. The employers placed me in Hank's mind to control him but with time we became somewhat friends. I left him in control while giving him my strength. But he wanted to cut our connection and I did.

?: the employers? You keep talking about them. Who are they?

Wank: they're the strongest beings alive. They're the alpha and the omega. They're the gods of the forsaken land called Nevada.

?: you seem to fear them.

Wank: the employers are responsible of Hank's survival. He died multiple times but the one he calls doc always stitches him back together and the employers give him life.

?: they don't seem to be that bad then.

Wank: they're the gods and Nevada is their playground. Well... that's beside the point now. I'll still be there but I will be quiet. You're the main voice now.

Wank turned around and went on to go back into the shadows but turned around and looked at the figure again.

Wank: do you have a name? I have to know.

?: my name huh... let's go with Jack.

Wank: Jack? Heh... it's kill or be killed Jack.

He turned around and walked into the shadows.

Jack didn't feel his presence anymore. He closed his eyes again and lowered his head and waited for Hank's arrival.

Hank POV

I opened my eyes and found myself in the usual dark room. My old self was standing in the middle of the room.

I walked towards him and snapped my finger.

H: hello? You still with me?

My old self opened his eyes and looked at me.

Jack: hello Hank. What brings you to me?

H: I'm always here when I go to bed. Well this is a lot better than having to fight through my nightmares.

Jack: you're a fighter Hank... even in your dreams I guess.

H: actually there is something I want to know.

Jack: that would be?

H: what's your name? I should know the name of the voice in my head.

Jack: It's Jack now.

H: Jack? So is that my real name?

Jack: no. Even I can't remember your real name.

H: guess my name will stay a mystery for ever.

Jack: not necessarily. Maybe you'll find your grave or some sort of memorial.

H: I already have. My name was scratched out on everything.

Jack: that is unfortunate. So anything else you'd like to discuss?

H: not really. Guess I have to prepare for my job now.

Jack: I personally have a really bad feeling about the job. I don't think we should do it... but it's your call.

H: money is money. And he's the only one so far who has been paying me. Besides... I could use some fun.

Jack: killing people shouldn't be done for fun.

H: not my fault that I enjoy killing. The thrill of the kill is just a wonderful feeling.

Jack: do it too much and it will get dull. Even the sharpest blade will become dull.

H: I get it. Alright I should prepare now.

Jack: rise and shine Hank. I'll be watching.

The room turned dark.


I opened my eyes and got out of the bed. I still felt really tired but that's to be expected. Guess I should go to the café then.

I looked around for the stuff I could need for my job.

H: assassination...

I saw my Kar98K in the corner of my room and decided to use it. Having a sniper rifle for an assassination is like the most basic thing ever.

I grabbed my Kar98K and checked the chamber. It was empty.

I grabbed a box of Mauser rounds and put them in my pouch. I loaded five bullets into my Kar98K and chambered a round. The engaged the safety switch and holstered it on my back.

I also noticed that a letter was on my workbench. Unopened it and the files and details for my job were inside.

I took a quick look at it and decided that it should be a easy kill.

The target seems to be someone called Gentiane. A woman with white her with pink tips.

She's moving with a convoy on a path which has been marked on a map.

H: too easy.

I dropped the information on my workbench and checked my other weapons.

I still have the MP7 but no other sidearm. My MP7 is ready for action and my katana is honed. I'm ready for everything.

Just one thing left to do...

I left my dorm and headed towards the café. The energy needed for fighting should be there as well. And I'm going to get it.

I entered the café and it was empty. Only Springfield was at the counter like always.

I approached her and she waved at me.

Springfield: hello Hank. Are you going somewhere?

H: why would you think that?

Springfield: maybe because you're carrying all your weapons.

H: alright you got me. I was hired by a friend of G&K, doing a small favor for them ya know.

Springfield: bored of not getting any action lately?

H: nothing happens around here anymore.

Springfield: you never join our patrols or logistic work, you could always do that.

H: that's just not my style. My contractor offered me something fun, so I decided to do that.

Springfield: I don't even want to know what you consider to be fun when you're going armed to the teeth but I won't stop you.

H: got it. So you know why I'm here?

Springfield: yeah. If our good friend Hank does something he considers fun then he'll need some energy to do it.

H: correct.

Springfield: I'll make your coffee now.

She started to make my coffee while I inspected my Kar98K. I was still using its bayonet as my knife. Maybe just maybe, I can use it today.

Should I start marking my kills on it? Nah, there isn't enough space for that. I would just be scratching on the whole gun.

I opened the chamber and a bullet ejected. I caught it midair and spun it around my hand.

Springfield: here you go Hank.

She placed my cup in front of me and went back to the counter.

I stopped the bullet and put it back into the gun and chambered the round. I then holstered it on my back again.

I grabbed my cup, pulled my mask down and began to drink my coffee.

Springfield: so you're comfortable enough to show us your jaw but what about you're eyes?

I turned to her.

H: you want to see my eyes? I haven't taken my goggles off in like... a long time. The only thing I ever see is red... and some say that even looking through them induces rage.

Springfield: so why aren't you taking them off?

H: I like them. Quite useful. Integrated night vision and the rage helps in combat.

Springfield: have you ever tried to take them off?

H: heh... we'll that's the thing...

Springfield: so you haven't?

H: no...

Springfield: well I'm not going to force you but you should start seeing the world in a different light... literally...

H: I understand... but not today. Maybe some other time.

Springfield: whatever you want. Nobody's forcing you.

I finished my cup and gave it to Springfield.

H: alright. I have to go now. You don't know that I'm gone and I was never here. Got it?

Springfield: sure Hank, I understand.

H: thanks. Well I better get going.

I left the café while Springfield waved me goodbye. I walked down the hallway to sneak outside of the base.

I soon got outside and climbed over the fence. I cut my hand on the barbed wire again. Man that sucks. I should be more careful.

I wanted to walk into the direction of my target but my hand started to sting. What the hell is that feeling?

I looked at my hand and blood poured out. Why did it hurt? Eh whatever, I still have a medkit with me.

I pulled some bandages out of my pouch and wrapped my wound in bandages after disinfecting it. It soon felt better.

I closed my hand a few times and the pain faded. That's gonna be a problem if that happens more often.

I started walked towards my target again. No need to sprint because I will have to wait for hours until my target arrives.

I walked through forests and cities. No hostiles in sight, guess I'm lucky today.

It took quiet some time. I had to walk through some sectors on my way to reach the target. But now I was in the field where the convoy will pass through.

I looked around for a place to stay in. It was in a small village outside of a bigger and battered city. The houses here where ruins but most were still standing.

I located the marked road and looked around for a perfect building to hide in. I soon found one with the wall removed. The hole provided overwatch on the whole road.

Perfect spot for a sniper.

I walked towards the house and got on the third floor. The highest that was on this building. I reached the room which I saw from the street and I set my sniper up.

I found a crate in the corner of the room which I could use as a chair. I pulled it to my sniper and sat on top of it.

H: and now we wait.

Minutes of complete silence passed. Those turned into hours. My eyes never left the road. I was always wary of my surroundings... until I got bored. I took a flask out and drank from it periodically while watching the road.

I waited a few more hours. A perfect sniper has to wait for the perfect shot. Heh... that reminds me of an old saying...

Professionals have standards...
Be polite...
Be efficient...
Have a plan to kill everyone you meet...

Keep that in mind and you'll be the perfect sniper and assassin.

I waited for some more hours. The files that KCCO gave me said that they should be here soon. I better get ready.

They'll arrive shortly. I disengaged the safety of my Kar98K and looked through my scope.

?: what do we have here? A crazed gunman who's waiting for something to happen.


I grabbed my sniper and turned around.

H: you? I thought that you're dead.

It was the annoying fuck that made M4 very sad and angry.

M16: Dead? I don't die that easily Hank.

H: was your eye always a bright yellow?

M16: no but that's beside the point now.

She tightened her grip on her M16, a bayonet was attached to it.

H: why are you here? Shouldn't you go back to M4? She left bossman because of you.

M16: don't talk about her!

H: fine whatever you want.

M16: good. Now let's get this over with shall we?

H: what?

She charged at me with her bayonet and swung downwards at me.

I reacted just in time to block the strike with my Kar98K. It broke into two pieces.

H: you motherfucker! I liked that gun!

She swung at me again and I blocked the strike with my broke gun. I managed to push her back and threw the barrel part at her face.

I then charged at her and punched the other part into her face but she managed to block it. She then kicked my leg and hit me with the stock of her gun.

She tried to stab me with her bayonet again but i managed to dodge the stab and punched her side.

I unsheathed my katana and pointed it at her.

H: Start praying.

She rushed at me again and I deflected her strike with my katana and went on to stab her but she managed to dodge the stab.

She got into a defensive stance with her M16 and aimed it at me. She fired the gun into my direction.

I activated my bullet time and started to cut the bullets in two pieces. After a few burst her gun jammed and she was open for an attack.

Huh... Lucky...

I kicked her away and charged at her while she stumbled backwards. I swung my katana at her but she managed to block my overhead strike.

We clashed swords... well not really but she held her ground with her M16.

Damn the M16 is an American gun not a Soviet one but it's still made out of stalinium I guess.

M16: You can't beat us Hank. Sangvis Ferri will beat you and Griffin.

H: you don't stand a chance. You know that right?

I pushed harder and soon her strength began to fade. I won the clash.

H: insufficient.

I disarmed her and kicked her to the ground. She lost her balance and fell to the ground. I used my chance to step on her knee breaking it. Her second one followed.

I heard the faint sound of engines in the distance. The convoy is approaching... and my target is getting closer...

I dragged her to the wall and pinned her hands to the wall with two arrows.

H: you can't stop me. Nobody can but as a reward you can watch me do my job.

I walked back to overwatch spot and remembered that she broke my Kar98K. Gotta think fast.

I pulled a box out of my pouch and it extended into a bow.

H: I gotta thank bossman when I'm back.

Jack: I have a bad feeling about this...

Not now. I'm busy.

Jack went silent and let me do my job.

Thank you.

I pulled an explosive arrow out and pulled the bowstring back. And now we wait.

M16: what do you think you're doing?

H: killing my target. Now shut up before I make you.

She lowered her head but something about this situation is off... why is she smiling?

I disregard the fact. My sixth sense should warn me if she tries anything.

The convoy approached and I aimed for the leading vehicle. I released the string and the arrow flew towards the first humvee's engine block.

It exploded and killed everyone inside. The humvee stopped and blocked the way of the convoy.

H: like cattle being herded into the slaughterhouse...

I pulled a second explosive arrow out and fired it at the last vehicle. The now destroyed vehicle  now blocked their escape route. They were trapped.

One by one they started to leave their armored vehicles. Some stayed on the mounted guns while the rest scattered.

H: that's how a professional does it M16.

I pulled a high velocity arrow out and pulled back on the string. Out of one vehicle multiple soldiers exited. They escorted someone wearing a red trenchcoat.

I squinted my eyes and notices her white hair that faded into pink tips... my target.

I aimed the arrow and released the string.

The arrow flew at the speed of sound and pierced her head. The force in the arrow was so great that the arrow pinned her head on the vehicle they just exited from.

H: target down...

The remaining soldiers were frantically searching from where the arrow came from. One tried to remove the arrow from my targets head. She wasn't strong enough to pull the arrow out.

I turned surround and walked away.

I looked at M16 who was still smiling.

H: well time for you to meet your maker.

I folded my bow into a box again and put it into my pouch. I then pulled my MP7 out and disengaged the safety.

I approached M16 and got ready to put a bullet in her head. Wait... the arrow on her right hand is gone... shit!

She pulled a flashbang out and I pulled the trigger while I was blinded. I was aiming at her head when she pulled the flashbang out. She should be dead now.

The effects of the flashbang wore off but her corpse was nowhere to be seen.

H: what the fuck?

I checked the chamber of my MP7 and saw that it was empty. I facepalmed and pulled the charging handle back, chambering a round.

H: I'm such a dumbass. Should have killed her when I had the chance.

How did she even get away? I broke her legs...

I was suddenly interrupted by a loud noise. I heard even more yelling on the street below me and gunfire erupted down below.

I turned back around and walked to the opening. Shit...

Sangvis forces were now attacking the crippled team that I stopped from advancing. It was an all out firefight down there. Sangvis forces just threw themselves at the somewhat coordinated survivors.

I could expand my names on my list or I could just go. I already accomplished my mission after all.

I tried to figure out what to do next but suddenly something behind me hit the floor. I turned around and noticed what it was. A grenade.


The grenade exploded before I could react and I was thrown out of the building. I collided with the ground. It hurt but not enough to keep me down.

I searched one of my pouches just to notice that I've used up all of my adrenaline shots.

H: this is getting better by the second.

I slowly stood up and grabbed my MP7 which landed in front of me.

Around me firefights were still going on. I slowly felt my strength returning to me and rushed towards the first group of fighters.

I was now filled with rage... enough to keep me going.

I jumped on the destroyed humvee and shot all the approaching S.F. forces in the head. I soon heard the clicking of an empty mag.

I jumped of the wreckage and rushed towards the remaining S.F. forces who were shooting at me.

I ejected my mag and holstered the MP7. I then quickly sliced one shooter in half while unsheathing my katana. And deflected a bullet back to the sender. The bullet hit the target in the chest and she fell to the ground. I plunged my katana in her neck and she stopped moving.

H: now to the others...

I turned around and rushed towards the group Sangvis was advancing on. They managed to barricade themselves.

I crashed through the barricade and the seven hostiles seemed to be in shock.

?: the killing machine?!

I jumped on the one wielding a MAC-10 and used her as a bodyshield. And used her gun to fire at her friends.

The others took cover from the fire.

The one I was holding hostage elbowed me in the stomach but I didn't care. I then kicked her leg making her stumble to one knee and broke her arm she used to elbow me.

She screamed like hell. Let's end that.

I then snapped her neck making her fall dead on the ground.

Two hostiles wielding a handgun now fired at me. I blocked the bullets with my katana and side flipped into cover.

I checked the magazine in my MAC-10 and only 12 bullets were left. I don't have a spare because it's not my gun.

I dropped the MAC-10 then I pulled a flashbang out and pulled the pin. My katana was in my other hand and I got ready.

I rushed out of my cover and rushed at the remaining hostiles. They were shouting stuff but I couldn't understand them. Not that it mattered anyway.

I threw the flashbang into their defense and blocked any bullet that was send my way.

The flashbang went off and I vaulted over the cover. While falling I stabbed the one wielding 1911 and pinned her to the ground. I then crushed her neck with my foot and kicked one of her 1911s into my hand.

I used it to shoot at the other one wielding a handgun. But the seven round mag was soon depleted and I threw the gun at her.

She managed to dodge it and returned fire. I dodged her bullets and tried to slice her in half but she managed to dodge my strike.

The effect of the flashbang wore off and the other were now shooting at my back.

One with a submachine gun tried to suppress me while three snipers take me out. I didn't go as planned for them. I punched the one wielding an M9 in the face and used her as a shield and the snipers hit her instead of me.

The light soon faded from her eyes and she got to damaged to use further as shield. I threw the corpse at the one wielding a Thompson. She was knocked down by the corpse and I used the chance to rush at the snipers.

I threw my katana at one but she managed to dodge it and rushed into cover away from me.

I unsheathed my knife and attacked the one wielding a Super SASS. That's quite a rare weapon, might take it as a souvenir.

I swung my knife at her but she managed to back step the attack and tried to punch me with the stick of her gun.

I caught it and ripped it out of her hands. I then threw it to the side. I could see the fear in her eyes. Tears began to fall but I didn't care. I was too angry to care.

I stabbed her in the gut and then turned her around and wanted to slice her throat but I was interrupted by one entering some sort of rage. She was now attacking me with her fists.

I think she was wielding a M14 before she decided to go in with her fists.

Her fist collided with my face and I dropped the one I was holding.

?: you killed my friends! Now I will end you!

She was fucking furious. Might give me a good fight then. I nodded at her and waited for her move.

I then narrowly dodged a sniper bullet aimed at my head. The one wielding a M21 was still shooting at me. While I dodged the bullet I threw my knife at her. It landed in her chest and she dropped to the ground.

Two left standing...

I saw that the one wielding a Thompson was slowly regaining her strength. She pushed the corpse of her friend off of her and tried to stand up.

The one wielding a M14 used the time I observed my surroundings to attack me. She went for my face and I let her hit me. But made sure that she hit my jaw.

Her fist collided with my jaw and she clutched her hand in pain. I swept her legs and she fell to the ground.

I tried to stomp on her face but I was hit by a bullet in my chest. I looked towards the direction it came from and saw the one with a Thompson shoot at me. She soon continued with more burst and I backflipped away from them.

I then rushed into cover and let her empty her mag. I looked around for my options and noticed that a rock was on the ground next to me.

I picked it up and left my cover. I threw the rock as hard as I could at the one wielding a Thompson. The rocket bounced off of her forehead and she fell to the ground. I used the chance to rush at them.

The angry one rushed at me and tried to punch me. I didn't expect her to get up that quick so she managed to connect with my stomach. I stumbled back a bit and faked being in a vulnerable position.

She took the bait and went for a second swing. I caught her fist and broke her arm. She clutched it in pain and I knocked her to the ground. I then jumped on her neck killing her.

One left...

The one wielding a Thompson tried to get up and reached for her Thompson. But I kicked it away.

She dropped on her back and crawled away from me in fear.

?: why are you doing this?!

H: there's no reason really. I just wanted to have some fun.

Her eyes were filled with tears and her back soon reached a wall. She couldn't crawl any further away from me. I slowly approached her.

I crouched down to her and let her have her final moment.

H: any last words? I need to know.

?: you're... making me angry!

H: a poor choice.

I crushed her head and left her corpse for the vultures.

I looked at my work and searched for my knife and katana. I soon found my katana and grabbed it. I then walked over to the one who was wielding a M21. I pulled the knife out of her chest but she grabbed my hand.

?:*weak* what... what are you?

H: death.

I stabbed her in the neck and twisted the blade. If you start a job then you finish it.

I cleaned the blood on my knife and sheathed it.

Those weren't ordinary grunts... those actually gave me a challenge. But they can't stop me. Nobody can.

I walked away from the seven corpses and walked over to the main target I've killed first.

The white haired woman in a red trenchcoat. I should probably take something with me to prove that I killed her.

Her dogtags should suffice. I crouched down to her and wrapped my hand around her dogtags and pulled. The chain broke and the dogtags were now in my hand but something was off...

I inspected the dogtags closet and noticed that a Griffin and Kryuger emblem was on it.

H: what the fuck?

Then it clicked... Sangvis Ferris' assault was because they wanted to kill her as well... that's why M16 smiled... that's why she's wearing similar clothing to bossman... that's why the soldiers were a challenge... that's why they weren't wearing any gear that would be suitable for fighting...

Because I fought against G&K...


I clutched the dogtags in my hand. Her name... I have to know...

Gentiane... you'll be remembered... hopefully...

I stored the dogtags in my pouch and walked back to the seven T-Dolls I've killed. I probably should collect their dogtags as well.

While I was walking towards my kills, I felt so exhausted... something felt so wrong... I felt something I haven't in a long time... guilt...

The weight of my actions were suffocating me but I have to push further. I can't stop now.

I reached their corpses and I wanted to grab one but then I was interrupted.

?: looks like you've done my job for me.

I turned around and stared at a maid?

H: and who the fuck are you?

?: my name is agent.

H: guess the battle is not over.

I unsheathed my katana and got ready for her first move.

She then pulled her skirt up and multiple guns were now pointed in my direction.

Agent: I've come to deliver death upon you.

What the fuck? Can you design a killing machine in a weirder way?

Her guns started to fire at me and I started to block the bullets with my katana.

Something is wrong... something is very wrong... I don't fell angry anymore... and I'm so tired...

My grip on my sword got weaker and my movements got slower.

Bullets started to pierce my skin. I hastily broke contact and rushed behind cover out of sight.

I clutched my wounds. They hurt but I can't treat them now. What is happening?!

I can't win this fight... not in this state... I have to run... I caused enough damage already...

Agent: I advise you to show yourself trash!

Can I even run? Is she too fast? Will I even escape her?

Or I could try to fight her... at least there's a chance of winning then.

Fight or flight...

I've not come this far... to die now...

One final push...

I pulled bossman's gift out and aimed it at agent. The pocket launcher, let's see how much damage you can do...

I squeezed the trigger and a rocket flew at agent. She turned into my direction and dodged the rocket. I immediately fired a second one and the rocket collided with her chest.

She was thrown on her back but her body wasn't damaged enough.

The pocket launcher only had two rockets. I dropped it and continued with my assault.

I used the chance and rushed at her with my katana. I tried to plunge the blade into her heart but she caught my blade with her hands.

I tried to free it from her grasp but to no avail and then her guns started to fire at me again.

I had to give my katana up and backflipped away from the gunfire.

Agent's guns continued to suppress me. I had to jump behind some cover and hide against it. I pulled my MP7 out and put a mag in. I then chambered a round.

Agent: Trash like you should be gone.

H:*sigh* the only easy day was yesterday.

I looked around for something I could use. Wait a minute...

I'm exclusively fighting robots! I pulled my predator bow out and grabbed a shock arrow.

I had to distract her somehow... I looked around and saw something special...

A rock.

I picked it up and threw it at Agent.

H: think fast!

She dodged the rock but my shock arrow immediately hit her afterwards. The arrow fried her a bit but not enough to take her out. I used the time while she was stunned to rush at her.

I then dropkicked her away. She hit a wall and I quickly got up.

With every move I got more tired...

H: one final push...

I rushed towards her and unsheathe my knife. I wanted to and it quickly so I went for her neck but I was stopped by a bullet piercing my shoulder.

I looked around for the shooter and found someone floating?

?: nice to finally meet you. Please die.

In the time she distracted my Agent stood back up. And grabbed my neck. She was now holding me in the air and choking me.

Agent: how can a insect like you defeat our strongest forces?

I tried to reach for my suicide trigger but I couldn't reach it. Her hold on me was too strong. Damn it!

?: just kill him now. We have far more important matters to attend to!

Agent: Patience Scarecrow. I just want to do one thing.

She removed my mask and looked at my face.

Agent: a worthless human turned into a killing machine. A shame that you have decided to work against us.

She used her second arm and grabbed my jaw. She started to pull. It hurt like hell.

She kept on pulling until the pain maximized. My jaw was removed from my head and blood was pouring out of my mouth.

She dropped me to the ground. I fell on my back and slowly bleed out.

Agent: this is enough. We shall go now Scarecrow.

Scarecrow: this outcome was easy to calculate. Let's go.

They both turned around and left me to bleed out. But I refused...

Something returned to me... the burning hatred... my blood rage...

I slowly rises and my goggles glowed brighter...

Wank: heh... I was hoping that would happen again.

Jack: we're in for a treat aren't we?

I was now on my feet and rushed towards Scarecrow.

I jump kicked her away and turned my attention to Agent. I punched her side making her stumble. I immediately followed up with a punch to the face but she blocked the strike. I then side flipped away from the bullets that were fired from behind me by Scarecrows drones.

I pulled my MP7 out and activated my bullet time. I carefully aimed at the drones and fired at their weak spot. All drones dropped and I used the rest of my rounds on Scarecrow who managed to dodge a few. Some pierced her skin.

I threw the empty MP7 at Agent who blocked it and started to fire at me with her guns.

I dodged the burst and caught the last bullet in my hand and threw it back at Agent. She didn't expect that move and the bullet pierced her chest.

I used the chance to rush at her and started to pummel her with my fists. Scarecrow got back up and tried to stab me with her conductor's baton.

I dodged and punched her in the face. I swung at Agent again but she teleported away from me.

H: the fuck?

She started to suppress me with her guns but I just rushed at her while dodging the bullets. I got close enough to grab her.

She couldn't react fast enough so I grabbed her and spun her around and threw her away.

She collided with a wall and I turned my attention back to Scarecrow. She just got up and looked around for me.

I rushed at her and suplexed her. She was now on the ground and I tried to stomp on her neck but Agent teleported to me and punched me in the face. I stumbled back.

She quickly grabbed Scarcrow.

Agent: to be unable to defeat an insect like you... I...

Scarecrow: a possibility... that I didn't account for...?

She teleported away with Scarecrow.

I lunged at them but they were away before I could reach them.

I was now alone on the battlefield again. My mouth was still bleeding pretty badly. I reached into my pouch and pulled the rest of my bandages out. I started to wrap my mouth in bandages. The white bandages soon turned red.

I treated the rest of my bullet wounds and felt my anger leaving me again... the only thing I felt now was disappointment.

I felt so tired again but I can't stay here. I have to get back. I searched for my katana and picked it up. I soon found my lacerated jaw as well and stored in one of my pouches.

Maybe Dell can help me with that one...

I slowly walked back into the direction where bossman's base is. With every step I felt pain.

Having my jaw removed again hurts like hell. At least tricky killed me after he ripped mine out. But this time I'm still alive...

I walked through the forest and battered cities. My head was low... but why? Was the only thing I could ask myself.

I thought KCCO was an ally... I can't tell them that KCCO was behind the attack. They wouldn't believe me. And if I said that I was involved then they'll just detain me.

Heh... that reminds me of an old saying...

History is written by the victor... and history is filled with liars... my truth dies with me and theirs will become history... because all you need to change the world is one good lie and a river of blood...

I have to keep quiet about this...

Hours passed and I was soon outside of bossman's base. I approached the checkpoint. I was to tired to climb over the fence.

STG44: Halt! Identify yourself!

My jaw is gone, I can't talk...

I approached them with my hands raised.

MP40: don't shoot! It's Hank!

STG44 lowers her gun and let me approach them.

MP40: hey Hank! Haven't seen you in a-

They just stared at me with wide eyes...

I was a bloody mess and you could clearly see that my jaw was ripped out. The bandages didn't really hide it that well.

STG44: Mein Gott! What happened to you.

MP40: we have to get you some help. Now!

STG44: I'm on it!

MP40: Hank come with me!

MP40 walked back to the entrance of the base and I followed close behind her.

We entered the base and I was greeted by bossman and a doctor.

Commander: thanks for bringing him to me. MP40 you're free to go now.

MP40: Jawohl Herr Kommandant!

She returned to her post and I was now alone with bossman and the medic.

I was lead to some medical bay and I was told to lie down on the bed. I did and I was hooked up to some machines.

Commander: don't worry Hank. We'll get you back on your feet in no time.

I felt my bandages covering my mouth slowly being removed. I just waited for the pain to end.

Medic: don't be such a baby. Jaws grow back.

He then turned to bossman.

Medic: no they don't.

I saw that Dell also entered the medical bay.

Dell: you look like you've been run over by a combine partner.

The medic was now writing something down on his board and bossman was just looking at me.

Dell: you can go now Commander. We'll get you when he's on his feet again.

Commander: sure...

He left and I was now alone with the medic and Dell.

Dell: alright partner, you'll might want to relax your muscle. I have to reattach your jaw after all. Doc keep him alive!

My bloody mouth was now exposed. I saw that a small group gather behind Dell. Were they watching me?

I hurt but I couldn't scream. Dell is just doing his job. I have to let him finish.

Soon some clicking sounds were heard and Dell shoved some tools into my mouth and reattached the jaw.

The pain soon faded and I felt my jaw again.

Medic: how are you feeling now?

H: like shit...

Medic: he can speak. That's good enough.

Dell: there all done buddy. Don't get it ripped out again okay?

H: got it. And thank you.

Dell: don't mention it. Well I have to work on a few projects now. I'll see ya later.

He left and I stood up from the bed. I looked at the group that came to watch me. It was the ringleaders.

One rushed at me and hugged me.

Architect: you looked so dead! Please don't do that again!

Intruder: you should be more careful Hank.

Gager: what even happened to you?

Alchemist said nothing but she looked like the one that was the most worried.

H: got into a fight...

Alchemist: and who beat you up?

H: I think they called themselves Agent and Scarecrow.

Architect: of course it's them! They always want to ruin our fun and happiness!

Gager: I'm surprised that you're still alive...

Intruder: but you managed to survive and that's what counts.

H: alright I'm tired as fuck and I'm covered in blood. I'll go to my dorm now and cry myself to sleep okay?

Everyone nodded and left me alone. Alchemist was a bit hesitant but she soon left as well. Guess she respects my needs as well.

I walked into the hallway and went to my dorm. I opened the door and went inside. I closed the door and walked to my workbench.

I placed my knife, katana, bow and MP7 on it. I lost my Kar98K and pocket launcher today.

Guess I have to ask bossman for a second one. I walked over to my bed and sat down. What is happening to me?

Something is wrong... very wrong...

I was interrupted by someone knocking at my door.

H: you may enter.

The door opened and revealed a slightly angry and worried Alchemist.

She entered and closed the door behind her.

Alchemist: we need to talk.

H: fine by me, so what do you want to discuss?

She sat down next to me and opened her mouth.

Alchemist: what have you done today? You had us all worried when you just disappeared. And then we were just told that you'd be fine but returned like you went through hell and back.

H: I did something bad today...

Alchemist: something bad? You know that you can always talk to me.

H: I was hired to assassinate someone... and I managed to kill my target but there were two problems...

Alchemist: those were?

H: Sangvis Ferri had the same target and I... killed a high ranking Griffin Commander...

Alchemist: that's bad... really bad...

I pulled Gentiane's dogtags out and showed it to her.

H: I killed while G&K teams down there and paid the price for it.

Alchemist: you were tricked by the contractor. It's not your fault.

H: no... I was blinded by my rage again... I should have noticed that something was wrong...

Alchemist: it's in the past now and your secret is save with me. You should have told me about you're job. I would have gladly come with you.

H: you know that I'm doing those kind of jobs alone.

Alchemist: things can change... they always can...

H: guess you're right... I should give her dogtags to her family if she has any...

Alchemist: do that... just please... don't scare us like this again...

H: I can't promise that but I promise that I at least will try.

Alchemist: that's good enough.

We sat a bit in silence until I broke the silence.

H: I'm going insane...

Alchemist: why? Something bothering you?

H: I hear voices in my head... one tells me to kill things and the other claims to be my former self.

Alchemist: your former self?

H: he represents me before I went missing in the butterfly incident...

Alchemist: whatever you're going through just know that you'll always have friends that will stand by your side.

H: thank you...

It was silent again until Alchemist broke it.

Alchemist: do you still remember our connection before you went missing?

H: I don't.

Alchemist: you were always accused of favoring me over anyone else in your command.

H: was that the case?

Alchemist: it was but nobody has to know~

H: heh... I don't remember a lot from my time as a Sangvis Ferri Commander. I just get some flashbacks from time to time...

Alchemist: I can always remind you if you want~

H: not now. I think I'm too tired to listen to some long stories now.

Alchemist: I understand. You went through a lot today.

H: thank you but before you go, I'll give something to you as thanks for being here.

I reached into my pocket and pulled the oath ring out that bossman have to me.

He told me to give it to someone special... guess I found that someone.

I then chucked it towards Alchemist.

H: catch!

She caught the ring and had a very shocked expression.

Alchemist: this is... a...

H: oath ring? Yeah bossman gave it to me once. And now I'm giving it to you.

Alchemist: *sigh* Don't you even dare to die before I do, got it? Do it after writing at least three sets of will. No, that won't do it either. Anyway, just hide behind me, got it? Please don't die...

H: I survived a lot of things. I won't die now.

Alchemist: come here.

Alchemist reached for me and pulled me closer to her. She then planted her lips on my exposed teeth and metal jaw.

She kissed me... well at least she tried to...

Alchemist: I always loved you when we were together before the butterfly incident but then you just disappeared on us. We all thought that you were dead but you don't know how happy I am that you've returned.


I was speechless. Nobody has ever done that to me before. And I have to admit... I like her more than the other T-Dolls. I somehow feel connected to her.

Alchemist: just know that I will shield you from the darkness when the walls around us quake. I will hold back all the monsters until my bones begin to break. I will always stay with you...

I felt happy without killing someone. I guess she's truly special...

Alchemist: can I stay with you for the night?

H: sure. It got lonely anyway. Just know that I don't sleep too well.

Alchemist: I don't care. Being with you is all that counts.

I removed my trenchcoat and lied down on my bed. Alchemist soon joined me.

I closed my eyes and I felt save. I felt at peace. I soon passed out.

A few hours later (? POV)

We were standing at the aftermath of the attack and looked around for clues of the attacker.

My team and I were looking around for anything that could tell us about what happened.

S.F. obviously attack the convoy but some clues show that some sort of third party was involved. Team Thompson was cut by slash and stab wounds. Weapons that Sangvis Ferri doesn't really use.

Then a broken Mauser Kar98K was discovered in one of the buildings but Kar98K wasn't involved in this convoy. We also found some 4.6x30mm rounds but MP7 was also not present in this convoy.

And now to the strangest thing... our commander was killed by an arrow. We don't know anybody that uses a bow...

We also have signs that a ringleader was here. We found and recovered Scarecrow's drones which had been shot down.

The assassin was a very skilled fighter. Someone who completes their job in a quick and efficient manner. Someone who is very dangerous...

I have to inform our boss.

I pulled my radio out and adjusted the frequency.

?: we searched the whole area. We found some anomalies. Things just don't seem to add up. Who would use a bow?

Boss: guess we can't get anything out of this now. Recover all the bodies and see what you can do with them.

?: got it sir!

Boss: I will dig into the matter and try to find something out about the assassin. Return to our base. We still have a lot of important things to do.

?: I understand sir. Returning now.

I turned my radio off and told everyone to pack up.

End of chapter

Hey lads! It's your favorite Deutschbag (maybe... probably not...)

First of all thanks for 5K reads. I don't even know why but I guess a lot of people are reading my stuff, so thank you!

Then second point: thank you to devilin303 for being the first one to suggest the name Jack and to FranztelAimierBeale  for suggesting that idea in the first place.

That's all for now. Until next time my friend.

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