Love Punched | COMPLETED

By SkylerChase29

281K 13.1K 5.1K

❝ I'm as much a bad-boy as you're an average girl. So I suppose that answers both our questions. ❞ •♤• Lila S... More

01. Oblivious
02. They bet?
03. A Nuisance
04. Sly Intentions
05. Universal Signs
06. Annoying Guys
07. Tricked
08. Black & Blue
09. Deep Talks
10. Friday Fights
11. Holy Turn On
12. A Brilliant Idea
13. Messed Up
14. Everyone Has Secrets
15. Irony At Its Finest
16. Jalapeños
17. Damning Conscience
18. Confrontations
19. Unwanted Changes
20. Body Building
21. Convincing
22. Sad Anniversary
23. Downhill
24. Slip Of Control
25. Backstory
26. Complexity
28. Backstage
29. Not Ready Yet
30. Birthday Boy
31. Smitten
32. Burning Up
33. Knowing Lila
34. Knowing Derek
35. Interested?
36. Talk It Out
37. Connections
38. What Happened?
39. Get It Over With
40. Strained
41. One Chance
42. Wildcat Vs Wolf
43. Birthday Girl
44. Tell Me
45. High On Emotions
46. Kiss It Better
47. Fall Prey
48. Warning Bells
49. Bittersweet
50. Be Mine, Kitkat

27. Changing Perceptions

3.9K 209 119
By SkylerChase29

I shook my head to rid myself of the unwanted thoughts, feeling actually comparatively better as I stood up.

My limp was reduced significantly as I walked out, having checked the time to be around 9 PM.

The door from my training room also led straight to the backstage changing room and I found both Tasha and Diego there, talking in hushed whispers.

When they noticed me, they quietened down and Tasha reached over the table to grab something. Diego snatched it from her, earning a scowl from the black afro haired girl.

I rose my brows, glancing between the two before my attention was captured by the object of interest that Diego was carrying. "What's that?"

"Fan Mail." Chirped Tasha from behind and I scoffed.

But Diego nodded, his expression serious.

The only letters I used to get were from a psychotic murderer I was going to take revenge on
so I couldn't exactly imagine what possible 'fan mail' I was getting.

"Here. A very devoted fan dropped it off."

I squinted my eyes suspiciously and noted how Diego's lips were twitching as I snatched the box from him.

It was a little bigger than my entire palm and the weight made my mind whir into action about its contents.


"Well, see you later!" Tasha grabbed Diego whose eyes heatedly looked her up and down.

Ooh, new developments regarding blatant interest.

"We'll get going, you should get home too. Bye!"


Why am I surrounded by couples that are all having problems? And why do I not have a love interest?

No, wait. I don't want one. I'm good, yup.

Moving on.

I took the box and left Blue from the back alleyway, able to hear the pounding music still playing inside and noted a few vehicles parked outside.

Sighing to myself, I walked back home, my ankle still hurting but I'd learnt to push through the pain. My other injuries hurt but when I thought about the release I got from the fighting and the pain I'd endured two years ago, this seemed nothing.

Okay, no it didn't seem nothing but just...yeah comparatively less.

As I walked back home, I appreciated the dark cover of the night and and silence tinged with occasional bouts of laughter and random noises.

Once I got home–empty as usual– I grabbed the ice packs and headed up to my room.

After a quick painful shower and changing into a clean set of loose fitted night clothes, I closed the windows and curtains – because I had an annoying fly for a neighbor – then I plopped down on my bed.

Hissing as I landed on a bruise, I adjusted myself slowly and then grabbed the box Diego had given me from my apparent 'fan'.

Curiosity got the best of me and I untied the red ribbon on the 'fan mail' box. The black box had a nice look to it but when I opened it, I was left quiet surprised.

Inside, there was a bottle of Arnica gel for bruises and a note under a small red rose.

Quiet romantic if you ask me.

On a rather serious note, don't ask me because I'm sure my romantic senses are limited to information from when I read books that are far from any reality.

I set the rose on the side table and grabbed the white colored piece of paper with writing scrawled on a it.

You had a rough night so get your bruises healed quickly, Wildcat. And hopefully, you won't be impulsive in the next fight you have against the Leopard. That's not how you usually fight.

Your sincere fan,

Derek Greyson.

No. Fucking. Way.

Because what I'd just seen, what had been hidden under the note was....

A Kitkat.

A fucking Kitkat.

Was that some sort of new trick to woo girls? Seriously.

I mean, what were the chances he gave the Wildcat a Kitkat and he called me Kittkat?

Was it just a coincidence?

A niggling feeling of doubt crept into my heart and apprehension made me not even touch the chocolate.

No, there was no way he knew. At least for now.

I breathed in deeply and exhaled, my eyes closing for a moment as I processed it all.

I bit my lip and glanced at the Arnica bottle.

At least it was something useful.

But I didn't like how he was trying to instill himself into every aspect of my life.

And the Kitkat made me feel....weird. Ugh, I don't know.

I mean he didn't know that the person of his interest was the same girl who he lived next door to. But it was either he knew the truth or the fact that he used this method with all girls.

Somehow, Derek calling other girls Kitkat made me feel like punching his handsome face and....just....not nice. Yeah.

Derek had already gotten under my skin as Lila Smith and letting him get closer to me as the Wildcat was a recipe for evident disaster.

More than that, I couldn't understand what his agenda was regarding the interest in me as Lila. I get that Wildcat was appealing to almost every teen boy.

But not me.

Then who did Derek prefer?
Who did he imagine under the Wildcat mask?
Was he just as fickle as all the other guys I'd come across or was there more to him? The side of him that I'd slowly discovered as Lila?

I hated these insecure questions that Derek's small gesture had ignited within me.

Here I was scrutinizing his every action and he was living his badboy life, getting the best of both Lila and Wildcat and all the other perks.

I put the contents of the box back in and although I was tempted to use the gel, I decided to pass on it today. And the chocolate–

It was better to keep my heart closed off.

I paused at the thought and the slow realization of the feelings that I was having about my relationship with Derek made me feel like a novice at dealing with conflicting, unnerving feelings.

But it needed to stop and I was sure I could do it.

These were thoughts stemming from my tumultuous and weak state of mind. A few more days and I could go back to ignoring his presence like I used to.

Just after I got some sleep.


I opened my blurry eyes, an infuriating noise of something striking against a surface rousing me from my pleasant sleep.

I groaned and twisted in bed, the noise relentlessly and religiously making me unable to ignore it.

I slipped out of the duvets and as I rubbed my eyes, I looked around and found the source of the noise.

My frown smoothed out and I breathed out, my brow twitching as I walked towards my window.

I opened the curtain and another stone knocked against the spotless glass, the noise like the tinkle of windchimes.

I clenched  my jaw, my ankle reminding me that I was hurt and as I stretched up to open the window, my ribs and bruised arms begged me for mercy.

Once the window was opened, an incoming stone landed inside my room as I dodged it barely.

I guessed it was barely dawn because the horizon had a bleak line of white to light it up but the remaining darkness couldn't hide the grin Derek had on his face.

As I narrowed my eyes at him, he leaned forward on his window and my eyes involuntarily dropped to his arms muscles before I snapped my eyes back up.

"Why the fuck are you going all Romeo on me at what..?" I clenched my teeth, "Four in the morning?"

He struck his lighter and the blue flames close to his face reflected in his copper eyes, his hair a mess and an unlit cigarette dangling from his lips.

I swear to God if he woke me up because he needed a distraction, I'll murder him.

"Missed me, Kitkat?" He drawled, his voice deep.

My secrets can go to hell, who the fuck does he think he is to come between me and my sleep after yesterday's fights and the past few days of emotional damage?

I kept my expression blank. "Yes, I missed you. Hang on a second, let me express it."

The flames from his lighter let me see he had raised a brow.

I smirked internally as I went to my table, grabbing the jar I'd collected some important things in.

Standing in front of my window again, I smiled sweetly at Derek and he titled his head.

"I think I just felt a chill–" He yelped, "Holy hell! Lila!"

"Yes?" I blinked innocently.

He gave me a look tinged with amusement even though I'd just chucked three stones into his room through his window with enough force to have broken something.

Sadly, there was only his bed in my aim.

Maybe he'll sleep on the stones and have an uncomfortable night. Like the Pea Princess did or whatever, you know?

"Where did you get those stones again?"

I rolled my eyes, his tone of suspicion telling me he'd already guessed.

"From my collection of when you pulled your first Romeo act on me."

He cursed.

I snickered.

Yes, because I was productive like that, I'd remembered the stones I'd collected from the last time he'd thrown stones inside my room with the sole purpose of using them against him one day.

The day came a little too soon, not that I mind. Not at all.

He slid his lighter into his pocket, running a hand through hair that looked inky at the moment.

"You sure know how to pull an Uno reverse card, eh?" His words bled humor and I wanted to take a knife to his throat for that.

"Yes, and I'm also good at ignoring pests." I went to close the window, a yawn escaping me.

"Whoa, whoa, hold up!" He leaned out, the cigarette burnt out but held in his fingers.

I eyed it as I stopped, my brows pulling in together. "What?"

He put his forearms in the windowsill in his favorite posture and I willed myself to not ogle him, the tattoos peeking out under his well-fitted shirt even despite the darkness. I could make out just the outlines.

"You're going to come, right?"

"I highly doubt your skills for that." I replied flatly.

His unexpected and husky chuckle made me my back straighten, a tingle running down my spine.

"I guess you've been thinking of me and you in bed, huh?"

I realized he hadn't meant it that way but since I'd already refuted his comment with one that showed I had my head down the gutter, there was no escaping the double innuendos now.

I responded calmly, "Derek, I'm sleepy and you're infuriating and I can't entertain you right now so get lost."

"I'm not asking you to entertain me yet." His gaze turned heated, running over me. "I'd probably ask you to pole dance for me or something if I was."

"I wasn't offering."

I don't know why I have yet to shut the window on his face.

I'm really not in my right mind, damnit.

"But I totally am."


"Juliet wasn't like that to Romeo though."

"Good thing I'm not Juliet then."

"But I could be your Romeo."

"No, thanks. I don't plan on my life becoming a romantic tragedy."

My life was enough of a tragedy already, I didn't need useless things like romance messing it up more.

"Aw." Derek pouted before a devilish grin stretched over his features, his dimple making an impromptu appearance. "You've become more tolerant."

That observation by Derek irritated me more than I thought it would. He seemed to have sensed it and smirked at me, drawing the cigarette from between his lips.

"Goodbye." I snapped.

"Okay, okay, sorry." He raised his hands in a peace gesture and I exhaled heavily.

Patience, Lila.

"Remember when you promised me you'd come where I wanted to take you somewhere once? Instead of skipping out on coming to our game on Friday?"

Patience? What is that? I don't have any, sorry.

"No, I don't."

"So now you've resorted to lying?" His tone was fake disappointed.

"Yes, happily. Lying is my religion."

"Then fuckery must be mine."

"I don't doubt it." I acknowledged.

Derek snickered, "You're mean, Kitkat."

I sighed in exasperation, watching how yellow was starting to streak the sky and glanced back at my bed longingly.

Derek sensed my thoughts and interrupted, "You have to come to Blue this evening."

I tilted my head and scratched my head. "The fuck? Why?"

He smirked, "That's going to very a surprise."

"I hate surprises." I smiled, "So I'll pass."

"If you do, I'll throw stones at your window each night."

I paused and stared at him, looked horrified and aware he was just playing me.

Well, if he did decide to do something of that sort, I could just beat him to a pulp, right?

I breathed in deeply, coming to the conclusion that it would be better to just hear him out.

"Why do I have to go to Blue? I don't go there. It's a stupid place."

Derek looked affronted, his sharp jawline catching my attention for a split second.

"I told you, I have a surprise."

I stared at him blankly.

He groaned, "Okay, fine. It's a secret though so I can't tell you unless you come."

I instantly understood what he was insinuating.

Was he possibly going to let me in on the secret that he was going to be the fighter tomorrow?

Of course, I know it's going to be Derek's debut.

Although I don't know what stage name he chose, I do know Saturdays are going to be his days and thus I can mostly avoid him.

But why in the world would he want to tell me about an identity he is supposed to keep like a sacred secret?

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Why would you tell me a secret?"

He looked at a loss for words for a moment and I wondered what was drawing him to me and the Wildcat. Basically, me overall.

"Because...we're friends?"


He didnt sound the least bit convinced by his very own uncertain lie and I was pretty sure we didn't classify as just friends.

"Derek. I don't want to know your secrets."

He didn't reply, copper eyes searching my face for....something.

Eventually, his lips lifted in a satirical smile. "I know. You're not interested in me." The words made my heart feel heavy, reminding me of the note and gel he'd given.

And the Kitkat. Of course.

He rose a brow, "But you did promise to be my distraction."

"What's the connection?"

He shrugged, "Can't you please just do it?"

The words were serious, playfulness nowhere to be found, his copper eyes holding mine and I hesitated in turning him down.

Well, I guess I did promise. And it's not like I'm not curious.

In fact, this would be a good excuse to see him in action and gauge Derek's skills for myself.

I weighed my options and then let out a sharp breath. "Fine."

His expression changed and Derek grinned, "You can't take it back now."

I scowled, "Were you just acting?"

He shrugged, exaggerated by blinking eyes. I rolled my eyes.

"Goodnight." I turned around again with finality in my tone and actions.


My feet apparently listened to a crazy neighbor more than the person they were attached to and so they froze to the ground.

And the thing I call my upper torso automatically twisted around. My brows pulled in again, irritation evident.

At this point I guess I should thank the heavens that the thing called my brain is still in my control.

No, wait. I'm not sure about that either.

It was only because of my sharp reflexes that I managed to catch what Derek threw my way.

"What the–"

My annoyed remark was cut off midway as my eyes took in the item Derek Greyson had thrown at me.

Calling my expression absurd wouldn't be an understatement. Flabbergasted. Exasperated.


"Of course." He winked, his blue-black hair fluttering over his forehead slightly. "A Kitkat for Kitkat."

I think I gave him a rather eerie expression because he chuckled, copper eyes glued to my face as he explained, "I came across a box of Kitkat's at one of the stores. I saw it and you popped into my head."

He grinned devilishly, almost flirtatious. But then again, he was always like that.

"So you decided to buy it?" I rose an unimpressed brow even as my heart skipped a beat or two.

"Of course. Kitkat's mine so how could I possibly leave you there?" His matter-of-fact tone stirred something inside me and I found my lips twitching.

Golden light illuminated the handsome badboy standing across from me, the sun peeking out well enough now. Corded forearms and playful sexy smirk, twinkling copper eyes and a cardboard box of Kitkats in his hand as he leaned against the windowpane.

"Did you give it to anyone else?"

How are you going to reply now, Derek?

"Well, there was one person." He shrugged before his amused eyes locked onto mine and his lips tugged upwards, "Why? Are you jealous? Wondering if I gave it to another girl? Not feeling special anymore?"

I couldn't help snickering, my lips twicthing with the desire to smile and a laugh bubbling up inside of me. 

So, he didn't lie. And I don't have a reason to be jealous and--

"What? Why are you staring at me like that?"

He tilted his head, eyes sparkling and his expressions something I couldn't place. "I've never seen your real smile so I was just taking a moment to observe."

I stilled, "What?" 

My heart skittered about my chest, something about this tattoed badboy staring at me with eyes the color of a similar copper as the dawn made me restless.

I realized I was indeed smiling but.....

"I smile."

He chuckled wrly, "No, you don't. You smirk, you grin, you tease. But you never"

The smile had long past slipped off my face as I gauged his words and realized he had been paying more attention to me that I'd given him credit for. And yet, the unease that should've crawled over my skin never came. Rather, the tension in my shoulders eased considerably.

"Thank you."

At my demure words that the wind carried, Derek quirked a brow in surprise.

"For what?"

I smiled wide and for once, there was no heavy guilt weighing it down, to turn it wry and tinge it with raw pain.

"For making me smile." 

I waved the Kitkat in front of my face and then without waiting for a response, closed the windows and drew the curtains, only letting myself catch a glimpse of Derek's still figure and eyes slightly widened.

I think I liked that befuddled and taken aback look on him.

When the silence in my dark room returned, accompanied only by the chirping birds and the waking town, I realized I'd make mistakes while talking to him. And yet–

I dropped the Kitkat next to the gift box for the Wildcat and chuckled lowly to myself.

I guess this smile was going nowhere and neither was this unfamiliar happiness filling my dark-blooded veins.



So what's your take on this chapter, guys? Hope you enjoyed, it ended up again as a long chapter.

Opinions on our ship so far? And the significant interactions between the two? The gift and the Kitkat? The gel hehe? What do you think about Derek's take on the Wildcat and then Lila? Are you excited for what happens next?
I hope I'm delivering on the slow burn btw haha.

Anyways, don't forget to vote and comment please! Thanks!

Till next time then!


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