Would You Come Home

By caitlinneil7

1.7K 17 3

Follow a team of paramedics through the hardships of love, life and work. (no copyright intended, cover made... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five


45 2 0
By caitlinneil7

"Hey, the nanny is coming to get her later." Arizona told Nyssa softly.

Nyssa looked up and nodded.

"What's wrong?" Arizona asked softly, moving closer to her girlfriend.

Nyssa shook her head. "N-nothing."

"You seem upset." Arizona says, pulling Nyssa into her arms.

"I'm f-fine." Nyssa said.

The blonde kisses her shoulder gently. "Nys, you can talk to me."

"I'm f-fine." Nyssa repeated.

"Baby, talk to me." Arizona begs softly.

"I-it's t-the f-first t-time I'll b-be a-away f-from h-her." Nyssa stuttered.

Arizona gently caresses her cheek. "I promise she'll be fine."

"I d-don't w-want to l-leave h-her." Nyssa said.

"It's only while we're working." Arizona promises softly.

Nyssa sighed deeply.

The blonde gently pulls Nyssa into a kiss.

Nyssa kissed her back.

Cupping her cheek, Arizona slowly deepens the kiss.

Nyssa wrapped her arms around Arizona's neck.

Arizona's free hand drops down to Nyssa's hip.

A knock on the door caused them to pull away.

Clearing her throat, Arizona moves to open the door.

Nyssa watched her.

"Hello?" Arizona says softly, after opening the door. "Are you Yumiko?"

The woman nodded. "Yeah."

"Come in." Arizona says before leading her toward where Riley was asleep.

Yumiko stepped into the house. "Hello." She said to Nyssa.

Nyssa sends her a small smile.

"Here's her bag. I'll get her into her carseat." Arizona says, passing the bag to Yumiko.

"Thanks." Yumiko put the bag over her shoulder.

Arizona was careful as she picked up the sleeping baby, gently placing her in the car seat.

Nyssa looked at Arizona. She walked over, bent down and kissed her daughter's head.

Arizona gently passed the carrier to Yumiko.

"She'll be safe with me, you don't have to worry." Yumiko assured them.

Arizona smiled softly. "You have our numbers in case you need anything."

"I do." Yumiko nodded.

"Thank you for watching her." Arizona said softly.

"Anytime." Yumiko said politely, she brunette left with Riley.

"We should both get ready for work." Arizona said softly.


"There you are, I thought I'd find you up here." Sara said as she sat down beside Felicity on the balcony. "So, how does it feel to be lieutenant?"

Felicity sighed deeply. "I'm not taking the job."

"What? Why not?" Sara asks in confusion.

"Because it's at Station 27." Felicity muttered, pulling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. "I applied to be lieutenant here, not at Station 27."

Shifting, Sara wrapped her arms around Felicity. "Maybe we can talk Heard into putting you here."

"He won't listen. He never listens." Felicity muttered.

The older blonde sighs softly. "It's worth a shot."

Felicity leaned into Sara's arms and sighed deeply.

"I love you." Sara whispers.

"I love you too." Felicity said quietly.

They sat there for a few minutes before the alarm suddenly goes off. "All ambulances report to gas station explosion."

Felicity and Sara jumped to their feet.

Maya was already heading to her ambulance, fully dressed.

Felicity and Sara followed Maya as Nico and Kim came out of their rooms.

Nyssa was already waiting for Maya at their ambulance.

Maya grabbed her jacket and climbed into the driver's seat.

Climbing into the passenger seat, Nyssa looks over at her.

"You okay?" Maya asked.

The brunette shakes her head and holds up her notepad. 'I miss Riley.'

Maya smiled softly. "The shift will pass quickly and then you'll be able to see her again."

Nyssa nods her head and sighs softly.

Maya started the engine and began driving.

The brunette was silent until they reached the scene, a gasp leaving her. There was a car hanging from the power lines that must have been blown up into them when the explosion happened. Loads of people were lying disoriented from the explosion. There was a fire burning widely and firefighters were already trying to put it out.

"Oh gosh." Maya said. "We are going to need more people." She lifted her walkie talkie. "Dispatch this is station 19 ambulance nine requesting additional ambulances to my location."

Nyssa was already getting out of the ambulance and grabbing her bag from the back.

Maya followed as the rest of the team pulled up.

"Holy shit." Sara breathed out, her eyes wide.

"Oh god." Felicity said as she and Sara followed Maya and Nyssa.

Nyssa was already beside a child, checking her injuries.

Sara and Felicity parted ways to treat other victims.

This was one crazy scene for all of Station 19, multiple casualties and injuries.

Andy was yelling things at her team.

Maya was doing the same with her group, making sure they all worked together.

"This place is going to explode if we don't get that fire out." Andy yelled.

"Working on it Captain!" Montgomery yells back, aiming one of the fire hoses at the main section of the fire.

"Let's move any patients who can walk over to a triage area and get those who are worse off to the hospital." Maya called.

Nyssa had already tagged a few DOA's that were children. Slowly moving closer to the gas station.

"Raatko, don't go any closer than that, not until Andy and her team get the fire under control." Maya said.

But Nyssa hadn't heard her. Her focus was on a young child, no older than seven laying on the ground near the doors of the gas station. She continued to move forward just as an explosion rocked the ground and she was sent flying into the wall of the gas station. Her head bouncing off the bricks before she dropped to the ground with a thud.

"Nyssa!" Maya ran over, it seemed in slow motion. She dropped to her knees beside Nyssa.

The brunette was unconscious, blood coming out of her forehead.

"Shit." Maya cursed under her breath. She lifted her Walkie talkie. "Dispatch, this is station 19, we have a paramedic down. Repeat we have a paramedic down."

Andy appeared beside her. "Is she okay? We were trying to avoid the explosion."

Maya looked up. "We have to get her to the hospital."

Nodding her head, Andy looks around. "We've got it here, go get her checked out." she tells her best friend.

"My team." Maya said. "I shouldn't leave them."

"Your partner needs you. I can call Robert." Andy responded instantly.

Maya nodded slowly. "Okay."


Nyssa was still unconscious by the time the rest of the team arrived at the hospital.

Maya paced outside Nyssa's room anxiously.

"How is she?" Laurel asked instantly.

"She hasn't woken up yet." Maya said.

Carina instantly wrapped her arms around her fiancé. "You need to stop pacing Bella."

"She hasn't woken up yet." Maya said.

"It's not your fault." Carina said instantly.

"I should have stopped her from going any closer to the fire. That's my job." Maya said.

Carina shook her head. "She would have still gone, you know how she is."

"I should have stopped her." Maya said.

"You couldn't have stopped her." Carina responded softly, tightening her arms around Maya.

Maya turned her head to look through the window of Nyssa's hospital room.

The brunette was still unconscious on the hospital bed.

"Why hasn't she woken up yet?" Maya muttered under her breath.

"She will." Carina promised softly, turning Maya to face her. "You need to relax."

"I can't relax." Maya said.

Carina pulled away and sighed softly. "Why don't we go get something from the cafeteria?"

"I'm not hungry." Maya said.

"I did not say it had to be food." Carina responded softly.

"I'm not leaving. She's a member of my team. She got hurt on my watch. Most of my team have been hurt on my watch." Maya said.

Carina shook her head. "It is not your fault Bella."

"It is my fault, I'm supposed to be their captain. I'm supposed to keep them safe." Maya said.

The brunette sighed and pulled Maya close once more. "Stop blaming yourself for things that are not in your control."

"Nyssa has to be okay. She has to wake up." Maya said.

"She will, but right now. You need to go for a walk." Carina said softly.

"I don't want to go for a walk." Maya said weakly.

Carina doesn't listen, pulling Maya's hand. "We are going for a walk."

Maya didn't move.

The brunette sighed before gently pulling Maya away from Nyssa's room.

Maya stumbled after Carina without a word. Her thoughts still on the scene and what had happened. Why hadn't Nyssa stopped when she told her to?

"Bella, sit." Carina commanded, pointing to a chair in the cafeteria.

Maya dropped pathetically into a chair and sighed deeply.

Carina went and got them both a sandwich and a bottle of water. "Eat." She said, putting the sandwich and water in front of Maya.

"I don't want anything." Maya said. She was too worried to eat. "But thank you."

Sighing, Carina shook her head. "You need to eat Bella."

"I'm not hungry." Maya said.

Carina shook her head once more and looked down at her own food.

Maya sighed deeply and ran her fingers through her hair. She stood up and began pacing again.

"Pacing is not going to change things Maya." Carina said softly.

Maya continued pacing.

Sighing, Carina stood up and stepped in front of her. "Sit down and eat."

"I'm not hungry." Maya said.

Carina grew angry. "Eat." she snapped out. "I am tired of you acting like you do not need help."

Maya jumped back. Carina had never snapped at her before. She stared at her girlfriend.

"Please Maya, just eat." Carina begged softly.

Felicity suddenly ran in. She slipped comedically on a wet patch of floor and landed with a thump in the floor, jumping up almost immediately. Her cheeks were red with embarrassment as she made her way over to Carina and Maya. "Nyssa is awake." She said, panting.

Maya was quick to leave the cafeteria, leaving behind a frustrated Carina.

The brunette took a moment to compose herself before following after Maya.

Felicity followed too, still panting.

Maya was already heading into Nyssa's room.

Nyssa was sitting up on the bed, her hand to her head.

"Nyssa?" Maya asked.

The brunette looks up with a tired frown. "What happened?"

"You spoke without stuttering." Maya said.

Nyssa nods her head, too tired to understand. "My head hurts."

"Raver, get a doctor." Maya called.

"Which one?" Nico asks, sharing a confused look with Kim.

"Does it matter?" Maya asked. "One of you get a doctor."

Kim was quick to walk away.

Maya ran her fingers through her hair and sighed. She looked at Nyssa. "I'm glad you're awake."

"How long was I out? And why is your beloved glaring at you?" Nyssa mumbles, catching sight of Carina in the hall.

"Few hours." Maya said. She glanced at Carina through the window. "She's probably mad at me because I was so worried about you that I wouldn't listen to her."

Nyssa chuckles softly. "You should really listen to her."

"I was worried about you." Maya said, she shrugged.

The brunette nodded her head. "And I am okay, go talk with Carina."

Maya took a deep breath and nodded slowly before she left the room.

Carina was sitting with her arms crossed, her head facing away from Maya.

"Carina?" Maya said softly.

The brunette glanced at her before looking away again. "I'm mad at you."

"You're mad at me for being worried about my friend?" Maya said.

Carina looked back at her. "I'm mad because you will not take care of yourself."

"I take care of myself." Maya said.

The Italian woman shakes her head. "I always have to force you to eat."

"No you don't." Maya said, frowning.

"Yes, because you are too busy worrying about everyone else." Carina responds with a soft sigh.

"It's my job. I'm their Captain." Maya said.

Carina shakes her head. "You have to take care of yourself too."

"I'm sorry." Maya said.

The brunette sighs softly and pulls Maya toward her.

Maya rested her head on Carina's shoulder and sighed. "I'm really sorry."

Leaning her head against Maya's, Carina closes her eyes. "It worries me."

"I'm sorry." Maya whispered. "I don't mean to worry you."

"Please, eat something. She is okay." Carina begged softly.

"I'll get a sandwich from the cafeteria." Maya said.

Carina looks at her with soft eyes. "I bought you one."

Maya looked up at Carina. "Thank you."

The brunette leans over and grabs her bag, pulling out the sandwich and drink from earlier. "Here you go."

"Thanks." Maya said, taking the sandwich.

Carina smiles softly. "No problem Bella."

Maya opened the sandwich package and pulled the sandwich out. She took a bite.


"Guys, I'm fine." Nyssa says calmly, looking around the team.

"You're talking without stuttering." Nico said.

Kim stepped on her sister's foot and gave her a glare.

Nico pushed Kim off of her foot. "Hey! What was that for?"

"We don't talk about her stutter, remember?" Kim said, staggering slightly.

"Hey, you two, quit it, if you are going to bicker, do it outside." Felicity said.

Nyssa rolled her eyes and looked toward Arizona who had gone to the station with her.

"We are really glad you're okay." Felicity said.

Turning around, Nyssa smiled softly at her. "I am too."

"When do you think you'll be back, I love Maya and all but being the Captain's partner is pretty stressful." Nico said dramatically.

Nyssa tilted her head to the side. "I believe next week if things go well."

"Hallelujah." Nico said happily, throwing her arms in the air.

Maya walked in at that exact moment and raised an eyebrow in question.

"Nyssa is coming back next week," Nico said.

"I see, and you must be excited." Maya responds with a teasing smirk.

"Yeah, our team doesn't feel complete without everyone here." Nico said.

Nyssa shifts beside Arizona and looks toward Maya. "It'll be good to be working with you again."

"I've missed you too." Maya said, smiling.

The brunette chuckles softly. "You know me way too well."

"We have been teammates for like forever." Maya said.

Nyssa nodded her head and laughed. "And we went to school together."

"We did." Maya nodded. "Though, I spent most of my time on the race track than hanging out with friends."

"And I spent most of my time doing martial arts." The brunette responded with a shrug. "However if I remember correctly you and I shared our first kiss at the same party."

"We did?" Maya asked, frowning slightly.

Nyssa nods her head and shifts. "Ashley Droman's party, first night our fathers let us be teens. Spin the bottle, I spun and it landed on you."

"I must have been really drunk because I don't remember that at all." Maya said.

Nyssa nodded her head. "We both were."

At that moment the alarm went off.

"Ambulance Seven needed for a child in distress."

"Bye." Felicity and Sara said simultaneously as they left the room.

Nyssa shifted and stretched slightly. "So, when's the wedding?" She asked, looking at Maya.

"We haven't set a date yet." Maya said.

The brunette nodded her head and leaned back against Arizona when the blonde pulled her close. "How's the attempt at pregnancy going?"

"Um, it's been unsuccessful so far." Maya said.

"I'm sorry." Nyssa says softly, reaching out to squeeze Maya's shoulder.

Maya shrugged. "We'll keep trying."

Carina walks in at that exact moment, feeling exhausted.

"Hey babe." Maya said.

The brunette moves over to her and curls into her arms.

"You okay?" Maya asked, kissing Carina's head.

"No." Carina mumbles softly, burying her face in Maya's neck.

"What's wrong?" Maya asked.

A soft sob escapes Carina and she just curls further into Maya.

Nyssa shifts and signals for everyone to leave Maya and Carina alone.

Maya rubbed Carina's back gently.

"The test was negative." Carina whispers, curling further into the blonde.

Maya's heart sank in her chest. "I'm sorry." She whispered.

The brunette continues to softly sob. "I cannot keep doing this."

"We can stop if you want to.' Maya said, swallowing thickly, trying to keep the disappointment out of her voice.

Carina shakes her head and pulls back slightly. "I want a baby with you."

"I want a baby too, but I don't like seeing you this upset every time the test is negative." Maya said.

Reaching up, Carina wipes her eyes. "One more try." she says softly.

"Are you sure?" Maya asked.

"Si." Carina responds, biting her lip.

"Okay." Maya said.

The brunette wipes her eyes once more. "I'll set up the appointment."

"Okay." Maya said again.

Kissing Maya's cheek, Carina walks away.

Maya watched her, sighing deeply. 

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