By rustyKELONN

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This is an SCP AU because literally nobody has written this on wattpad as of right now. More



719 20 41
By rustyKELONN




CLASS: Euclid

W1L8UR's identity is a failed mix of a human and goop from SCP - 999.

*W1L8UR is about 6 foot and 3 inches with curly brown hair and his eyes aren't to be found but more of just skin that replaced them that you could still see the hallow-ness of the absence of his eyes.

*W1L8UR seemed to grow attached to very little of the Doctors working there and as of now he has only shown weakness to 2 other doctors. One of them quit due to over stress and the other had been assigned to other SCPs because they've already worked with W1L8UR.

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+Day 1+

Dr.Scott sat at his desk, observing one of the SCPs he was assigned to with some other doctors until then it was break time. As Scott was on said break, he was suddenly called from his device for a small talk, which he sighed as he knew he was going to be re-assigned to another SCP.

Dr.Scott got up from the chair he was sitting on and made his way over to his office and knocked on the door before he was given the okay to come in. Dr.Scott opened the door, twisting the door knob before pushing it and entering the room where he was, sitting at his desk with a single chair in front of said desk.

"Come and sit. I don't have much time for something like this." The man said with a monotone voice and fixed a stack of papers as Dr.Scott did as what the man told him to. "There's a new SCP that needs monitoring and it was just transferred here, they aren't friendly as the others so don't get attached. You got that?" The man said, not shifting his position and or eye contact as he sat still, waiting for Dr.Scott's reply as he was starting to get impatient with how much time he was taking with answering.

"I understand, Mr.(         )" Dr.Scott said as Mr.(          ) immediately shoved a journal and a few tools for writing in front of Dr.Scott's face before he brought his hands towards the journal and writing instruments and took them into his hands, getting up from the chair he sat at and exited the room, slightly sweaty from the lack of air conditioning in Mr.(           )'s office. Dr.Scott wasn't told anything about the SCP other then he was told to monitor them until other switch happens.

Dr.Scott made his way towards where he was supposed to meet the SCP and when he looked to his left, he saw a thin and lanky 6'3 man with brunette like hair, no eyes, his knees to toes look like they've been melted into a thick goop, and didn't seem to be doing anything. Dr.Scott gulped his thoughts down and immediately opened the journal to already find some writing in it. It was just basic information that they got from just looking at the creature itself. Dr.Scott realized how long it was gonna take to get all the information they needed and sat in front of the big window with a few holes that Dr.Scott and SCP - W1L8UR could communicate through without having to have physical contact with one another. Dr.Scott also had somebody watching outside to make sure nothing severe happens.

Dr.Scott opened the journal and writing ustensil before looking back up to see the SCPs face up close. Dr.Scott jolted in his seat as it wasn't too close as before. Dr.Scott immediately started to take notes as he started to observe the SCP, apparently the SCP seemed to be very fond of him. Dr.Scott put his pen down and started upon what he'd have to work with for the next few weeks.

Dr.Scott opened his mouth to talk before he was immediately shut off from a loud sound that sounded like a broken guitar as it screeched it Dr.Scott's ear. Dr.Scott immediately put his hands over his ears and pressed against them to mute the horrid noise until it went away and looked up at the SCP to find that the SCP was also trying to mute out the noise with it's hands and closing it's "eye lids".

Dr.Scott looked behind himself to also see the other Doctor covering his ears with his hands and mouthing something that Dr.Scott wasn't able to read as he heard nothing besides that loud gutair screech. The other Doctor risked it and uncovered one of their ears and grabbed Dr.Scott's arm as they started to book it towards the medical room and slam open the cabinets as their ears started to bleed an crimson red. The other Doctor grabbed a pair of ear plugs and shoved them into their ears before they grabbed another and worked quickly yet carefully to put the ear plugs into Dr.Scotts ears to mute the gutair noise. The other Doctor smiled and brought Dr.Scott back to the SCPs room to find blood smeared all over the SCPs face and splattered all over the walls with the red liquid flowing out of their ears.

The other Doctor froze as Dr.Scott didn't start to process their actions and went over to the door and pulled his key card out as he swiped it, letting himself inside the SCPs containment and ran over towards the SCP with great worry smeared across his face. Dr.Scott twitched his head over to his pocket and scrambled to get a small cloth out of his pocket before he firmly grasped it into his hands and ran over to the SCP with no fear within his head before grasping at the SCPs check and turning it to the side before he carefully put the cloth over the blood, letting it obsorb as the cloth went from a crystal clear white to a stained amber red, dripping with blood as Dr.Scott did his best to clean up the SCPs wound as well as trying to be as carefully as he could be.

Soon enough the cloth was soaked with blood and was dripping with it as well and came  to more use as Dr.Scott tossed it to the side before he gripped at his sleeve before using it to soak up the red liquid. Dr.Scott smeared off all the blood he could get off before he took a look at his sleeve. 'Yeah he wasn't gonna be wearing it again any time soon..'. Dr.Scott looked back at SCP - W1L8UR to see him staring at him, or at least trying to. All of a sudden, Dr.Scott saw SCP - W1L8UR twitching as he saw what looked like tears flowing down his checks and onto his chin as suddenly he was embraced with the SCPs arms and dragged into a tight hug as apparently the SCP has grown attached to Dr.Scott.

The SCP soon let go of Dr.Scott with tears down his 'eyes' and seemed to try smiling but only his eyes closed. Dr.Scott smiled as he got up from the floor and picked up the bloody rag before noticing all the blood that was splattered all around the white walls. Dr.Scott left the room as the other Doctor stood there in shock.

"What's the matter?" Dr.Scott said as he immediately noticed the other Doctors expression. "He....He usually doesn't do that..." the other Doctor spoke out as they didn't keep their eyes off the SCP. SCP - W1L8UR was busy wiping his tears that were mixed with his own blood and smudging them onto his shorts as he sat on the floor with blood all over everything. Dr.Scott was quite confused but kept going and asked some more as he also had known absolutely nothing about the SCP.

"SCP - W1L8UR has not acted like that in years since after she left.." The other Doctor explained as they looked back at Dr.Scott with a worried expression displayed on his face. Dr.Scott tensed up, 'What other things have they've been hiding from me?' Dr.Scott thought as as turned his head to look back at the SCP who was looking at the books that remained still on the bookshelf with an intrigued look plastered across his melty face. Dr.Scott sat back down into the chair and pulled open the journal before grabbing a pen and started to write notes down about SCP - W1L8UR.



CLASS: Euclid

W1L8UR's identity is a failed mix of a human and goop from SCP - 999.

*W1L8UR is about 6 foot and 3 inches with curly brown hair and his eyes aren't to be found but more of just skin that replaced them that you could still see the hallow-ness of the absence of his eyes.

*W1L8UR seemed to grow attached to very little of the Doctors working there and as of now he has only shown weakness to 2 other doctors. One of them quit due to over stress and the other had been assigned to other SCPs because they've already worked with W1L8UR.

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*W1L8UR has been seen doing and capable of basic human tasks

*W1L8UR's eardrums are sensitive and more likely for them to break and start bleeding than regular humans

*W1L8UR has been seen and is capable of showing human emotions

*W1L8UR has seemed to grow attached to Jared Scott

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Dr.Scott put the pen down and closed the journal as he set it to the side of the desk before putting the writing utensil down and onto the journal as he looked at SCP - W1L8UR. "SCP - W1L8UR, come over here, I would like to have a talk with you." Dr.Scott said loud and clear so the SCP would hear him, and sure enough, SCP - W1L8UR heard him and walked over to the chair and table on his side and sat down. "I would like to ask a few questions about you, SCP - W1L8UR. But since you aren't capable of speaking at the moment, you'll have to use paper for now until we could get you a device so then you'll be capable of 'speaking'. Do you understand?" Dr.Scott explained as he made eye contact with SCP - W1L8UR.

SCP - W1L8UR nodded with his head as he understood what Jared wanted. Answers. SCP - W1L8UR suddenly felt something bump into his knuckles and looked down to see what it was to find pieces of paper at his hands. SCP - W1L8UR grasped the paper in his hands before he got up to search for the pen he requested a few days ago and found it on top of the bookshelf as he reached out to grab it and turned to head back to the chair and noticed that Dr.Scott was watching him. It was probably because Dr.Scott needed to observe him, but SCP - W1L8UR felt like it was for something else. SCP - W1L8UR sat back down into the chair with the pieces of paper and pen in his hands and as soon as he sat down, Dr.Scott spoke up again.

"Great, now we can start. SCP - W1L8UR, I'm Dr.Scott, my full name is Jared Scott but you shall refer to me as to Dr.Scott only." Dr.Scott said with a straight face. "Lets start simple, where were you found? Or were you created? If you even remember, do you remember when you were created?" Dr.Scott said as his tone changed with curiosity and confusion. SCP - W1L8UR sat there before he started writing something on the paper that was provided earlier and showed it to Dr.Scott as his response.


I was created on April 30th, 2022         

They injected me with SCP - 999's fluid

They said I had no use but they kept me anyway

They brought me here

On May 1st, 2022


Dr.Scott wrote it down in the journal with the pen that was provided and looked back at SCP - W1L8UR as he opened his mouth to speak again. "Alright, next question." Dr.Scott said as he wrote more notes down. "I've heard about this a lot from other Doctors, but what happened to the other Doctors that you were, close to, per say?" Dr.Scott said as he knew this was going to go sour. 

SCP - W1L8UR didn't keep his eyes off of Dr.Scott as he didn't write anything down. SCP - W1L8UR sat there, no change of expression, or any sense of regret, nothing. Just the same emotion that remained neutral in thin silence. Dr.Scott began to feel uncomfortable after awhile of SCP - W1L8UR's staring and straightened his position as he scrambled on his words. Dr.Scott began writing again in the journal, taking notes about the questions he's been asking SCP - W1L8UR as the SCP sat there, clearly in discomfort as they didn't write anything down after that.

Dr.Scott took his time, being patient with SCP - W1L8UR as he kept asking personal questions. Dr.Scott needed those notes and get things done as quick as possible as the time was ticking. SCP - W1L8UR didn't seem like he was gonna crack anytime soon, so instead, Dr.Scott laid off and went over his notes that he took while speaking with SCP - W1L8UR.


*W1L8UR was created on April 30th, 2022 and was brought here on May 1st, 2022

*W1L8UR seems to be hiding his past about his past Doctors

*W1L8UR stopped talking after asking about his past Doctors

*W1L8UR however seems to be able to keep a straight face even when dark times are brought up.

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Dr.Scott closed the journal with one of his hands as he put the pen on top of the cover of the journal and stood up from his chair, alerting SCP - W1L8UR a bit as it flinched. "I'll be back, take care, Wil." Dr.Scott said as he packed his stuff up and pushed in the chair before he left down the hall and took a left before SCP - W1L8UR couldn't see him anymore. SCP - W1L8UR slumped in his chair, surprised over the sudden nickname as he felt his face with his hands as he felt them warm up from impact and hurried his face into his hands as he laid on the desk with his head faced to the side.

SCP - W1L8UR hated how Jared made him feel all warm and fuzzy when he smiled or when he helped him clean himself up, he hated it, but he also loved it at the same time. It was a good thing SCP - W1L8UR couldn't talk otherwise you'd hear him making that one noise that girls make when they're excited. SCP - W1L8UR couldn't help it, it all came toppling over it and stimulate with his hands when Dr.Scott wasn't around.

Fortunately, Dr.Scott caught SCP - W1L8UR doing exactly that and smiled before he past down the hallway before SCP - W1L8UR could notice that he was watching it. Dr.Scott never told him that they saw it being all excited, but never knew why.

+DAY 2+

Dr.Scott walked into his office with a black coffee in hand as he sat down and grabbed his pen out to continue working on his paperwork that their measly boss gave them to avoid interacting with them so then they could do nothing but sit there all day. Dr.Scott took a sip of his coffee as he felt the hot liquid go down his throat and started to get bored when he only half way done with his "work" and placed his pen down to have a quick stretch before finishing his paperwork. Dr.Scott placed the empty coffee cup down and sat up in his seat before standing up and pushing his chair back and stretching from side to side before siting back down to crack his back and feel even more tired afterwards.

Dr.Scott slumped back into his seat, bored out of his mind and as close of passing out as he was to dropping out of college, which he sadly didn't. Dr.Scott ended up sucking it up and straightening his position and picked up his pen again as he continued working. Dr.Scott finally finished his work as he practically threw his pen onto the desk and kicked his chair back as he finally sunk in his seat and exhaled as he relaxed and glanced at all the work he finished before looking back at the wall. 

Dr.Scott sat up in his seat before he stood up and picked up all the papers that he relentlessly threw on the desk after he finished them one by one and straighten them up before he picked them up with his hands and exited his office to throw at his boss before doing other various tasks that their boss assigned, which Dr.Scott might say tedious to do right after a weeks worth of paperwork, but Dr.Scott didn't complain.

Dr.Scott placed the papers as neatly as he could to stop the urge from straight up throwing them at their bosses stupid face and left as quickly as possible to go take more notes of SCP - W1L8UR before another coffee break. Dr.Scott went down the hall with the journal and pen in his hand, taking a right before stopping and eventually finding SCP - W1L8UR's containment.

Dr.Scott sat in the seat provided and placed the journal onto the desk before opening it and putting his pen down to SCP - W1L8UR waiting, for him. Dr.Scott felt something that ached his heart but brushed it off as some random pain and started the interrogation. It was just the usual, asking questions and the SCP responds with writing, as simple as it can be. Dr.Scott wrote notes down as the SCP just watched him, watching him being focused on his notes and grammar as he leaned in to see what he was writing.

SCP - W1L8UR rested his face with his hand and elbow on the table and felt his face warm up again. SCP - W1L8UR terribly lacked the fact that he was moving shifting his position a lot and Dr.Scott noticed as he lifted his head up from the journal and looked at SCP - W1L8UR with a confused face before he placed his pen down and leaned closer towards the SCP and put squinted and noticed how awfully red SCP - W1L8UR was and suddenly started to ask questions out of worry.

Things like "Are you okay?", "Do you feel okay?" "Why are you red?", "Are you sick?", and many more as SCP - W1L8UR tried to answer them all as he realized he was blushing in front of Jared and tried to calm down as Jared appeared close to his face, if it weren't for the glass, then SCP - W1L8UR would probably be feeling Jared's breath against his skin, which made SCP - W1L8UR blush even harder from thinking about it.

Dr.Scott got worried enough to the point that he entered the room and took SCP - W1L8UR to the testing room to see what was wrong with it. SCP - W1L8UR sat on a counter, quietly waiting for the Doctor arrive and until then, Dr.Scott was freaking out. The Doctor soon came back and as SCP - W1L8UR watching them work, he caught a glimpse of a needle attached to a syringe. SCP - W1L8UR started to freak out as the Doctor turned to the SCP and told Dr.Scott that they'd have to do a small blood taste and see what was happening because they don't have the materials to do the other methods.


SCP - W1L8UR didn't like that.


3241 words

Jesus Christ this only took 3 days and only because this is the week end.


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