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-SCP W1L8UR is not advised to be working with needles

-SCP W1L8UR agression has rose overtime to unknown causes

-SCP W1L8UR is not willing to calm down, stronger containment is needed to prevent further damage towards weaker facilitiy

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The Doctor approached SCP W1L8UR with caution as they immediately noticed their sudden movement and body tone as they got closer towards SCP W1L8UR. One more step was all it took for SCP W1L8UR to snap as he attacked the Doctor.

SCP W1L8UR immediately put the Doctor into a chokehold as he covered the Doctors airways with their goop as they started to suffocate the Doctor as they noticed Dr.Scott's presence and held them in place with more of their slimy substance. 

SCP W1L8UR suddenly heard the emergency alarm go off as he screeched and let the Doctor out of the chokehold as they dropped Dr.Scott and booked it out the room.

The Doctor coughed and choked as they wiped the black substance off of their face as they helped Dr.Scott up who's 80% of their body was covered in the black liquid as the Doctor grabbed the needle and a sleeping pill as they ran after SCP W1L8UR, taking a strict right as Jared followed.

"I AM SO SORRY I DIDN'T THINK IT'D GO THIS WAY!!" Dr.Scott yelled as he ran after the Doctor who was only finding small traces of SCP W1L8UR's sticky black substance as they followed them. 

The Doctor turned the corner and force stopped as it was a dead end with SCP W1L8UR at the end who was yelling and screaming with their hands over their ears and eyes closed with blood on their hands and smeared on their face.

The Doctor this time hid the needle as they gave it to Dr.Scott as they carried a pill in their hand, trying a more carefully approach as they stepped more slowly and eventually made their way towards the SCP.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, trust me." Dr.Scott said as he hid the needle in one of his pockets as he showed the SCP his empty hands and tried to be as careful as he could as he slowly walked towards the SCP. 

SCP W1L8UR opened his eyes as it noticed the familiar voice coming from the left as they looked to see Jared slowly coming towards them. SCP W1L8UR's pupils dilated as he jumped towards Jared and opened his arms as he closed them around Jared.

Dr.Scott put one of his arms around SCP W1L8UR as he sneakily put his other hand into his pocket and pulled out the needle before suddenly jabbing it into SCP W1L8UR's arm before injecting the liquid into the SCP.

SCP W1L8UR screamed as it grabbed the area that was jabbed and pulled away from Jared as it yelled and scratched at it's arms and impaled his own hands with it's nails as it screamed in pain. The Doctor ran towards the SCP as they tossed the pill to Dr.Scott as they held SCP W1L8UR in place so Dr.Scott could have the pill be swallowed forcefully.

Dr.Scott lightly threw the pill into SCP W1L8UR's mouth as the Doctor forcefully tilted the SCP'S head and made sure it swallowed as they dropped the SCP onto the floor, sweaty and exhausted.

|| DON'T GET ATTACHED| SCP AU | JAREDBUR ||Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang