Lord of the flies

By ButterHoney565

2.5K 28 2

Year later and they all grew up. Piggy and Simone are still alive and unfortunately are still stuck with Jack... More

Where is Piggy?
Blue lagoon
Not 1 but 2
All yours maybe
Love gonna get you killed
Im the Problem

Morning to Night

191 3 0
By ButterHoney565

Jacks POV

I wake up Piggy by smacking him. I never thought this would happen he finally was in my hands and will do anything I say. He wakes up and starts to rub his eyes. He looks up at me and then looks back down waiting for me to say something. I tell him to go get some water for all the boys and go get some food. He looks up at me I can already see his little plan in his head. He is going to try and escape but what he does not know is that I'm going to be coming with him. I unlock him from his ankle chain. I walk him outside and walk with his I can see his eyes slump as he sees I'm coming with him. I lean against a tree as he fills up the coconuts. We go back to the camp so Piggy can put down the water and go get some food. As we are about to go back Roger calls me over. I grab Piggy's hand and drag him with me.
Jack: "What"
Roger: "What are you guys doing"
Jack: "To get food"
Roger: "Oooo hunting can I come"
Jack: "We're not hunting we are just getting some fruits"
Roger: "Oh can I come"
Jack: "Why"
Roger: "Because I have nothing to do"
Jack: "Fine just stay out of our way"
Maurice: "Jack!"
Jack: "Oh my fucking god what now"
Maurice: "Where are you going we promised the Little nuns we would teach them how to skin a pig"
Jack: "Fuck! Piggy your off the hook this time but next time you will go get ok"
Piggy: "Yes...Master"
Roger: "I can take him"
Jack: "Why the hell would you want to take him"
Roger: "Nothing better to do Jack what are you not getting"
Jack: "Fine you can go but make sure he doesn't escape"
I see Roger and Piggy's leave and they are holding hands for some reason that kind of blew me off but I don't know why. I went to the little nuns to see if they are ready for some skinning. After it all I was left bored and alone. I go back to my hut and start to think about the conversation I had with Ralph last night I then started to think about Piggy and how I was always jealous of him. I look over to where his bed is and just imagine him laying there sleeping. He got kind of skinny over the past years but he still is chubby. I start to think about Ralph and memories come back to me of how we were friends and how I was or will never be good enough for him. I grab my knife and throw it at the wall crying in anger as I still despise them. I go out to see the little nuns swimming in the ocean and Maurice watching over them. For some reason Maurice deeply cares for the younger kids. I go out in the forest and see Simone in his little area playing with his lizards. I see him giving it water and food. I walk over to him and he flinches. He doesn't look me in the eye or even talk much I ask hi what he was doing. I think that it was time for me to go back but I stayed with Simone for a little bit he was scared. Me and him talked and he brought up the fact I "killed" Piggy. I forgot I told Ralph that. I told Simone the truth and that Piggy was actually fine. Simone asked when would I give him up and I told him the truth never. Simones face was worried and hurt but I didn't say anything I was too shy. As I walk home all the other boys have been out they were all playing and acting like the monsters I've raised them to be. I was too over thinking that something was going to happen to Piggy. Since he has been on good behavior I guess I can give him a special treat maybe a bath I have not washed him yet. Maurice came to me and started to talk.
Maurice: "Jack Roger and Piggy still are out they have been gone the whole day"
Jack: "I don't know what the hell they are doing but if they don't show we have a search party"
Maurice: "Umm what do you think they are doing"
Eric: "Probably making sweet juicy love"
Maurice: "Eric but out and stop playing around"
Jack: "what do you mean sweet juicy love?"
Sam: "Well they are probably making out or even making love"
Jack: "Shut up the both of you and stay out"
Maurice: "When should we start looking for them"
Jack: "If they aren't here for sun down then we start till then let's rest"
Maurice: "Maybe we should start looking they been out all day"
Jack: "Look you've heard my orders"
Maurice: "Ok fine"
I run into my hut smashing things around what do you mean fucking sweet love! What the fuck is going on. I smash everything why am I getting angry at this. I see the mess I created and fall into my cracked bed. Why do I care so much about what they are doing it's not like I care what happens to Piggy or Roger nothing about it is sexual wait what why did I bring up sexual stuff now. What the hell is going on I look around to see the mess. Who cares I'll make Piggy clean it up later I walk back outside and run into Maurice talking to SamnEric saying how I been acting really possessive with Piggy lately and that I need to share him around. Am I acting possessive no I bust them and they all stare at me. I tell Sam and Eric to leave and I start to yell at Maurice but that when I hear a scream calling for my name but it's not Piggy Sam or Eric It's Roger screaming my name "Jack Piggy's gone!" What the fuck...

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