Don't do that little one

By 2JuStAsImPLeGal8

41.8K 1K 413

Louis is the triplets adopted Omega brother. Louis goes to live with them when Anne sadly passes away. They w... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13

Part 14

1.2K 29 6
By 2JuStAsImPLeGal8

Louis' POV:

First day back at school today. Not gonna lie, I'm a little bit nervous. I obviously haven't been there for a couple of months, so this feels a bit strange.

Harry woke me up with kisses all over my face. It tickled. I had a small breakfast of eggs and toast. I'm really happy the boys are helping me gain back my confidence with food. They're being so much nicer to me, not that they weren't nice before. Even Edward's fun, which is a first. I almost don't like it. I'm not complaining, I'm just not used to it.

Anyway, I'm getting a lift from Edward as the school's on his way to work. Yet again, my uniform is pristine, which is still annoying. I still don't love smart clothing.

"Louis c'mon, let's go! You're gonna be late." Edward shouted up the stairs.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming." I shouted back.

"You excited?" Edward asked once we were in the car.

"Kinda. I mean, it's school, you know. The most boring place on earth and all the people I hate are there. Well, not all of them, but you get what I'm saying." I explained.

"Yeah, I get it. I hated school as well."

"I know. You complained literally every day." I laughed.

"Yeah, well. Jeez, what is wrong with these people? Move you idiots!" Edward shouted at someone who had clearly broken down.

"Eddie, calm down. They just broke down. Are you okay? You seem really stressed." I asked, putting my hand on his thigh.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just got this big project at work and nobody apart from me knows what to do. I swear people are just useless. Useless. Anyway, here we are have a great first day back boo." Edward said.

"Thanks, and don't stress. I'm sure your project will go great." I said, kissing him.

I hopped out of the car and walked straight into school and to where Niall normally is. Which is Liam's classroom. I opened the door, and sure enough there he was. Sat playing one of the guitars while Liam set up the classroom for the day.

"Louis? Oh my god, Louis! I didn't know you were coming back today. Oh god, I've missed you so much." He got up and ran to hug me.

"Hey. I missed you too." I said, hugging back.

"There is so much I have to tell you." Niall dragged me to sit next to him. "Ashton, remember him? Anyway, he and Micheal broke up cause he was cheating on him with some guy called Jake. Miss Gaga got fired for not teaching properly or something. I dunno. Zayn and Liam took my virginity. Don't tell them I told you. We're keeping on the down low for a bit. Oh, Justin got suspended. He's back now though. But you can use that against him."

"That was a lot of information. Um, interesting. But oh my god, I can't believe you actually had sex. Was it good?" I asked.

"Better than good. I can't even describe it. I swear those two are just amazing at everything." Niall said.

"Wow, thanks Niall. But we told you not to tell anyone, didn't we? I'll let you off just this once though ok? It's nice to see you, Louis. Have a nice time in America?" Liam smiled.

"A great time thanks."


Lunch came along rather fast and I was off to see Harry. I didn't get a chance to talk to him this morning as he left before I woke up. It's great living with people who are busy all the goddamn time. On the way, I got told off for being inside the main building during lunch, I don't see what the big deal is. I should be able to do what I want when I have lunch. Teachers are so irritating, apart from Harry. Oh and Liam. Anyway, I knocked on the door when I got to the classroom and I heard a faint come in from someone who was not Harry. On opening the door I saw that it was definitely not Harry.

"Oh, hello. You must be Louis. I'm presuming you're looking for your brother?" The lady said.


"He's downstairs, H4. We had to switch rooms." She told me.

I smiled and left. How the hell did she know who I was? Once I found the correct room I opened the door, without knocking this time, and smiled upon seeing Harry.

"Louis. Hey, how are you? What's up?" Harry asked, smiling as well.

"I'm good and nothing's up. I just wanted to talk to you." I grabbed a chair and dragged it to his desk.

"Oh okay. But you can't stay long boo, my class is coming back in ten minutes." He explained.

"That's fine."

"Good. Don't you want to spend lunch with Niall?" Harry questioned.

"I'd much rather spend it with you seeing as I haven't actually seen you yet today. Plus, Niall has other friends." I said.

"Alright, no need for the attitude. Who are these other friends of Niall's then."

"She's called Alexa." I looked up at Harry who did not seem convinced. "What? She's a real person. I met her during break."

Harry just smiled and nodded. We continued to talk and I learnt that Harry had to switch classrooms because somebody in his class had a knee operation so couldn't walk up the stairs. I also learnt that the woman knew who I was because Harry informed her that I might try to find him, and he also showed her a picture of me. Before we knew it the ten minutes were up and I had to leave. I found Niall and Alexa at the usual table and sat down with them. They asked where I'd been so I told them I was with Harry. No need to lie. After that, I ate some Strawberries that were in my lunchbox.


I walked home with Niall to his dad's house after school. It was nice and cold.

"I thought you were living with Liam and Zayn?" I asked.

"I was but that was temporary while dad got some work done on the house." I nodded and we both went up to Niall's room. "So what do you want to do this weekend?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, flicking through the films on Netflix.

"I mean, it's your first full week back we ought to do something fun." Niall smiled.

"I don't think the boys would let me, they've been really protective recently." I complained.

"Is that because they're your mates?" Niall asked nonchalantly.

"What? Niall no." I laughed.

"Oh come on Louis, I'm not that stupid."

"Fine, but you can't tell anyone, not even Alexa." I said.

"Deal. I'll see you Saturday then? Five o'clock?"


Niall smiled and I pressed play on The Adam project. We had a great time watching random films, eating popcorn and throwing it at each other and just talking.

"Would you lie with me and just forget the world?" - Snow Patrol

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