DeltaFrost: Season 1

Por P1glinFury1

614 30 86

Hello, Welcome to DeltaFrost, An Deltarune AU made by me! There will be 10 episodes total this season. ABOUT... Mais

Ep 2: Birth Of The Robot Who Serves
Ep 3: Memories Restored
Ep 4: The Rare Crystal SOUL
Ep 5: SOUL Problems
Ep 6: Rosanne
Ep 7: SOUL Gains A.... Personality
Ep 8: Waterproof
Ep 9: Kazio
Ep 10: Revenge of The Salesman of 1997... With A Bit Of NEO

Ep 1: Frostbitten

232 7 19
Por P1glinFury1


Note: This series is mildly violent. You, the viewer, have been warned.

{Description of Episode: Welcome to DeltaFrost, a Original AU made by P1glinFury!

In this episode... What turns Deltarune into DeltaFrost is shown... and the beginning of a tragic series shall begin....}


The scene starts with Noelle looking at Kris

{The style of which this looks is DEADLY SIMILAR to Nyx The Shields Snowgrave animation, along with a bit of Anime}

Noelle: G-Got room for another truce?

Kris: -slight nod-

Noelle: Th-Thanks Kris-

Kris: -slight mischievous smile, his eye glows Cyan-

Noelle: (visibly confused) Um... ok...?

-Noelle joins the party-

-Kris goes back the way they came-

Noelle: K-Kris? Isn't that the wrong way? (Somehow, i'm already regretting this)

-They go to fight the Virovirokun-

Noelle: H-Huh?! What's going on? What are we doing?

-Kris orders Noelle to use Iceshock on the Virovirokun-

-Noelle freezes the Virovirokun-

{The camera looks at Noelle, as in to avoid seeing what Kris is doing}

Noelle: K-Kris?! What are you doing?

{Eating noises are heard}

-Noelle's face is disgusted-

Kris: -autoritve look with proudness-

-the scenes keep shifting to Noelle freezing other enemies- {"Snowgrave Ver. Welcome to the City" would be playing,}

-It eventually gets to the part with Spamton selling the Thorn Ring-

Spamton: [Demon, Demon] ARE YOU LOOKING FOR THE [Ring] OF [Thorns]?

Kris: Yes

Spamton: THat'LL BE [1997] KROMER

-Kris just steals the ring- {the music stops}

Spamton: STEALING FROM THE [Number one rated salesman of '97]? THAT'S NOT VERY [BIG SHOT] OF YOU [Little Sponge] AND [Hochi Mama]!

Kris: ...Iceshock

-Noelle freezes the dumpster...-

Kris: -smiles-

-They leave... Noelle softly says sorry- {Music resumes for about 3 seconds}

-They go see Berdly-

Berdly: Noelle, there you are! Just in time, we can both go back to Queen and...! ... N-Noelle?

Noelle: Kris... it looks like another victim... Should I freeze them?

Berdly: V-Victim? N-Noelle, it's me! Don't you recognize me?

Noelle: ....!!!!! B-Berdly?  {Noelle's Realization would be playing here}

Berdly: Noelle, what are you doing with Kris?

Noelle: I-I'm just.... -looks at Kris- ...doing his dirty work...


Kris: ...Proceed

Berdly: What the hell does that mean, Noelle? Kris?

Noelle: ....


Noelle: Berdly I-I can't or Kris will... Kris will... BERDLY PLEASE RUN

-They begin Fighting Berdly-  {berdly_battle_heartbeat_true.ogg would be playing}

Kris: ....Snowgrave

Noelle: S-Snowgrave? I don't know that spell

Kris: Snowgrave

Noelle: I'm telling you, I don't know that spell...

KRIS: Snowgrave...

Noelle: I'M TELLING YOU STOP ... I-I don't know what your talking about

Kris: Snowgrave

Noelle: Fine, you want to see what happens? WATCH WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I CAST A SPELL I DON'T KNOW!

Kris: Snowgrave

-Noelle casts Snowgrave-

Berdly: -His eyes widen with surprise and horror as he is encased in ice-

Berdly: ...Kris... you can't kill me. Gamers don't die, we respawn- {music ends}

-Berdly is frozen and killed-

Kris: ...Sorry, Berdly, but this game is Permadeath

Kris: -Licks lips-

Noelle: -horrified-

Noelle: Kris... -prepares a spell- You've gone too far... Making me stronger is one thing, but killing friends is another... -fires Snowgrave-  {Noelle's Snowgrave by Nyx The Shield plays}

Kris: -anticipates the move, twists out of the way, grins and charges in using X-SLASH.-

Noelle: -retreats a step back, frantically DEFENDs by throwing up an Ice Wall to intercept the blow.-

Kris: -The furious attack shatters the Ice Wall into pieces-

Noelle: ! -tries to DEFEND herself but...-

Kris: -throws his foot hurtling up to slam Noelle's stomach with a sickening crunch, lifting her a couple of inches of the ground, and sending her skidding a couple of paces-

Kris: -eye glows cyan again and leaps forward with his sword held over his head intent on cleaving Noelle in two-

Noelle: -at the last possible moment, rolls out of the way of the blow and gets on one knee. Still gasping for breath, she uses her powers to levitate the shards of her demolished Ice Shield, hurtles a slavo at Kris with great speed-

Kris: -leaps to the side, completely avoiding the attack-

Noelle: -Makes more shards levitate and prepares for another volly-

Kris: -changes his sword into a shield and raises it infront of him, blocking the ice shards, he turns his shield back into a sword and rushes in for the kill-

Noelle: -stands up and stretches arms upwards and fires ICESHOCK at Kris-

Kris: -anticipated the move, tucks and rolls under it springing up with a thrust aimed at Noelle's stomach. It strikes true- {Music Stops}

Noelle: -GASP!-

-Noelle stops struggling-

Kris: -clicks disappointingly-

{Kris goes to Noelle and steals her Royal Pin}

-Kris walks off somewhere-

Noelle: -barely conscious- No... I can't die here...-her soul faintly glows with the power of DETERMINATION- I must... tell the to...stay...alive... -Freezes shut the stab wound in her stomach- that should...give me enough warn them. -shakely gets to her feet and begins stumbling towards Queen's palace-


-Spamton and Queen are talking-  {Deal Gone Wrong plays}

Spamton: LOOK I COULD CARE LESS WHETHER YOU [Live like it's a Saturday night] OR [[Die]]!! I'm MERELY WARNING YOU! {when he says DIE it uses the clip from Ganon's "YOU MUST DIE" }

Queen: Oh, And I'm Stupid Enough To Believe You? Poor Noelle Is Missing.

Spamton: ......Yes, you're stupid....

-Noelle arrives and falls-

Queen: NOELLE!!!

Spamton: THAT'S THE [Hochi Mama] I WAS TRYING TO [Warning: The Following Program Isn't Suitable For Young Children] YOU ABOUT?! BUT DID YOU [Listen To The Funky Beats The Worms Make]? NO!

-Queen ignores Spamton-

Spamton: [Screwdrivers for $9.99] THIS, I'M LOOKING FOR [Ms Paint Format] AND[His Hochi Mama] [The Task Manager].

-Spamton storms off in pure anger-

Spamton: [[YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I'VE SACRIFICED]] TO WARN YOU?! {When he says "YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I'VE SACRIFICED" it comes from Spider-Man}

Queen: Begone, Spammy!

-Susie and Ralsei appear-

Ralsei: Susie, Kris is acting strange..

Susie: We can worry about that after we find -sees Noelle- NOELLE! -sees her stab wound- .... Ight... WHO THE HELL DID THIS TO YOU?

Kris: ...So you came back... thought I killed you?

Noelle: K-Kris is evil... they forced me to kill Berdly...

Susie: That's a bad thing? Wait, YOUR CHEST. KRIS I AM GOING TO TEAR YOU LIMB FROM LIMB.  {VS. Susie starts playing}

Susie: -lets out an earth-shaking battle roar and leaps towards Kris with her axe raised above her head-

Kris: -raises his shield to intercept the blow, the force of it driving him to his knees, cracking the stone at Kris's feet-

Queen: -clapping her hands together in delight- OOH THE DRAMA!

Ralsei: Wait, Susie, this has to be a misunderstanding!

Susie: -still driving Kris into the ground- DON'T YOU SEE THE HOLE IN NOELLE'S CHEST OR ARE YOU JUST A BLIND ASS?

Kris: -uses this to their advantage using both hands to angle his shield slightly down and Susie's axe slides off the shield, slamming into the ground beside them. Before Susie can bring her weapon back up Kris hits it to the side with his shield and changes their shield into the SPAMTON SWORD, and trusts it towards Susie's exposed torso as at the same time Susie is bringing her axe up for another strike. Kris proves to be the faster.-

Ralsei: SUSIE! -Everyone is quiet for a moment expecting Susie to slump over dead. Instead two broken pieces of the Spamton sword fall to the ground-

Susie: Nice sword you blue faced freak. -throws a savage uppercut into Kris's jaw sending him flying backward into a column. Susie then aims a RUDE BUSTER at Kris-

Kris: -at the last second rolls out of the way as the magic demolishes the bottom of the column causing it to crash to the ground and throw up a cloud of dust almost crushing Queen-

Queen: Hey Watch It You Clumsy Flesh Bags! That Was My Favorite Column... It Had Potassium Inside...

Susie: -Runs into the dust cloud and swings her axe through the dust, hoping to hit Kris she misses and the dust begins to settle-


Ralsei: -After the dust settles- SUISIE BEHIND YOU!!

Kris: -appears behind Susie with his MechSword pulled back for an X-SLASH his eyes glowing cyan-

Susie: -wirls around and tries to desperately block, but is too late. Before the blow lands...-

Ralsei: -uses FLUFFY GUARD and protects Susie from the attack-

Susie: nice to see someone finally decided to do something use-

Kris: -Before Susie can finish Kris snaps her teeth together with a front kick to the chin.

Ralsei: -Before Kris can follow up, using his scarf as a whip, Ralsei hits Kris in the face, sending him reeling-

Susie: -recovers and kicks Kris in the stomach sending him a few paces back. Susie now presses the attack driving Kris further back still-

Kris: -blocking furiously is able to break Susie's vicious advance. Careful to keep Susie in between them and Ralsei as to not allow her a clear shot, Kris begins his attack. It quickly becomes clear that Susie's power and bulk are no match for Kris's precision and speed-

Susie: -makes one last desperate attempt to end the fight by shouldering Kris back and aiming a cross-chop at his neck, but weariness had made her limbs slow-

Kris: -saw the move coming, dropped to one leg, and kicked Susie's feet out from underneath her. Landing flat on her back sprawled, Kris raised his sword for the killing blow-

Ralsei: -desperately tried to entangle Kris's wrists in an attempt to save Susie-

Kris: -foresaw the last ditch attempt and blocked it with one arm entangling it in the process. Then he yanked his arm across him sending Ralsei flying face first into the ground-

Susie: -now on her elbows- Why Kris, why would you do this? {music stops}

Kris: -just smiles and plunged his sword through her chest and into the floor behind her- 

Noelle and Ralsei: NOOOOO!

Noelle: -begins to silently cry-

Ralsei: -is frozen in place- th-the prophecy it's... it's.... {The Dark Truth plays at half speed}

Queen: What A Most Delightful Show! {music stops} I Must Get Lightners Here More Often. {Queen Plays}

Kris: -pulls his sword out of Susie and heads towards Ralsei- {music stops}

{the things that are in Parenthises means talking to themselves in their heads}

{Giga Size plays faintly}

Noelle: Susie is dead.

Ralsei: -attacks-

Noelle: All because I wasn't strong enough

Kris: -casually catches the scarf in one hand and tears it away from Ralsei. kicks Ralsei into a wall and slowly walks forward with his sword tip dragging on the ground-

Noelle: We're all going to die because of me.

Ralsei: -Casts HEALING WISH on Noelle- It's up to you now to avenge us.

Noelle: What?

Kris -smirks and slashes one of Ralsei's eyes. he screams in pain-

Noelle: No, It isn't my fault.

Noelle: -her eyes turn white as she feels this surge of strength- It's HIS fault. {Kris VS Noelle OST starts playing [Credit for this wonderful work:]}

-Her all-consuming sadness is converted into pure, untainted rage- HE's the reason for all this suffering

-slowly gets to her feet, her ice plug beginning to break apart from the effort-

Noelle: I WILL MAKE YOU SUFFER FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE -casts a SNOWGRAVE of such strength that she is pushed back a couple of feet by the sheer force of it-

Kris: -raises his eyebrows in surprise before he is blasted off his feet. He tumbles back rolling across the floor until he stabs his sword into the ground to catch himself before being blown through the wall. He brings himself to a kneeling position and changes his sword to a shield. Ice begins to form around Kris's shield as he slowly stands up and takes a step forward-

Noelle: -sees this and thinks of all the innocent people Kris made her kill and redoubles her efforts, her soul starting to glow with the power of DETERMINATION-

Kris: -also redoubles his efforts with his soul beginning to glow with this power as well. They stand locked in this battle of will for what feels like hours.

Kris: -starts to slowly, but surely plod his way closer to Noelle until they are face to face-

Noelle: -pours her entire being into her attack thinking of Susie and forces Kris a step back. This proves to be her undoing as the ice in her chest begins to melt as the power of DETERMINATION begins to take its toll. She begins to weaken. Kris kicks her and the ice storm stops. Noelle is completely helpless when Kris delivers the final blow.

Kris: -stabs Noelle- {The music finishes}

Noelle: GAH! ...Ughhh.... -falls-

Ralsei: Noelle... This can't be the end...

Noelle: -dies-

Kris: -takes her watch- ... -a tear comes out of his eye-

Queen: What A Delightful Show! But, Sadly All Good Things Must Come To An End. KRIS YOU KILLED MY KEY TO WORLD DOMINATION. Now That You Have Killed All Your And My Friends I Can Take Care Of You Myself! -showers Kris in battery acid-  {Attack Of The Killer Queen Plays}

Kris: -rushes in with his shield raised above his head to protect him from the downpour. leaps in the air and uses X-SLASH. The first hit connects with Queen slicing off her arm, but the acid shield forms and protects from the second hit. The shield holds and Queen backhands Kris away, but he hangs on to her chair.

Queen: Get Off Me You Little Prick!

Kris: -then begins to slam his sword into the acid shield to weaken it-

Queen: Oh No You Don't! -She stomps his hand that is hanging on to the chair and Kris falls-

Kris: -As he is falling he throws his sword at Queen hoping to bust through the barrier. It hits the acid shield shattering it, but clatters to the ground harmlessly. Kris hits the ground hard-

Queen: -shoots cursor laser at Kris-

Kris: -doges and runs toward his sword-

Queen: Not So Fast. -She presses a button on her chair and the spaces between the titles on the floor begin to crackle with electricity. As two turrets pop out of the wall a shoot large electric balls at Kris-

Kris -is relatively safe since he is standing on the patch of floor where Noelle's ice storm had iced over the ground and everything around it, giving him a layer of ice between his boots and the electrified floor. Kris just stands there and casualty ducks under the relatively slow moving electric balls-

Queen: Um... That Wasn't What I Calculated.

Kris: -takes a bite of a CD BAGEL, and throws a glance at the floor-

Queen: We'll Just Pretend That Didn't Happen. -presses the button again, and the attack stops-

Queen and Kris: -both look at eachother and make a mad dash to Kris's fallen sword. Queen gets it first-

Queen: -laughs her signature laugh- I Have It! Now Time For Me To Ctrl Alt Destroy You!

Kris: -takes a step back and is about to flee-

Queen: Too Bad You Don't Have Another Sword.

Kris -Gets an idea. He frantically whips his head around for what he is looking for. He sees it is right at his feet. He picks up the broken handle of the SPAMTON SWORD/BROKEN SWORD, and checks its sharpness-

Queen: You Think That Will Do Anything?! -laughs her signature laugh- I Calculate It Won't Do A Thi- {Music Stops}

Kris: -throws it into the engine of Queen's chair causing it to shutter and smoke-

Queen: ... It Appears You Have Missed m- -chair explodes, screams her signature OH-

Kris: -after the dust settles Kris picks up his sword, which is lying next to Queen's badly damaged head-

Kris: -surveys the battlefield. He looks to his right and sees a good portion of the room frozen with Noelle's dead body sprawled on the floor. He looks to his left and sees Susie's body encased in ice and Ralsei, presumed dead, half frozen and slumper against the wall with his eye still bleeding. Kris smiles and walks out towards CyberCity even as tears roll freely down his cheek... his SOUL is seeable and it's laughing.. And Kris cries sadly-

-Unbeknownst to Kris Noelle's body slowly starts to freeze over due to her magic-

-a few hours later-

Ralsei: -gets up- Ugh... -quiet- I have to... get back to... Castle Town.. -limps toward the fountain-


??????: Well... it seems this next experiment will be very, very interesting

????: sure thing doc... 

{Credits play, Faint Courage Remix is the Credits theme}

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