The Two Spots Of Love: A 101...

By JediMasterBoltsProdu

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this is my take on Dylan x Dolly from 101 Dalmatian Street where Dolly isn't related to Dylan and the other p... More

part 1: prolouge
part 2. the hug that lights a spark
part 3. the park
part 4. Dolly kidnapped! revelations, and a plan
Part 6. A Daring Rescue part 1
Part 7 A daring rescue part 2 and confessions.
Part 8. the artist and the scientist

part 5. freinds and enemies

82 1 0
By JediMasterBoltsProdu

The next day

Dawkins waved as Dylan, Delilah and Doug left the house "see you soon guys! And Dylan?" Dylan turned "yes?" Dawkins gave a smirk "bring your girl home" Dylan knew Dawkins meant Dolly and Dylan blushed "...I will, thanks Dawkins!"


"So Dylan who are we going to have join us?" Doug asked "we'll have Fergus and his crew, they'll be exactly what we need." Dylan told him with a serious face "and who is Fergus again?" Delilah wondered. Dylan stopped looking worried but calmed when he remembered that his parents were ok with him and Dolly being together "Fergus is the fox friend we helped a little while ago," Dylan reminded Delilah. Both Doug and Delilah looked at Dylan and smiled "oh, him!" Delilah and Doug responded in unison.


Just as Dylan and his parents were entering the park a fox jumped out. "Hey D-Dog what's up! What can I do for ya?," Dylan responded "Hey Fergus, earlier today Dolly and I were hanging together here at the park when a mysterious black dalmatian with white spots took her away, and we need your help to rescue her!" Dylan summed up with anxiety. Fergus smiled "D-Dog I'll help you don't worry I know how much Dolly means to you even if you won't admit it, I can see it in your eyes, I think you should get some more freinds and I'll get mine and we'll be ready!" Then Dylan remembered what Dawkins had said: to find others, but keep the group small. I think I know the dog for the job she'll make up the strength of 4 dogs.
Dylan, Delilah, and Doug made their way to the house where a big black dog with brown splotches all over lived. She might be big and intimidating but Dylan knew that she had a bigger heart.
"Hey, Roxy do you mind helping me with something?" Roxy looked at Dylan with a shocked and surprised look when she noticed Dylan wasn't smiling, and that his parents were here. "Uh, sure what do you need?" Dylan knew Roxy was one or Dolly's best friends so he proceeded to tell Roxy everything that happened yesterday....


Dolly opened her eyes to find she wasn't at home, in fact it was way to dark and scary even for someone as brave as herself. "Where am I!?" Dolly demanded thinking she would get no answer. Unfortunately for her a dark female voice replied to her demand. "Oh my dear Dolly you're finally awake! You've been sleeping for an entire day and I wanted to tell you where and why you're here." Dolly went from nervous to angry "I just want to go home. eventually my Dylan will rescue me as he promised he would!" As Dolly spoke those words a dark figure emerged from the shadows. "My, my, You are a fiesty one I think you might be referring to the young dog who watched in fear and shock as you were taken away! I can assure you that you have family here." The mysterious dog pointed to herself. Dolly couldn't, she wouldn't believe it. "Shocked I know! why would a family member kidnap her niece" Dolly looked in shock as the dog finally came into the light. It was black with white spots looking kinda like Dante. "Dylan will rescue me he went home to make a plan, he's no coward, not anymore." Dolly announced to the black dalmatian "oh would you like to know that I've been watching you and you're family for a looong time! I know all your secrets for I've been listening I know you like Dylan. I know your "parents" adopted you. I know you aren't related to any of them. And I know your family well enough that they're plan to rescue you will fail." At these words Dolly was immediately terrified again for she could tell that this dog was telling the truth. "W-well you didn't tell me your name yet." Then the black dalmatian sneered at Dolly "my name Dolly is Doshera: your aunt! And since you won't be getting out of here I can safely tell you my plan: you see I killed your parents long ago and left you inside a cardboard box I wanted to rid my brother who is your father for ditching me and our family who passed away since we had to take care of everyone. I noticed he had gotten a mate and later kids." Dolly was taking everything in was all that happened with Hunter and Cruella.... "I see your probably about the De Vills you see they wanted to have you for coats so I let them do what they did so I could get a better look at your house! After they failed I knew I had won so I snuck into the jail where Cruella was held and killed her. Then I disposed Hunter. I then took over Hunter's building as my own headquarters and seeing all his tech I reperposed it to turn all Dalmatians into my cyborg army you might have thought your great ancestors had died but I brought them back!" Dolly then saw two figures behind Doshera: Pongo and Perdita her great great grandparents. But they weren't how Dolly remembered: most of their bodies were covered with wires and metal along with other cybernetic enhancements. but their faces were exposed but their eyes were just a red line. Dolly knew she was in trouble Dylan please hurry!

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