part 3. the park

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Dylan and Dolly made it to the park "ahh it's very nice out today!" Dolly said "I what do you want to do with your skateboard?" Dylan asked curiously. Dolly smiled and put the skateboard on the ground "I've made some modifications to this I think you'll enjoy!" Dolly and Dylan get on the skateboard then Dolly announced: "activate safety belts, activate wings, activate engines on low power, lastly, activate lasers!" As Dolly announced each thing it came right out of her board. "Woah Dolly this. Is. Incredible!" Dylan complemented Dolly blushed "well I had the idea but it was Dawkins who made such modifications. I just knew you wanted a safe easy ride on my skateboard and I thought: why not make it even cooler for him by having it act like a microspaceship!" Dylan blushed "wow! Well thanks Dolly this is really nice of you to share this with me!" Dolly kept smiling at her bro lovingly "do you want to test it out?" Dylan stared in amazement at the board then at Dolly "sure! As long as it's safe." Dolly laughed "don't worry I have the skateboard on low power and on auto pilot, just tell it where you want to go and it'll take you there!" This made Dylan feel much better and so he chose exactly where he wanted to go: "auto pilot take us four blocks down to the pond." Then Dolly went onto the board as did Dylan and it took off so smoothly Dylan hardly realized they were flying.  "Woah Dolly you were right! this is gentle and I love it!" Dolly who wasn't used to flying skateboards, or going at a slow pace replied with: "I'm  glad you're enjoying it, I actually quite  like it myself!" Once there the skateboard landed and the safety belts retracted into the skateboard. " what an amazing way to ride a skateboard! I'm definitely excited when we ride back in it." I'm glad, so what did you want to do over here anyway?" Dolly wondered Dylan just smiled at her " oh I just thought you and I could just hang here for a bit you know....we never get time like this where we get to have time with just each other....and talk" Dolly understood "I get it-wait hang on someone's behind us." Both turned and Hansel "Hello Dylan, and a big hello to you Dolly." Dolly used to have a big crush on Hansel and would've been flattered by him, but that crush was a couple of years ago now and Dolly didn't share the same feelings for Hansel anymore. "Oh hello Hansel.." Dolly said with a hint of annoyance. While Dolly was Talking to Hansel

Dylan felt jealous so he backed out of the conversation quietly and waited for Dolly on a bench a couple feet away. I don't want Dolly to be with that husky...he gives me a bad vibe...besides I want Dolly for myself Dylan thought.

Hansel had told Dolly that there's a big skate party in a couple weeks and wondered if she would go with him. "I'm sorry but I can' see I don't like you in that way anymore you were just a crush of weird teen dog who was immature." Hansel while shocked was oddly chill about it according to Dolly "that's OK I'll just take out one of my other girlfriends instead!" This infuriated Dolly " cheater I can't believe I actually LIKED you like're one of those boys the ones that have girlfriends then ditch them!!! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE AGAIN!!!" Dolly had never been so angry while her crush on Hansel had ended a while ago she still felt hurt that she was so easily betrayed and probably a lot of other girls too she thought with disgust. "Let me guess you have feelings for a different dog now too." Dolly knew this was true, she also knew exactly who the dog was. "I do but unlike you I didn't cheat on anybody since you and I were never dating and I don't have MORE THAN ONE BOYFRIEND! LEAVE NOW I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!"

Hansel left while a little shocked from how loud Dolly was, was now heading back to tell his girls that He would go out with one of them he would listen to Dolly's request however: they never saw each other again.

Dolly went back to Dylan who she found was on a bench crying. "Dolly...I thought we were supposed to have a one on one day but now you're crush came and you're probably going to go out with him!" Dylan cried "oh Dylan...I haven't had a crush on him for quite a while now...yes he asked me out but I were right about him Dylan...he was a bad dog he cheats and has lots of girlfriends...but I'm not one of them Dylan there's something I've wanted to tell you for a long time now" Dylan forgave Dolly and now wanted to know what his best friend and sister was going to tell him. "what is it?" Dylan asked "Dylan...I love y- !!!" Dylan watched in horror as a mysterious dog takes Dolly in a bag "Dylan help me!" Dolly cried. Dylan would rescue Dolly, the only dog he loved, but he would need help "Dolly I'll come back I'll rescue you we'll be together again I promise!" It was a promise Dylan would make sure was fulfilled.....

The Two Spots Of Love: A 101 Dalmatian Street story (Paused)Where stories live. Discover now