Revenge Of The Black Ink

By Gemstonefox

56 2 1

Wasteland, a place of peace and paradise. A place for forgotten toons. Ruled over by a particular lucky rabbi... More

Strange New Face


18 0 1
By Gemstonefox

It was silent in the Med ward, Fanny had been bandaging the poor toon as carefully as she could. "Poor thing" She could only say, seeing the deep wounds around his waist. "Hey Fanny, how's the new guy," Oswald asked, walking into the room. "It seems like most of the wounds need to be stitched together. He's bleeding too quickly just to be bandaged" she replied, grabbing the suture kit. She was careful enough to stitch up the first cut, which was the biggest amongst the others. With each stitch, they noticed that the toon's hand would flinch every time. This was a sign to see that the toon was at least responsive. Oswald made sure to watch if he woke up before Fanny finished patching him up. Fanny had finally wrapped most of the wounds in gauze and bandages before she saw the toon stir. They both watched as he opened his eyes, sitting up to clutch his head.

"W-what on earth happened? Why does my head hurt?" he said, shaking from being so weak. "Are you alright?" Oswald asked, helping him to the side of the bed. "Yeah, I just need a second," the other toon said, trying his best not to pass out. It took him at least a minute for the pain to subside, but as soon as that happened, he took the time to look around the room. "Excuse me sir, but I would like to finish bandaging your wounds, please," Fanny explained, pointing to his side. "Huh" he could only say, looking down to his waist. Thankfully he was aware enough to let them take care of it. "So, since you're awake, mind if I could ask you a few questions," Oswald asked, sitting beside the strange cartoon. "Sure a few questions never hurt anyone," he said, a small smile forming on his face. After a few questions, it was obvious that he wasn't always alone, or even forgotten, especially when it comes to his friends. When the toon started to cry, that was when he was concerned. "How come you were able to get here? You seemed to be so loved up there," Oswald asked, handing him tissues. "I don't know, all I can remember is that I was with them, then my memory went blank," he said, wiping his eyes. That was when Oswald froze, a painful feeling sinking in his gut. "Do you remember what happened to your friends?" he asked as soon as the toon calmed down. "All I can remember was that we were playing hide and seek together. Other than that, no" he said, clutching his head once more. "I'm sorry, it's all new to me,". "Don't worry, we'll find a way to help you" Oswald said, trying to comfort the new toon. Just then, Gus flew in, his face frozen in a concerned look. "Oswald, there's an emergency concerning the projectors. We need your help," he said, the tinge of panic in his voice. Oswald stood up instantly, equally as panicked as the gremlin. "I'm gonna have to leave you for a bit, I'll be back as soon as I can," he said, turning back to the new toon. All the toon could do was rest for the time being, regain his strength once more.

Hours felt like minutes as he slept, barely waking due to the pain from his wounds. He didn't answer much from the other nurses either, but at least he was being cared for. During the time he was resting, Oswald was assisting on the projectors, which were melted to the point that no one could use them. Hell, they were contaminated with a substance that couldn't be from here. Oswald knew that this wasn't the doings of the blots, and Prescott wasn't around to be questioned. That was when his mind wandered back to the new toon. He thought about how events happened, seeing him wounded, taking him to the med ward, then getting the news about the projectors. "There couldn't be anything to do with the new toon, right Gus" Oswald asked, turning to the gremlin. Gus looked back to his clipboard, thinking of an answer. "It's hard to say Oswald, perhaps we should see if he knows anything about this" he answered, trying to be truthful. "My thoughts exactly. Guys, we'll be right back, don't go anywhere" Oswald shouted, running back to the med ward. Gus followed behind, hoping to meet the new toon properly.

"Thank you again for coming Ms. Ortensia, the new face just woke up crying out of nowhere" Nurse Fanny said, for once happy to see the cartoon cat come along. "Not a problem, do you mind leading us towards him" she asked, looking back to the cloaked toon behind her. "Of course, follow me, '' the nurse said, opening the door to the next room. There on the ground sat the weeping figure, shaking heavily from fear. Tears rolled down his face continuously as he breathed heavily. What caught them off guard the most was his condition, it looked as if he was melting. "Hello there" Ortensia said, catching the toon's attention. Ortensia noticed the toon's appearance, not being like any other toons they ever met. Many toons would've been animals or any of the robots around Wasteland. But the new face was different, just horns on his head and the very tail he clutched in his shaky hands. "I'll stay out here. He seems nervous already" the cloaked toon told the mother, not wanting to cause trouble meeting the scared toon. "It's alright. I came to see you needed someone to help you" she asked, slowly approaching him. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean any trouble scaring you" he said, trying to steady his shaky voice. Ortensia chuckled softly, surprised about the toon being apologetic for a mild startle. "Don't worry sweetie, I just wanna make sure you're alright" she said, coming closer to him. She kneeled to the ground, now at eye level with the melted figure. "My name is Ortensia, I'm sure you met my husband Oswald earlier '' she finally said, mentioning the Lucky Rabbit. The toon's eyes lit up softly, as if he recognized the name before. "Oswald t-the Lucky Rabbit?" he asked, a small smile creeping upon the toon's face. Ortensia nodded, seeing the joyous expression on his face. "Of course, have you heard of him" she asked, hoping to help him open up more. "I-I have. My friends knew a bit too" he answered, growing more at ease. "Oh um, I guess I never introduced myself to him properly. You know, with the whole situation before?" he asked, realizing his minor error. Ortensia was surprised to hear this, remembering how he would always greet new toons almost instantly whenever a new face came around. Then again, the toon was hurt, he couldn't just let them stay hurt. "Well, I guess it's not too late to introduce myself to you. My name is Bendy, the Dancing Demon" he said, sitting up proudly despite having a twinge of nervousness in his voice. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Bendy, and I hope you recover soon," Ortensia said, smiling. Just then, a familiar voice spoke out, soft but determined. "You don't suppose this is a bad time, is it hon?" asked who else but the rabbit himself.

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