Impossible love

By Rida1214

1K 85 29

Aleeza Fatima is a Pakistani girl who lives abroad with her family... More

Chapter 1: Happy Birthday!
Chapter 2: Illness...
Chapter 3: Picknick
Chapter 5: University
Chapter 6: Engagement

Chapter 4: Hospital

66 11 0
By Rida1214

Muhammad Ali's POV

We were playing football when uncle suddenly began coughing very hard. Sila went to aunty to bring his asthma spray. But all of a sudden, he fell down. I rushed towards him. I checked his pulse. We sprankled some water on him. No reaction.

I did all the things I learned in my first aid lessons.

No reaction.

"Muhammad Ali, I think you should take him to the hospital." Zahra said.

"Yes. Zaroon, we'll have to take him to the hospital." I said worried.

We picked him up and brought him to the car. Papa sat on the drivers seat and he drove to the nearest hospital. Aunty and Zaroon came with us. And Zahra took mom with her. Aunty told Sila and Farah to stay there to wait for Aleeza and Rania.

I messaged Aleeza to inform her.

We arrived at the hospital and we waited for the doctors to come out, when Aleeza came in.

"Muhammad Ali, what happened?" She asked almost crying.

"Don't worry, Aleeza. The doctor is checking uncle." I answered.

The doctor came out.

"Mr. Kazmi?"

"Yes." I answered.

"Well, the patient has had an asthma attack and his blood pressure was too high."

"And how is he now?"

"Actually, he isn't too well now. We are afraid he has some heart problems. If he doesn't give any reaction on our treatment he can also go in coma, if he would be here a bit earlier his health wouldn't get this worse. I'll go and check what we can do further."

"Thank you doctor." My voice was shaking.

Aleeza started crying silently.

"Aleeza, please don't cry. Inshallah, uncle will get better." I said.

"It's all my fault, if I didn't went walking I would bring him here earlier. "

"Aleeza, it isn't your fault. I took him here as fast as I could."

"No, it's all my fault." She started crying really hard.

"Aleeza beta, don't loose your faith in Allah. Everything will be alright." Papa hugged Aleeza and she started crying on his shoulder.

I couldn't see her like that but I couldn't do anything either.

I turned away and walked out of the door. I couldn't control my tears. What happened? Why is Allah testing them so much? Why does He always test the good people? Tears started to stream out of my eyes. Aleeza really loves uncle much. And now she is crying so much...

I took my phone and called Rania to inform her. After calling her, I bought a bottle of water. I went inside and Zaroon was sitting with aunty. Her eyes were totally red from crying.

I wiped my tears away and walked towards them.

"Aunty, here, drink some water. You go home. Rest a bit. I'll stay here with Aleeza."

"But beta..."

"No mama, he's right. You go home. Rest, we'll stay here."

"Okay beta, but inform me as soon as you know something."

"Sure, aunty."

"Uncle, you also come with us." Zaroon said.

"Aleeza, are you sure we should go?" Papa asked.

"Yes uncle, you guys go." She answered.

"Okay beta, now don't cry anymore."

Papa said.

"Don't worry, uncle."

Zaroon, aunty and papa went home.

The tears started to come out of her eyes.

I sat on the chair beside her.

"Aleeza, please don't cry. If you will get weak, who's going to take care of uncle and aunty?"

"I know but why did this happen to papa?"

"Aleeza, just keep praying for uncle and don't loose your faith. Allah always test his good people."

We sat there for hours and Aleeza kept praying for uncle.

After a few hours the doctor came out saying uncle is now out of danger.

"Can we meet him now?" She asked.

"Yes but he is still unconscious."

"Thank you so much doctor." I said.

We went inside. Aleeza rushed towards uncle and sat beside him. She started crying and gave him a peck on his forehead.

"Aleeza, come on. Look, now uncle is okay. Stop crying, please."

She wiped her tears away.

"Muhammad Ali, can you inform mom, please?"

"Yes, I'll call her."

I went outside and called aunty to inform her.

I went back inside and Aleeza was sleeping with her head on uncle's chest. I sat down on the couch and watched them. She loves uncle very much. They have a special bond, a bond I never saw before. They are like friends but still they have a beautiful father-daughter bond. This is a quality I love so much about her. She is so lovely with everyone, she has a special bond with everyone. I kept sitting there and watching them when uncle woke up silently.

"Aleeza?" He said with a small voice and he tried to sit.

"Uncle, slowly." I went to his bed and helped him.

Aleeza woke up.

"Aleeza, you stay here with uncle, I'll call the doctor."


I went to the doctor's office and informed him. The doctor went to uncle and I called Zaroon and told him about uncle.

I went back to uncle's room and the doctor said uncle is now totally okay. He could go home now.

"Can anyone of the patient's  family just go to the counter to fulfill the discharge papers?" The doctor asked.

"Yes sure, I'll go." Aleeza said.

"Okay, I'll take all our stuff and prepare uncle." I said.

The doctor and Aleeza went out.

"Uncle, how are you feeling now?"

"I'm fine. I just have a bit pain in my body." "Don't worry, you'll be totally  okay when you'll see aunty." I teased him.

"Beta, thank you so much."

"Uncle how many times do I have to tell you, don't say thank you. I don't like that."

"But beta, you did so much for me."

"Okay uncle, now stand up slowly because aunty will be very worried."

He stood up and after a few minutes Aleeza came in and we left to the car. We reached home and everyone was relieved that uncle is now totally okay. I was very tired so I sat down on the couch. Aleeza sat down on the couch opposite of me. She was also very tired.

"Thank you Muhammad Ali."

"Argh... What's the problem with you guys? Everyone always keep saying thank you."

"But Muhammad Ali you are doing so much for us."

"Aleeza now please don't embarass me by saying all of this. I just do this for you guys. Anyways, aren't you tired?"

"No, I fell asleep in the hospital so I'm not tired anymore but you were awake the whole night, aren't you tired?"

"Actually, I am. But can you tell me where the medicines are?"

"Yes, in the cupboard, why?"

"I have a bad headache so I'll take a painkiller."

"You wait here, I'll give you a painkiller."

She went to the cupboard and gave me a painkiller and a glass of water.

"Thank you, doctor saiba."

"You're welcome."

I took the painkiller.

"Muhammad Ali, you go now, sleep. It's because you didn't sleep all night that you have a headache."

"Okay baba, I'm going. Goodnight."


I went upstairs, changed, lied on my bed and thanked Allah that uncle is now okay and fell asleep very fast.

Another chapter!  Hope u'll like it!
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