Chapter 5: University

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Aleeza's POV

Today, Muhammad Ali's family is going back to England.

But Muhammad Ali is not going because his university is going to start in a week. And because he'll study in the same university as me, we decided he will stay with us.

"Come on, we are going to be late!" Uncle said.

"Uncle, don't worry. We're not going to be late, everything is in the car." I told him.

"Okay, come on guys. We're leaving!" Papa said.

Sila, me, mom and dad were going to drop them off at the airport. We leaved and arrived there at time. We waited till they were 10 minutes left and they had to go inside.

"Okay Ibrar, I think it's time for you guys to go." Papa said.

"Yes, unfortunately." Papa and uncle did a male hug.

And on the other side Sila and Farah were hugging and mom and Reeman aunty were hugging.

So, me and Muhammad Ali were standing there.

"So, what do you think about living with us?" I asked.

"Actually, I didn't want to, but uncle insisted so much, that I couldn't reject." He teased me.

"Hahaha." I said sarcastically.

"No actually, I'm really happy." He said.

Reeman aunty and Ibrar uncle came towards us.

"Uncle, I'll mis you guys so much."

"We too, beta. But our son is here with you. You wont have any time to miss us." He said.

"Ibrar, you'll be late." Papa said.

"Okay, Aleeza. Allahhafiz." He gave me a side hug.

"I love you uncle." I said.

"I love you too, beta." He said.

Then Reeman aunty and Farah came and hugged me.

After that uncle went to Muhammad Ali.

"Okay beta, don't trouble my friend too much." He said.

"No papa, you don't worry. I wont trouble uncle because I have someone else to trouble, at home and in university." They started laughing.

"No, you wont trouble Aleeza, she's my sweet daughter." Uncle said.

Muhammad Ali and Ibrar uncle hugged. Then Muhammad Ali went to Reeman aunty and hugged her very tightly. They were so cute.

Aunty her eyes were full of tears.

"Mama, come on, don't cry. Or else I wont let you go." Muhammad Ali said.

"Aleeza beta, you'll have to take care of our son, he doesn't care for himself at all." Aunty said.

"Aunty, you don't worry. We'll take care of your son very well." I answered.

They hugged another time and Muhammad Ali kissed aunty on her forehead and her hands.

"I'll miss you, mama." He said sadly.

"I'll miss you too beta."

"Okay aunty, now please don't make it that hard for yourself. You'll be late for your flight." I said.

I went to Farah and hugged her.

And she also went to Muhammad Ali and hugged him.

Then mom did the sadqa and they left.

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