British boy // dnf

By duckylovesyouso

1.5K 31 163

Probably discontinued :( I'm not good at descriptions so I hope this is ok๐Ÿ˜ญ George was the new British kid... More

Duckys note :]
Meet the characters๐Ÿค‘ or just know that they r both of age
1 ~ Her
2 ~ First school day
3 ~ The movie
4 ~ Always with Dream
5 ~ Our firsts
Numbers to call because i love you<3
7 ~ In the rain
8 ~ All i want is you, now
9 ~ Pretty boy

6 ~ Under the stars

101 2 9
By duckylovesyouso

Angst chapter🥴
TWs: abuse verbal and physical, shouting, mention of alcohol, (I'll put a warning before these parts —>self-harm, saying to khs and things like that, there will be a start and a stop and I'll put a recap of what happened in that part for those who skipped it<3)

After school
August 24th

"Hey, George right?' A voice standing before him spoke.

Can I never be left alone?

"Oh- uh yeah. You need something?" George asked, admiring the dirty blond in front of him. He was wearing a colourful hoodie with a purple swirl on the front. His smile was perfect and his skin was glowing.

"I just wanted to know if the rumour was true, if you and lead football player boy kissed, Dream, by the way." His eyes were glowing, awaiting an answer.

George stood frozen for a minute, not knowing what to say.

"Well- uh.. where did you hear this information..?"

"Sapnap told me and some bitch girls heard so now it's kinda a rumour"


"Dream also messaged a group chat, I'll show you the texts"

"Ok uhm— who is in this group chat"

"Me, I'm Karl by the way" —George nodded— "Sapnap, Quackity, Tommy, Foolish, Punz, Ranboo, and Dream himself. The good friends of the football team basically."

"Oh ok, can I see the texts"

"Yeah of course, by the way, if people try to bully you for it, don't worry, the way Sapnap explained this morning to me makes it sound like Dream would do anything for you" Karl spoke with care as he pulled out his phone from his pocket.

American Football Team(the good players🙄)

Dweam🥺- I made out with the new British kid, George, he's so good🤭😍

Love🫶- Yeah when you were meant to be in class with me

Dweam🥺- Damn sorry snapmap I was busy with George, he's much better than you, he doesn't hit me

Love🫶- I hit you because you hit me you massive dickhead
replying to Dweam🥺- I made out with the new British kid, George, he's so good🤭😍

Dweam🥺- he's not my bf but I wish🤭 he stayed over at my house last night and he's so cute when he's sleepy like omg

Ok Dream, we don't need to know how you spat in his mouth this morning, thanks though, he seems adorable tho ngl

Dweam🥺- I told you to not tell anyone Sapnap

Love🫶- I had to tell Karl

Love🫶- And maybe some bitchy girls heard but uh that's it


Love🫶- I'm sorry I didn't see them, I was looking at Karl😘

Dweam🥺- I don't even have any other classes with him so I can't tell him he'll find out through a rumour now. Thanks Sapnap

Love🫶- damn I'm sorry, I'll talk to him in our last class we have together

"That's it, did he talk to you?

"He looked like be wanted to say something to me but he didn't"

"Can I know if it's true though? I can tell your stressed or something but I really wanna know"

"Yeah it is" George spoke with a little stress lacing his voice, but overall he felt fine. Like Dream didn't mean for it to be spread around, he didn't and he could tell that from the messages.

"I could see why Dream would kiss you, your very pretty!" He exclaimed with a smile.

"Awh— thank you Karl, can I just say that your very pretty too, I like your jumper" George smiled.

"Thanks George, well, I should go find sapnap but it was nice talking to you, I'll ask Dream for your number" Karl waved, the brunette waved back while walking away.

"Hey George!" — he spoke out of breath— "I'm really really sorry, I'm guessing Karl told you and I'm so sorry please, Sapnap told Karl and some girls heard and it spread. I'll be there if someone is a dick to you but please forgive me" Dream looked like he had just ran a marathon, and his breath was that heavy too, he stared at George who stared back.

"It's alright" was all he said as he pushed some hair out of the blonds eye.

"You're sure?"

"I'm a bit mad but not at you, you're not the one who spread it. Even though you texted your gc, I'm not mad at you"

"You wanna come over?"

"I can't sorry, I've gotta help my mum unpack some stuff, I'll text you when I'm done though"

"Ok, bye love" Dream turned around and started to walk away, George placed his skateboard on the cement and pushed off, skating down the pavement.

At home🥰

George walked into his house and took his shoes off, putting them by the door along with his bag.

"Hey mum, are you ready to—" George walked into the living room to see his mum sitting on the couch, downing a bottle of beer with some pills sitting on the table.

"Really mum?! You said you would slow down on the drugs and alcohol when we got to Florida! This is bullshit your a fucking liar and it's just getting worse. Fuck you! Fuck you for making me leave England, why do you never pay attention to me?! I'm your son I want your attention sometimes, I want to go out on a walk or shopping with you but I can't because you just sit on the couch like a fucking slob drinking all the time! FUCK YOU! You compared me to yourself when I was gaining some weight, you made me insecure and then you ask me why. Why don't I talk to you? Why don't I trust you? This. This is fucking why mum." George shouted slightly, letting out all his bottled emotions on his mum, and it's safe to say that she deserved it.

He stood there for a moment just looking at her, she stared back and anger came apparent on her face.

"What gives you the right to talk to me like that. George. Listen to me, I've made you who you are, I've made you beautiful and skinny. If it weren't for me you wouldn't be who you are."

"You could've done it nicer. I am fucked up because of you."

"Get out of my house." She sighed.


"Get the fuck out and don't come back, you are a pain in my ass and a fucking brat."

George stood there. He didn't want to leave. Even though his mother was a bitch he had nowhere to go.

"Mum plea-"


George ran up the stairs and grabbed a bag and packed some clothes, jewellery, a phone charger and some other essentials. Grabbing some food and a water bottle that he stashed in his room.

He went back downstairs and his mum was downing a bottle of vodka. (That shits too good🤭)

"Mum, can I please stay I don't have anywhere to go..!" George pleaded.

"George. Get the fuck out of my house before I hurt you." She snarled.

George put the bag on his back and grabbed his school bag. He slid his shoes on and grabbed skateboard, riding down the pavement, to the corner store at the end of his street.

He opened the door and some little bells jingled. He walked to the craft area and grabbed a pack of colouring pencils making sure it had a sharpener attached to it, and a colouring book. Then over to the worker part and he grabbed a screwdriver with a small tip.

Making his way over to the counter he saw the one person he didn't want to see at this moment in time.

He looked like shit, eyes red and puffy, tears stained his cheeks. He couldn't control himself.

"George? Are you ok what happened!?" The blond rushed over to George, putting his hands on his waist.

"George?!" Dream stammered.

George just stood there not knowing what to say or do. He want to cry. He wanted to be hugged. He wanted to be loved by someone again.

"George! Answer me for fucks sakes!" Dream shouted in a worried tone.

"I don't know- I don't know what to do.." George looked up at the blond with pain filling his chocolate brown eyes.

"You can talk to me, George. What's the matter?" Dream spoke calmly, taking the things out of George's hands and placing them on the counter, returning to hold him.

"I hate you so fucking much, I don't know what your doing to me and I just want you to leave me alone.." George stopped for a moment and the room fell quiet.

"..but at the same time I want to be with you all the time and I want to love you. I want to love you and I want you to love me" —George looked down— "but I don't know if I could do it." He sighed, a single tear slipping out of his eye. George was just overwhelmed with being kicked out and the rumour and kissing the blond.

"Oh George.. I would love you too, if you gave me a chance to." —Dream lifted Georges face— "I would be there for you when you need me. I could kiss you goodnight and be there when you wake up. I could be the person to love you because I know that's what you want and more importantly, need."

"I think I can love you. Just promise to- to not leave me. Every person I cared about left me.." —George started to whisper— "please don't leave me.." he placed his head on Dreams chest.

"I wont, I promise you I wont leave you. How could I leave such a beautiful face like yours?"

They stood there for a minute in a comforting silence. Embracing each others love.

"Why are you buying a colouring book, George?" Dream whispered, making the smaller giggle.

"To put it simply, I was bored"

"And not simply?" Dream chuckled.

"I was buying colouring pencils and it felt weird not buying a colouring book with it" George explained.

"Why were you buying colouring pencils, we get them at school?"

"I ran out of the ones at home and lost the ones school gave me..?" He lied.

"Ok.. well, my shift is over so you want me to walk you home?" Dream let go of George and went to grab the keys to lock up.

"O-oh no that's ok I can walk home by myself" George reassured with a smile.

"You sure? It's kinda dark" Dream asked.

"Mhm! I'll be good"

"Ok well, goodnight then. Oh and the stuff you were gonna buy, have it for free." Dream said as he handed George the items.

"Really? Thank you!" George smiled and took the things.

"Bye Dream, sleep well" George stated.

"You too George, text me if you need me ok? If you come over tomorrow after school we can have some fun again" Dream smirked.

"I— I'll be there" George turned away from the taller, flustered with red lightly across his face.

"Oh George, before you go.." —The brunette turned around and hummed— "You wanna meet my sister tomorrow? She heard the rumour and wanted to meet you" he chuckled at the thought.

"Yeah sure! That would be nice, thank you"

"Bye George"

"Bye byee" George opened the door and walked down the road to the flower field. Placing down his things and taking in the cool breeze.

After a moment of looking up at the stars, he thought it would be best if he were to let his eyes adjust to the darkness, so he grabbed his colouring book and pencils and put them in front of him, flicking through the book to choose what page to do.

He decided on a mushroom with a little fairy door on it. Trees surrounded the little structure that had lanterns on the rim of it. Tall grass was filling the ground, with some flowers popping out and vines creeping along the walls of the shroom.

After colouring

George put the pencils back neatly into the box and placed his things aside. It was starting to get chilly and George didn't bring a blanket with him, his own body heat was his only source..

Or he could call Dream.

that would be like- attention seeking or something, don't do that
But I'm so cold
Fuck you, I'm calling him

George got his phone out of his pocket and hovered his finger over Dreams contact. Just as he was about to call the blond, an incoming call from Luna showed up on his screen.

fuck sackes

"Luna I'm trying to sleep, I won't get your texts or calls because I'm putting my phone on silent mode." He said sternly once answering the call.

"Why the fuck would you kiss Dream. I am your girlfriend, your CHEATING ON ME!" She shouted through the phone.

"Oh well, who's that dude..Thomas! I saw you making out with him yesterday. Your cheating too."

Luna was silent, not knowing what bratty thing to say.

"I'm breaking up with you, Luna." This was the most confident George had had in a while. He loved the feeling.

"N-no wait George.. I'm so sorry of how I treated you and I-" George cut her off and hung up the phone, instantly staring to get messages.


George wanted to ignore them for the most part, but curiosity of what she was saying took over.

That was a mistake.




They just kept coming. The death threats, saying to kill himself, telling him he's worthless.

The confidence was gone, Luna was ruining his life. She'll probably track his phone and stalk him, figure out his miserable life, and tell the school. That's the kind of bitch she is.

Tears ran down the brunettes pale cheeks as he read the messages. He placed his phone down and grabbed the pencil box, ripping the sharpener off the top. Grabbing the screwdriver and screwing the little nail out of its place of the small blue plastic sharpener.

Taking the plastic and nail and throwing them into the field. The blade remaining in his hand. He looked at it for a moment. Thinking of what the pleasure would be of doing this. What the outcome would be.

It would be the pleasure of causing pain to himself, because he needed to feel something, he was alone. Yeah, he had Dream, but he made him feel something. Something like love. And he felt like he wanted to spend his life with the blond. But he didn't know if the blond what just trying to be nice to him so he can break up with him later and rip up the small piece of heart George has left.

It would be what Luna wants. For him to harm himself.

He quickly pulled up his sleeve and dug the blade into his skin, dragging it along. Tears ran down his pale cheeks as he did, faster and faster. He took the blade off and was confused when blood didn't start coming out of the deep cut he had just made.

He dug the metal into the same cut, hoping for some blood. The sudden contact to the open cut made it bleed, dark red blood running down his arm.

He dug the blade into his skin some more, blood pooling out of his arm, tears pooling out of his eyes.

He set the red stained blade down on the box of crayons and pulled his sleeve down, wincing at the feel of the fabric against his fresh cuts.

He picked up the blade and placed it in his pocket, and started to walk out of the flower field and to a 24/7 open store.

At the store

George opens the door and some bells Jingled, he walked to the back of the store and grabbed some medical treatment things like bandages, alcohol wipes and toilet paper.

He brought them up to the counter and gave the woman the money, then quickly walking out and back to the flower field.

George pulled his sleeve back up and was worried about the amount of blood, he had never really had cuts before, let alone doing it to himself to loose this much blood scared him. He ripped off a piece of toilet paper and placed it on his arm, the white paper instantly turning red.

He opened the box of bandages and took one out, rapping it around his arm after taking the toilet paper off and whipping some of the blood away with an alcohol wipe.


He layed back and closed his eyes, putting his AirPods in and listend to music, cigarettes after sex, to be specific.

The brunette boy fell asleep to his music and the soft breeze on his puffy eyed face, under the stars.

For the people that skipped, basically, luna called him and sent him a whole bunch of threats. He self harmed and treated them afterwards :]

Word count: 3073<3

Bro I rewrote this chapter and it got to 7628+ words total with the chapter before this too💀

There will be numbers that you can call in another chapter up so if you need those they will be there for you<3

I love you so much, make sure to eat drink and sleep. You deserve everything in the world and you are way more than enough, remember that<3

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