The Secret Life of Nessa Odin...

By kms_pages

84.6K 1.7K 162

A tale about Odin's secret daughter and her life after being discovered by S.H.I.E.L.D after rescuing Tony St... More

Chapter 1: Saving Tony
Chapter 2: The interrogation
Chapter 3: Family reunion
Chapter 4: What now?
Chapter 5: Staying at Stark Towers
Chapter 6: Settling in
Chapter 7: Announcements
Chapter 8: Dreams, Duels and Dances
Chapter 10: Let's make a deal
Chapter 11: Learning the truth has it's ups and downs
Chapter 12: A walk in the woods
Chapter 13: Making plans
Chapter 14: Shock, anger, worry
Chapter 15: Good against Evil
Chapter 16: Dealing with traitors and *EPILOGUE*

Chapter 9: But why?

3.8K 85 12
By kms_pages

Chapter 9: Nessa's POV*

When I had woken up I could here the muffled yelling of my name. I looked around to see cleaning supplies around me the events from last night coming back to me. "Oh great." I mumbled to myself sighing and sinking further into the door.

When the muffled yelling got louder I called out for help. "Hey, I'm in here! HEY!" But the footsteps just walked by walked. "What is with this-" I stopped for a moment the realisation sinking in. "Ohh, Well that's helpful." I said to myself in a sarcastic, sour tone. I thought I could sense something but I had just now figured it out. Someone was using powerful, dark magic to make this room soundproof and I'm assuming not let me walk out.

My assumptions were correct for when I tried to leave the room I couldn't even turn the handle. "Ok so everything has to be done from the outside but that's not going to work out if nobody know's I'm inside..." I trailed off remembering what a wise witch said to me once.

"Within every spell there's always a loophole no matter what type or how powerful the magic is, sometimes it's so hard to find not even the best of us can others we just have to think hard about." I thought for a moment. Well it would be harder to find the loophole considering being in this room as rendered me practically magic less.

So I channeled what power I had left to sense just one area, one place that I could somehow use to get me out of here. It came to me and I looked down, "Under the door your kidding me right?" I said. The palace was very well built the only gap between the door and the floor being around paper thin.

I turned around so that I was facing the door with my legs crossed. I tilted my head to the side a bit thinking. If the only way out is through under the door, but that was obviously not big enough for a person to fit in, then maybe I could use it to signal someone.... might just work.

I shuffled closer to the door already knowing what I was going to do. I gathered up my dress so that the bottom of it was at my thighs and slid the material, that was at the back of my dress, flat under the door it coming out from the other side. I sat so that my back was leant against the door the back of my dress on the other side of the door. "Now I just have to wait for someone to find me." I mumbled which was actually quite easy.


Thor's POV*

I was walking through the palace halls for the fourth time since last night. The ball had ended early due to Nessa's unexpected disappearance.

We searched everywhere for her but she still hasn't showed herself yet and I'm starting to worry. I just got my sister I don't her taken away so soon.

I walking down the hall when I noticed something that wasn't here before. Royal blue fabric was coming out from under a door. My mind tracked back to last night remembering that that was the colour of Nessa's dress last night.

"Hello? Who's in there." I asked my voice calm and strong waiting for a reply but all I got was the fabric moving from side to side. I had a strong feeling that it was my sister who was on the other side of the door.

"Nessa? Is that you, are you in there?" I asked but didn't even wait for a reply. "We've been looking everywhere for you." My voice was soft and tired, I hadn't slept at all last night I wouldn't allow it I had to find my sister.

It was silent for a moment before silver words started to appear on the royal blue fabric. It read;

'Yes Thor it's me but I cannot get out dark magic is blocking my way but I found a small opening, I need you to get Loki he's the only one that can get me out now.'

"I will go now. But do not worry Nessa I will be back soon." I responded and walked away from the door towards Loki's bedroom. When he found out that she had gone missing he just walked off, didn't say anything didn't do anything he simply just walked off.

He hasn't come out of his room since, he hasn't even said a word to anyone.

I arrived at Loki's door and knocked quietly signifying my presence but, knowing that he wouldn't respond I walked in two seconds later.

"Loki" I said softly not wanting to alarm him. "I need your help." Silence ,no reply. He didn't seem interested "What do you know about braking a dark magic curse?" I asked, I thought surely he would be interested by this but still nothing. His face not wavering from my words. "Hmm... Uh, Loki we found Nessa but she in trouble and-" I hadn't even gotten the chance to finish my sentence 'cause he was already half way to the door.

He was about to walk out when I called for him. "Wait! Loki you don't know where she is." I said, he turned towards me an impatient yet worried look on his face. "Well hurry up we don't have all day." He snapped.

I walked towards the door walking in front of him and towards Nessa. Oh I hope that nothing happened to her.


Nessa's POV*

I had been waiting for Thor for about five minutes when I could hear two sets of footsteps coming towards the door and instantly smiled seeing how I would hopefully get out of here soon.

Mumbling became present until I could finally hear a clear voice. "Slow down Thor what happened?" Loki asked calmly. "She was locked in that room and she can't come out, someone placed a spell with dark magic making the room soundproof and unable to exit." Thor said slower this time.

I didn't hear anything in reply then suddenly the door I was leaning on was abruptly opened so I sat straight and turned around. "Oh how did you get yourself into this one Nessa." Loki smirked at me. I rolled my eyes then gave him a look that said get me out of this thing now or your dead. "Well considering I'm the only one who can get you out of that room I suggest that you don't give me that look." He said smirking yet again.

I just stared at him for a moment before he got the message. "Ok well let's see how we're going to get you out of here." He mumbled mostly to himself so I sat there for about 7-10 minutes waiting and watching Loki use magic to brake the spell. With every minute passing I could feel my powers and strength coming back and instantly felt better, not as weak.

"There done, no if you'll excuse me I have something to do." He said to us just as I exited the door. I called after him "Wait Loki.." He stopped walking and turned to face me. "Thankyou." He smiled then turned and continued walking. It was just one word but I could mean a million things. "Oh and Nessa," I looked up towards him.

"When Odin asks you for answers you might want to tell him about that cut on your arm that you DIDN'T get at training." I gave him a shocked look. How did he know I hadn't told anyone about that. "What cut?" Thor asked, confusing and concern lacing his tone. Loki turned and walk away before calling over his shoulder "Ask her that." Then turning the corner. Thor turned towards me an eyebrow raised. "I'll tell you when we get to Odin." I said before walking in the direction of the Throne room where I knew he would be sitting there waiting for news of me.


"Where were you Nessa? I had search and search parties looking for you all over the kingdom." Odin bellowed his voice was stern but held lots of concern. His daughter had been missing so of course he'd be concerned.

"Umm... well... you see, ifollowedapersonoutsideoftheballroomcauseifeltthemstaringandthentheylockedmeinaroomusingdarkmagicsoicouldntgetout." I hurried out Thor looked at me with a dumbfounded expression while Odin just raised an eyebrow at me. "Slower this time." He said tiredly it was obvious that he didn't get much sleep last night when I disappeared. Hehehe whoops.

"I followed a person outside of the ballroom 'cause I felt them staring and then they locked me in a room, using dark magic so I couldn't get out..." My voice had gotten quieter as Odin's face became redder. He was shaking with rage. This isn't good.

"You did what!?" Odin yelled standing up from his throne. "Of all the stupid-" "Hey! It's not like I asked him to lock me in a room and it was your ball you're the one who let them in, in the first place."

It was silent at first he had been taken back by my accusation a shocked and sad look on his face until I realised something. "Or did you...." I trailed.He looked at me confused yet intrigued look on his face. "Go on" He urged.

"Well," I began. "You have the best security you could every get, there for only the people you invited could get through the palace gates and every one that you've invited either fears you in some way, is allies or wouldn't ever think of it. So maybe they didn't get through the front door and maybe you didn't let them in." I paused for a moment letting it sink in.

"The person who locked me in used dark magic and obviously knew it's place around the corner leading me to the room. So maybe they're out to get me, but why?"

"Because you are the daughter of Odin." Thor suggested. "No it's more than that but what?" I wondered. "Wait a second, everyone I know has access to or lives in the palace no one would have to sneak in and know their the palace and the people I don't know don't know don't and don't know their way around." Thor and Odin were looking at me intently waiting for me to figure this out.

"Some one wants me dead but doesn't want to do the dirty work...." I mumbled eyebrows knitted together in confusion. But who would want me gone so bad they'd pay someone to do it for them.

"Would this have anything to do with the cut on your arm?" Thor asked. Oh yeah the cut and that dream! I thought that person looked familiar they had the same hight an they same cloak.

"Cut? What cut?" Odin questioned looking slightly annoyed he didn't like secrets being kept from him. "Oh yeah didn't I tell you, I had a dream where I was running in the forest because someone was chasing me. Then came to a clearing with a cliff and the cloaked person cut my arm and pushed my shoulder. I woke up while falling ad was about to get up when I felt something dripping down my arm and I found the cut there." I replied calmly only once taking a break to breath.

"And yes Thor I do think it has something to do with the cut. Especially considering that the person I followed was wearing a black cloak and was the same hight as the person in my dream. Which I hadn't noticed 'till now." I added in defence when Odin looked slightly angry.

"But why didn't they kill you before? They've had two chances in your dream and at the ball." Thor pointed out. I thought about how to answer that but I didn't really know. He's right in my dream and at the ball so why didn't they?

"Because it's a warning." Odin said looking deep in thought before looking at us both. "They don't want it to happen straight away they wan to let you know what's coming get you scared get you paranoid or to let you be prepared and trained, they want you going down fighting a challenge not an easy hit and run." He explained.

Me and Thor looked at each other and I mentally gulped. Ok that's not good.

"So someone wants me dead but doesn't want to do it themselves and I've apparently been given two warnings I guess, so now we've just got to figure out who..." I said my mind wondering to the people I've met over my life.

"We may need Loki's help on tracking them down." Thor said slowly. "No thanks we can do this without his help." I said a little to fast, Odin and Thor giving me weird looks.

"We will hold a meeting after dinner in my personal study. There we will figure out how to protect you, security, how you'll defend yourself and hopefully... who this person is and why they are doing this." Odin said his voice holding authority. "You are dismissed."

I walked out the throne room and headed straight for the library that place always help me think and was packed full of information. Maybe I could find something out about the cloaked figure...


Hey guys,

It's been two days since my last update and luckily for you guys I've updated again!

No dedications today sorry.

So there's a lot of information being revealed in this chapter, so can you guys guess who wants her dead? Comment who you think it is, your thoughts, liked and dislikes of the book I would really appreciate it.




Bye guys! -K

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