Once, there was an island...

By priesthoodofthe7

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//ONGOING!// ๐—ช๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ป ๐˜€๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐˜„๐—ฎ๐˜€ ๐—ท๐˜‚๐˜€๐˜ ๐—ฎ ๐—ด๐—ถ๐—ฟ๐—น, ๐˜€๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐—ฒ๐˜…๐—ฝ๐—ฒ๐—ฐ๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฑ ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐˜„๐—ผ๐—ฟ๐—น๐—ฑ, MPHFPC o... More

Intro/ quick authors note!!
Character appearances + extra little HCs
Butterflies and Moths { Emma Bloom x reader }
Someone to Tuck you in at Night [ Bronwyn Bruntley!!}
A House in Los Angeles { Noor Pradesh & reader, platonic }
Thieves Honor { Millard Nullings x reader}
Un Homme Et Une Femme { Horace Somnusson}
The Thing About Birds & Bees... { Hugh & Fiona!!}
Without me, You're nothing at all! { Caul Bentham}
In The Woods Somewhere { Enoch O'Connor}
I will, I will, I will. { Alma Peregrine}
You & Your Damn Money { older! Jacob & Noor}
Loop Day!! {A/N}
Fireworks { Jacob Portman}
The Phantom { Enoch O'Connor x OC}
The Reaper & The Bard { Enoch O'Connor x reader}
REBEL GIRL! { Apocalypse AU! Emma Bloom}
Loser. { Noor Pradesh}
An Ode to the Daughter of Clouds { Olive Abroholos-Elephanta}
The Diner After Dark { Enoch O'Connor x OC}
The Problem Causers Collide Again { Headcanons}
Through The Valley { Bronwyn Bruntley}
In The Shadow of Death { Through The Valley: Epilogue}
Expanding on the Apoc! AU + more detailed char. descriptions!
Tear You Apart { Enoch O'Connor & Horace Somnusson}
War Pigs { Reader POV }
Rotting is Poison, Revival is Antidote { OC }
O Green World, Planet of Plenty { Fiona Frauenfield}
I Want You { Emma Bloom & Abraham Portman}
Abbey { Apoc! AU Claire Densmore}
The Problem Causers are back and still don't have therapy
So I Rewrote the Power System
Smokey Eyes { Althea Grimmelwald}
The Greatest of The Greeks {OC}
Art!! + Some Au Concepts!!
Therapy Sessions w/ Laurie { more headcanons + updated fcs !!}
The Therapy Needers as other Therapy Needers
Girl Band go brrr
Height HCs :eyeroll:
The Day After Tomorrow { Horace Somnusson}
More Art + Encanto AU!!
da kids as pictures off my dr boards
The Kids as Songs
MPHFPC as Shane and Ryan
Kissing Lessons { Enoch O'Connor x Reader}
Night and Day { Movie!Enoch x Reader}
Who Has A Voice Like Smarty Does? { Millard Nullings x Reader}
Seven New Ways That You Can Eat Your Young { Movie!Enoch O'Connor x Reader }
Blood in the Wine { Enoch O'Connor & Jolyne Stoker}
mphfpc as board pictures p.2
MORE mphfpc as shane & ryan
To Live The Greatest Life- { Pirate/The Sea Beast AU}

stuff n things

125 2 2
By priesthoodofthe7


i am so sorry for literally doing nothing i said i would, i spent the entirety of my spring break on mars apparently ( plus mental health junk + lost two of my cats but its ok + exams r literally THIS WEEK??) but it's cool! it's rad!! because i have things

Thing 1- Supernatural-ish AU

not like the show, though i have been tempted to make adult Jacob a hunter for the fun of it. he'd cry when he saw a djinn or something but i think he could manage. he could not manage in reality but we'll pretend <3
this is!!! basically a monster AU i made while likely delirious as delirious gets, for funzies and also cuz mythological creatures are so so so cool

Bronwyn Bruntley— Giantess
i feel like this is self-explanatory but nevertheless. Wyn is a very gentle-natured character with a heart of solid gold. so her being a giantess would give her both the gentle giant trope wrapped with a bow, but also cater into my personal headcanon her being taller than anyone should ever be allowed to be. i'm thinking specifically Skyrim giants as a reference, as in kind eyes and rough hands and an impenetrable silence, over Norse giants, who are pretty much harbingers of chaos. Bronwyn would cry if she saw a Norse giant.

Enoch O'Connor— Zombie
the boy already looks dead, let's be honest. plus him being a zombie would justify his massive organ collection!! because normal people do not have picked livers just hanging out in their basement ( and if you do i am scared of you and also very intrigued as to why you have them there in the first place). i don't have any specific zombie type in mind— the walking dead zombies are all rotted and cannibalistic, and i don't think Enoch would exactly fall under the human-flesh-enjoyer category of character... the last of us zombies/infected are hella cool but also scare me half to death and i refuse to think of this 5'4 ankle biter as scary in any way shape or form. he's been zombiefied <3 ( maybe he could be a draugr... he could pull it off probably. and also pull off a limb)

Millard Nullings— Poltergeist
menace activities. he deserves to have some menace activity time. for funzies! i don't really have much reasoning for him being a ghost, he's not really dead he's just really really bored all the time. love this dude !

Fiona Frauenfeld— Landvættir
norse forest spirit!! i am such a sucker for norse mythology and i don't think i've screamed it from the rooftops loud enough so hello i love it sm. landvættir are also sometimes considered spirits of the dead, and considering Fee has her entire life thing going for her, i think it would be an interesting contrast for a death spirit to be able to grow things. landvættir also have to do with safety and the fertility of soil and junk, so it fits her pretty well!! plus they're this big nature covered dudes i love em

Emma Bloom— fire sprite
like Calcifer from howl's moving castle. that's Emma. i think this one is pretty self-explanatory too, since Calcifer and Emma both have the hot, stubborn temper and they're associated with fire. Calcifer is literally fire himself but we're going to ignore that and just hope the house doesn't burn down while we do.
also Emma bursting into flames is a really funny image. she's just fine and pissed don't worry

Hugh Apiston— Faun
the nature dude himself. i was gonna make him the landvættir at first but there was something very very entertaining about goat legs when i was drafting this so we're just gonna go with it. he was also a satyr for a hot minute but he could not pull off horse ears and a tail. he just couldn't. fauns are symbols of peace and stuff!! so they fit him!! ignoring that one time he tried to fight a child in a subway but whateevverrr

Jacob Portman— Golem
this one. this one is my favorite. golems are prominent in jewish folklore and i honestly think they're some of the coolest little guys ever. i had an entire backstory idea for it too holdonholdon
okay so we all know abe portman was jewish right? this has been covered right? he's jewish. so let's say his son and his wife never ended up having a son, or they tried and couldn't have a son, one way or another jacob was never born. so to comfort his son, abe made a clay golem in the shape of himself at a young age ( also plays into the fact that jacob's described as looking like his grandfather like seven different times) and gifts it to his son. this golem was also given a piece of abes second soul, bringing it to life without the usual rituals and incantations.
and so, jacob portman was born, and now we literally cannot get rid of his dumbass. he's a permanent condition. and we love him for it.
plus golems were typically helpers, companions, and saviors. jacob is all three to the kids!!

Olive Abroholos-Elephanta— Nephelae
she's a greek cloud nymph!! i originally had her as a fairy with massive overgrown wings but i like the idea of her being foggy and a little bit see through fits her character far better. olive might not have anything to do with rain or weather in itself but she's a little ray of sunshine anyways, she can improvise ( and she likely will). also her boots can stay and be as cool as ever <3

Horace Somnusson— Banshee
before you say anything yes i know banshees are supposed to be female yes i know they herald death and everything yes i'm well aware of their negative connotations but the other option was an oracle and horace pretty much already is and oracle and yaddayaddayadda—
so yeah. he's a banshee. death prophecies. that's the reasoning. also horace is entirely dramatic enough to go trooping around his house in a big old cloak and someones green dress. he would and you cannot convince me otherwise.

Claire Densmore— Werewolf (were...puppy?)
gonna be honest w/ y'all i had zero idea what to do for her, for a while i kinda wanted to do like. a w3ndig0 for her but i am far too paranoid and invested in folklore stuff to be cool w/ that ( also until dawn warped my perception of those mfs permanently so yeah)
claire would make a good werepuppy and i love her

Miss Alma LeFay Peregrine — Harpy
see I wasn't thinking like mythologically accurate harpies more like a funky bird lady who collects cool rocks instead. Also I like the idea of her still being associated with like?? Erinnyes?? 'Cuz they punished evildoers and oath breakers brought to them by harpies and who else would those evildoers be but the wights
i want her to have big wings and leaves in her hair and a mildly feral nature but maybe that's jsut be

Noor Pradesh — Alfhiemr Elf
no not the realm yes the elves that live in the previously mentioned realm
once again norse roots, Noor would be a "light" elf hailing from Alfheimr. elves in norse mythology were regarded as a kind of demigod-esc figure, and considering Noor's role in the story, I feel like it fits her pretty well!! also the rocky relationship elves and humans shared is pretty similar to the relationship we see Noor having w/ her family and just general society ( *joker voice* society)
but she's cool and will blind you and i am in love with her

Thing 2 — college/kinda Life is Strange + Gravity Falls inspired AU

i'm going through a Daughter phase and i've made an entire playlist based on the idea of going to an art/film school in like Oregon or Washington and it's become my only salvation to riding the bus at 6 in the morning so sorry lol
i only say this is life is strange inspired because of the aesthetic of specifically Before the Storm!! not any of the other games cuz i have not played/watched playthroughs of any of them!!!!! lol!!!!!
this college is absolutely insane and i put zero thought into how a college w/ this many vastly different majors would work but that's on yall ( /nsrs)
am i including a minisoundtrack. yes. none of you can stop my descent into madness

Jacob Portman —
- freshly turned 23, History major, Junior
- born in Florida, moved to the west coast after his family became overbearing
- no idea how he got here but he's digging it
- chose to major in history because of the interest he shared with his grandfather as a child
- awkward handwriting, shaking laughter, oceans for eyes, an absurd amount of knowledge on cryptids and ARGs
- thick sweaters, layered flannels, jean jackets, battered converse, skateboards covered in obviously stolen stickers, borrowing rides in your best friends beat up crown vic, navy blue and light grey
- The Bus Song by Jay Som, Seventeen Going Under by Sam Fender, Blue Bucket of Gold by Sufjan Stevens, & Antichrist by The 1975.
- yknow snapcubes sonic dub? that is exactly his humor and he does nothing but quote it

he's honestly just a guy

Emma Bloom —
- 26, Sociology major Photography minor, Junior
- welsh immigrant, grew up on an island just south of the mainland, regularly visits the headmistress at home
- effortless beauty, gentle yet warm hands, freckly smiles framed by soft dimples
- gorgeous handwriting, antique cameras, record collections, bikes painted sky blue, red and cream
- Wolf and School Friends by Now Now, The Other Woman by Lana Del Rey, White Leather by Wolf Alice, Better Weather by Kimya Dawson, & happy news for sadness by Carseat Headrest

Bronwyn Bruntley —
- 25, Hospitality major, Junior
- also a welsh immigrant, moved to the west coast with Emma
- guitar-calloused hands, giddy laughter, thick accents that sound mildly texan ( Bronwyn southern accent supremacy) ( maybe she was born in texas, lived there long enough to get stuck with the accent, moved to Wales, and moved back? wyn lore)
- she drives a red '67 impala sorry i don't make the rules
- homecooked meals, foggy mornings, organized notes, the sun just reaching over the clouds, light brown and off-white
- Plastic Jesus by Tia Blake, I Lost Something in the Hills by Sibylle Baier, Here Before by Vashti Bunyan, & To All of You by Syd Matters

Millard Nullings —
- 25, Cartography ( or maybe Seismology) major, general psyche minor, Junior
- originally from like, Michigan, and you can tell.
- this dude took dark academia as an aesthetic by the throat and lives by it and nothing else
- thrifted tweed jackets, brown oxfords, hours long study sessions, ink stained hands, wild curls from lack of attention to them
- not allowed to drive a car
- untucked dress shirts, notes pinned on the wall, long lectures to the air, black, cream and grey/silver
- Blackwell Academy by DOLKINS, Should Have Known Better by Sufjan Stevens, Dream State... by Lucy Dacus, & Black and White Eyes by Syd Matters

Olive Abroholos-Elephanta —
- 20, Aerospace Engineering major, Freshman
- definition of an American Sweetheart, aka she's the sweetest girl anyone will ever meet. She's a native New Yorker that grew up right by the Goddard Space Flight Center and spent all her childhood there pretty much
- spaaaceee girrrrrllll
- she has a collection of nasa patches on her bag, paints all her clothes with space designs, and hopes to one day have a hand in whatever vessel leaves the solar system ( she dreams big enough to put the sun to shame)
- space helmets, starry nights, telescopes, daydream filled bus rides, dancing in the rain, thick white headbands, pure and unbridled joy
- white wire earbuds, lavender and black, excessive jewelry
- Ontario Gothic by Foxes in Fiction, Lucie Too by Now Now, Everybody Wants to Love You by Japanese Breakfast, Easy Peasy by Kurt Travis, & Like The Dawn by The Oh Hellos

Horace Somnusson —
- 23, Oneirology/ Dream Psychology major, Sophomore
- Georgian born and raised baybee
- fascinated by the workings of the brain ( aka he absolutely adored Biopsyche when he took it and freaked everyone out by drawing brains on everything for a solid month)
- the Seattle skyline, September nights, hands adorned by ink drawings, believing every rumor you hear
- knit sweaters, leather jackets, beat-up docs he totally stole from somebody, neat hair and wire glasses, silver and light blue
- Mountains by Message To Bears, Kyoto and Georgia by Phoebe Bridgers, Neptune by Sleeping at Last, & Doing the Right Thing by Daughter

Enoch O'Connor —
- 27, Mortuary Sciences major, hospitality minor ( where he met and subsequently got stuck w/ Wyn), Senior
- let's be honest he'd be so into crytozoology. mothman is his bitch
- i'm sorry but he's so totally from Boston. he can't not be
- casts covered in cheap stickers, orange cats, over-protectiveness, serious lack of good timing, stolen skateboards and beat up roller skates, car model collection ( do you think he'd like hot wheels. i think he would. my dad thinks he would)
- brown/green flannels, battered converse and combat boots, striped sweaters, torn overalls, brown/black jeans, grey-blue and dark grey
- No Care by Daughter, Bros by Wolf Alice, Only Happy When It Rains by Garbage, The Guardian ( Ellie's song) by Shawn James, & Flesh and Bone by Keaton Henson

Hugh Apiston —
- 26, Environmental Studies Major, Senior
- born in Oklahoma, grew up in North Dakota ( or maybe Oregon. I can't decide)
- befriends every stray cat ever, shaggy hair, lopsided smiles, annoyingly charming, fought a dude once for 2 pennies off a McDonalds sidewalk
- yellow sweaters and black overalls, work boots, baggy coats, dark green and gold
- I don't have many ideas for him lol
- State Lines by Novo Amor, Santa Monica Dream by Angus and Julia Stowe, Smother by Daughter, You are the Coffin by Flatsound, & Milk and Honey by Billie Martin

Claire Densmore —
- 21, Veterinary major, Freshman
- originally from Alaska, spent half her teenage years in Ohio ( poor girl)
- she'd have Elle Woods vibes honestly
- not really sure on her aesthetic stuff so go ahead and hit me in the silly little comments <3
- Visions of a Life by Wolf Alice, I Want You to Love Me by Fiona Apple, I Was A Window by SASAMI, Too Close by Sir Chloe, & Mothers by Daughter

Fiona Frauenfeld —
- 27, Environmental Studies Major, Senior
- Georgian born and raised!!! ( plus a ridiculously thick accent so still. no one can understand her first go around)
- overgrown gardens, thick gloves, eyes turning gold in sunlight, honeycombs
- i luv her
- Runaway Baby by Bruno Mars, We'll Never Have Sex by Leith Ross, Crop Circles by Odie Leigh, Caroline by Colter Wall, & Someday Sometimes by Syd Matters

Noor Pradesh —
- 24, Light Science and Tech Major, Junior
- she's still from Brooklyn lol
- city skylines lit up in the middle of the night, wet hair, ghost stories, mild chaos
- painted jeans and sneakers, blue and violet bikes, vodka in water bottles, pin-covered jean jackets, stickers on everything
- Becca by The Sukis, Too Close by Sir Chloe, Neighbors by Now Now, Come Over ( Again) and Statues by The Crawlers, & Raise Hell by Brandi Carlile

once again so sorry for the inactivity :sobsob: i've been in a creative block + im not super super into mphfpc like i was before + life is a whole jumble of a mess etc etc etc
but whatever summer is soon and hopefully i'll have time + motivation to write more then <3 luv u always

- laurie :)

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