Harry Potter: Heart Of A Myst...

By WinterWolf-99

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Sirius Black is the father of all godfathers and he will do anything to prove it. He knows that his godson ne... More

Chapter One: The Nature Mage
Chapter Two: Some Sirius Thoughts
Chapter Three: Crashing An Order Meeting
Chapter Four: Picking Up Harry
Chapter Five: Harry Arrives
Chapter Six: Forming A Plan
Chapter Seven: Godfather-Godson Bonding
Chapter Eight: Heart Of... No... Flower Of Gold
Chapter Nine: Setting The Plan In Motion
Chapter Ten: I Hate Politics
Chapter Eleven: Olivia Showing Who Is Boss
Chapter Twelve: First Sign Of Powers
Chapter Thirteen: Change Of Weather
Chapter Fourteen: Birthday Blow Up
Chapter Fifteen: A True Friend
Chapter Sixteen: Preparing To Leave
Chapter Seventeen: We're Going On A Trip
Chapter Eighteen: A Lesson On Mystic Souls
Chapter Nineteen: Arriving At Crystal Rose
Chapter Twenty: Touring Crystal Rose
Chapter Twenty-One: Mystic Souls Aplenty
Chapter Twenty-Two: New School New Houses
Chapter Twenty-Three: Every Rose Has Its Thorns
Chapter Twenty-Four: Do Not Mess With A Rose
Chapter Twenty-Five: Legacies
Chapter Twenty-Six: Some Sirius Progress
Chapter Twenty-Seven: A Storm Is Coming
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Once Is A Coincidence, Twice Is Magic
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Unblocking The Block
Chapter Thirty: Breaking The Block
Chapter Thirty-Two: What Else Can I Do
Chapter Thirty-Three: Control The Storm
Chapter Thirty-Four: First Real Day As Crystal Rose Students
Chapter Thirty-Five: Light And Dark Debate
Chapter Thirty-Six: How A Mystic Fights
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Olivia Is The Best Lawyer Ever
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Padfoot & Boreas
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Dealing With The Bumblebee
Chapter Forty: Potion Commotion
Chapter Forty-One: Cutting The Strings
Chapter Forty-Two: No Apologies
Chapter Forty-Three: Creature Feature
Chapter Forty-Four: Order of the Fried Chickens
Chapter Forty-Five: A New Teacher And Friend
Chapter Forty-Six: Mystic Spark
Chapter Forty-Seven: Might Of A Hurricane
Chapter Forty-Eight: Power of the Mind
Chapter Forty-Nine: All Hallows' Eve Introduction
Chapter Fifty: A Sacred Sabbat
Chapter Fifty-One: Reunion
Chapter Fifty-Two: The Attack
Chapter Fifty-Three: Never Mess With Crystal Rose
Chapter Fifty-Four: Olivia Rocks The Court
Chapter Fifty-Five: Heart of the Storm
Chapter Fifty-Six: A Sirius Confrontation

Chapter Thirty-One: The Start of Something New

4.7K 198 22
By WinterWolf-99

Harry groaned as he started to wake up. He felt as if he had just gotten run over by a herd of unicorns. Not that he actually knew what they felt like, but he was pretty sure that this was a similar feeling to that. As he opened his eyes, he was able to see a golden glow.

"Welcome back, sleeping beauty," he heard Hestia's voice.

Once his eyes got back into focus, he was able to see that Hestia was holding her hands over his, the golden glow coming from her hands. He guessed that it was probably how her healing powers worked. She would hold her hands over whoever she was healing and then the glow meant that she was using her magic.

"Where's the herd of unicorns that just ran me over," Harry managed to say as he groaned.

"While we have unicorns in the stables, they are too polite to run you over," Hestia giggled.

Harry soon managed to sit up. Hestia's healing really did work very well since he was not in any actual pain. He was just a little dizzy. 

He heard some groans around him and his eyes widened as he saw Sirius, Krinos, and Olivia all moaning as they were slowly getting up as well. All of them were rubbing their heads or backs since they had all obviously hit the wall behind them.

"Are you all okay," Harry asked them, worried.

"We're fine, pup," Sirius tells him. "That ritual just did a lot more than what we thought that it would do."

"Worse things have happened to me than being slammed into a wall," Krinos said. "I once was thrown through a second-story window and I was still completely fine."

"That was because you floral swirled back into the room you were thrown out of before you hit the ground," Hestia reminded him.

"I was completely fine no matter how you put it," Krinos said.

"Whatever happened was definitely NOT because of the block," Olivia says.

"Since there was obviously something that had happened, does that mean that the block is still on him," Sirius was concerned.

"No, the ritual still worked," Olivia comforted the worried godfather. "The block was taken off of Harry's magical core, but the ritual also took something else out of him."

"Hestia, can you find out what it was," Krinos asked his friend.

"I can try, but you know that I am not good with diagnostic reports," Hestia reminds the nature mage.

She started moving her hands around Harry again. Her hands were glowing blue this time. Harry looked at Krinos in confusion.

"She good at healing, but she is not good at paperwork," Krinos shrugs. "Her powers allow her to be able to also be able to find out the types of injuries, illnesses, curses, and other things that are wrong with the person she is healing. When she says that she is not good with diagnostic spells, she means that she just hates paperwork."

"Well, name one person that actually DOES like paperwork," Hestia huffed, making Krinos chuckle. "Nobody likes paperwork and the world would be a lot better without it."

"She's not wrong," Olivia giggled. "Everyone on the magic council certain hates it."

As Hestia took her hands away from Harry, the blue glow stopped and she then snapped her fingers. In an instant, a scroll appeared next to her. She took it out of the air and handed it to Sirius.

"He is your godson, so it is only right that you know this stuff first," she tells him.

The healing mage then left the ritual room. She was not as involved with everything that was going on as Krinos, Melody, and Olivia were. So, she knew that she would be told if they wanted her to know. If they did not tell her, then she knew that it was none of her business. She respected privacy when she knew that it was something that would not cause harm to others.

Sirius opened up the scroll and started reading. And the moment that he did, he nearly fell over from how shocked and horrified he was.

"What the bloody hell," he yelled, making the other three in the room nearly jump out of their skin.

"Sirius," Harry was now really worried about what had been done to him.

Sirius had been staring at the scroll in horror until he had heard Harry's voice. And when he looked at his godson, he instantly dropped the scroll and pulled Harry into what was obviously a very tight hug. Harry actually looked like he might be suffering from a lack of oxygen.

Olivia knew that there must have been something really serious on the scroll in order to make Sirius react like that. She picked it up and Krinos stood next to her as they both read it.

Olivia nearly threw up at the amount of abuse that Harry had suffered through the years. Not only was he still suffering from malnourishment, but there were also plenty of broken bones that had not been healed properly until Hestia had worked her magic. Harry had a history of abuse that had started before he had even been two years old.

It was actually shocking that Harry was actually still alive after everything had happened to him. Between the starvation, the previously punctured lungs from broken ribs, not to mention the fact that there was also basilisk venom in his system, Harry definitely should be dead rather than walking around as healthy as he looked. Not that he really looked that healthy to begin with since he was really mostly skin and bones as well as being one of the shortest fifteen-year-olds that they have ever met.

The only thing that the two of them could guess was that Harry's magic was keeping him alive. Even when he had weather-focused mystic soul powers, all magical beings are naturally protected by their magic. It is why none of them ever get mundane illnesses like colds or the flu. Only magical illnesses like dragon pox or pixie tumors can affect them. So, Harry's magic must have been working overtime to protect him by healing all of his injuries as much as it could. And since he had the block on his magic at the time, that spoke to how powerful he was if his magic was able to do that even while having the block on it.

There was really one thing on Harry's list that confused them. Even as smart as they were and how much more knowledge of magic that mystic souls had than wand-users, they had never heard of one thing that was on the list.

"What's a Horcrux," Olivia asked Sirius, who was still suffocating Harry with a hug.

Sirius finally let go of Harry, who decided to be dramatic as he took in a giant breath of air.

"Thank Merlin, I can finally breathe again," Harry cheered in a joking manner.

"You are definitely your father's son, pup," Sirius ruffled Harry's hair.

"Sirius, focus," Krinos tells him.

"Right," Sirius looked at the two of them. "A Horcrux is literally the darkest black magic that anyone can ever do. The biggest misconception about the spell is that it grants immortality. It is a spell that requires a human sacrifice in order to then split your soul apart and place a piece of your soul into an object."

"Splitting your soul apart," Krinos was horrified. "Why on Demeter's green earth would anyone ever want to do that. That's horrible."

"As I said, a big misconception of the spell is that it will make you immortal," Sirius said. "But, that is not actually what it does. Yes, it will prevent the soul that remains inside of your body from moving on to the afterlife, but that does not mean that you are immortal. You would basically just be more like a walking corpse."

"I hate zombies," Olivia pinched the bridge of her nose, obviously hating zombies a lot.

"If the spell is supposed to place the piece of the soul into an object, then how in the name of Hades did one end up inside of Harry's scar," Krinos was concerned.

"There was literally a part of Voldemort inside of me," Harry reached his hand up to where his scar had been.

Sirius comforted his godson. Pulling him into a side hug to let him know that he was there for him.

"It's gone now, pup," he comforted him even more. "That means that you no longer have to worry about any more visions or headaches from him."

"You used to get visions and headaches because of him," Krinos asked him.

Harry nodded. "They started randomly after I had started Hogwarts. Usually when Voldemort was feeling some type of strong emotion, mostly anger. I have seen him murder innocent people for no reason other than that he wanted to. He usually also feeds them to that giant snake of his. And as for the headaches, they usually come whenever he is near or whenever he is angry. And it only got worse after he got his body back."

"So, does that mean he would get things from you as well," Krinos asked.

"I...I am not sure, actually," Harry said.

"Would it make any difference if Voldemort could see things that Harry sees," Sirius was confused.

"Because if anything, that would make him experience Harry's emotions," Krinos says. "If Harry can feel his anger and hatred, he would have felt Harry's heart and kindness."

"Voldemort has been terrorizing people since the 1940s, even before the war officially began in the 1970s," Sirius said. "How would feeling Harry's emotions have any effect on him?"

"Evil is not born, it's made," Olivia says. "At least, other than demons since they are born or created without souls. But, other than them, we do not believe that anyone is ever born evil. Everyone has good inside of them."

"Human beings, magical or not, are not good or evil," Krinos said. "Even with everything that he has done, I don't think that everything about Voldemort can be evil. When I talk about him feeling Harry's emotions, I mean that in the way that he was basically forcing him to feel the kind of emotions that he had been forcing down to the point where he does not feel them at all."

"So, him feeling Harry's emotions would have made him start to feel remorse for his actions if Harry's emotions were strong enough," Sirius guessed.

"Exactly," Krinos says. "He might have damaged his soul by breaking it apart, but he would still have a soul inside of him. Everyone has good inside of them. It is the things that they go through that make them into bad people."

"I have definitely seen a lot of examples of that through history," Olivia said. "There have been a lot of people that are seen as evil in the history books, but those same books never mention how they have been abused, bullied, raped, or any other type of horrible thing that made them into the evil people that people love to hate."

That got Harry's wheels turning. Ever since he had met Tom Riddle back in his second year, he was able to actually tell that as much as he hated muggles and hated his muggle father, Harry was able to tell that he had an actual reason for it. He knew that there was a little bit of information on him at Hogwarts because he was given a special reward when he was able to get Hagrid blamed for opening the Chamber of Secrets fifty years ago. So, when he had done some research, he discovered a lot of things about the kid that grew up to be Voldemort.

"World War II," Harry facepalmed.

"What does that have to do with anything," Olivia was confused, which was new for her.

"Voldemort's orphanage was in London and there had been a lot of bombings and attacks in the city during the war," Harry says. "He would have viewed the magical world as a sanctuary against all the death and fear that the war caused."

"Other than Grindelwald's involvement, the magical world did go mostly unaffected by the war," Sirius said. "Most magical beings never involve themselves in muggle wars unless they start affecting the magical world."

"Anyone would be terrified if they had to deal with being so afraid of the bombings that were happening in their own city," Krinos said.

"He was also abused," Harry said.

"What," the other three people gasped.

"I did research on him after I had to deal with the memory of him that had opened the Chamber of Secrets three years ago," Harry tells them. "He grew up in a muggle orphanage, which is already not a good environment for kids in general. But for a magical kid, it would be the worst place to be. The accidental magic that he would have done would have made him a target for bullying from the other kids as well as abuse from the ones that run the orphanage. They would not understand the magic, so that would make them fear and hate him all at once."

That got Sirius's attention. Because Harry was also abused by the Dursleys, that would help him be able to tell when someone else was being abused as well. So, if Harry thought that he had been abused when he had been a teenager, then he probably was. Plus, muggles did tend to hate and be against magical beings and creatures. All because they were afraid of them.

"If he was abused, then I would bet the entire Black family fortune that Dumbledore made sure that he was sent back to the orphanage whenever he was not in school," Sirius said. "He might not have been headmaster back then, but he definitely still had a pull since the previous headmaster was a very easily influenced man."

"Would Dumbledore actually do that," Krinos asked. "I know that he is manipulative and thinks that he is a gift to wizarding kind, but child abuse is one of the most hated crimes in the magical world."

"He would definitely leave him there to be abused," Sirius says. "He tends to do that with a lot of magical children that are in bad homes. As long as they do not know that he is the one that makes sure they return there, then they would see him as a savior that would give them the safety that is Hogwarts."

"He does it a lot," Harry grumbled, bitter about Dumbledore always leaving him with the Dursleys.

"I know a lot of students, especially muggleborns, that were sent back to abusive homes by Dumbledore," Sirius said. "He is always saying that it is either a misunderstanding, the child is exaggerating, or that the kid is just straight-up lying. He preaches about how families HAVE to love their kids just because they are blood. Blood means nothing when it comes to abuse. Myself and my brother were both abused by our parents."

"As Sirius had said, Dumbledore wants the kids to view him as a savior," Harry says. "He is willing to do anything to make himself look good."

"Well, now you have us on your side against him and that little dark lord," Olivia stated.

"I certainly can not wait for when we get to show both of them just why magical Britain is so scared of mystic souls," Krinos evilly laughed.

"I really need to monitor how many superhero movies that you watch," Olivia shook her head. "You are starting to laugh like the villains in them."

"Hey, it could be worse," Krinos shrugged. "I could be laughing like that clown guy over in Gotham."

"True," Olivia said.

"Now, there is really only one thing that needs to be done right now," Krinos says.

"What," Harry asked him.

"Helping you get control of your new powers," Krinos smirks at Harry.

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