Thunderbirds are go twin sist...

By PreciousPie1999

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I do not own Thunderbirds are go or any thunderbird shows or the characters for that matter. I'm just a norma... More

Introducing the 6th Tracy member
The Ring of Fire
The Ring of Fire Part 2
Authors notes
The Ring of Fire Part 3
Authors notes #2
The Ring of Fire Part 4
The ring of fire part 5
author note
The Ring of Fire Part 6
Grandma's Help
Unusual Creature
Merry Christmas
Chapter 3: Space Race
Valentines Day
Authors note
Chapter 4: Crosscut
Chapter 5: Fireflash
Authors notes
Authors note
Nerves and Competition Part 1
Nerves and Competition Part 2
My first Tag
Happy New Year
Nerves and competition part 3
Chapter 6: Unplugged
Chapter 7: Runaway
The Tracy family cats and Ritza
Hey guys I'm back
Update soon
The six fanart challenge
Chapter 8: E.O.S
Chapter 9: Slingshot
Chapter 10: Tunnel of time
Chapter 11: Skyhook
Chapter 12: Under Pressure
Chapter 13: Heavy Metal
Chapter 14: Falling skyies
Authors notes
Chapter 15: Relic
Streaming help
Chapter 16: Breakdown
Chapter 17: Heist Society
Heavy editing
Chapter 19: Extraction
Chapter 21: Comet chaser
Chapter 22: Designated Driver
Need to know
Chapter 23: Chain of Command
Chapter 24: Touch and go
Chapter 25: Undercover
Chapter 26: Legacy

Chapter 18: Recharge

392 2 0
By PreciousPie1999

"Come Alan go faster!" Serena cheered, bouncing in her seat. "We've got to bet the others."

Chuckling, Alan pushes Thunderbird 3 to its limits. The Rocket flew through the air smoothly; Tracy Island coming into view, both Thunderbird 1 and 2 left behind as the twins raced forward, Scott catching on.

"Last one there, has to do the dishes for a week." Scott challenged.

"Well, you better put on your rubber gloves now." Alan chirped, lowering Thunderbird 3 into its hanger.

"Yes, we made it." She cheered, seeing the familiar greenery that surrounded her home.

"You guys go for it." Virgil calmly stated. "I'm just glad to be home."

Peering as best as she could, Serena caught a glimpse of Thunderbird 1 streaking past them. "Scott's here."

"We're almost down," Alan reassured, carefully maneuvering Thunderbird 3 down.

"Hey, just because I'm docked with old slowpoke here, doesn't mean I'm sharing dish duty!" Gordon loudly complained.

Serena felt Thunderbird 3 slow down and come to a stop. Raising her right hand up, the twins slapped hands, smiling at their victory of being the first to arrive home after a gruelling mission.

"Yeah! Ha-ha. First!" They cheered in unison.

Their chairs pulled back connecting to a lift that allowed them to touch the ground before returning the chairs back up to the lounge where fresh uniforms waited for their next mission.

Hoping out of her seat, Serena caught sight of Thunderbird 1 slowly descending in the hanger. Even at a faraway distance, she could still feel the smouldering heat coming from its engines.

"Thunderbird 1, coming in for a landing," Scott announced.

"Thunderbird 2 and 4, back to launch and technically speaking my body entered the hanger first." Virgil cheekily said.

"Well, we have our winner, Gordon."

Chuckling at one of her brother's unfortunate misfortune, Serena thought about what they could have for dinner, as it's her turn to Cook.

She heard Gordon groan unhappily over the comms, clearly amused by his displeasure. "Ah, dishes here I come. Better not be lasagne tonight. Please, Serena ." He begged.

Snorting, she rolled her eyes at how dramatic Gordon can be sometimes. The familiar sound of Scott racing up to both her and Alan coming to her left side.

"Is it?" He asked hopefully a teasing smirk on his face.

Thinking for a moment, she shook her head; slightly deflating her two brothers' joy." Nah, I think tonight is just something a bit light. How does, creamy tomato soup and garlic bread, sound?"

"That," Paused Scott, taking his own time to ponder before replying. "That sounds like a better adulteration."

"I'm not a huge fan of tomatoes but when you make your famous soup, then I love it." Alan agreed, looking forward to Dinner. "Oooo! Can we have cheesy garlic bread?"

"We'll have both and for dessert how about some jam drops with some sleepy tea?"

"Yes, please!" Announced Virgil, joining the three, grabbing a hold of her shoulder and gently squeezing them.

"All right then, it's decided." She chirped.

Jumping into the change room, Serena quickly peeled off her IR uniform. Replacing it with her casual clothes, letting out a big yawn as she tied the chequered top around her hips.

Trudging out, she and the rest of her family made their way back into the lounge room. All completely tried and worn out from their last mission.

Flexing her hands and shaking her shoulders and arms. Serena felt how tight her muscles were, the scar on her body throbbing painfully as she sat down between Scott and Virgil again.

Both Ritza and York came to greet her. York crawled into her lap, purring away as he curled into a ball, enjoying the scratches behind his ear. Ritza on the other hand started to become bigger than when she first lived with them. She's now the size of a medium dog and growing still. The big cat laid behind Serena, resting its head on her shoulder, receiving chin scratches also purring loudly at the attention.

"Good Kitties." Serena tiredly mumbles, seeing the other four cats running into the lounge and greeting their favourite humans.

"He-he, guess they're happy to see us home." Scott chuckled, picking up Sparks from the ground. "Ah, another mission complete, what a day."

"Aww, hey, Bug." Virgil greeted, his own fluffy grey cat nestling at his legs when he sat down.

"What a week." Gordon groaned, hanging his head. Fish at his side gently swiping at the end of Gordon's sleeves. "Oh, hey, Fish been a good boy?"

"But you guys did great."? Virgil pointed at both Alan and Gordon, looking up from Bug.

Shrugging her shoulders Serena looked from him, then to the two." He's not wrong and thanks for catching me."

"No worries, it's what we do sis." Gordon yawned, stretching his back out.

"I know it's been a tough week with missions back-to-back." Virgil sympathised.

"To back," Gordon added, laying on the couch with fish at his feet now.

"To back." Alan copied, doing the same thing as Gordon, his own cat Boost, gently jumping down from the top of Alan's couch and curling on Alan's chest.

"And now we can all catch a break." Beamed Virgil laying back.

Groaning, Serena tilted her head back feeling Ritza's breathing as she glared at Virgil. "You just jinked us."

"No, I di..." Virgil was interrupted by John calling the group, his portrait.

"Sorry guys. We have a situation." John apologised, looking at their tired faces.


"Don't we always." Serena cheekily sassed, rolling her neck. The satisfying sound of it cracking and releasing the pressure.

Pulling up a map of some areas John began to explain the situation to them all. "Destination, Artic circle. Aurora Borealis; the northern lights. The lights are created by charged particles in the high atmosphere, all that electricity crackling in the air puts on quite the show. Now this power station was designed to harvest energy from it. It's called 'the Aurora generator.'"

"Eh, let me guess." Challenged Alan, sitting up slightly so as to not disturb Boost. "Something went wrong."

"Give that Tracy a prize." John joked, smiling at his little brother. "The system was designed to discharge excess energy, but that fail-safe has malfunctioned. We could be headed for a massive electrical explosion."

"What's the current status?" Questioned Scott, resting back in his spot.

"Approaching dangerous levels. This is a recording of the distress call." John answered, showing them the call.

Leaving forward Serena was careful to watch the recording, as a lady in a red jumpsuit and helmet came up.

"I've done everything I can to stabilise the system, but nothing seems to work. We need immediate assistance." The recording ended with the Lady flickering away.

"She's a brave person I'll give her that. Most people would run away then stay." Serena commented, leaning back.

"J-John if you can connect me with that engineer. I may be able to help." Jumped Brains overhearing what's happening.


"Is this something the GDF can handle instead?" Inquired Virgil, leaving further back on the couch.

Serena snapped her head in Virgil's direction. She looked unimpressed at her brother's response to the situation. She understands that they're all exhausted but it's still their job to help people in need.

"International Rescue is the only ones who are equipped and enable to mobilise in time," John informed him gently.


"Well, you heard him. Mobilise." Scott instructed them all.

Serena perked up between the two ready to quickly grab her uniform and run to Thunderbird 2 where she most likely is stationed when Scott gives her an ok.

"Let's do this." Grunted Alan, sitting up.

"Just tell me what ya need?" Added Gordon, sitting up as well.

"Scott, Serena and I will take care of it." Virgil quickly jumped in shocking Scott.

"We will?" Quizzed Scott, looking to Serena then Virgil.

"They stay here." He firmly said.

"But why not Serena?"

"I think," Serena theorised, tapping her chin. "It's because I'm not affected by electricity anymore considering I wield it, unlike you guys."

"Exactly," Virgil confirmed, pointing at her.

Looking at Alan, Serena could see her twin's eyes start too slowly close. The bags under all of their eyes were a clear indication of how little sleep they all got. Alan's voice became slow and sluggish.

"Okay, Virgil. Well, we're here if you need any cheeseburgers." Alan slowly said, sleep already hitting him before his head touched the couch pillows, snoring away.

Snorting at the last thing Alan said, Serena, hung her head. "Cheeseburgers?"

"Just the three of you?" Stated Gordon slightly sceptical of the three of them going. " The mission sounds pretty unpredictable, you sure you don't need backup?"

"I'll be going too." Announced Brains, walking into the room with Max behind him.

"Waah!" Yelped Serena, her heart racing as she glared at Brains for her miniature heart attack.

"You will?" Scott loudly stated, looking at the man confused.

For as long as the family had known Brains. The man never left Tracy Island willingly, especially for a rescue, unless there is a purpose for him to vacate the lab. Even Serena looked at him shocked and confused.

'There 's got to be more to this.' She thought, a raised eyebrow directed at Brains.

"Oh, not in person." Brians quickly elaborated. "After rigorous testing, I've reconfigured MAX for Arctic conditions. He'll serve as my eyes and ears for the t-trip."

"Ah, there it is." She confirmed for herself.

"All right MAX, you're riding with me and Serena," Virgil informed, gently nudging Serena.

"All right then, looks like Thunderbirds are go," Scott announced, running to his platform but quickly stopping Serena from running off. "Hold on sis, take Alan's pod, for now, it will have your suit and take you to Virgil's ship until yours is ready."

"Sweet, F.A.B Scott." She cheered, taking a seat in Alan's spot.

Her lift lowered her down into the tunnel below. Before she was fully immersed Serena gave Gordon a quick wave and a thumbs up. Her arm remained up as she lowered more earning a booming laugh from Gordon that recognised what she was doing.

With her seat fully down, the shoulder rests flipped from behind her chair, securing her in place as it descended further down.

With the help of machines, she was able to get her uniform on and be at the main hanger where two is.

Pulling the shoulder rest up, Serena bolted straight for 2, seeing Virgil fly down to his bird and drop inside, both his and Serena's tunnels resetting for next time.

Now in front of two, she waited with MAX, patiently for the platform to lower before stepping on. Rising to the top, Serena bounced on the balls of her feet excited for another mission.

Feeling the platform stop, Serena took her spot next to Virgil, flipping any switches and levers on her side. Once more she watched the palm trees divided for Thunderbird 2 allowing Virgil to navigate her through and onto the launch pad with it tilted 2 up and launching on the count of 5.

"Wahoo!" She cheered, out of all her brother's launch sequences, 2 is her favourite.

"Thunderbirds are go!" Announced Virgil, piloting away from home and out into the open sea. Scott coming, right beside them in one.

"Tell us what we need to know Brains." Said Scott, getting straight to the point.

Stuttering a little over the comms, Brians proceeded to explain everything to them. "Your first m-mission will be to go straight to the core of the Aurora generator and manually trigger the release of the excess energy. T-time is of the essence."

"We got this," Boosted Serena, smiling at Virgil confidently.

"You bet we do." He responded back, smiling at her.

There's nothing in the world that her brothers won't do to keep her smiling and happy even on the worst of days.

The closer they got to Alaska, the darker and colder the cabin got to be. Looking out through the view portal, Serena saw more snow than she has ever seen before. Mentally she was thanking Brains for putting some Thermal heaters into the IR uniform for such an occasion.

"It looks chilly outside." Already shivering at the thought of the ice wind nipping at her body.

"Coming in for a final approach." Commed Scott.

Both Ships started to lower to the Icey terrain. Serena received an unpleasant shiver down her spine, making her twitch her head in the opposite direction.

"You, ok their sis?" Asked Virgil, from the corner of his eye, caught Serena's head twitch. A thought ran through his head after he spoke. 'Haven't seen her do that in a long time.'

"Yeah, just a bad chill nothing to worry about." She reassured, keeping her eyes focused upfront.

Taking it as is, Virgil continued to pilot Thunderbird 2, Scott's voice piercing through their ears once more.

"I have eyes on the Aurora Generator."


Serena's moment of admiration was quickly put on hold. From as close as they are to the generator, she felt the raw electrical energy move about in the air freely. Her body felt more tingly and powerful the closer they got. Her attention was brought back to Scott's bird being struck by the raw energy, the sound of alarms blaring from his side of the comms mixing with 2's.

"Thunderbird one is experiencing magnetic interference."

"Same with Thunderbird 2's." Added Virgil.

"The nav system is going haywire." Serena pointed out. "Let me see if I can make it easier for you to control Virgil."

Placing an open palm on her side of the console, she allowed her own electrical energy to pulse through allowing slightly better control for Virgil to pilot.

"Thanks, Serena, keep it up." Virgil praised, moving Thunderbird 2 away from the Aurora generator. "We'll have to go around it."

Pushing more through, Serena felt them start to get further away. Taking it as a sign to stop pulled her hand away from the console. The green sparks receded away and her electric blue eyes faded back to her natural rustic brown eyes, leaning back in her chair comfortably.

"That was fun." She joked, taking in a deep breath.

"There's a safe landing area on the ridge, 500 aeronautical miles north, north-west," John informed Scott, but as usual he became stubborn.

"No, that'll take too long. I can do this." He persisted, continuing to try and force Thunderbird 1 into the field only for his bird to struggle even more.

"Scott, just stop it," Serena yelled at him. "If you continue to push Thunderbird 1 into the raw energy, she'll pull apart. It's way too strong."

"How can you tell?" Inquired Virgil.

Looking at her section of the console, Serena responded back. "I can feel it. It's so raw and I felt a bit more powerful that stunned yet scared me."

"Hmm, I-interesting, I'll make a note of that for Moffie." Brains hummed.

After his last failed attempt to get closer, Scott finally listened to his sister and brother's calls and piloted Thunderbird 1 away to the safe area.

"About time he listened." She grumbled, watching Thunderbird 1 trail behind them.

"You and me both." Virgil agreed. "This is our only option. We can travel back to the generator by pod."

Landing in a secure area, Serena pulled her shoulder rest up and entered the cargo hold. Proceeding to configure two pods for the snowy tundra; feeling Thunderbird 2 drop and rise above the cargo, Virgil now comes up to her.

"Nice work." He complimented, seeing that she configured two pods perfectly for the area.

"Thanks." She smiled. "But I'm riding with you and MAX. Scott's starting to worry me and I feel safer with you right now."

"Sure thing." He assured, squeezing her shoulders.

Seeing Scott enter the cargo hold, Serena gave him a quick wave and then ran over to the pod that held MAX. Climbing inside, she wedged herself in between MAX. The robot beeped out something before wrapping his arms around her, acting like a seat belt.

"Thanks, MAX, hurry up Virgil!"

"I'm coming." Climbing up to the controls. "All right, pod explorer is go."

The cargo doors tilted open showing so much snow blowing past them, that it was difficult to see further ahead.

"The pods are configured for Artic condition, thanks to Serena. So we should get there safely." Virgil instructed Scott.

"Great, then let's blast it." Scott hyped.

By that point, Virgil quickly stepped in once more. " Not so fast. We're surrounded by ice hazards. I've plotted a route that will skirt us around most of the treacherous landscape, we'll head just north of this ice cliff."

Squinting her eyes, a little, Serena was able to just see the ice cliff that Virgil was talking about. She also saw the route that he mapped out that he sent to both her and Scott. "Ah, I see. Sounds like a good plan to me Virgil."

"But the generator is south." Interjected Scott, already trying to get Virgil to see his point. "The fastest route between two points is a straight line."

"But the most dangerous!" She screamed after her retreating older brother.

Virgil even intervenes, trying to get him to see reason with him. Virgil just groaned and held his helmet head as he shook it. Serena just stared at him in disbelief, her right eye twitching slightly.

"Unbelievable," She groaned. "Should we go after him or leave him at his own peril?"

Huffing a snort, Virgil turned slightly to see Serena. "As much as I'd like the idea of it, we should go after him. He's probably already destroyed the pod. Buckle up you two."

"F.A.B "

Virgil began to race after Scott in their pod. Being, mindful of the dangerous thin pieces of ice that'll drop you down a dark cavern without a moment's notice.

Even though Scott was still far away from them, he called back to his two worried siblings. "We'll be fine. Trust me."

"Be prepared to eat those words, big brother," Serena mumbled, crossing her arms unamused.

It wasn't until 3 minutes later, that they heard a crash and a lot of colourful words coming from Scott. Groaning in time together, Virgil pushed his pod just a bit faster, they knew that Scott wasn't injured.

"We knew this was gonna happen," Serena commented calmly to Virgil.

"Yep." He responded, his face showing that he was slightly annoyed at their older brother. "Do not repeat any of those words he says."

"No promises." She grumbled to herself.

"What was that?"


Virgil pulled up to Scott's wrecked pod. All of its pieces scattered everywhere on the snowing grounds with Scott walking up to them as Virgil pulled open their pod's hatch.

"Can we do it my way now?" Virgil asked, seeing as he's now the only one with a pod to pilot.

Huffing Scott reluctantly agreed. "Fine. MAX, Serena?"


Groaning again and pulling an angry pout, Serena hopped out of the pod so MAX could as well. While MAX is now placed on top of the pod battling the clod weather, Serena was now stuck sitting in Scott's lap while he held her in place.

"I wish Brains made a three-seater pod and why are your legs bony?" She groaned out, glaring at Scott behind her.

"He has made one just hasn't put it with the other pods and my legs aren't bony, they're just well-formed," Scott argued back, pinching Serena's side.

"Hey, ow."

"Ok, knock it off you two," Called back Virgil, returning his attention back upfront. "Brains, is MAX ok out there?"

"T-thanks for your concern." Smiled Brains, wearing a strange headpiece. "But MAX can withstand temperatures as low as minus 150 degrees Celsius. This is actually quite, fun wahoo!"

"Well, at least you're having fun." Serena smiled.

"You're enjoying it?" Quizzed Scott, not quite understanding.

"I have m-modified MAX's programming to allow me the virtual experience of feeling the surrounding." He explained.

"So, Whatever MAX sees, you get to as well?"

"Cool, so basically VR headset."

"Precisely Serena and without the f-freezing temperature of course."

Chuckling Virgil butted in once more. "Well, we're happy to have you both along for the ride."

Their track through the snow lasted another half an hour through the snowy land after their conversation with Brains.

Serena's eyes started to feel heavy, causing her to start nodding off to sleep in Scott's lap. 'Must stay awake.'

"Can't this thing go any faster?!" Scott loudly complained, jolting Serena from her light slumber.

"I'm awake."

"It sure can," Virgil responded back, looking at the tired Serena from the reflection his pod gave.

"Then why aren't we?"

"My pod my rules."

"That is such a dad thing to say." Serena laughed, snorting a little. When Scott groaned.

Even though they could see how tired she was, both brothers loved hearing her laugh, especially when she snorted.

The sound of someone calling them brought them back to alert; John now appeared in front of his three siblings.

"Thunderbird 5 to pod explorer, just got word. The situation with the generator is deteriorating." John informed, his gaze shifting to his tired sister.

"Oooo, that doesn't sound good."

"No, it doesn't," Agreed Scott. "Brains, how much time before it blows?"

"There is such a flux in the Aurora activity, that it's not p-possible to p-point exactly how much energy is being harvested." Brains voice filtered through.

"Um, best guess?" Suggested Serena, feeling her hands start to clam up in her gloves.

"Closes estimation is 6 to 14 hours."

'Well, at least it's not minutes.' Serena thought positive, knowing that she and her brothers have worked with less time during their previous missions.

"You need to get there as fast as possible." John strongly advised.

"We'll do our best!" Virgil promised.

Basically, hearing John, tell them to be quicker Scott decided to tell Virgil to go faster. "You can go faster than that. Step on it."

Practically having enough Virgil, pressed harder on the pedal. Their pod launched forward and sped up with Serena letting out an excited squeal.


"Now that's more like it." Scott agreed.

Now further into the snowy terrain, Serena squinted at her surroundings, the area so dense and think that a storm must have blown through causing Virgil to slow down his speed so as not to drive off a cliff with his two siblings and MAX who whirled worried.

"I can't see anything in this fog," Serena commented, looking around the area. "Woah, Virgil, look out!"

Right next to them, Serena got a closer view of a larger ice chunk prodding out of the ground. The pod just barely avoided it as the tracks grinded on it.

"Woah! That was close."

"Why, you slowing down?" Quizzed Scott.

Looking at her older brother in disbelief, Serena's mouth was slightly open. "You're kidding right?"

"I can barely make out two feet in front of me," Virgil responded, keeping an eye out for any more surprises.

"It's just a little ice fog; we've been through worse."

"Scott," Serena started, looking up at him. "I've always been told that ice is extremely dangerous, in whatever form and to always be cautious."

"Oh, yeah. Who told you that?" He inquired, looking down at her.

"You did." She bluntly said, looking back outside.


She huffed out a small laugh; slightly amused at how forgetful Scott can be sometimes. There have been scenarios where Serena had to remind him of something, such as eating breakfast; drink, some water; asking him if he has his phone on him.

"It's not just the fog I'm worried about. We're driving over an ice field littered with cracks. Some of them hundreds of meters deep. There's no way our sensors can cut through this soup." Virgil explained to Scott. Clearly, their older brother's mind is a bit foggy as well with the lack of sleep to top it off.

"Virgil, this would be the p-perfect opportunity to text MAX's scanning ability," Brains suggested. "He can plot a safe c-course around even the tiniest of cracks."

"Sounds good to me, even a small one could swallow this pod whole."

Shivering unpleasantly, Serena let out a small whimper. "Please, don't say that. I don't feel like being stuck in a hole today."

"My bad," Virgil apologised. "All right MAX. Time to live up to your name."

"Hu?" Muttered Scott, not exactly following.

"Oh, boy," Serena grumbled, shaking her head. She decided to help Virgil out by explaining it to Scott. "Mechanical Assistant experimental; remember?"

"Ah," Scott grunted out following along.

"You didn't know did you?" Virgil asked, earning a nod from Scott who configured their suspicion.

Their pod paused to allow Virgil to set MAX down on the ground. With the pod down on the ground. With the pod not moving for a moment, Serena was able to hear the howling winds rushing past the pod, even where it's so strong that she felt the pod sway a little. Her hands grabbed Scott's that were securely wrapped around her in fright.

Leaning down, Scott whispered where Serena's ear would be in her helmet. His voice was low and small. "You, all right."

Shaking her head, she responded back with a tight voice. "Just don't like storms of any kind. Don't mind them far away but hate them when they are close."

"It's ok. Virgil and I, are here." He reassured, gently squeezing her. Scott suspected that her slight fear of storms had something to do with the one she was in prior to her powers being manifested.

Nodding her head, She released some of the tension in her shoulders allowing her to breathe a bit better as MAX poked and prodded the ice with his clawed hands; Brians praising his assistant each time. Virgil slowly follows behind him.

"It's gaining intensity, we don't have much time," Scott grumbled, annoyed once more at how slow they were going.

"Pick up the pace MAX."

MAX was still up ahead of the group, plotting a course. When he disappeared over the edge his panicked whirs caught Virgil and Serena's attention.

"MAX!" She yelled.

"Oh, MAX!" Virgil synced with her.

They were still able to hear MAX whir out his worries. That allowed the siblings to know that he was all right.

"Well Scott, you wanted him to pick up the pace." She sassed.

"Yeah, but not like this."

Virgil angled the pod to the side where MAX was to gain a good angle to reach him.

Pulling the hatch open, Serena jumped out. Her boots crunched under the thick layer of snow. She could feel the cold wind nipping at her body but lucky for her the suit still kept her fairly warm. Using her powers, she watched as her fingers shifted into the electric blue claws.

"Serena, what are you doing get back in the pod before you catch a cold." Ordered Virgil, not exactly happy with his sister.

"No way you'll need my help holding down the pod, while you reach for MAX." She argued, reaching over and slipping her claws easily like butter.

"Fine, but once we have him, you're getting back inside."


Bracing herself, Serena pushed down on her side, to keep the pod from falling over. She grunted slightly, the muscles in her body straining slightly.

"Hold on," Virgil instructed MAX, using the pod's claw to reach for him. "I can just about reach."

Pushing down as hard as she could, Serena started feeling her feet start to slip underneath. Her boots struggled to maintain traction.

Grunting, She pulled a bit harder. "Hurry up Virgil." A certain twist on her arm caused something to snap. Excruciating pain run through her arm as she let go of the pod screaming in pain.

"Serena!" Yelled out both Scott and Virgil, hearing their sister's cries of pain.

Kneeling down, Serena held on to her right bicep, her brain still sending painful jolts.

"Focus on getting MAX first," She grunted out through her teeth. "Worry about me later."

She couldn't see it but knew that Scott was worried, while Virgil nodded his head in agreement angling the pod in a different direction so as easy to rescue MAX.

Peering through her blurry vision; Serena caught sight of MAX now safely back on stable ground and Virgil running to her.

"Hey, can you stand?" He asked kneeling down at her.

"I don't know, it hurts to move." She informed, placing her free arm around Virgil's shoulder.

Hulling his sister back to the pod; Virgil strongly stated his command. "That's it, we are going to have to wait until the fog clears." '

Hearing this Serena looked over at Scott for his reaction. 'Oh, he's not gonna like that.'

"If we stop now, we'll lose precious time," Scott argued.

"Called it."

"And if we don't; we may not make it out at all. Plus, Serena is injured."

That last comment seemed to have silenced Scott once more. Virgil took it as a sign, that Scott wouldn't argue with him anymore and helped Serena back into the pod as he piloted somewhere safe for them.

At this point, Serena could feel how tired she was. Her head slightly bounced as she pushed herself to stay awake just a bit longer.

Virgil was able to find somewhere safe, where he could pitch up a heated tent for them to shelter in. Max stayed outside to monitor the fog and inform the three when it was safe to travel once more.

Now sitting comfortably, thanks to Scott's help, Serena had the upper half of her uniform striped down allowing Virgil to take a look at her arm.

Even when inside the heated tent, wearing only a sports bra, and her uniform down at her waist; Serena can still feel the freezing temps nipping at her skin, leaving goosebumps all over her body.

The sound of Virgil's hum made her shift her head in his direction. "So, what's the diagnostic?"

"Well, your arms not broken," He stated but pushed hard on her bicep causing Serena to grunt out her pain. "Thought so, you've slightly torn your tendon, so it's a grade 2. It'll take about 2 to 3 months to heal, possibly longer."

"So, no missions for me for a while." She sulked, gently holding her injured arm.

"Well, with your unnatural abilities, it could be less," Virgil added, helping her put her uniform back on. "But you could spend that time with John up in Thunderbird 5."

"Really?" Hearing that she could spend time with John, Serena started dancing in her seated position making Virgil and Scott laughed at how goofy she can be.

Calming down, she laid down on one of the inflated bed blocks and scooted over a bit so that Virgil could sit down. All of their helmet's removed and placed on either side of them.

While tired she still maintained enough energy to stay awake and listen to her brother's conversation, especially with what was going on with Scott.

"Virgil broke the silence first. "What's going on with you today?"

Humming in agreement, Serena slightly nodded her head. "Yeah, you're acting odd and not in a good way."

Looking at them confused, Scott didn't understand what the two meant. "Me? We're on a mission, we need to do everything we can to get there ASAP and you're taking the scenic route."

She could hear the anger and stress coming through Scott's choice of words that were mostly directed at Virgil then herself but that didn't stop her from narrowing her eyes at him.

Obviously not fazed with his older brother's anger, Virgil responded to Scott's comment calmly. "It's the safe route."

Scott just scoffed at what he said. "I didn't come here to be safe."

"You can't keep pushing everyone and everything to the limit."

"He's right, Scott," Serena added softly, looking at him dead set in the eyes. "The more you push, the quicker we get to our breaking point. Some can pick themselves up again but not others. "You've got to be careful."

"Hey, I don't push anyone harder than they needed to be pushed."

"You're so darn determined; you don't see the danger. We almost lost MAX and Serena almost completely tore her tendon trying to protect us."

At this point, both boys began arguing with each other. Serena snapped at Scott when he said something about MAX.

"MAX is just a machine; Brains is constantly breaking him apart and rebuilding him stronger. You don't know what you're capable of unless you keep pushing." He tried to per sway, but Serena wasn't having it.

"We're not machines Scott, we're human; everyone has a limit. You can't build us stronger the moment we crash. It takes time." She stated.

"Serena is right we're not." Virgil agreed with her.

Still not grasping the concept, Scott continued to talk. "Someone has got to step forward. I'm just doing what dad did."

Hearing Scott mention their father, made Serena's breath hitch. Her eyes became softer as she looked at him sadly. A million things went through her head about her father and what exactly he did in International Rescue.

"He never gave up." Scott continued, not seeing Serena's sad look.

"Dad worked hard but even he knew there were limits. He couldn't do it all." Virgil tried to get Scott to see that it's not just him to shoulder the responsibility.

"But I have to do it all. I couldn't save dad but maybe I can make up for it."

"By saving everyone else?" This earned Virgil another scoff. "But keeping our families safe is equally important and we all need you to be around."

"You're not dad, Scott," Serena chimed in slowly, taking a moment to pause and think before saying anything else. "What we need is our big brother guiding us and allowing us to help shoulder the responsibilities. I mean that is why there are six of us in the first place."

"Couldn't have said it better myself sis."

"Thanks, Virgil."

She watched as Scott carefully weighted in her words. Acknowledging what she stated and looked at his younger siblings sadly, eyes close to tearing.

"I miss him."

"We miss him too, we all do. It's hard to think he's gone."

Serena slightly flinched at those last words Virgil said but quickly covered it up by pretending that she was cold. She didn't believe that her dad is gone, more like missing. She would get these glimpses of floating rocks before it would switch to her nightmare of her brothers being dead to then the small conversation she'd have with the unknown boy.

"If I let myself think about it, keeping busy with International Rescue is the only thing I have to keep me from going crazy," Scott muttered.

Smirking Serena opened her mouth to joke with him but seemed like Virgil beat her right to the punch.

"Hey, you still have us." He joked, rubbing his hands and placing them over the heated cube to keep warm, even though he has practically Serena curled right behind him.

Serena just playfully smacked his legs earning a confused look from him with a questioning eyebrow.

"I was gonna say that."

This got Scott laughing at how easy his siblings can make him feel better. "Yeah, yeah."

Happy to see that Scott is smiling once more, Serena allowed her body to relax and rest. Her eyes drooped close as she quietly fell asleep.


'Come find me, Serena.' Whispered an older man. An image of him showed, looking like Scott then disappeared. The same nightmare happening once more.


Jolting awake, Serena gasped for air, her body feeling sweaty and hot. Eyes shifted about, not recognising the area let alone registering her brother's voices that called out to her in worry.

The feeling of someone grabbing her shoulders, she flinched at the new sensation, Virgil was now in front of her, but the image kept shifting from him to the destroyed dead looking one and then back. She couldn't hear him properly like his voice was being drowned in some type of liquid followed by ringing.

Slowly she could start to hear him, voice no longer drowning, coming out clearer. The image now changes to a perfectly fine Virgil.

"There she is." He happily chirped, smiling at her. "You're safe, you're okay."

"How? How long was I asleep?"

"About 2 hours," Scott gently stated, hovering behind Virgil. "The fog finally lifted not long ago."

Getting up, she carefully got to her feet, Scooping up her helmet and facing the two. "We should get going."

"Are you sure? I mean, you did just wake up from a nightmare. Give yourself a moment to calm your mind and heart." Virgil suggested to her.

Serena only smiled and shook her head. Placing her helmet securely on. "I'll be all right, promise."

"Right," Grunted Scott, shrugging his shoulders and grabbing his own helmet. "If she says she's all right then let's take her word for it."

The three packed up the thermal tent and proceeded to pile back into the pod. Virgil is at the front with Serena and Scott in the back and MAX on top.

"Ready?" Quizzed Virgil.

"Ready," Scott responded, sounding more calmer than before.

"Ready Virgil." She chirped, sticking her arm over to him, giving him a thumbs up.

She heard MAX beep out his confirmation followed by Brains chiming in after him. "Ready."

Their pod proceeded to make its way to the station, going a bit faster, now that the fog had lifted, plus made that area a bit more secure.

Peering around Virgil's seat, Serena could see the northern lights no longer its wispy aqua, cyan colour but more like a red storm being sucked it.

"Is it just me or does it look like it gotten worse?" She asked, looking at Scott than the station again.

Gently rubbing Serena's arms, Scott stated for them all to hear. "I just hope we made it in time." Basically, answering her question in a way.

"Me too brother," Virgil added in, filling the space.

It was silent for a bit longer till Brain's voice cut through, once again causing Serena to jump. "The generator is moments away from a massive b-blow out. By my calculations, the magnitude of the discharge will cause a geomagnetic reversal."

"Which means." Questioned Scott.

"My guess is that we'll be like John who's up in space." Serena theorised.

"Sort of Serena," Praised Brains, happy that she's been paying attention in his lessons. "The Earth's magnetic poles will flip; that event might be considered, catastrophic."

"Then we better make sure it doesn't happen." She beamed. "Let's go, Virgil!"

"Punching it."

Their pod speeds up, to the station. The closer they got; Serena could feel the familiar feeling of the raw energy returning. It felt like it resided in her stomach, causing her to feel slightly off.

Pushing through, she proceeded to breathe through her nose and out through her mouth. Knowing that this technique will make her feel slightly better for a while, their pod comes to a stop.

"What exactly happens if the poles flip?" Scott demanded quickly.

Holding in her groan, Serena continued to breathe while looking at the raging storm. The sick feeling intensified when they stopped right at the entrance. She felt like she ate too many sugary items with Alan.

"Most likely event would be a dramatic change in weather patterns, resulting in crop damage and worldwide starvation." Brains answered.

Jumping out of the pod, Serena took a moment to regain her balance before running after her two brothers and MAX.

'I really don't want to randomly collapse and make them worry even more.' She thought, running into the building and coming up behind her brothers seconds later.

Inside was dark with MAX leading the way. Brians's voice could be heard once more.

"The energy core should be just through those walls."

"He's not wrong, I can feel it. It's actually making me feel sick like I've eaten too much sugar." She stated, placing her hand on the wall, feeling it tingle.

"And the engineer?" Wondered Virgil, holding onto his lase cutter and turning on the light.

"M-MAX has located her heartbeat, She's inside the main shut off area."

"Wait, what?!" Exclaimed Serena, snapping her head over at MAX.

"She still here?" Scott asked, completely dumbfounded.

"Pushing to the limit, remind you of anyone?" Wondered Virgil, looking directly at Scott.

"I can think of one." Serena pipped up, running past him.

Running further ahead, her eyes went wide when she felt the room start to shake about. The dark tunnel ended, showing the area bathed in red lights.

Looking around the lower levels for the workers, Serena shifted her sight to above where she saw movement near the top upon closer inspection, she realised that it was the worker they were looking for.

Nudging her brother, she pointed Virgil cupped a hand around his mouth. "You've got a leave! Now!"

"Not a chance. I have to get this grounded before it blows." She yelled back to them and continued to climb up.

Unfortunately, she lost her grip, falling down and hitting the pipe. Whatever the item was in her hand, now fell to the other side as she desperately held onto the side for dear life.

Scott was the first to initially react, followed by Serena. Running for the worker, she helped Scott pull them up to safety just as they lost their grip. Virgil now caught up after them.

"How can we help?" He demanded.

In response, the worker explained to them what she was trying to do while grabbing the strange device to the top of the generator ever since I spoke to your engineer. Can you help?"

Virgil grabbed the device from her, and all three of them responded back.


Serena received Scott's grappling hook as he began to climb. Looking up towards one of the pillars, she aimed the grapple and fired. The end cable, hooking around and coming back down to where Virgil could attach the receiver to.

"I'll be in the control station." The worker informed them.

"I'll be in the control station." The worker informed them.

"Just be careful on your way down." Serena reminded, not looking behind her.

With the help of Virgil, the two were able to send the receiver up to Scott, who would then attach it to the top. But that failed, when Scott put it on. The raw energy was too much causing him to let go out of shock and fall.

"Scott!" The two yelled.

Soon enough, a warning bell started going off in the area, once Scott made it back down safely. Sort of.

"Scott, Virgil, Serena. The energy b-build-up is reaching critical." Brains informed them.

Jumping over the controls where the worker was Serena, stood next to her just in case she tried anything stupid.

"We have to go!" Virgil strongly demanded.

"WE have to keep trying." The worker persisted about to climb, back over but Serena quickly grabbed her.

Slinging the worker over her shoulder, Serena took a couple of steps away from the controls. "Oh, no you don't," Placing her back on her feet. "Stay."

She tried to move past Serena, but Scott put his hand on her shoulder, momentarily halting the worker. "Sometimes, you have to say there's nothing else you can do."

"Actually, there is. We can use MAX." Brains announced once more. The said robot rolled up to them. "I've just finished running the calculations. His c-conductivity has been rated up to 2.5 gigawatts; that should be enough.

"Let's hope so," Virgil said, slightly hesitant.

"Okay, Brains. Send MAX in." Scott agreed.

Stepping out of the way, Serena raised an eyebrow as MAX pulled out two grappling hooks. Firing one of them and soring off. He fired the other one that connected to the receiver and made his way to the top.

"Hu, not bad. Nice job MAX." Serena quietly praised.

They watched as MAX, proceeded to the top, knocking off the snow treads so as to make it easier for him to climb.

"We need to get out of here." Virgil loudly stated to them all.

Acknowledging his words, Serena ran out of the area with her brothers close behind her. They followed the worker outside where they all piled into the pod and away from the station.

Deeming that they're far away. Serena hopped down from on top of the pod and landed on the snow with a soft crunch. She watched as the once red sky turned back into its original glory.

"Energy grounded," John announces; obviously he was monitoring their situation.

"It worked!" The worker cheered.

Virgil just sighed in relief as Scott chuckled. "You can say that again."

"Oh, boy." Tired from all the excitement, Serena fell backwards and landed in the snow, startling poor Virgil before saying something else. "I'm just gonna lay here and make a snow angel."

"Whatever, you say sis." He chuckled.

"Good work Brains. You and MAX." Scott praised.

"I knew he could do it. Would you mind going back to get him? I should warn you. It is likely he suffered some damage."


Groaning, Serena sat back up and stood with her brothers. Whatever remaining snow that stayed on her back, Virgil proceeded to wipe off.

"All right, let's get this over and done with," Scott announced.

Piling back into or on top of the pod. They all made it back inside the station where they last saw MAX.

Serena gasped when she saw MAX scattered around the area. For the next half hour, all four of them were on a scavenger hunt to find MAX's chip. Serena found it, well more like accidentally stood on it and slipped.

"Found him." She groaned, Sitting back up and grabbing the chip.

Now that MAX was found, they all piled back into their Thunderbirds. Virgil allowed Serena to fly them home and to gain some more practice.

Finally arriving home, Serena was able to successfully land Thunderbird 2 into her hanger, receiving praises from both Scot and Virgil.

Hopping out, she quickly got changed and met her brothers with Brains in the lounge room.

"Sorry Brains, that's all that's left." Scott apologised solemnly.

"Wait guys," Started Serena, looking at them confused. "That is MAX." Pointing at the chip.

"Correct Serena." Brains smiled, then waved at the chip. "Hi MAX, you made it seem like it was a c-complete loss."

Still confused, Virgil stated to him. "But, we couldn't salvage the rest of him."

Brains only smiled and held up the chip a bit higher and jestered to Serena. "As Serena stated earlier, this is MAX. Everything else is simply spare p-parts. You really shouldn't get emotionally attached to your equipment gentlemen."

Serena just giggled at the funny face that Scott and Virgil pulled when looking at each other.

"Come on Max. Let's go find you some legs."

Smiling, Serena went and sat down, Scott and Virgil taking a seat on either side of her.

"Ah, it's good to be home," Scott announced happily.

"Yeah, it is." Virgil agreed.

Humming in agreement, Serena rested her head against Virgil's shoulder, once more allowing sleep to take her and hopefully no bad dreams. She didn't even stir when John called ion again about another mission as her body and mind were too tired.


Thank you all for reading and I do hope that you enjoyed this; as always have a lovely day my lovelies.

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