βœ¨π–³π—π–Ύ π–ͺ𝗇𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 π–¨π—Œ 𝖸�...

By alecloveshimself

8.2K 104 257

[Y/N] & Meta knight oneshots, what else do you expect? by the way, this is for all genders, if you're a male... More

Requests Off
A Knight's Help (Puffball! Meta Knight X Lost! Human! Child! Reader)
The Puffball Secret (Meta Knight X Reader)
Here for you, as streamers. (Streamer! Meta Knight X Streamer! Reader)
A Family Era. (Dad! Meta Knight X Adopted! Reader) Part 1
A Family Era (Dad! Meta Knight x Adopted! Reader) Part 2
A Family Era. (Dad! Meta Knight X Adopted Reader) Part 3 [the last one]
A Knight's Sleepover. (Meta Knight X Reader)
Advice for Love. (Meta Knight X Reader X Kirby's Animal Friends)
A Rebooted Timeline. (Meta Knight X Reader X Kirby) Part 1
The Figure's Desiring Connection. (Yandere! Meta Knight X Reader)
Author's Note

Friendship or Relationship? (Meta Knight x Shy! Male! Reader) Part 1

664 9 5
By alecloveshimself

(Last Modified: April 25th, 2022)

(This was requested by Alexrov0, and the guy wanted it to be male, If your a girl, feel free to picture for the pronouns to be she/her and stuff, idk.. but it's gonna be originally for males)


Once upon a time, a human boy named [Y/N] was just existing in typical earth.. just a normal citizen walking around earth, he's just shy though. People see him living with his parents, so it was all safe and normal, perhaps maybe.

[Y/N] is 17, suffering with so much shyness that makes him have a personality of a little boy, he can't get a job, and he can't even communicate, his friend group kicked [Y/N] out of the group.. all [Y/N] could do is play video games and watch tv for a living, his parents get worried as time goes on.

[Y/N] is also worried of himself, he doesn't know how to begin a new chapter of his life.

One day, that's where it begins.

[Y/N] had ordered a juicy package, and it's the Kirby: Right Back At Ya anime. Kirby was [Y/N]'s childhood, he played the games of it when he was little.. [Y/N] was excited to get his hands on the package, open it up and than rush to his room in excitement..

[Y/N] was watching outside the window when he heard the door bell ringing, he waited for a bit so that the package man doesn't talk to him, and when the package man lefts the package behind the door, he went on his truck, [Y/N] rushed downstairs as fast as possible, before his parents take it.. and stopped when he was near the door, he was panting for a moment.. opening the door, seeing a package. [Y/N] grabbed it and walked to his room.

When he peered at the packaging before opening it, he noticed that the disc was gleaming and glossy, and everything nice.. he was hyped to put it on his historic TV that supports discs. [Y/N] removes it from the bubble wrap that had been covering the disc.

It wasn't some wrecked disc, fortunately.

[Y/N] hops into his bed, looking at the television in front of his bed facing him, slides the disc into a tray made to put discs in, the tray was under the television

As the anime started to open up, [Y/N] was still so excited like a little boy.. even though it's the 2020s (the time as I'm making this book) and the anime was made in 2000s, it's still good to watch a old anime.

Watching the first episode of Kirby: right back at ya, cheering when Meta Knight makes an appearance and finds the puffball really cute.. also kinda interested in the two kids named Tiff and Tuff, but if meeting them and than they'd be like probably annoying, perhaps the type like a sibling.

[Y/N] will be watching the anime for a whole 14 hours of the day, whenever breakfast, dinner and supper comes in, [Y/N] takes the food upstairs to eat while watching the anime.

He started to learn a lot about the characters, about how much tokkori is annoying and how much dedede eats, also getting traumatized when escargoon's shell broke one time.

[Y/N] soon grew exhausted and was too exhausted to even understand the story plot anymore, he just watches without understanding, just looking at every frame the anime does..

Something bizarre and mysterious happened, afterwards.. [Y/N] heard his name mentioned on the telly by Meta Knight, which gave [Y/N] interest.. "I didn't knew someone was named like me." [Y/N] said to himself, chuckling.. Meta Knight glanced at [Y/N] through the television, at this point [Y/N] thinks he is hallucinating. [Y/N] accidentally blushed.

"Woah, what are the odds." [Y/N] said, joking himself, and flew a popcorn inside his mouth, A blue and purple portal popped up in front of the television, [Y/N] gave the look of, "whoa whoa whoa what is happening?" And gulped, it jumpscared him, throwing his popcorn out of the ground and his eyes twinkling.. his shyness couldn't stand this.

The portal looked unrealistic and doesn't fit the real world style, and then [Y/N] started to feel like he's getting dragged inside right now, oh no.. he started to whimper as he puts his hands in the bed rail, as the portal was trying to drag him across the portal.. the rail broke and [Y/N] flew across the portal, throwing the rail against the wall so his parents could hear the noise, looking for some help before it was late, the portal soon closed and [Y/N] unexpectedly was in the anime.


[Y/N]'s POV:

I just witnessed the weirdest situation in mankind history, the anime was interacting with me, and for what.. getting sucked into a childhood dream, my past self would've been real proud.

I fell through the sky and slumped into the grass, it was night time like it's peaceful and no one was running towards me.. that's good, 2 seconds later I itched my head with my fingers before processing what happened in the past, am I dreaming, am I just making scenarios the big visualizing way, and owwie am I hurt.. I looked at my legs seeing scratches and small bloody marks. They were forming quickly. It felt real and vivid in every way, every detail in its place.. my parents are probably worried about me right now, they're probably crying or something now, I am missing in earth.

Is this how my life ends, or is it how a chapter starts?

Cut the thinking, I'll sprint and explore until the sun rises, that's when the darkness fades away, i think im currently lost at whispy woods, or just an unknown forest.. i cant tell because it's dark, but i see face expressions glowing from the trees, i think im in whispy woods.

I hope my parents won't cry if I atleast explore this place, but like i've already saw things in the kirby anime but not like everything because I don't watch every detail that happened, and to know that by only looking on the anime I'd need to use all my knowledge.. who gets interested in the background and loses their focus on the characters talking or yelling.

I touched a log, noticing that my sense of touch still exists. That's good to feel.. I smell the air and it smells like whispy woods, it was breathtaking honestly.

I started to walk in a straight line praying that I'll get to the village in no time, i want to meet kirby but in the same time I don't want too because I'm shy.

I looked around the trees knowing damn well that these don't look like the trees from my world.. still green though.

it's so dark out here, i said as I was strolling through a bunch of trees, i accidentally slipped from a tree log that was laying dead on the ground, and then my leg got stuck in the log before I could notice, i yelped in pain as I struggled trying to crawl away.

The yelp echoed through the woods.

My leg starts to feel more pain and even more cruel pain, it getting worse and there's blood gushing out my leg into the grass, it hurts so much overall.

I became fatigued and had to abandon my attempt to get up. It's such an awkward predicament to be in that I made some "eee" sounds since my leg was in so much pain.

I survived the pain as it's starting to go away.

I'm still stuck, i guess I'll do my next attempt tomorrow morning, maybe screaming for help to see who notices and comes.

I switched my gaze to the right, spotting a sphere shadow... oh great, I'm going to have to do some talking and explanation now, but I'm terrible at it.

I pleaded in a terrible voice, "help... me."

The shadow heard it, but not sure where.

He pulled out a sword just in case, and soon turned his head around to me, noticing my bruises covered around my leg and my other leg caught on a tree log, and blood was revealed.

He was curious on who I looked like.. he hoped it wasn't some sort of monster of any kind, he approached me without saying a word, with his weapon he holds it more onto the air, and sliced the log into pieces, revealing that he is Meta Knight himself.. he's just like the small plush that I have in my room, but braver and mightier, and more of a knight.

I panted in relief, after struggling for a little while I finally could get up. "T-thanks.." I said, hoping he hears me because I was in a bit of a quite tone. "you welcome?" He asked, green eyes.. soon walking away, i looked at him before saying, "w-w-wait sir Meta Knight.. I'm lost, c-could you help- you help me get back?" I said, accidentally stuttered on a fraction there, embarrassed.. praying to get a good response.

He turned around at me, "si, how did you know my name?" His eyes glimmering orange from the dark, before fading back to yellow. my brain filled with regret, I replied with, "I-I just know it.." I said, knowing that's not a good response.. sighing, he won't understand me when I say that he's in a video game honestly.

"That's strange.. perhaps, maybe you're one of those monsters yourself, trying to get rid of kirbee." Meta Knight said, growling. He raised his galaxia at me. "I-I have done nothing of murder." I said, i was starting to frown in this point. "Maybe." Meta Knight said, he walked backwards away from me as I was curious on what crack has he been taking lately.. "I-I'm just t-tr-trying to- to not hurt anyone.." I said, turning away from him closing my eyes in such fear. "I-i came from another planet, i was s-sen-s sent here for no reason at all, okay, i have a heart, please don'e-don't take it away from me." I said, running away.

Meta Knight sighed.. saying, "right.. Lo siento, we can talk about this later, if you don't get stuck in another tree, right." He said, chuckling and leaving.

Man he's so strange and mysterious, i gotta love him.

Aw, fuck.. I forgot to ask him on how to not get lost.


Second POV:

You've been looking around, and your starting to get hungry. "I need to get food asap." You thought to myself, you noticed one apple on tree. "Good lord, some fruit"you said, you ran panting and tried to grab the apple that was on top of the tree, it was high up.. but when you jumped and almost grabbed it, the tree raised the apple up higher.

"It's a trick." You thought to myself, a frown on your face. and ran away. You looked up and the sun was rising, shows a lot that time was speeding up.

All you noticed today was the star warrior meta knight meeting me and assuming that your gonna attack kirby with some great power or something because you looked different than their species.. but why would you attack someone who's cute.

You noticed a village in your little eye sight, you need to get there and see what they could offer, it must be cappy town.. You said to myself, You rushed as fast as possible, dodging every tree in your path..

So now, You left the woods.. You saw cappy town, and that looked way better than on the anime, You smirked in excitement.. couldn't wait more to meet your childhood, Kirby the pink adorable puffball.

Wait.. It's your birthday today, which means you'll be celebrating it here, but you may believe that no one else will be there to celebrate with you. You guessed with thoughts that you may celebrate by eating an apple back in the woods behind you, yeah.. you were hungry.

You breathed some air.. knowing that you'll have to talk through.

More stuttering mistakes, here it comes.

You were only looking at your direction, not noticing what's under you.. you were rushing towards cappy town.

Running and running... but then all of a sudden. You were falling... there was a cliff, how could you have missed it? You shouted in agony when you collided with a tree limb. You choose to lie down and gaze at the cappy town scenery for a little moment..

You sighed, you just screamed and now someone's gotta hear you.


You heard that voice, you swore you heard it and it's from someone that is adorable and cute in every way.. it's the puffball Kirby.

You peered down, observing that the puffball had not yet spotted you, but he was pacing around the tree, he looked up, discovering you in fright with a tiny pained expression and lying on the weak limb that was about to break.

How were you okay laying in a weak branch.

There was a moment of silence between you and him. "H-heh, h-help m-me-m get down, I'll e-explain." You said, chuckling nervously. "Poyo!!" Kirby said, smiling.. waving, and he walked away, you were assuming that he was gonna get his friends, and you answered yourself correctly.. the branch started to crack, oh no. you sat up and hugged the tree.

"So now what do you want to show to me, Kirby?" You heard a voice probably thinking that's coming from tuff, the little boy.

"Yeah, some crows?" Tiff said.

"Poyo!!" Kirby said, he noticed that the branch was cracking, Kirby was his hands up and down. Looking up at you as a signal for them to look up. Tiff looked at the same direction like kirby, noticing you. You looked at her as her face went "o" "i-is someone gonna get me down, I'm g-gonna diee.." You said dramatically.. hugging the tree more tightly for your own good.

Tiff was concerned, so she yelled some words, and then Kirby's warp star emerged, kirby rode it and he flew to your direction. You crawled to his warp star since it was soon near the branch, and when you got there, the branch eventually split into pieces. "Good work, Kirbs." Tuff said.

Giving a thumbs up, and then you and Kirby both got down back to ground, "are you okay.. are you hurt, poor thing." Tiff said, looking at you ruffling you hair. "I-I'm fi-fine now." You said, Tiff noticed your stuttering but didn't question it.

You noticed Meta Knight up the hill glancing at you, he waved at you politely and you waved back, but than you saw something unexpected, and you saw, he was blushing under his mask, you saw that, you really did saw that, he turned away from looking at you. That's weird, your a human and he's a puffball, i wonder how that's gonna work.. and your a boy for god's sake.. well, that's probably normal..

You ignored that, and then walked with Kirby, Tiff and Tuff.. "you look different than us.. care to explain?" Tuff said. "W-well, my-m-my name i-is [Y/N] [L/N] and I'm a h-human.." you took a small pause before you continued talking, thinking of the right words. "Y-you probably don't u-under-un-derstand that yet because y'all are young, i live in a-an alternative universe called e-earth, p-probably sounds fictional to you.. And I am a f-fan of f-your friend K-K-Kirby.." you said, you weren't satisfied with the answer you said.. Kirby looked at you, "poyo?" He said.

"Woah, a human.. that's new, well if your comfortable than you could talk to us more about your species, i am highly interested." Tiff said, you nodded and continued to walk with them. Kirby was confused on his name being mentioned on the end of your sentence, you said that you were a fan of him, so he's confused.. "poyo?" kirby continued to look at you, tilting his head.. you found him cute like this.

"I'll talk for you when we arrive to the village, since you sound so scared.. I think some of the cappies will be frightened of you." Tiff said, chuckling.. you were taller then most of them.

Soon you'll mention them your birthday today, but not now.. it's gonna be when it'll be the time.

Meta Knight was watching hiding under a bush, he finds you attractive even though you are a boy, he's interested in your species, he wants you to talk more about them.

A/N: I hope this is good, I'm kinda unsatisfied with this because I think I kinda didn't find the fitting words for this story, i hope you guys like it.. you guys can ask me if you want to make it gay or not, if it's just friendship or courtship. I'll see how this works.. See you in my next oneshot, when I'll make a different oneshot or part 2. I might make a part 3 if this gets long. :)


(Word Count: 2779)

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