Magic Of Flames √

By YaoiYurishipper

54.3K 1.8K 319

This is part 2 book 2 of Wizard Among Mafia. Yep I'm finally uploading it my lovely readers. It has been man... More

1. Premonitions and Dreams
2. Contracts
3. Home is where the Heart is
4. Christmas together
5. Black and White
6. Talks and Plans
7. The Varia Arrives
8. Xanxus wakes up
9. Setting up the Stage
10. The Multi Colored Storm
11. Rain That Washes Away Conflict
12. The Lightning that Protects
13. The Mist that Befuddles
14. Territorial and Protective Cloud
15. The test for the Sky
16. Lull Before Trouble
17. Test Begins
18. Verde and Questions
19. Mafia Land and Skull
20. Riddles and Tolerance?
21. Reborn and Shizun
23. Not exactly Time Travel
24. Alternate Dimension Really?
25. What is My Life!
26. The Third Piece
27. The Fight Begins
28. Follow what Script?
29. Final battle
30. Home
31. Inheritance? Yeah no!
32. Graduation
33. Reborn x Harry
34. Final

22. Meeting your Ancestor?

1.1K 44 1
By YaoiYurishipper

(Katekyoshi Hitman Reborn and Harry Potter does not belong to me.
The picture above is from the manga. Adult Kyoya looks really good.

Giotto was surprised when he found himself outside the ring and wary when he saw the unknown Sky. Harry, he had introduced himself and his Arcobaleno elements. He had no idea a non Arcobaleno could become an Arcobaleno Sky, he supposed times changed since he went to sleep. Harry was wary of him too and kept him at a distance. Giotto looked up as a young boy who looked like a Japanese version of himself joined them. He looked at him curiously before turning to Harry and talking to him. Giotto looked at the young teen and the brunette looked at him before turning away when the teens Guardians came.

Giotto sweat dropped, 'That's a lot of Guardians.'

Harry, "Well done kiddos. You passed."

Reborn nodded, "We have a new guest here."

The group turned towards him in unison and looked at him curiously before turning towards Tsuna. Tsuna shrugged and introduced them to the ghost in front of them. They looked at the ghost with curiosity while Mukuro's eyes glinted with interest. Giotto sweat dropped on seeing the glint but didn't comment on it.

Tsuna addressed him, "What is it you need, old man?"

Giotto coughed, "Well... "

Giotto looked behind him and five ghosts came out, "As you can see, one of my Elements is missing and I'm a little worried."

Alaude muttered, "Stupid melon. Always creating trouble."

Kyoya snorted, "Hn."

Giotto, "I was hoping you could help us find him."

Harry hummed, 'The mist is missing.'

Tsuna, "Who is your Mist?"

Asari, "Ah ha ha ha ha ha, smart one, aren't you?"

Everyone sweat dropped at the laugh, 'He sounds just like Takeshi.'

Lambo muttered, "It's like looking at an older twin."

G grunted, "Mini me."

Hayato, "Pink hair."

G growled, "It's magenta, magenta! It's not pink, Storms can never be pink, our flame is red."

Haru giggled, "Hahi. They are funny."

Knuckle chuckled, "It's good to see you kids are very lively."

Ryohei, "Thanks to the extreme."

Hana looked between them, "I wonder, if you will look like this as an adult."

Ryohei eyed the ghost slash entity in front of him, "Probably similar but not exactly. We are from different countries to begin with."

Giotto chuckled, "I agree, Tsunayoshi is definitely cuter than I was as a kid."

Alaude snorted, "You shot up like a bamboo as a teen. You used to be shortest among us, now you are the tallest."

Kyoya looked between the two, "You are together."

Giotto looked at them with a sad smile, "Yes, we were not in the beginning, but after leaving the mafia, we got together. It didn't help our wives were killed during the cold mafia war, leaving our kids behind."

Alaude, "We supported and understood each other."

Lampo looked at them sadly, "It was different back then, as leaders we could not marry a certain class, who we truly love, act certain way, etc."

Asari sighed, "Daemon and Giotto always butted head over it. Giotto changed many things but some things were harder to change and took longer."

Tsuna grumbled, "That is an understatement. I mean cousin Xanxus could easily take over the family but noooo. They need a descendant of Vongola Primo."

Giotto chuckled, "I know, I watched as the inheritance test occurred. It was both hilarious and interesting to watch."

Tsuna, "I see. So why did you run?"

Giotto, "You caught on to that?"

Kyoya grunted, "It was pretty obvious."

Giotto, "Well, it all started with the strange rings we were given. It was very odd and I was getting weaker, well all of us were getting weaker the longer I stayed. My Mist was getting more and more crazy as well. So we decided to just leave. The fact that we stopped the war helped as well, we did our part and left. That's what we told everyone."

Harry waved at the rings inside the protective runes, "Those rings were created to absorb your blood and keep you under control."

Giotto, "Yes, I heard your explanation."

Harry, "You are however lucky, you are not a Horcrux. That is a life I would not ever wish even on my worst enemy."

Asari muttered, "Small mercies."

G scowled, "We would like to move on though and join our children, grandchildren, wives and parents."

Alaude snorted, "Hn, Secondo was not pleased when he realized why we left."

Giotto gave a nervous laugh, "Yes, he is still angry about that."

Kyoko sweat dropped, "I can see why."

Tsuna hummed, "You should have just disbanded but even if you did, someone might have restarted it."

Giotto gave him a smile, "I thought the same."

Harry, "Would you like us to release you from your binds? It will not hurt and I'm sure you are exhausted by now."

The six souls looked at each other before explaining they were not the only ones stuck inside. Vongola's Secondo, Terzo, Quarto, Quinto, Sesto, Settimo and Ottavo were pretty much stuck inside the ring too. Tsuna and everyone else sweat dropped when all of them appeared all of a sudden along with their Guardians.

Harry, "I believe you all heard what happened."

Secondo scowled, "I would have liked to be warned about what I was getting into."

Giotto chuckled nervously, "I apologize cousin."

Ottavo sighed, "Well it doesn't matter we are dead now."

Tsuna, "Do you want to meet Xanxus?"

Ottavo looked at him, "You mean my adopted grandson? I don't know if I want him to see me like this."

Hana, "Hmm, think about it though. After this, you will be really gone."

Ottavo was quite for a bit, "I suppose."

Harry, "It'll take a while to set up the releasing wards. I don't want to damage your souls more than it already has. So yes, meet with him one last time."

Ottavo smiled, "Alright."

Chikusa, "Great, I will go meet him, pyon."

Ken, "He is really into the idea of joining the Varia."

Ottavo grinned, "Oh the Varia is doing well then?"

Takeshi, "Oh yeah! You were the one to come up with the Varia being an independent squad."

Hayato, "Xanxus is their leader."

Ottavo was looking smug and proud, 'That's my grandson.'

Ken returned after half an hour, "We are back."

Xanxus, "Bunny, what is this about a ghost? ..... What the?"

Ottavo squealed, "Xanxan! Look at you. You were still a cub the last time I saw you."

Xanxus, "How? Wait... Don't tell me!"

Harry, "It's exactly what you think."

Xanxus scowled, "We need to destroy them."

Harry, "We are already in the process. We are just going slow because we want to avoid backlash. And being buried alive."

Xanxus smirked, "That would be an embarrassing way to go."

Reborn snorted, "No kidding. Harry the circle is ready."

Giotto, "Pity, those books were interesting."

Tsuna, "Well if you are ever reborn again in the family. You'll have the chance to read them."

Giotto was squealing inside, 'Such an adorable great grandson.'

Giotto smiled brightly, "I would love that Tsu - chan."

Tsuna smiled, "See you till then, grandpa. I am happy I met you."

Kyoko, 'So bright.'

Mukuro, 'Power of pure Skies.'

Harry smiled, "It's time."

Xanxus who had been quietly talking to Ottavo and Secondo nodded on hearing that and said a final goodbye. He had been worried old man Nono would die but turns out despite taking his blood, his soul was not yet caught. The blood actually acted as a glue and a trap to keep the soul anchored and fuel the rings. Xanxus was very glad the rings were getting destroyed, he would not want to loose his bunny cousin to it. Thank you very much!

Tsuna looked at him, "Xanxus, it's time."

Xanxus, "I know, I have already said goodbye. No I hold no grudges against any of them. I'm happy I was able to talk to my grandma one last time."

Harry, "Ready?"

The group of souls nodded looking tired, happy, content and relieved to be able to move on. They had been stuck in the living realm against their will without their knowledge. Running had not helped considering Giotto and the others souls were pulled into the ring after they died against their will. They had thought they were in hell for being part of the mafia only to realize, their situation was worse.

Harry, "Hello Death."

Death, "My darling child."

Giotto's eyes widened, "That is..."

Terzo, "Fascinating."

Settimo, "Fabulous."

Sesto, "Understatement."

Asari laugh, "You are quite something, successor mine."

G grunted, "Could be worse."

Death hummed, "Ready?"

Giotto, "Yes."

The runes glowed an unearthly red and golden colors and Death disappeared with the souls. Harry nodded and shooed everyone upstairs while he cleaned up the remnants. Xanxus grabbed Tsuna and dragged read carried him upstairs, he had a lot of questions. Tsuna simply shrugged and went along with Xanxus as the older man fired questions at the teen.

Tsuna, "I have not learned those runes yet. And even if I did, I doubt Harry - nii would let me use them nilly Willy."

Xanxus, "Even if you don't become part of Vongola you are becoming Varia's secret hand."

Tsuna sweat dropped but his answer was muffled by the close door. Kyoya followed the two cousins out and the rest of the group dispersed talking about their very interesting ghost meet. It was not as terrifying as most horror stories made it out to be, but then again ghost were already dead. Who would they hurt anyway, they were already dead in the first place. Harry cleaned up the basement and made sure nothing was out of place before going upstairs.

Tsuna, "Grandpa Giotto said, Daemon is still missing."

Xanxus, "I don't know whether this can be considered Vongola matter though. Or if we should interfere. They are dead after all."

Harry, "It's not part of the living so it no longer falls under Vongola's jurisdiction simply for that matter."

Reborn snorted, "That is true, most mafia deal with living people, not the dead."

Before anyone could respond to that the doorbell rang making them look up. That was a little strange but Harry shrugged and got up to answer with Verde who joined him. He was a paranoid scientist despite all of his protests otherwise. They opened the door and it was turning dark outside and infront of Harry was Tsuna's red haired friend. He looked exhausted, shocked and bewildered making Harry wonder what happened.

Enma, "Hello Hari - san. May I come in?"

Harry, "Come in kiddo. What happened?"

Enma, "Tsuna told me you were not connected to any other mafia out there."

Verde, "Harry is not a mafia member. He is a civilian. Why do you ask?"

Harry walked Enma to the lounge, "Why don't you sit down and tell us what happened?"

Enma leaned into Harry's hand feeling the Sky flames comfort him, "It's strange and I don't know where to begin."

Xanxus, "Red kitten, start from the beginning."

Enma did a double take seeing the Varia leader before spluttering, "Ki ki kitten?"

Tsuna sweat dropped, "Don't mind my cousin. Come sit Enma."

Enma was red faced, "Thanks."

Haru was squealing inside, 'He looks so cute blushing like that.'

Harry gave him a cup of tea, "Here."

Enma, "Thank you. So where to start. Ah! It started with my parents mysterious deaths."

Tsuna, "Oh? I'm sorry."

Enma shook his head, "It was a long time ago and I have gotten over it. In the beginning we were told Vongola were to blame for their deaths."

Xanxus raised an eyebrow, "You were?"

Enma nodded, "Yes, there was proof about it but after analyzing it for years there have been inconsistencies that has bothered me. For example it said Iemitsu, your Dad had visited my family when they were killed. One look at the flight and travel schedules prove it wrong."

Tsuna face palmed, "Seriously? My dad? He is a lot of things but he is not stupid."

Back in Italy:

Iemitsu, "Aaaaaachoooooo!"

Lal, "Watch it! Stupid boss, we need that."

Iemitsu, "Sorry Lal, I think someone is talking about me. It must be my babies, they miss their daddy."

Lal twitched and hit him, "Focus you fool."

Back in Namimori:

Sora, "What was that weird shiver?"

Kayeta, "Must be our stupid old man."

Sora mumbled, "Yeah!"

Back in Harry's house:

Tsuna sighed, "That's not all though."

Enma, "Yes, I fear someone has been using Mist flames on me and my Guardians. But I don't have any proof.. "

Reborn, "Stay still Bambi."

Haru frowned, "Oh that's not good."

Ryohei, "Don't worry, we'll help. This is worrisome. It's almost like."

Reborn's face was dark, "Someone used Mist flames to suppress Emma's earth flames."

Harry became furious, "WHAT?"

(To be continued...
Hi! Been a while. Sorry for taking so long.
Work is really busy and I'm not getting enough free time.
Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
See you next time my lovely readers.)

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