๐ฌ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ๐ฌ | marco x read...


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๐”๐๐ƒ๐„๐‘ ๐‡๐„๐€๐•๐˜ ๐„๐ƒ๐ˆ๐“๐ˆ๐Ž๐ Hamamura Y/N, the last and only heiress of Hamamura Clan. With a sad an... Mรกs

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939 52 2

◖ ғɪʀsᴛ ᴛʜɪɴɢ ғɪʀsᴛ ◗

(Yes, I did it. I draw them. I love them.)

"Where's the ship located?"

"It- it's nowhere sir!"

He banged his fist on the table, standing up. "WHAT?! What's the meaning of this?!"

"T-T-The vessel banished from o-o-our r-radar suddenly!" The Navy soldier trembled after witnessing the outburst of the admiral.

"That bitch!" He sat down again, glaring at the soldier as he puffed out smoke from his lungs. "Get a bounty for her head! We can't let her run around free!"

"W-what's the bounty, s-sir?"


The Moby Duck was finally reaching land. A new island for your eyes and, eventually, you wanted to explore. Looking at the piece of land getting bigger and bigger as the ship sailed closer, you sat on the bow cross-legged and the emotion on the surface.

Three days ago, Pops had assigned you to the 4th division with Thatch as your commander. You were quite happy with that, you really developed a strong bond with him when you found out, more like remembered, that you could cook.

Silly you.

The sea breeze pushed your hair strands and the seagulls cried as they were flying past you. You closed your eyes as the sound of the ocean filled your mind. For a moment, it took you back on the Red Force.

You laughed at the thought of it.

Oh how you missed that childish man. You hoped that you would see him again. Immersed in your thoughts, you hummed again the melody of your father's lullaby, unaware of the presence that had just sat down besides you.

When you finished, the sea breeze pushed your hair and you smiled widely. The sea was like you, you were with the sea and the sea was with you.

"That's a beautiful melody you sang there yoi."

It startled you his voice and you couldn't help but jump a little in your seat. Marco was the one who scared you and now was chuckling at you. You frowned and pouted, smacking him on the shoulder.

"Don't do that! You scared me!" You scolded him, even though it was weird to see as he was the most responsible pirate in the crew. "What if I kicked you? Or worse, what if I drowned you?!

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry yoi!"

"You don't look like you're sorry at all!" And he kept laughing. You huffed looking away from him.

His laugh is cute.

Blushing, you made sure that he couldn't see the red cheeks of yours. You crossed your arms pouting a little as he kept laughing at your misery. Your heightened hearing was blessed by him. After his chuckle died down, he looked at you with the same playful and beautiful smile of his.

"Come on, don't be like that." And it made you sigh again, turning your head to him still pouting. "Did you have breakfast?"

You closed your eyes to remember. "I think I did. "

"Good." He leaned back, supporting his body with his arms. "We're reaching land, what do you have in mind to do there?"

"Well... Thatch asked me to come with him to get supplies, after that, I don't know. I guess I'll explore around." You answered, your eyes back to the ocean before you glanced at him. "And you?"

"I'll go get new books and some paper, would you mind if I go get you later? " He asked and you shook your head no. "Great, then I'll see you later. "

Marco stood up, patted your head and left to get his duties done. The Moby Dick was almost touching docks, and you couldn't wait to go around the place to find new ones, get into an adventure and see what this island had to offer you.

When the huge vessel was docked, you stood up after your commander called your name. Jumping from the bow, you were quickly by his side, grinnin excited for the little adventure with Thatch. He chuckled at your enthusiasm and patted your head without difficulties because, well, he was way taller than you.

As you both walked down to the town in the village, you spotted the very recognizable flag of the Navy. You squealed in surprise and hid behind your older brother. Thatch was startled by the sudden moves, but not surprised when he saw the reason.

The cook patted your head again and placed his hands on your shoulders. He made you look directly at his eyes, and not get your blue orbs looking at the danger.

"Look Y/N, they can't do anything to you. Why? Because you're a Whitebeard pirate, and you have a huge family looking after you, okay?" He did his speech to you, and nodded.

His words made you feel less stressed, but the restless sensation was still there, poking, nudging you to the edge. You shook your head to get rid of that.

You pulled Thatch into an alley that looked like a normal street with the size but it was almost covered in shadows so it was fine with you. Making sure no one came, you turned to a breathless commander of yours.

"*Wheeze* What *huff* was that for?!" He was quite angry at you for making him run out of the blue, but like always, you had your reasons.

"I have my reasons, Thatch. "

"Yeah *huff* and those reasons are the World Government going after your head and the Navy doing the same. " He stood up again after he gained his air back normally to his lungs. "Why did you run? Didn't you listen to what I was saying?"

"Look- if it were for me, I would be walking around the place without worrying-" you looked to the sides from the entrance of the alley, leaning on the wall. "But there's a man that's working under the World Government itself that I need to get rid of and he's too strong for me to even stand a good fight against him in this state."

You looked back at him and pushed him further into the shadows of the place you were both in. From your perspective, this was a good place to do it and show your big brother another side of you. You sighed and grabbed his hands with yours, eyes showing how desperate you were inside.

"Please, trust me."

He closed his eyes as he thought about it hard. Thatch trusted you, but he wanted you to understand that it was alright. His head was hurting a little from thinking so much so he just agreed.

With that said, you closed your eyes and concentrated on shape-shifting. Something that you weren't able to do for a long time. At first it was difficult because of the noise that was happening in the main street, but after giving it time, you were able to turn your whole body into water.

You heard a gasp coming from the cook right before you. Thatch was shocked. He didn't expect to see this coming from you, but yet again, the crew knew barely about you and your origins.

This power... reminds me of someone..., he thought.

After a few seconds, the figure of a huge wolf was standing before him. The animal surpassed his height by far, the black claws were sharp and very pointy, the different shades of blue on the fur were shining majestically through the little light that could be seen, the same vibrant blue orbs but with black sclera were prominent enough to make you halt in your steps.

And the aura around was calm, powerful, cold and warm, just like the sea.

"Holy shit." He said.

"The Navy and the World Government don't know about my shape-shifting capabilities, so in the meantime, I can go around here in this form." You explained to him as you sat down, still taller than him.

"Y/N, you're huge." Thatch was still shocked about you.

"Thank you."


Thatch was looking at the fruit and vegetables around the stand he stopped by. The appearance was appetizing and fresh, but now that he has a great companion helping him, he will only get the best of the best. He brought the tomatoes lightly up above his head and a big snout smelled the fruit/vegetable.

It was you doing what you did best at, or that's what you almost did every day when going shopping back in East Blue. You nodded at him and laid back down, waiting to pay the last thing on the 1rst list.

The cook paid the clerk and grabbed the bags. The poor clerk and some people around were scared of your big blue wolf form, but you were used to it. You heard a group of children in the distance watching you attentively, very curious about you.

"Come on Y/N, let's buy the things left on the second list!" He said very happy with the good price he paid for the tomatoes,very cheap indeed.

"I think we should go back before doing that, you don't have enough hands to hold that many bags." You told him, standing up. "Let me grab some-"

He shook his head no. "Don't worry that much little sis, I can handle this!"

You just looked at him with an 'I'm done' face. "Yeah, yeah. Keep telling yourself that." And you rolled your eyes.

"¡Hey! Don't be mean!" He whined at you, pouting like a kid.

To annoy him more, with your teeth you grabbed him from the back of his collar and lifted him up. You began to walk through the main street with people looking at you dumbfounded.

Thatch was complaining at you from staining his clothes or even ripping some parts with your sharp canines till someone caught your attention. A seller was calling for the both of you with enthusiasm, kind of weird.

"¡Hey! You two, come in here!" he waved his hand and the other was beside his mouth to amplify his voice.

The both of you looked at each other, and without letting him go, you walked to the excited marketer. You placed Thatch back on the floor, him still holding the many backs of supplies in his arms. The stranger looked at you then back at the cook.

"Is this your pet?" he asked, smirking.

He just offended me in many ways.

You stomped your front leg and growled to show that it offended you the way he addressed at you. Yeah right, you weren't going to give no one that privilege. Nor now nor never. The vendor stepped back, felling incredibly threatened by your huge figure. You snapped your teeth close to his face before backing because of Thatch, who had difficulties in stopping you.

"I'm very sorry for her behavior, but she really hates to be called pet." Thatch apologized as he highlighted the word. The seller could feel another menacing aura around the auburn haired man. "And she's my sister, so please, refer her with respect."

"I- I apologize." he apologised and bowed his head.

"Anyway, why did you call us? You looked even excited to see the big wolf, even tho the people around are quite scared of her..." Thatch asked him as he gazed around, feeling the frightened eyes on you.

"Right! Well, I saw you both struggling with transporting your goodies and I have the perfect article for you!" He went to the back of his shop and came back with double saddlebags made out of dark brown leather. "Tadaaa! Pretty good right?"

Thatch hummed as he looked at the artifact. "It can be handy next time we go get food, doncha ya think Y/N?" You nodded, it looked like it was made with the best materials. "But do you want to? I don't want to make you do things you aren't comfortable with."

What a caring brother, aren't ya?

"It won't be a bother, I can assure you big bro." You told him telepathically, internally smiling.

From another perspective, the seller was looking at the both of you quite scared and confused as Thatch was the only one talking. He doubted that you could talk him back.

"Okay, we'll take it."

"Perfect!" He said and got immediately paid for it.

Thatch placed the saddlebags on you and put inside the groceries. There were still a lot of things to buy for the crew so there was no time to waste, and you knew it. You grabbed Thatch again and placed him on your back.

He yelped but quickly shut his mouth. He tightly grasped your thick fur to get a hold and not fall from your back. It kind of felt cool, for him anyway. In his own imagination, he saw himself like the brave warriors of the books.

You turned your eyes around after seeing him enjoy this unusual ride. Going through more stalls and shops, you both finished buying all the food needed to be restocked.

Thatch stretched his back. "We really had a long morning, we should give ourselves a treat, don't ya think? " He asked you.

You just nodded in response, slowly going to the docks. As you guessed it, you discovered that the best of the best was bearing the center of the city, and it was quite a long way to walk.

Anyways, you kept walking and you really wanted to leave all the things to their place, you were hungry. If it were only you, you would have just ignored it. But Thatch heard it.

"Yeah, we should get something to eat. " He patted your head and held your first tightly. "Let's get this all back to throw Moby Dick and we'll eat. And don't give me that look, you need to eat."

Your pointy furred ears slumped and you huffed, rolling your eyes. He patted your head and smiled at you to lift your mood up and tell you it's fine.

"Hey, your needs are my needs too since I signed up to be your big brother, so don't be upset and think about yourself too okay?" He insisted and it convinced you, but you weren't going to promise to fulfill it.


"Good, now back to Moby, we're not going to carry all this stuff around the whole place. " Thatch said and patted your shoulder, still smiling at you.

"Then hold on tight, I'll run. " You prepared your body to dash through the main Street.

"Huh- AHHH! " You didn't give him a chance to say something and ran to the docks, avoiding the people and jumping above the obstacles.

As seconds passed, Thatch was slowly enjoying the ride. The wind was messing with his pompadour but he didn't care, he was having so much fun with you that he forgot for a second that he was an adult, a commander, a pirate and all his responsibilities.

He laughed in delight as you were nearing the ship. You were enjoying it too as it was so long since you ran freely around, and his laugh was contagious. Sweet freedom.

"Hold tight Thatch-a!" You warned him.

And you jumped.

You leaped, went past the railing of the ship and landed on the deck. The adrenaline was still running through your veins and so Thatch's. Huffing you chuckled at the experience.

Thatch held on to you the whole way, and when you did your leap, he was amazed as he saw the things around him go in slow motion. Definitely an unforgettable experience. He laughed as he slowly calmed down and pampered you as he gave you compliments of how cool you were there.

Some crewmates that were doing their duty on the ship got startled with your sudden appearance, and with that really big form of a blue wolf got them in a defensive stance. If it weren't for you laying down to let Thatch stand back on his feet, they'll surely attack you.

But you're made of water, so you doubted they could do anything to you.

"Thanks for the ride Y/N."

"Any time, Thatch-a." You said.

A fellow crewmate asked. "Hey Thatch, who's this mutt?"

Mutt? MUTT? Am I a mutt to you?!

With that, you got mad and pinned him on the ground, growling dangerously as you neared your sharp fangs near his face. He began to tremble out of fear and cried for help.

Of course you weren't going to do anything to him, unless it required that. You just need to scare him to take that back.

"Yo bro, watch your tongue next time 'cause you're talking about sweet Y/N in here. "Thatch said to him and pushed your face slightly away. He had to stop you there.

" Y- Y- Y/N?! "

They all yelled together, shocked at the revelation. It made your hearing hurt a little, but you could go with it for a second. You laid down on the floor and huffed, showing your back to all of them.

"Look what you did, you made her upset!" The cook told them with a small frown on his face.

"We're sorry"


"Come one sweet cheeks, let's go eat. " Your commander said to you as he patted your head while you were laying on the floor.

A few minutes ago he took the groceries and the saddlebag off of you and placed them in the kitchen, or somewhere else, I mean the saddlebag, not the supplies because that's needed in the kitchen.

Anyway, you yawned and stood up, still in your wolf form and walked right behind him. He told you that he would take you to a bar to eat. You didn't give it much importance to it, so you just nodded and went along.

Before you two could walk down the docks, you faced the 1rst division commander.

"Hey Thatch, who's that huge wolf behind ya? " He asked, and it surprised you that he took it calmly and kept it civilized like a reasonable human being.

"It's Y/N! Doesn't she look so cool? " He asked him, complimenting you on the way.

"Y/N? " He looked at you, lifting a brow.

"Hi Marco-a"


"I know right!" Thatch walked back to the city with you following behind him. "Well Marco, we need to get going."

"Do you mind if I come? " He asked, hopefully.

Thatch just waved his hand in agreement, not bothering to turn around. You looked at him and grabbed the back of the collar of his purple jacket and placed him on your back.

Marco got startled at first, but soon relaxed and grasped your thigh to prevent him from falling. You did the same with Thatch and walked calmly to any bar you could lay your eyes on.

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