UNremarkable (Broken OC X Mul...

By Themanofculture

6.8K 193 556

My names Levi Zaychik. There isn't nothing interesting about me, in other words I'm the most Unremarkable guy... More

Prologue- Meet Levi
1.0- Now you're thinking with Portals
1.2- The Obsessive Scientist
1.3- The Hero Test
1.4- How to train your Draco
1.6- Time for Trolling, and Flexing Superiority
1.6.1- AMOGUS (Interlude chapter)
1.7- Inexplicable Brawls

1.1- Mosquitoes

636 21 63
By Themanofculture

Normal speech: Like this

Thoughts: *Like this*

Whispers/Muttering: Like this

Shouting/Serious tone: Like this

Telepathic communication: <Like this>

What does his voice sound like?

One word: YamatoSFX


Alternate universe

A portal opened up in the middle of an alternate Japan.

Levi was the first to step out of the purple. He landed on the ground and raised his arms high with his eyes closed.


Lailai: Uhh...

Smith: Can you not come into another universe screaming like that?

Levi deadpanned.

Levi: And behind him is the incarnation of Sloth, Smith Kuroko.... -.- Who also happens to be a spoilsport...

Kuroko and Lailah came through the portal after him. But there was a problem.

Lailah:... Uhh... Levi-san... Forgive me for asking but...

Levi: Huh? What?

Lailah: Uhh.... Where are we exactly???

Levi: What kinda question is that, it's obviously-


It was only now this egotistical bastard realised.

Everything around him was.

Levi: Oookay?? What the hell???

Smith: Ehh? Looks like we arrived in the middle of some war...

Levi gained a tic mark and started screaming into the portal that was still open behind him.


The portal then immediately closed, making Levi yell in agitation.

Levi: FUUUU—




Levi's P.O.V

Turns out this world has monsters... Bruh. But I have yet to come across any... Or at least every time I wanna check one out after hearing about it on the news, someone had always gotten to it first.

So, Meh... I just stayed at "home" most days.

Our home being an apartment that's rented using Kuroko's money.

So far, nothing interesting has happened...

Most of the time I sit there watching TV, and Kuroko teaches Charmander to read and write Japanese. And she's been practicing speaking it as well without using her translator thing, I've been helping there. She's not perfect but she knows simple words, so for now she has to keep using the translator.

Today was supposed to be the same... Only when I tried waking that lazy ass up-

Levi: Oiiii, Kurokoooo, wake the fuck up •_• You gotta "student" to teach ;-; *Smacks face*

Smith: Ahhhh, honey, don't stop me! I can have *hic* one more dri— *hic* —nk.

Levi: •_•💢

She drank herself crazy and she was out of it. So now I had no choice but to help with my Pokémons lessons. I suppose as her trainer that is something I should already be doing... ;-;

I'm just getting her to rewrite some Hiragana over and over to practice...


Lailah: E-Eh?! Wrong?! Where?!

Looks like I startled her by screaming.

Levi: Huh? No, I'm not talking about you! FUCK! I'm talking about THIS WORLD!!! It has "supernatural" shit like Monsters in it! But someone keeps stealing the kills!! So I'm stuck here doing ordinary people shit!... I mean the only upside is NO SCHOOL! But other than that what is different here than in our own universe 🗿💢 And I have to put up with that useless slothful woman ;-;.

Narrator's P.O.V

Lailah sweat dropped, unsure of what to say.

Lailah: U-Uh... Well... You're bound to find a monster eventually....

Levi: Eventually ain't soon enough -.-.

He then heard something on the TV that caught his attention.

Man: What could be the cause of the massive mosquito outbreak this year? We ask Mr. Kafetch, a mosquito expert who has written several books on the subject.

Kafetch: Thank you for having me. Well, let me come right to the point. These mosquitoes belong to an entirely new species. Therefore, I know nothing about them.


Levi: Pfft... Useless is right...

Levi stared, boredom evident on his face.

The man on the screen then cleared their throat and tried to continue like nothing happened.

Man: Ah, excuse me. Now, let's take a look at the areas likely to be hit by the outbreak.

Lailah: Hmm... Looks like city Z's in their path... Uhm...

Levi: Greeaaaaat, just what I need... A Mosquito outbreak, just LOVELY!

Lailah: Uh... What exactly are Mosquito's again?

Levi: Bloodsucking insects 🗿. A menace to society. The fact that they drink blood itself isn't the problem, but these assholes carry diseases with them most of the time.

Lailah: Eh? Diseases?!

Levi: Deadly diseases...

Man: We interrupt this program for breaking news. A large swarm of mosquitos has been sighted in City Z. Mummified remains of attacked farm animals have been found. If you encounter a swarm of mosquitoes, flee immediately.

Lailah: Those animals.... Insects caused this?!

Levi: Looks like they're attacking in extremely large swarms... Alrighty... You stay here, I'll get the flamethrower...

Lailah: Flamethrower?? I don't believe we brought a fla-

He grabbed a flamethrower out of seemingly seemingly nowhere, surprising Lailah.

Lailah: W-Wait, What?! H-How? Where were you keeping that- Huh?

Levi: I wasn't keeping it anywhere.

Lailah: Th-Then how did you equip yourself with that?!

Levi: There need not be "how" when I am concerned I am the how. Also I'm the MC.


Levi: Imma call this, Charmander Mark II.

Lailah deadpanned at him.

Lailah: Mark II?

Levi: Yeah, you're Mark I, this is Mark II.

Lailah: But I'm not a machine ;-;

Levi: Pokemon don't question their trainers. Now, I'm of to eradicate some mosquitoes!!

Lailah: Eh? Are you going to be alright?! I should come with you! I can—

Levi: Nah, Don't need you stealing my kills on the off chance I find some sort of monster. You just stay here and keep studying up on Japanese. Sayonara~

After that, he took off, and seconds later, Smith walks out of her room. She held her head, very dizzy.

Smith: Hmmm... Was that Levi-kun?

Lailah: Hai... He took off with a flamethrower on hand...

Smith: Huh?... That boy...

Lailah: He said he's going to eradicate some mosquito's...

Smith: Mosquito's??


There sirens blaring, and a woman speaking over the speakers.

Woman: This is an emergency evacuation warning. Threat level: Demon. No resident is to go outside under any circumstances.

Levi: Heh, Well I'm outside because fuck the rules~

He continued onwards and pressed his finger on the trigger, blue flames started spreading to everything, his aim was the Mosquitoes, but he didn't care about the collateral damage to other buildings.

Levi: But dam. What the hell is with the swarms?...


He continued to burn mosquitoes with the flamethrower when they flew too close.


Levi turned his head and saw a man come outside with a bag full of "goods".

Thief: Keeheehee~ Thanks to that warning, they're all empty! Like someone's gonna die from a mosquito bite. Heh, what's losing a little blood if I get all this?

Levi: True. If you sell all this, you'll get quite a lot of money.

The Thief blinked a few times, Levi was staring at the bag with a hand on his chin. Then he looked up at the Thief and raised a hand in greeting.

Levi: Whatitdo fuckface...


The thief finally moved, he jumped back and pointed his crowbar at Levi who waved his hand dismissively.

Levi: Meh, don't point that thing at me, I'm not interested in your little "stash". Aaaanyway, here's some "friendly" advice. You should probably get off the streets... There quite a lot of Mosquitoes about.

Not once lowering his guard, the Thief spoke.

Thief: If you're tryna scare me, it ain't gonna work, they're just Mosquitoes, they can't do shit! Now scram!

Levi: *Shrugs* Suit yourself...

Suddenly, an unidentified figure flew past the both of them so fast all that was noticed was the wind created when it passed.

Thief: Hmm... The wind??

Levi: Was that a naked monster lady???

Thief: A-Anyways!! Fuck off! Or I'll—

A swarm of mosquitoes suddenly then surrounded the two like a black cloud, the man started screaming while Levi just deadpanned.

Thief: W-WHAT THE?! A-ARGHH!!!!

Levi: Tsk. How annoying...

He then used the flamethrower, blue flames incinerated the mosquitoes around him. Most of the Mosquitoes had drained the Thief's blood before departing, the rest were incinerated. The man was still alive, but barely had any strength left, plus he was on fire and now naked.

Thief: A-Aarrhh..... Aeerrrghhhh....

He did his best with the strength he had left to start running. Screaming bloody murder while the rest of the mosquitoes converged up in the sky.

There was a mysterious figure in there, moaning.

???: Uuuuh~

Levi: 👁👄👁

After, the mosquitoes dispersed, revealing the beings full body.

Mosquito "Exists just for fanservice" girl

Levi: Fanservice? Yeah, sounds about right...

Mosquito girl: Come on you guys, that wasn't nearly enough blood to satisfy my needs~ Go get some more for me~

Levi: Ahhh, I get it... But I won't bother explain just for the sake of exposition. It's plain to see what's going on here...

The Mosquito girl just noticed him below, she then sighed dismissively.

Mosquito girl: Hmm? Another one? Why is he still alive? Go finish him off boys~

The Mosquitoes all flew towards Levi, and once again circled him like a black tornado.

The Mosquito girl then widened her eyes when she saw blue flames erupt and the mosquitoes were incinerated.

Levi: Hmm.... If you would kindly keep the mosquitoes away from me, that would be deeply appreciated. Now, since I've finally found myself a monster, time to take it ou—

Mosquito girl: Huh? You? Take me out?! How adorable!

Mosquito girl held up one of her clawed appendages and started flying towards Levi, but at that moment, a ball of fire shot towards her.

Levi tilted his head and saw a blonde "guy" standing a few metres away.

Genos "The Lone Cyborg"

Levi: *A Cyborg huh...*

Mosquito girl, who had managed to fly back just before the fire ball made contact with her, looked back and scowled.

Genos: Target found. You're the one behind the Mosquitoes strange behaviour.

Levi: Uhhh... Excuse meh, but could you not interrupt us, I was kinda busy with this "lovely lady".

Genos: Hmm? *A civilian?* You there, get to safety. I will eliminate the threat.

Mosquito girl giggled to herself.

Mosquito: Yet another bothersome pest has entered the fray?

Levi: Ironic of you to call us pests...

Mosquito girl: And now he's going on about eliminating me?... Heh, WELL GO ON AND TRY!!!

Levi: Wait, but weren't you going to-

The Blonde Cyborg started running extremely quickly, he jumped and ran along the walls and then pushed off to reach Mosquito girl in the air.

He threw a punch at her which was dodged with ease, she then raised her claw and struck at Genos's abdomen. Then went for his head, Genos, however, had seen this coming and held up his left arm to block the strike. There was a loud "Clang" sound when her claw made contact with his arm.

She pushed against him, but in that moment, Genos's eyes flashed red and then he fired at the side of him to propel himself away from her.

He landed back on the side of the building and took off towards Mosquito girl, causing part of the building behind him to break from the force.

As he soared through the air, he readied his fists and threw another punch, his fist and her claw clashed, and then Mosquito girl used her other claw to strike him down.

Genos then fell, but corrected himself and landed on his feet, he backflipped and then raised his right arm towards the sky.

Levi was watching, annoyed.

Levi: •_•

Genos: Incinerate.

Multiple balls of flame then shot out of his hand towards Mosquito girl, who had flew down and dodged all the attacks with minimal difficulty.

She grinned and then flew passed Genos, taking his arm with the needle-like appendage that was now pointing out of her head.

Mosquito girl: Fufufu~ Maybe a leg next?

Levi: Late reaction much...

She only realised after hearing Levi, she looked down and noticed her lower legs were both gone.

Mosquito girl: E-Eh? What happened to my legs??

Genos tossed her legs on the ground and stared up at Mosquito girl.

She narrowed her eyes and flew to the sky.

Genos: Muda...

He raised his arm and sent another large fireball at her, luckily for her, a swarm of mosquitoes surrounded her, shielding her from the attack, they were incinerated instead.

Genos: You cannot escape from me.


Mosquito girl: What's with that guy... He's gonna kill me if I don't do something...

She smiled while licking her lips.

Mosquito girl: The townspeople may all be hiding, but there are plenty of animals around. Now! Come here little ones!! Empty all the delicious juices you carry into me!!

A colossal swarm of Mosquitoes surrounded her.

Genos: So many... If she's been collecting blood from the whole town and beyond, then it may not simply be a food source for her...

Levi: You only just figured that out?

He looked to the side and widened his eyes.

Genos: Huh?! What are you still doing here!! Get out of here!!!


A bald man with bug spray was running with an infuriated look on his face.

Levi: Oh look, another one...

Genos: *Another civilian??*

Levi then pointed the flamethrower at the bald man.

Genos: O-Oi, what are you doi—

He then fired, the flames stopped inches in front of the man, and then Levi stopped firing.

Genos: What we're you doing?! You could hav-

???: Oh... You got rid of it... Thanks, the Damm thing wouldn't leave me alone ;-:

Saitama "Just a hero for fun"

Levi: *Huh? Just a Hero for Fun???*

Saitama: E-Eh! What's with that swarm?

Levi: Mosquitoes...

Saitama: A-All of them?!

Genos: You two need to evacuate. That swarm is conscious. If it senses you, it will immediately attack.

Saitama: S-Seriously? I gotta—

There was then the sound of "evil laughter".

The swarm got larger and larger, so large that buildings were being broke down and it enveloped the entire section of town, including the three men below.

Genos opened his hand and then fired, he incinerated the entire swarm and the section of town.

Genos: Since you spoke, I thought you would have at least human level intelligence. But you were just a bug... You brought all the Mosquitoes together into one, easy-to-burn swarm. When I spotted you, I confirmed there were no living beings within 500 meters, so I should have been free to fire away—

Levi: Check again dumbass...

Genos widened his eyes and spun around, Saitama was just fine, albeit naked, and Levi... Was the same. Though his clothes were still there.

Saitama: Damm, you totally made them "big out" ba dum tiss.... Wait, how are your clothes still on?

Levi: Plot.


Mosquito girl: I no longer need the tiny ones—

Levi: That's what she said...

Mosquito girl: —I mean~

She swung her claw to the side, the pressure waves alone were enough to decimate countless buildings. No nevermind, just one building...

Mosquito girl: Look how strong I've become~

She grinned maliciously at Genos before flying towards him at even higher speeds than before.

Levi: On your left ;-;

Genos couldn't react on time, Mosquito girl was already behind him and tore away at his abdomen with her claw.

Genos turned to punch her, but she had uppercut him into the air faster than he could attack.

Levi: Meh...

Mosquito girl cackled and continued to strike Genos over and over and over again.


She kept slashing at him, he lost and eye and his abdomen was detached from his legs.

Mosquito girl: Weakling~

Genos: *I see. The more blood she consumed, she more powerful she becomes.*

Mosquito girl: I think... I'LL HAVE YOUR HEAD NEXT!!!

As he fell, Mosquito girl flew towards him.

Genos: *I let my guard down. There's no chance of winning. All I can do is self destruct...*

There was a light in Genos's chest that continued to get brighter and brighter, he was getting ready to self-destruct, but-


He received an extremely hard slap to the face that sent him flying into a building.

The slap came from Levi who was still annoyed.

Genos blinked a few time, leaning against a wall with cracks behind him.

Genos: *What just—*

Levi: That's for tryna steal my kill and ignoring me. And—

He grabbed Mosquito girl's arm, catching her off guard.

Mosquito girl: *What the- I can't move!!! H-He's strong!!*

Levi: I also don't appreciate you galavanting off with that Cyborg, I though we had a special connection.... Don't we?

He grinned, but it wasn't a normal kind of grin. This grin sent shivers down the spike of Mosquito girl, who's instincts were screaming at her to get away.

Mosquito girl: L-LET GO OF ME!!!

She sliced off her own arm and then flew away as fast as she could, Levi then scratched his head and looked at the detached arm in his hand.

Levi: Wait, why'd she run away?

Saitama: Well you did kinda flash her a creepy smile... Didn't think that'd scare a big monster like her though...

Levi: Hmmm... Well... Shit... That's a shame... What's your name?

Of course, he already knew because he could somehow read the text, but he asked just for the sake of it.

Saiatama: Ah... I'm Saitama... You?

Levi: Levi, Zaychik Levi, just call me Levi though...

Saitama: Cool...

Levi: Anywayyy, did you really think you could get away from me? Girlie?

It was strange, one second, Levi's arm was empty, after he blinked, Levi had a grin on his face and his arm was wrapped around Mosquito girls neck.

She didn't even process what had happened until 3 seconds later.

Mosquito girl:.... W-What?...

Levi: Hey, I have an idea, wanna give her a smack?!

Saiatam: Wait! Dude! How did you do that?!

Levi: I'm Levi...

Saitama: I mean, I know, but how did you—

Levi: No I'm being serious. There is no "How". I am the How. I'm Levi... So I was able to bring her back here...

Saiatama: If you say so 0-0

Levi: Anyway, feel free to give her a good smack.

Saitama: Hmm, I dunno...

Levi: She's the cause of all those Mosquitoes going around and tryna drink everyone's blood. Surely they must've annoyed the fuck out of you to? I mean, if you don't, I'll just kill her ;-;

Saitama: Hmm... Ya know... Now that I think about it...

He grit his teeth and gained a tic mark, remembering the Mosquito that kept bothering him. He raised his arm but was interrupted.


Levi: You'll do anything I want?

She nodded her head frantically.

Levi: Aight, then hold still...

Mosquito girl: Huh?—


Before she even knew what his her, Saitama slapped her in the face. And then she went flying into a building, blood splattered all over the building, and there was a large hole on the building from the impact.

Saitama: Mosquitoes... They suck...

Levi: Ba Dum Tissss~ But DAM! I see no trace of 'er! You obliterated her! Didn't expect you to be this that strong...

Genos watched with shock, the opponent he tried to hard to defeat was beaten with no effort at all by a random man and his Naked companion.

Genos: H-HOLD ON!!

They both turned and looked at him.

Saitama: Oh?

Levi: I forgot he was here already...


Levi: Levi...

Saitama:... Saitama...

Genos:.... I'd like to be your disciple!

Saitama: Okay.....

Levi: 👁👄👁

Levi stared at Saitama, then Saitama widened his eyes after realising what he said.

Saitama: Ah- Wait what?


Levi: Ta~dai~ma!!

Levi opened the door and spoke.

Levi: Whatitdo fuckfaces~

He closed the door and saw Smith and Lailah in the living room.

Lailah: Welcome back, Levi-san...

Smith: Where were you, Levi-kun? There was no one to make me breakfast!!!

Levi: Make it yourself ;-;.

Smith: Ahh, but breakfast made by you tastes so much better~

Lailah: I agree with Smith-san!!

Lailah said while her tail swayed side to side.

Since Bronya wasn't around as much as Levi and Anya got older, they had to take care of a lot of things by themselves. One such thing was meals. Levi learned how to cook. Actually, it was his sister that taught him how to cook, as much as he liked to deny it.

Levi: Ya know what. Fine... I'll cook...

Smith: Yay~!!

Lailah: You seem to be in a good mood.

Levi: I had a little bit of fun today~ I burned some Mosquitoes and watched a Mosquito woman get murked by a guy in his birthday suit!

Lailah: Birthday...suit? Do humans wear special suits on their birthday?

Smith: He means they were naked~

Lailah: Eh?! 0_0?

Smith: We all came into their world nude, which is why we call it a "birthday suit". But from the sounds of it, that person must be some sort of pervert if he is walking around the streets naked. Be careful when you're out.

Levi: Ah no, his clothes got burnt off, he was wearing clothes initially.

Smith: Hmm...

Levi: I also met some blonde cyborg... He probably died...

Lailah: Huh?

Levi went over to the kitchen and got to work.


Smith: Ahhhh~ Yep! Levi-kun's cooking is the best~

Smith said while leaning back and smiling.

Lailah was still eating, the flame at the tip of her tail burning with mild intensity.

Levi: By the way, we're running out of stuff for food. And nearly everything around us has been decimated... You're gonna have to go to the next town to buy groceries.

He looked at Smith who covered her mouth and yawned.

Smith: I have to go out? Ahh, I don't wanna...

Levi: You have to, how the hell are you expecting food with no food?

Smith: Then you can go for me, can't you Levi-kun~?

She put her thumbs up and smiled, Levi deadpanned.

Levi: Fuck no.

Smith: Hmm... Fine... I'll go... But only if~

Levi didn't like the look in her eyes.


Smith: Are you enjoying yourself darling~

Levi: Tch... *I knew she'd do this... This is why I dread going places with her-* Who the fuck you calling "Darling" I'm eighteen!

She giggled to herself.

Smith: Fufu, I'm only teasing~ I'm just happy this opportunity came along!

She said while stretching.

Levi: Opportunity to do what?

Smith: Opportunity to get away from work~ If I were still on Earth... Well, our Earth, I'd probably either be, putting up with your shenanigans in your school or have a stack of paperwork I'd have to look through. I never get a break and I never get a raise, despite how much effort I actually put into my job...

Levi: Pffft, effort? You're a sloth...

Smith: Ahhh, your words hurt, Levi-kun~

She gave him a soft smile and he looked away and huffed.

He already knew her situation, she'd been with him for eight years after all.

She took a sip of her coffee before placing the cup back down.

Smith: Well, my being here counts as work too anyway. But at least I don't actually have to "work".

Levi raised his brow at this.

Levi: Work?

Smith: Yes. In all of Japan, there are very few people who know of your abilities. Your mother, your father, your sister, me, the government and the prime minister.

Levi: Wait, the Government?? Prime minister?

Smith: You were very unhinged as a child. Did you really think you could cause snowstorms, Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and not get noticed by someone?

Levi: That's— A very good point actually....

Smith: Your mother reached out to your father and your Father contacted the Government, then they sent me to try and keep you under control.

Levi: Hmph... My Father...

He deadpanned.

Levi: It's a surprise to know that you know my father and that Matsushka even still speaks to him...

Smith: I know you harbour some disdain for you father but—

Levi: Heh, the dude was never even around ;-;

Smith stayed silent and adjusted her glasses, she then lifted her cup and continued to drink coffee.

Smith: In any case, the Prime Minister is aware that I am with you, in fact, my job was to keep an eye on you as always. But it was to make sure that your actions don't somehow bring extraterrestrials seeking vengeance to our world. I'm getting paid for this basically, though, it's not as though I'm only here for the money. I enjoy being in your presence almost all of the time~

Levi: Yeah whatever, I don't care, if you're done. Let's actually go shopping ;-;

Smith: Hai Hai~


Both Levi and Smith were carrying was carrying shopping bags, as they walked, Smith suddenly stopped and narrowed her eyes.

Levi: Why'd you stop?

Smith: Levi... We're being watched...

Levi: Huh? Oh, I know...

Smith: Huh?

Levi: I knew... We we're being followed the whole day... Not just today, but we've been watched the last three days as well...

Smith: And you didn't say anything?

Levi: Well, if they had any hostile intentions they sure would've attacked us by now, right? Overall I just didn't care enough...

Smith:.... I still don't like it...

Levi: Relaaax, aren't you trained in self defence or whatever? If they attack you can just boot their asses outta our way...

Smith: *Sighs* Let's go...

Levi: Way ahead of you... Literally...

The two continued to walk, Smith taking one more peek back before sighing and continuing forward.

Behind a wall, a certain blonde was looking down.

Genos: Day four of my investigation... The source of their power.... Like the last three days, I did not make any breakthroughs... Though that woman has sharp senses, I suppose that must be his girlfriend and or wife... I suppose that's to be expected... I guess there is no choice then....



(A/N): Upload cause why not! See ya~

Themanofculture loggin off~

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