1.2- The Obsessive Scientist

588 17 45

Normal speech: Like this

Thoughts: *Like this*

Whispers/Muttering: Like this

Shouting/Serious tone: Like this

Telepathic communication: <Like this>

What does his voice sound like?

One word: YamatoSFX


Genos:... Sensei!!





The door opened and Saitama's head peeked around.

Levi: Who is it?

Levi asked from inside, he turned up at Saitama's house to "hang". He was mostly bored.

Saitama:... The same guy... You actually showed up... Uhh

Genos: It's "Genos," Saitama-sensei!

Saitama: Can you not call me sensei?

Genos: Shishō (Master)

Saitama: Not that either...


Saitama: Go on home after you drink, I'm not looking for disciples.

Levi: Question, you were nearly dead last time we met, how have you come back in one piece?

Genos: My body is mostly mechanical. As long as there are parts, repairs are quick.

Saitama: You're an odd one.

Genos: What kind of parts do you two use?

Levi: Me no use any...

Saitama: Don't use any...

Genos: Huh? Then... What about the skin-coloured armour on your head?

Saitama: That's just my skin...

Genos: But... That would mean you're bald despite being so young...


Genos: Me? You'll listen to my problems?

Levi: Please don't, I don't give a shit.

Genos: Actually, four years ago, when I was 15, I was still a real human being.

Levi: You deaf or something?

Genos: Although we had to pinch pennies, my family and I still lived a peaceful and fairly happy life. But one day, a crazy cyborg went out of control and attacked our town. The insane cyborg... Most likely a failed body modification generated an irregularity in his brain. He destroyed everything in sight. Parks, schools, buildings, my house... He even took my family's lives. Miraculously, I survived, but being only a weak 15-year-old, I was alone and at the end of my strength in a ruined town. That's when Doctor Kuseno happened to pass through. Doctor Kuseno, a scientist for justice, was on a mission to stop the destruction caused by the rampaging cyborg. I asked Doctor Kuseno to perform body modification surgery on me. That's how I was reborn as a cyborg who fights for justice. I promised Doctor Kuseno that one day I would terminate the evil cyborg...

Levi: No one asked, but I se—

Genos: It's been four years since that day-

Levi: Seriously?

UNremarkable (Broken OC X Multiverse)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें